Pe THE DAILY NEWS LLOYD GEORGE APPEALS: TO COMMONS AND PRESS | British Government Facing Strained Strike Situation Feeling High in the House—Chancellor of Exchequer Says Strikers Don’t Under- stand Government’s Attitude London, Aug. 18.—‘‘I have not given up hope of arriving at some settle- ment of the difficulty sat- * isfactory to all parties, and 1 appeal to the press as well as to the House of Commons to support us. I hope the men will realize that it is intended to give them fair play and not to lure out of their hands the great weapon of stirik- ing.” With of his speech Mr. these words as the key- Lloyd note George last night addressed the British House eloquently. Ramsay Macdonald, labor lead- er, was prepared to move a vote of censure against - government for its use of, the military in strikes and because of its general ran high. Mr. Lloyd George, however, arose and intimated-that the rep- resentatives of. the unions had failed to understand the govern- ment’s offer to form a Royal Commission which wuold report what amendments were necessary to the Agreement of 1907, between the railway managers and the men. LIVERPOOL IS QUIET TODAY Lull in Strike Hostilities Last Night. Troops Still Patrol- ling the Streets—Men Smug- gled into Light Plant. (Canadian Press Despatch) Liverpool, Aug. 18.—Liverpool was comparatively quiet tonight following several days. of turmoil and rioting growing out of the strike of transportation workers and allied unionists. Troops, how- ever, continued to guard all the public buildings and patrol the streets. The electric light company succeeded in keeping the city light- ed by smuggling into the power station men to replace the regular men who quit today. Additional power has been diverted to light- ing streets and houses which for the past couple of days have not been supplied. It was, however, necessary to close the theatres because of their use of electric current. All taverns were closed at 8 p.nv. and must shut down here- TROUBLE AT PORT ESSINGTON Chief Cohstkbie. Owen Over There with Crown Prosecutor: Fisher, arid”a Doctor Sum- moned Yeterdagr” Trouble, believed ay be some- thing serious ih the™way of a Japanese stabbing scrap or ac- cident was rumored to have oc- curred at Port Essington yester- day afternoon. Chief Constable Owens with Crown Prosecutor Fish er went off hurriedly in a launch arranging for the attendance at Essington of a doctor. In the absence of the Chief the Provincial police could not. state. definitely what the trouble was, and _ be- lieved that Chief-Owens would be eway for a day at least. BAPTISTS’ ANNIVERSARY Celebrations This Week. Spe- cial Service Sunday Night Just one year ago yesterday the Baptist Church in Prince Rupert after at 2 p.m. until further notice. It was decided also to suppress the sale of beers and other drinks in bottle form so as to minimize the use of bottles by rioters as missiles. The S.S. Princess Royal will be in from the north this afternoon bound for Vancouver. This morning the S.S. Roniona went with number of passengers from Alaska. Tonight the Camosun brings cargo, sengers, mail. Tonight also the City of Seattle arrives from the south. That means fresh fruit and vegetables. south a pas- was founded. From small begin- nings the church has grown and thriven exceedingly under the able, kindly pastorate of Rev. W. H. McLeod, Rupert's “Athletic Pas- tor.” Anniversary “‘neetings are now being held in the McIntyre Hall where the Baptists now wor- ship. On Wednesday night by a social. will be held at which special music will be rendered, The Inlander will leave for the north on Sunday. NOT ICE! Comox-Atlin Liberal Convention is fixed for SATURDAY, AUGUST 19TH at Nanaimo, B.C. All delegates throughout the constituency will please endeavor to be present , BUSINESS —Selection of a candida liament for (Signed ) te to contest seat in Dominion Par Comox-Atlin H. C. Brewster, M.L.A., Chairman attitude and feeling in the House} a} business meeting to discuss the} cajd . ; . 7, sh’a | . . substantials of the church’s Pro- | fiver and titbits, gress was held, and. was followed | But on Sunday night | dynamite at a rock cut on the principal anniversary service | ~~ eer ~} LOOKING ee se } ae “The News” Classified Ads. ==(Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL es OVER— Phone 150 Fire Life Marine Accident Plate Glass Employer’s Liability Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Policies Prepared While You Wait. Mack Realty & Insurance COMPANY. P.S.— Houses and Rentals. BOYS Two Five Dollar bills to be given away to bright boys. See Mr. Munroe at the News office. POLICE DOCKET BIG BUT LIGHT Several Worshippers at Shrine of Bacchus on List —- Other Minor Cases Disposed Of. There were several guests from the Chateau Vickers to welcome Magistrate Carss this morning on his return to the magisterial throne after a two weeks’ absence. Jim MacDonald, “regular” irrigated his arid last night with bibuleus potations which made him anti-peaceful, sessment was five and costs. George took last night and the Cadi marked the price up to eight ard costs. There was double “D"” him on the hotel register. Mike McAdams bought spirit uous liquors retail last eve licked them up wholesale. rate was five and frills. A bunch of hard knuck! es was a interior Guras, an overdose and The Porpat. The proprietor of the said knuckles was John Perrich. Mr. Porpat directed coterie of bones at the froniispicce of Mr. Perrich. It war on the street. Each similar a < wi civil} The donated a : 2 register assualt. Charged with firing a blast of | avenue, Nick Gurvich iet down with an eight dollar fine was costs. 3 prosecuted. It was explained that the shot was well cared for but the rock loose and when it was fired it scattered ‘om Cc. M. ‘HAYS TO ARRIVE 30TH Railway Conmalenianars will be Here Tomorrow. Railway Board will Sit in the Pro- vincial Courtroom. It is authoritatively stated in the city today that C. M. Hays and party will not arrive in Prince Rupert until Wednesday 30th inst. This means that Mr. Hays will not be here to attend the sittings of the Board of Railway Com- missioners which will -be held in the courtroom tomorrow. The Railway Commissioners arrive by the George tomorrow. He mos Lots List Your Properties with Jeremiah H. Kugler REAL ESTATE He sells Buildings He has Houses to Rent mo NANOSAT HANNAN INVESTMENTS KUGLER JE The as-| @gainst | directed at the proboscis of John} Secor d| mt me me ee rs es rel and W. E. Williams of Williams | & Manson appeared for the de- fence while City Solicitor Peters at the point in question was very Lost and Found “ ehh he eae a ae ee ee Reward y re- t-180 i Lost-A Ladies’ Gold Watch. turning to News Office. a Money to Loan Pete re erent i | Money to Loan on Prince Rupert Real Estate. Agreements of sale bourht. P.O. Box 953 | tf-181. shies die hte hte ee ees Situations Wanted pee eeerms srs Wanted—Office work by young girl. Typist, some j knowlege of stenography. Apply P.O. box 27. 186-187 Do away with this. laundry. Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 Patronize a white White labor only at pe st ee Help Wanted fe oc re rs rss srs ms Wanted—Good sized boy to heip in kitchen and make himself generally useful. Apply James | Hotel, 3rd Ave., corner of 8th Street. Wanted woman to take care of two children ply at Central Hotel Ot mma emer mere erm For Rent bensomnertnsotnettesimneytntetnermns Newly furnished large outside rooms location, near business section Everything homelike. Hot and cold water, bath and tele- phone. Call and see them. Phone 179. The) Digby Rooms. 185-190 | Good | Furnished rooms with bath. Special rates by | the week. Talbot House. 165-tf Neatly Furnished rooms, gentlemen preferred .— Apply Mrs. Mullin, over Majestic Theatre. tf | McIntyre Hall, for concerts, entertainments, dances, etc. Apply J, H. Rogers, phone 116. Nice Furnished Rooms, Mrs. Greenwood, Alder | Block; Third Ave 178-tf | New five room house, cor. 4th Ave. and Bowser: | street. $25 a month. Phone 8 or P.O, box 852. 180-tf For Rent—Sons of England Hall, 2nd Ave., for Dances, Fraternal Societies, Socials, etc. Apply Frank A Ellis, Box 869 or phone 68. 186-tf | For Sale | ot st Wicker Baby Carriage also household furniture. Frank Evans. Phone 256. 2t-186 Cooking Range and Kitchen Furniture. Apply Cor. 8th and Cotton Streets. 180-4t For Sale—Chicken Ranch, 2 Storey house, house- hold goods. Near Prince Rupert. taken atonce. Address Box 368. tf For Sale—Owner wili seli four good lots Nos. 23, 24, 25 and 26, Block 27, Section 5, Taylor street, size 41 x 25 x 100, at $700 each, on reasonable | terms. Apply Box 7 P.O., Prince Rupert. 176-182 en ee rr et | Insurance | }OUR Comp’ anies are noted for prompt and just | settlements. We write every known class of Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Bp sesso Pt mses seme ers sess Business Chances Good money in Moving Pictures. Wanted—A party to start moving picture show i. Prince Rupert. Write me for particulars, . Davis, Watertown. Wis. iste) | } INDIAN AGENT APPOINTED Just Returned ficiens Telegraph Creek Inspector A. M. Tyso Has There Appointed Mr. Scott Simpson, Indian Agent | in Place of Mr. George Cox’ Retired. | R. S.S. Princess | Mr. A. M| Inspector of Indian Agen- | | B, this afternoon By Royal Tyson, the ¢ cies for British Columbia, left for} Vancouver. Mr. Tyson has just a particularly ‘speedy | Telegraph Creek for the | purpose principally, of appointing | Mr. George Cox, Indian Agent for that distriet who has just resigned. Mr. Scott Simpson has appointed the new Indian for the Aelearnph Creek District, concluded trip to a successor to been REMIAH H. f| about ise-t? | trict particularly good. a Ss to dissipation than those | | nearer to more civilised centres. A snap if | mat his duties commencing at once as | Mr. Cox has left the district. Inspec report the condition of the Indians t fine Wife While lever ing Bert Buckingham, man at the jon the G. mouth of the class tor Tyson was able to he Telegraph Creek dis- Second Ave. Floor Space for Reni in the Hart building, corner of and Sixth Street The Best Business Corner in Prince Rupert e+e CEOe Apply oe H. oe! Ltd. i j 1 1 They le ss are in- of natives, : DROW NED ON TUESDAY NIGHT | Bert Buciingiarks, Gor Pi Brakeman, Fell into Water in Kitsumkalum River and Family. out fishing on Tuesday ballast pit at Mile T. P. line fell off at the nd was drowned. His body has not been recovered. Buckingham months ago from Virgiria, and it is understood his wife | family ere ter P rov in came here thre¢ still living there. in the hands of 1s ‘ial Police. Leaves a brake- 90 Kitsumkelum River Mirn., and The the Clothing, Boots & Shoes, | le | “THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME.’ Gents’ Furnishings Rubber Goods, Under- wear, Fixtures and Fittings, Travelling Bags, etc, The Balance of Stock of C, who are relinquishing business, to | B. Schreit re Sold Without Reserve by PUBLIC AUCTION at % Schreiber’s Store Centre Street, Prince Rupert omr SATURDAY, AUGUST 19th, at 2 and 8 pm FRANK A. ELLIS AUCTIONEER Whites Portland Cement... FOR SALE Steam Tug ‘‘Nagasaki.” Length 50 ft., 8 H.P. 6 in., beam 9 ft., engine. May be seen at Port Nelson Cannery, Naas ri | apply to ver. W. Lord, Port Nelson, or H. Bell-Irving & Co., Vancouver, B.C. 184-189 draft 4 ft. For further particulars EMMERSON AGENT Naden Block G. Cc, Phone 125 Second Ave ¢ Change of Ownership. at me Gres xd Hote 1KS- tf : Boiler used three eens * seasons, now in use as Cannery tender. SS eee New Goods for | * Do Your Shoes Need Repairing If so bring them to our NEW STAND Third Avenue, between 7th and &th St. We have moved from the Hart Block $ John Kadakas ig Third Avenue Bet. 7th and 8th Sts. | your Toilet Table Some of the leading wholesale druggists have just sent us some new perfumes, pre- pavations and toilet necessities 3 We carry only the best Patent Medicines and our Prescription De- partmentis a specialty POLICE WATCHES All Varied in time in Police Court the other sf If you carry a Reliable Standard Hatch You would always have the Correct Time $ Only reliable watches are kept in stock by the G.T.P. Official Watch eeeeee Inspector. R. W. Cameron & Co. Cor, 6th St. and Second Avenue. Agent | ‘ PHONE 82 RKKRX KXKKO He sells Contracts Kitse He builds Homes K Hazelton District Lands Special Bargains in las Lands Francois Lake Lands Lakelse ispiox Valley Lands Bulkley Valley Lands Porcher Island Lands Kitsumkalum Lands, Sand, Gravel and Marble Deposits Lands He buys Leases He sells Houses / He has Farms For Sale C. H. Orme ‘THE PIONEER DRUGGIST”’ Second Ave. Phone No. 82 past at eel Nh et ee Fe Ht Mussallem & Company eed Fresh Groceries at City Prices. OUR GROCERIES are Fresh and First-Class Goods only. Give us your next order for a trial. | Mussallem llem & Cor Company 5th Ave., East of McBride Phone 228 Black REAL ESTATE | He loans Money He rents Stores Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C, F or Sale Sand 4 (and & G. R. NADEN COMPAN Second Ave.. Prince Rupert, BC a $50 : | wots : Lots Apartme | For Fire, | ! Lots in F* JOHN DYBHAWN ae 30 3 ee a haeeee®