.i YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES But you can cat satac.tpry glasses from GEO: F. DAVEY, Itcgis-tttti Optometrjst, wlio, for the past six years, has been giving a fcaj personal service, in the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner Classified Ads FOR SALE SIMMON'S paby Crib. Phone Black 529. 103 FOR SALE Chevrolet Car in good ; ;conditlon. " Price $200. Dally News. tf NEW trolling boat 8J& feet x 31 feet. For particulars phone Red 720r i, , , i tr, FOR SALE Very late Model T. Ford Truck, excellent condition,! good tirei, cab, Atwalcr Kent i 'ignition, $150.00. E. DIX, Tcr-1 race, B.C. tf VfTI KAT.P!' Ttnnl nr t.ia.u Kltsum gallum Lake Lodge: with .Dance' Pavilllon, and Annex. Lots of Fruit .and Barries; The price ls tf FOR SALE Cabin Cruiser Boat, round bottom type, length 31 ft., 7 ft., 6 in. beam, 12 h.p. Vivian engine (medium. duty (; boat and! engine like new, a Snap at $450, . E..DIX. Terrace. .B.C: tf FOR SALE I, 9 ft. row boat, $30; 1, 9 ft. jow boat, $18; 1, 10 ft row boat. $35; Floa't 24x40 with house lox32 one year old; Packer or, work boat 38Va ft. 27 H.P. 'heavy duty Atlas; 36 ft. cruiser 'Vera S.- Fry": Pile driver Mead , with 2500 lb. hammer; quantity 2-inch shafting, pulleys and hangers. 5 H.P. Staty gas engine. Fairbanks-Morse. Bargains for Cash. M. M. Stephens, w & s FOR RENT HOUSES to rent. Hart. , FR RENT Clean., fgrnlshcd parimcnts. Plrone Red 444. 103 FOR . RENT - Furjilshed-bouse-keepliig . rooms, 835 Second. Avenue-West'. ' 'a30 fiLU I MI K C IIATTLL- MOKTUKii: .' Vf! HKREBY OFFiai FOR SALE by tender a certain, ga&boat named "First Rloe", Lfnjth 29 Jcetv7 Inches. lCa4Ui 7 feet, Depth 2 feet, 6 Inches, equipped wrlth 6 HP. Palmer Qaa Engine, which bua Is new at our wharf at Carlisle Cannery, 8 keen River, British Columbia, ami was ariaed by our .bailiff for default lt payment under our chat-tle mortgage. Tenders will be received by w at the office A WUIUms. Man-ton.; Brown .& Hiney, rrtnee Rupert. British Cdumbia. until 2:30 PAf. on Monday. ther7tb day .of May. 1034, the htphcu or any tender not necessarily accepted. DATED at trrlnce RUpcrt. British Co: lumbla, this 30th day of April. 1934. . THE CANADIAN USHINO COMPANY 104 LIMITED LM ACT Notice iif lulrnlhtii to apply tu lae I .a ml In Prince ' Rupert Land Recording uwinct or prince Rupert. B.C., and sit uate In Qlaa dct Bay located at the N.w. end of Stephens island. Range 5. Const District. Take notice that John Clausen of Prince Rupert. BjC.. occupation Fish Packer, Intend to pply for a lease of tne following described tanas: Cvmmeuclng at a port, planted at the' S. W. comer of a small Island Cbyvt, 8 chains S, E. of Avery Island thfcice N., thence westerly, southerly U4i easterlyr f allowing ,bUh,waler mark to point pf commencement, and con-tajulng 2 acres more or less, and In cluding the entire area of the said is Uc4. JOHN CLAUSEN, Dated April 18, 1934. MJTHE OF 'ArTf.lCATIOV IOR ttR-111 RATE OF I.MI'KUVKMLNTS t)ld lllft No. i Fractional Mineral Malm. Gold t'lirr No. 6 Mineral Claim, Mrtrfl Mineral Claim. Clirf It tlonal Mineral CUIm. Bltuate In Uie Portland Canal Uinln DlrlBlon. Where locld on the west side cf Bear River . about three miles from Stewart, B.C. Lawful Owner WUIiam Dana. Number of the holder free mUier'i tettitfcate- -77720-D.' TAXE NOTICE that William' Uann. Fit Wner'i Certlllcate No. 77720-D Intend, at the, epd of. airly days from tne date hereof, to apply to th'MLolnt Recorder lor a certificate of Improve-mnt for the purpone of obtaining a Crown Orant of the above claims. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that 7tion. under Bectlon 83 of the "Min eral Act" must toe commenced befor the issuance of such certlftcte of lm provetnents. i DATED toll 23td day of March. 1934. Jn6 f WILLIAM DANN, Daily News Want-Ads satisfy. The Pioneer Jeweler I'honc 261 FOUND FOUND Men's gold w-rlst watch, Can be obtained by identifying initials on back and paying for this advertisement. Apply Dally News Office. tf HELP WANTED now to get a Government Job Free Booklet? The M.C.C. Ltd., Winnipeg. PERSONAL PRIVATE nome Kindergartens pay We start you. The Canadian Kin dergartcn Institute. Winnipeg. HAIRDRESSER rEIOLVNENT WAVlNfl! Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY RHOPPK PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanging Mollcr. Phone Red 802. J- ' - - TRANSFER GARDEN Soil $250 a load; 35c. per sack. Cameron's Transfer. Phone 177. S.U.K I'MlEK I HUTU, MOKTl.tli: YTE HEREBY OFFER FOR SALE b tendr t ctrtatn e as boat namfd "F.O.". 27 ft.. 4 lnahen In Lenzlh. 7 ft.. 2 In chca In Beam nd 4 It. in Deoth. now red with an Ansted Englntrlnj Worki rn?ine MTice ciu, no. 5595. which boat is now at cur wharf at Hrvrt CalMiery. Majbport. British Col urn- bla. and wis seized bj our baUlt for default In payment under our chat-lie mortgage. Tenders will be received by ua at the office-, of WUlUms. Man. bju, Bron Sc Harvey. Prince Rupert, BrltUh Ck4uinbla. until 230 PM, oil Monday, the 7th day of May. 1034. the highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. DATED at Prince Rupert, British Co-lunYbia. thWs 30th day of April. 1934. THE CANADIAN USHINO COMPANY 104 LIMITED LA Ml ACT Nollie ii f Intention tu apply to lf Ijtnd In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert. B.C.. and alt-uate In Qlawdzeet Bay located at the N.W. end cf Stephens Island, Range 5. Coast District. Take notice that John Clausen of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Fish' Packer. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore: i Commencing at a poft planted at the S. W. corner of a small Island about 8 Ahalns S. E. of Avery Island thence S.W.I. Chain; thence Westerly 6 chains: thence N. 8 chains more or less to high water mark on the point of Uie Island: thence 8. E. direct tton 8 chains more or lew following high waiter mark to point of commence. mem. JOHN CLAUSEN, Datd April 1. 1934 ti:nTiiitATi;s of improvements 1iiNuiuIi lloiianui. TuNuquali Chief, TnKuitiali Itald Ijijlr, and Tillu)Uah i.iva rratiiun, Mineral i.iaiin. Bltuate In the Atlln Mining Division of caastar District Where located: Left Bank of TuUJ quah River. TAKE NOTICE that H. McN. Fraser acting as agent tor Taku Mines Com pany Limited, Free Miner's Certificate Nr. 3408 D; J, O. Klrkham, Free MID er'a Certificate No. 73409 D: Carl Carl sou. Free Miner's Certificate No. 73413 D; Olen A. Klrkham. Free Miner's Cer tlflcate No. 73410 D: and Oeorge L Johnson, Free Miner's Certificate No 73412 D; intends, sixty days from the oate nereor. to apply to the Mining netoraer lor irniica.tes oi improve menbi for the purpose of obtaining brown uranut oi tne above claims. AND further take notice that action under Bectlon 85 of the "Mineral Act' must toe commenced before the Issuance of such Certificates of Improvements, Dated this 20th day of February, 1934. "TILLIE THE TOILER 1 ATTA CHRL. , TILUIE' 'ICPVJ LBT'S THH BOSS KfeKP Vcxj ritoM cnoimct the Modeling - VOU KMOCkBO "TVIOS.C nnusat. WATERFRONT WHIFFS Heaviness of Halibut Catch Expected to Shorten Up Season Weather Unfavorahlc For Trollers Prince Charles to Iks Surveyed With landings for the 1934 season already heavier than those recorded up to a corresponding date last year despite the fact that fishing operations were about a month later in starting this year, prospects are that the 1931 halibut fishing season will be a short one on the Pacific Coast. If the fishing keeps up at its present rate, the quota set by the International .. Fisheries Commission for Area No. ' summer, po&slbly relieving the 2. in which most of the Prince Ru-; steamer Prince John on the run pert boats operate, will have been between here and Vancouver via reached by August, It Is estimated,! the Queen Charlotte Islands. The leaving only the more remote overhaul job oh the Charles may banks of Area No. 3 open for fall 'entail considerable work, fishing by the larger vessels. In I . view of the prospective shortness) The Union Oil Co.'s tank scow of the season, it Is a fortunate, arrived in port yesterday after-thing for Uie fleet that the fish- noon from Vancouver, where it lias ing Is proving generally prof itable. ' been spending the winter, enroute not a single "hole trip" having to North Island where It will again been reported by the entire Prince be located during the trolling sea-Rupert fleet so far this year. son. It was brought north In tow Landings for Uie present season of the company's tanker Unacana up to and including yesterday had and will be taken on from here to reached a total of 4.000,765 pounds North Island by a local towbo.it of which 2,062.365 pounds was tomorrow. Capt. James Adam, iiuiti wuiiuMii viaacia ciuu i,oo,iuu pounds from American. For the week ending yesterday landings amounted to 415,300 pounds including 76.300 pounds from Canadian boats and 239.000 vu.iuo 4iuiit nuiiivau, & tivia uui- Ing the week, although still per- mlttlng of profitable operation,, were rather on the low side, due 'Itnmpil'hflt n n rlnt.Ht In 1 1 . r. 1 train service to the eastern mar- kc. The high price of the week for Canadian fish .was 5.6c and 45c which the Relief received for 17,000 pounds and the low 5c and 4c which the Prosperity A. and R. W.; received xor. catches or 19,500 and 13,000 pound.s respectively. For Am erican fish the high price of the week was 7!6c and Sc which the Reliance , I received for 9,000 pounds and tlje low 7c and 5c which a number of boats received. Landings here yesterday total. led 64.800 pounds of which ,22.500 pounds, was Jrom American boats and 42,300 pounds from Canadian. Prices were 7c and 5c for American fish and from 5c and 45c to 5.5c and 4.5c for Canadians. Salmon Catch Increasing Although, somewhat unfavorable weather .during the week has mitigated against successful fishing, movement of spring salmon caught by troll fishermen into Prince Rupert is steadily increasing. There are now quite a large number of boats on the trolling grounds and more are all ready in port to go out just as soon as weather conditions improve. Soon, the trolling season should be In full swing. Otto C. Young, mechanical en gineer, attached to the staff of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experi mental Station, whose specialty Li refrigeration, will be leaving late this month for a two months' trip cast. He will take his Master of Science final examinations at the University of Saskatchewan at Sas katoon, will visit In "Wisconsin, for which state Mrs. Young and family left a short time ago, and is also planning on taking in the Century of Progress Exposition at Chicago. Although no definite orders have yet been received at the yard, It Is expected that the C. N. R, steamer Prince Charles, which has been tied up in Idleness for the past coupje of years at the local dry dock,'will shortly be taken on the pontoons for survey and overhaul. While no official announcement has been made, It Is understood that the vessel will sec some ssrvlce again during the coming OH, 00 ycu MI5. ffi'i L.I-T TIUUE 'sue trrs I A I M i T"TT i it fill iiiiimic superintendent tor WIC Union Oil Co., arrived yesterday afternoon on the Princess Adelaide from Vancouver to accompany the,.,.j , ta. im i,,.,,.. barge to the Islands and see that it Is safely moored there. Mr. and uwigt; oiiuml uiu again III charge of the barge, Again delayed by having had .... .. . Im i fmlnl,l I along the coast, Union steamer Cardcna, Capt. Ernest Ocorgeson. did not arrive in port until 11:30 a.m. today from Uie south. More than twelve hours late, the vessel . sailed early this afternoon on her return south. nuildinc Trolling Boat Norman Allen of this city, who has been studying for the past year In Vancouver. Is having a trolling boat built in Vancouver this spring and will Instal In It an engine . . .1, I t- I 1 which he already has. Accompan ied by Rupert Ross. nLso formerly of this city. Norman plans on leaving Vancouver in June In the new boat for Prince Rupert. If being the Intention of the boys to cnganc In fishing In loocal waters during the summer. With a good list of norther ners on board jncludlng White Pass it Yukon Route employees, mining men and others, C. P. R. steamer Princess Norah. Capt. William Palmer, arrived In port at 9 o'clock this morning from Van couver, sailing an hour or so later for Skagway and other Alaska points whence she Is due to return here southbound next Wednesday afternoon. The vessel had 63 passengers aboard. Two disembarked here while nine went north from here aboard her. The United States government SHORT WAVE Where and when to look 15 metre band from 0:00 ajn. till noon. (19 to 15 Megacycles) 20 metre band from noon till 4:00 p.m. (15 to 9 Megacycles) 50 metre band from 4:00 p.m. on. (9 to 4 Megacycles) SUPERIOR UADIO-KLKCTUIC rilONi:: IlLUK 330 Second Avenue & Third Street An Opportune Appearance TSIMPKIM. I hiQ. t CAM'TJ ZrA MCOELl L S THAT nJ!1T WA Lurfc- siH pTi-'t A OFFICERS I OF EAGLES I rank lltigerald Named Prudent Of Local Arrie With Olen llcbb, Vice-President At an enthusiastic and largely attended meeting on Thursday night the local Eagle' Lodge elected officers for the ensuing year as follows: Worthy President, Frank Fitzgerald. Vice-president. O. A. Hebb. Past Worthy President, Henry Smith. Chaplain. Jack Wllllngton. Secretary, Angclo Astorl. Treasurer. Frank Ellison. Conductor. William Robb. Inner guard. E. C. Kane. Outer guard, W. P. Hall. Trustee three ycar. V. llutson. ITHREATENS j TRADE WAR Crrat llritaln Deliver t'ltinutnm To Japan on Matter of Textile Eiport LONDON. Eng.. May 5:-RL Hon. Walter Runclman. President of the amb:lMat,or VC8lcrnay ,hat. unlm mMt, . n,ui.... demand to partition the .world's markets on the baste of rcdtired Japanese textile export, llritaln .. uretvTni tu rlerlnrn n Irnclp ' motorship Alert, which came here with DcduIv United State Marshal Caswell of Ketchikan on board to take north a prisoner who l char- ged with theft of a gashuat at Iwrangell. sailed yesterday after noon at 2 o'clock from here on 1U return north. Imperial OH Co.'s small tanker Marvojlte. Capt. M. A. Oerrard. Is again operating In northern waters ' . . .1 engaged out of ..a the company's - local station In supplying the company's various smaller stations along the coast. The Marvollte made a trip to Squadarre yesterday and was back here this mornlngi Nearly nil the white trollers of Queen Charlotte City have left there for the West Coast trolling grounds. It Is reported tliat the Skldegatc fleet will make Seal Inlet their base this season Several' Prince Rupert trollers liavc passed through Skldegatc Inlet enroute to the trolling grounds. .1.....,.,.,...,.:.;...; OUR CONFECTIONERY l Equipped With Comfortable IWiths. Come In Some Time Tor Uk'ht Lunches Coffee & Sandwich Ice Cream Sundaes, Sodas & Milk-Shakes For Your Convenience We Carry I'rrsh Milk and nutlrrmllk Table and Whipping Crrain Open every day of the week till 12 O'CLOCK MIDNIOHT Don't Forget the place Mussallem's CONFECTIONERY LUCXCi ME EVE I'LL -yuw iuu csjsk H-KMt'LL. L6T SttU CWIfVAl TAIr; Ssl 1 .. ... , -1 V 0 I MS t Friday & SaturdayTwo Shows 7 & 9 Admission u , SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30 15c & 35' So The New Sensational Musical Romance Joan Crawford "' "DANCING LADYi!U13, With I KANCHOT TONE. MAY ROItSON, WINMi' 1 irnrv. FRED ASTAIItE L,'liTM.R, 300 Singing Dancing Heautlr Song lilts. A Lomeciy "ill .m.ioiiuii ujuh li,Mi) METRO NlWs MONDAY ii TUESDAY 'aaHHHIIWaaVMaV Complete ONLY Installed to Eirrllrnt tonal quality; da f light chase. It Is a VKTOH and that I MJ& Ilatlcries For Every Purpose StiritOX H.rn;itli;S sslll not shnl, buckle, sulphate or olhrraK disintegrate but improve ssllh age i( krpt In active use. JAMES MARTIN .Massett, IJ.C. p.o. not 77, frlnte Kupert, BC The Fish which made "Rupert SMOKED BLACK COD Prepurcd Daily Uj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE I- vwaAT'Ll. DO v w . V SCCrtgTARVT. & Clarke Gable AstonUhlnr SnerLtHi A t. M - O - M llcleaw Dwi THE GALLANT LADY" RADIO as you Ride Till Wondrrfal Uiy, Inttrumrnt h Idrtl n I'ltawr lUnllm and llabiol TripT. $69.50 Your Aerial reception; no batWrfn It pir means murli. There Is rravoo. os.Jid I or Marine Automothe Prince RuperlFamoai Brand" RUPERT, H.C. By Westover FO. ftZL, 'ri -Tveo6'S . ?rt "Srv 1 1WJ ,v t