SPECIAL To Introduce For This Week fURETEST BREWERS YEAST 75c Size For 50c iy concentrated form of Brewers Yeast, the richest natural source of Vitamins B 2(F) and B2(G) Debitterized and Exceptionally Palatable V. not ferment, nor cause flatulence, nor deteriorate with age. A great digestive, acting on starch and sugar r Ormes Lid. ir? Pioneer Druggists The lie sail Star Phones: 81 & R OSE. COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Err-rctsc Books I j ending Files f umination Cap F - rsharp Leads riiinjr Folders I mi't-r Cones a N ners, Paper I "ii'lscap Paper' ' I untain Pens Files, Shannon Files, Clip Glue Graph Paper Gummed Isabels Gummed Reinforcements Gummed Stars dummed Tape, Kraft Harp Files Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 "NEWS FLASHES J 5 . Unn of General Motor of Canada during March set u mark for the year to date and shattered all monthly i. records for the past thirty-four mouth. The output -nth was 70 ahead of 1933. -' and export production for the period January lt iOlh. 1034 was 48.8 In excess of the same period dating r .niA nf nnrai Wntnr nroducU in Canada during the x J .i.uary 1st to April ipth, 1934 were 31.6 ahead of the - MJdin 1933. U:arrs on file grcaUy exceed those of any similar period - :-j29. B;. sines Is excellent, and our management are doing every -3 ? !ut Is humanly possible to meet the unprfedtd de-t j : i General Motors product. Yours very truly, i. x. nr.it u y, Sale Promotion Manager. T ubcive Is a letter Just received and we assure our dulng everything possible to procure cars to fill our KAIEN MOTORS LTD.-Phonc 52 Chevrolet and General Motors Dealers For Your Health Chlro prattle Wlra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage at Reasanahl phtm C ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Grw"I Phones Green 541 Exchange Block The AUCTIONEER Packing Cra ting-Wrapping ft Oeneral rurnlture Repairs List your goods with me rbone Blsck 121 GEO. J. DAWES Coal Prices Mneliead Egg Coal 512.50 jNnehoad Lump Coal -$12.50 Jembina Egg Coal , $12-00 Stve Coal $ll-r, Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 ..- LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs, George Smith, who has been j on a trip to Boston, returned to' te city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. Mis Laura Stephens sailed Thursday night on the ss. PrinceJtlng, Oeorge for a holiday trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south, I For trading in furs without a 'leence, George Nets was fined $50 I and costs by Magistrate in city po-jllce court yesterday. The prosecu- Un was conducted by Game Warden Ed. Martin. The management of the Ridley Home announce that, since the report of the bazaar was published, yesterday, more money has come in. raising the total takings to $300 15. James Flewtn of Port Esslngton. "hanged with assaulting an Indian, was further remanded for eight' days on his case -coming up before Stipendiary Tborapwn court yesterday, Staff Sergeant Alex McNeill, provincial police, returned to the city on tfcc Prince George Thursday evening from a trip to Anyox and Stewart on officii! duUes. Dr T. Harry Johns. Victoria den- tht and noted baritone soloist of, the Capttot Crty. arrived from the CAKII OF THANKS The Ridley Home management thanks all those who by service or donation made the bazzar such a suececa. Announcements Dr. Johns Recital May 7. "Chinese Knowledge" tea May 10 United Church. Anglican Orme'a. Tea May 15 at Mrs Catholic Spring Sale May 10. May 17th, celebraUon, dance, social, refrealiments. Moose Hall. Presbyterian Tea May 17, home of Mrs. D. McLeod, 410-Slxth Ave. West. Hudson's Bay Centenary Celebration, Port Simpson, May 24. Siwrts. ball games, track events, canoe race. Trophies. Entries received to May 21 by secretary. Loyal Order of Moose Memorial Services At 2 p.m. in the Moose Hall Sunday, May 6 The Public cordially invited to attend. Members parade to Church of England from Moose Hall at 7 p.m. FKESH MILK AND CKEAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone C57 "We are stM baying Uuljer's. old told, ah Elks and Grotto Softball teams will play a game tomorrow, San-day. at 220 p.m, weather permit- 105 Miss Elizabeth Tyner R.N. of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Flora Lewi and Dan McColl on nursing staff sailed last night on charges of drunkenness, were each fined $25, with option of ten days imprisonment, by Magistrate Mc-Clymont In crty police court. Mr. and Mrs. tJ. A. Woodland, wt.o have been on a two-weeks' trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prtn-ss Adelaide last evening. I Bruce Stevens, who has been located for the past two and a-half vaars in Prince George, returned to the city yesterday from the interior and may decide to re-locate here. the Princess south. Adelaide for -a trip W. C. Cowell, inspector of the Immigration department from Van couver, arrived In the city on the Princess Adelaide last evening from the south for a brief visit here on official business. MONDAY, 8:15 Dr. T. Harry . JOHNS in Recital UNITED CHURCH Sec F. W. Crawford, president of the Vancouver Tobacco Co., arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide last evening, being here on one cf his periodical visit to the local Grotto Cigar Store business. j T. W. S. Parson of Vancouver, assistant commissioner of provincial police, arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from the south. He is on Magistrate Andrew j an official irapecUon tour and will in provincial police , nroceed from here to the interior. A letter received from the Cana dian Brotherhood of RaOway Em-! ployees by the Chamber of Com-j meree asking for support in the petition for restoration of wage cut was read at the monthly! meeting last night and members1 seemed rather puzzled to know whether Interference in con troversial matters of the kind came amej Hotel Arrivals routti on the Princess Aoelalde Ultjwrthin the scope of their activities." evening. He will be heard in recital The tter and accompanying reso- here next Monday evening ana win 4UtJon wniCh the Chamber was Heave next Tuesday by the CataUjfl8kei to endorse were referred to 'on his return to Victoria. Dr. Johns, labor committee for report. has also accepted an invitation to sing before the Oyro Club at luncheon next Tuesday. Savoy i W. Stevens and Mrs. J. Hudson, city; A. D. Stewart, Lewis Island. Royal Mrs. M. Mlcholuk, city; J. H. McDonald, Vancouver: Mr. and Mrs. John Carlson, Amsbury; S. Honkawa and R. Yoshlmoto. Port Esslngton; Mrs. C. Schultzik.4 Shames; A. W. Cochrane Vancou ver, George Albey, Seattle. rrince Rupert A. C. Lumsden. Harold Lannlng. Harold Brown and H. P. Cahill, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Deneen, Bums Lake; H. Wana- maker, McBrkte; J. C. Bigham, F. W. Crawford, James Adam, W. C. Cowell and T. W. S. Parsons, Vancouver; H. B. O'Nell, Toronto; H. Wanamaker, prince Rupert. Central ! M. Robbey, city. J. C. Calworth, CUR.; H. W. Mason, Jasper; A. Vatelet, O. Moines, J. Pelham. W. Brown and John Johnson, city. Knox A. Olsen and Dr. R. H. Bedford, city; II. Hansjen, city. HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on the Famous Graham Island North Beach Fishing, Bathing, Badminton, Picnics, Scenic Drives, Shooting In the Season. Rent a fully furnished cottage at Sangan River. For full particulars apply MRS. DUNN Massctt, Ii.C. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarellt. Pioprletor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 op SO Rooms, Hot & Cold Water Prlnct) Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 Miss Hilda. WHsori-Murray left on yesterday afternoon train for. a visit to Terrace. Vts. Jack McOougaD left on yesterday afternoon's train for Ro chester, Minnesota, to receive treatment at Mayo Clinic . Roy Becker tailed this morning on the Princess Koran ior AUia m which district he plans on spend-1 ing the summer engaged in pro specting. W. H. Matthews and I. Matthews. AUia mining men, who have beer la the city on business, sailed ay the Princess Norah this morning) cn their return north. Rev. and Mrs. Pierce sailed this afternoon on the Cardena for Vancouver where they will attend the annual conference of the United Church of Canada. The Chamber of Commerce, at its meeting last night on motion of Thomas McClymont and M. Heilboner. decided to endorse a movement for the redaction In size of the Canadian bank bills and uniform size for checks. Duncan P. MifleT of the local i Customs House staff sailed this .morning on the Princess Norah for Wrageil enroute to Sikine where i he will take over his duties as Canadian customs officer for the sea- son. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Oak Dinin groom suite consisting of large bullet, round table and six chairs. Mrs. Murphy, 241 5th Ave. W. k SOUTH 7 PIUXCE SHIPS to VANCOUVER Sailing from Prince Rupert every Ttiunxlay at 10.1 J p.m. r. NORTH for ANYOX and STEWART Sailing from Prince Rnpert every 'edneIay at 4 p.m. 37 5 TRIANGLE TOUR 100 mile of d luxe tratel by train and loat ... Vancouver, Japer National TarV, Prince Rupert. CAXAIUAX NATIONAL For Information, Call or Write: CITY TICKET OFFICE SZi 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. v-i s-u Mrs. J. Thomasson Dressmaker, has arranged a Cutting & Fitting Service Prices reasonable. All branches including children's work. Phone: Blue 837 INSURED TAXI When you ride in SlaggarcTs Taxi You are fully insured. BE SAFE, Ride In an insured taxi. Phone 653 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Ed son. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. I Bulkley Valley. We also aeU Timothy Hay, Wheat Oat and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. II rhone III Men, Women and Children Guaranteed all new stock bought of all leading makers in Canada. We sell 35 less, than anywhere in the city. We carry the largest stock and give you the lowest prices. COME IN AND INSPECT OUR STOCK Women's Tennis Shoes from 75C Misses' and Children's Tennis Shoes Qp up from ... v7 Men', up Runners from . . . . Women's Spring 95c Boys' and Youths' Run ners up from 75c We accept city scrip and relief orders Shoes r THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THHJ3 Running Shoes We have just recehed a great assortment of Women's Shoes in the very latest spring styles, all colors, and priced extra low for these hard times. II:tBIlBUBIarat.niB:rT2irB- CUT RATE SHOE STORE :aT7ITI?BmiflJIia!araatCK i TENNIS RACKETS I 1 Drop in and see the 1934 range of Dunlop Tennis Rackets. You will be pleased with the balance and quality of these rackets. A a model to suit every taste and pocket. j WE ALSO CARRY THE DUNLOP TENNIS BALL, constructed to it j ensure accurate flight and unequalled durability. jjj I GORDON'S HARDWARE UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Phone 311 McBride St raivsvis mr vm in im xmrm m?w taimaum w rr iaia : im rusnmx Steameri leare Prtnee Rupert tor Vanoouver: TSJS. CAT A LA EVERY TUESDAY. 1:30 P.M Via Ooean FalU and Waypointa. arriving V in confer Thursday afternoon. T.S.S. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AAL Weekly Milling to Port Bimpnor . Alice Ami, Anyox. Stewart and Naaa River points, Leave Prince Rupert Sunday. 8 pjn. Further information regarding all sailings and tickets at rsrNCE EITERT HOENCT: Third Avrane. Phone MS WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS 1 (fSftchcter 1 I -rtvyV" please youl llll II 1 1J. H ev. REPLENISHING PHONE US We have coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 48 "I $m Sii art !)! I jK