May 13. lMI . , PC V NOW IS - - - nviiiirv. lyiiiuiii'L il'i n u)iu,uu ' Jiffy Kodak $8.00 516 Jiffy 'Kodafc $9.00 530 Kodak G.3 lens $17.50 M Kodak Ellens $20.00 Mel 20 Cine Kodak & $39.50 Model Kodascope for Move $45.00 me Kodak 10 m.m. with "carrying case 3.o lens : $75.00 Model D Kodascope for 'above $76.00 kvdopinu Printing of Kodak work, Daily Service Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer Druqff fats The IteiaJI Store Phones 1 81 & K ROSE , COWAN k LATTA Ltd. Printers afad Stationers Notarial Seals Office Pins rBo6k& . I'aints to'nt Brushos JaPer NnplciriS Paste Pen. dl ClinSi Pencils Pencil Sharpeners Penholders Perforators Playing Cards Beceipt Rooks :Roll Call Books Rubber Bands folders fiesner Block. Third St., Phone 234 the dXn PAGE THREt . llilaaaaaaaaaaaaMiaii LJl.l -1 i LOCAL NEWS ! rli New Shipment White Hats, $155 Sensational and $2.25. Demeri. 112 Tag Day Saturday for Salvation Army Self-Denlal Effort. 113 1 Li You can Vent a Car at Walker I as low as $1 a day plus 7c. mile, j NEW SHOE PROTECTS the Community TbA' Dank 'pf Montreal works cortstruaively and conservatively for the protection of its depositors and the community as a whole. because the Bank has, Tor more than a century, endeavoured to do this, it has come to be regarded throughput the length and brtadrh of the Dominion as a sound, safe aild friendly institution. Make the nearest branch your banking head-tjuaners a place to which you can go regularly to transact your banking affairs, to . obtain information, and to discuss with the Mioagcr your plans and problems. MODERN, EFFICIENT BANKING SERVICE tbt Ohlctmi tf 116 Yuri' Succitsful Ofiratiu BANK OF MONTREAL fjubiubrd 1817 TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF $ 7 50,000,000 Prlncr Rupert Ilranch: F. A. MatCALIXM, Manager Stewart Branch: It. K. IIAACK, Manager Terrace Branch: O. W. nEVERIDGi; Manager Kodak Time H-wk Eve SI. 75 3rawnie Cameras, No.T20 $3.00 I?r i,i T flip. CJ 7 "unniv V'tllllCI il!, W U. UJW ipu.iu Vt. Pocket Kodak $5.00 Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McMillan, after a week-end visit to the city left last evening on their return to Claxton cannery. Mr. McMillan .well known B. C. Packers can nery manager, who has been at Sunny. side for the past few weeks. will be located at Claxton for the remainder of U.e season SIX IOW SUMMER I FADES i i fes5t.,5.,7'l. "V . II EAST To art there and buck oii hare 'rliolre of many route. Let us plan your trip for the mail-nnim of plenaure, Kn route Ult Jasper 1'arL LoJye in llie moiiiitaliia and Mlnall IKl)ellilntario,l.sWe of llie WmmN. Canadian national For Information, Call or Write: CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 3rd Ayr. l'rlnce llupert, n.C. V-18-34 FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 tli Cut flowers, marriage bouquets, pot plants, wreaths and sprays. OLENNIEU 'Valhalla Benefit "Bridge and Dance, jCle'tropoie Hall, Friday. June 1, 8.15. Refreshments, tf We are still buying old cold, flutter's, (tf) J'.T. Harvey returned to the 6H9 on the Catala this morning from a week's trip to Stewart on legal tfuslne&s. Tohlghfs train, due from the B4t at 10 o'clock, was reported this morning to be forty-five min ute late. 0. C. Arseneau returned to the city on the Catala this morning from a 'business trip to Stewart and Premier. Women's Canadian Club Mrs W.'O. Wilson of Victoria on "Ram- bles Around Rome" at the 'City 'Hall Wednesday, May 16 at 3:45 pjn. Admission 25c. 113 O. E. Oullck. local manager of the Swift Canadian Co., returned tp the city on the Catala today after making the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on business. J. C. Brady, district engineer for the provincial department of public works, returned to the city on the Catala this morning from a trip to' Anyox on official duties. Catholic Spring Sale Wednesday. Smith Block. Plant Booth, Home cooking, sewing, tea served,-even ing attractions, drawing for the prizes, hot dogs and coffee. Jack Ried and William LlddeU, on charges of riding the rods on the Canadian National Hallways, Were each sentenced to two days Imprisonment by Magistrate Mc-Clymont In city police courj P. W. Torrest. Who Is Identified With the 'Kelly-Douglas wholesale firm of Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday going through to the Yukon where he will spend the summer. T. Westhead, lighthouse keeper at Triple Island, who has been on a vacation trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the soilfh, arrived in the city on the Princess Norah yestefday enroute bdek to the lighthouse. Various matters pertaining to the business and activities 'b'f the organization were "dWcussed today at the regular monthly business luncfheon or the "Prince Rupert Oyro Club. President W. 11. Tobey Was In the chair and there was tt good attendance of members. I Announcements Anglican Tea May irme's. 15 at Mrs Catholic Spring Sale May 16. May 17th, celebration, dance, social, refreshments, Moose Hall. Presbyterian Tea May 17, home of Mrs. D. McLeod, 410-Slxth Ave. West. Hudson's Bajr 'Centenary 'Cele bration, Port Simpson, May 24, Sports, ball games, track events, canoe mee. Trophies, Entries received to May 21 by secretary. Moose Hall RENTAL UAT:S Concerts 23.00 Dances 20.00 Public Meetings "15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings Is how available on the ground floor, tental Tate. $3.00. For engagements phone the Club Steward, 840 or Red 412. A. U Ford arrived In the city at the ertd of the week from Prince G-eorge to relieve Here while local members of the Canadian National Telegraphs staff are taking an nual vacation. H. W. Johnstone, night operator, and Mrs. John stone, will be leaving on tomor row afternoon's train for a six weeks' trip to Vancouver ana Montreal. UNO ACT Notice of Infenttftii fu p1j t ljn-f 1-an'd In Prlnc Rupert Land Hwordlm UMrtct of Prtnce Rupert. B.C.. nd lt-vi in Q!wdrm Bay located t the S'.W. end of Stephens Island, Range 5. COa&t T)tstrlot. Tke noUce tint John C1m of mem, ujiciiua w bk'j the followtng described Unds: Oommenclng M pewt planted t the S. W. corner of a umall Island bout 8 chalna S. E. of Avery Island thence VS.. ttlerice westerly, southerly and easterly, following high watermark jo mint of commencement, and con- ! telnlng a acre more or let, and tn-clUdlmj the entire area of the said la- I U,,' JOWrl CLAUSEN. I Dated April 18. 19M DominionDairy GRADE A MILK Now Open on 2nd St. Our Prices Arc: Whipped cream 90 P UV per half pint Whipped Cream 35C per pint Miik- i2c per quart Milk- ?7 per pint Batter 27C per pound Prices for Strictly Cash Phone -636 GOAL! GOAL! Our rarrious 'Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satUfacUdn. Try ton o too. 1 Bdlkle'y Valley. We also aell Timothy Hay, Wheat OatJnd Barley. T?rince Itupcrt "Feetl Co, II rnonea til We are overstocked with up-to-the-'minute footwear which We are Koinjtf to dispose 'of at eVCfi greater reduced prices than we have been giving theJpp'blic. vfcvv shiprhent 'o'f latest shoe styles are included m tlfis Slaughter Sale. L'eckie's Shoes 'are amonfc other best fna'kes to 'Cfcntfda which we areyffferihfc. MEN'S & LADIES' DRESS SHOES Smart Attractive Pumps, Ties and Dress Oxfords in fine black, brown and greye suede CO 0J P up from Leckie's Fine Dress Shoes, style and comfort C) QC ARCH MASTER SHOES Dr. Heath's Orthopedia Health Shoes in fine kid, Special Built-in Arches ii I Bring in the Little Tots CITY SCRIP RELIEF ORDERS ACCEPTED CUT RATE SHOE STORE Classified Ads FOR SALE Aircraft Engineering ' - ' . . ... FOR SALE Very late Model T. YOUTH to learn Aircraft Engl Ford Truck, excellent condition, neerlng. Small fee. Canadian Ay- good tires, cab, Atwater Kent latlon Corporation, 555 Howe SU Ignition, $150.00. E. DIX, Ter- Vancouver, B. C. 118 race, B.C. tl TOR SALE, Rent or Lease, Kltsum- iim ivccippa lKAKog ttica gallum Lake Lodge with Dante Pavllllon, and Annex. Lots of "; Fruit and Berries. The price Is CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. right E. DIX, Terrace, B.C. tf Birch, Jackpine. Cedar. tt round bottom type, length 31 ft.. 7 ft., 6 In. beam, 12 h.p. Vivian engine (medium duty); boat and engine like new, a Snap at $450. E. DIX, Terrace, B.C. tf In Prt Dwrtct of FOR RENT HOUSES to rent. Hart. FOR RENT Furnished cabin, part ly modern, suitable for couple. 241 Fifth Ave; West. tf FIVE-HOLE McClary Model Range, complete with water-iront, In sp'lenald condition. Phone Black 905. ASli ACT Notice of Intention to apprr to l.eae IJiiirt HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVLNOl Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanglng Moller. Phone Red 802. , xoTirr. or amt-ication iok rr.R- TinCATE or IMPKOVEMENTS ' (Told 'Cliff So. 3 rrartlonal Mineral Claim. nolil 'Clltf No. 6 Mineral Claim. Margaret .Mineral Claim. Cliff rrartlonal Mineral Claim. , Sltfaate In the Portland Canal M!nln Dine ion. Wbere located on the west aide ox s Ber niver about three mUee from nee Rupert Land Reforcung ,,. fflhce IRupert. BC, and alt- H?1?1 'I1""fi'!l n,w utft fn -Q14wde& TJiy located at the n.w. er.a or Btopnen isiana, Range a, Coast District. Take notice that John Clausen of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Fish Packer. Intends to applyfor a lease of jthe following "described foreshore: , OouinvdlKlng M a poi -planted at ' the S. W. corner of a small Island i about B chains -8. E. of Avery Island thiw ftV1 ioutn' trirnf WeftteHv 1 6 chhlhs; "thnc N. B chain more or lem to hurh .water mark on the N.E point of the Island: thence 8. E. direc tion e chains more or lonowing high water mark to point or commence hvent. Dated April IB. 1934. JOHN CLACEN, eertincate 7TI20-D. TAKE NOTICE that WlUltn Dann. Free Miner's Certificate No. T7720-D Ift- titwl at the end or amy oaya irom tn date hereof, to apply to the Mlnlr Recorder for a certificate Of Improvements :for the purpose 6f obtaining Crown Grant of the above claims. fCST) TURTHER TAKH NOTICB th action, under Section 85 of the. "Mineral "Afct" must be commenced befor the issuance of such certificate of lm proTetnnU. s DATED thla J3d day of Mircb, 1034. jn8 WILLIAM UANIf. Adrertlse in tne Daily New"! UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prtnce Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, i:S0 VM VU Ocean rails and Waypolnta. arriving Vancouver Thursday "afternoon. T.S.S. "CAKDENA lTRY FKIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AM. , Weekly sailings to Port Simpson. Alice Arm. Ariyo, Stewart Vnd Iran River points. Leave Prince Rupert 8unday. 8 pm. Further Information regarding all sailings and tickets at PRINCE Bl'PERT AOENCVt Third Avenue. rhone Ml 1 5. 1 4