two Thrifty Housewives Buy Quality SALADA TEA "Fresh from the Gardens THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA OTTAWA: February 1 (Canadian Press) Hiding behind tariff protection, some Canadfun manufacturers have mide excessive profits through the depression yet have paid th lewest wages In history to their employees. It was charged in the House of Commons yesterday by Hon. Charles Stewart of Edmonton West, formerly Liberal minister of the Interior. "I am c-fdltably informed," Mr. Stewart said, "and I am going to ascertain the truth of the matter, that In Western Ontario there Is an individual enpaged in the production of silk stockings and sIIk underwear who stands i.o make profit well over $200,000 this yeai and he Is paying the lowest wages he ever paid." Kansas Bank Is Held Up; Large Haul by Bandits INDEPENDENCE, Kansas, Feb. 1: The Independence State Bank was robbed of between $10,000 and $11,000 by four bandits who held up the bank yesterday. in FUnilatied Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Kupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenua H. r. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week..'. By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year ., ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per insertion - Local readers, per Insertion, per line .1 Classified advertising, par word, per Insertion Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone L ,, . ... 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION PROFITEERS ARE FLAYED Hon. Charles Stewart Charges .Manufacturers With Exploiting Depression Mail Schedule (5.00; .10, i 3.00 9.00 Thursday, Feb. 1, 1934 I'or the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 4:30 p.m From the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10 p.m For Vancouver ' Tuesday 12:30 p.m. i Thursdays 9:15 p.m j Friday 11 p.m I February 8 ! p.m. ( Mondays and Wednesdays (b train) , ...V..T. 4:30 pni. ' rom Vancouver Sunday pjn ( Wednesday .... 10 a.m I Friday .'. p.m i Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- I days (by train) 10 p.m. I February 4 a.m. For Anyox and Stewart I Sunday 7 pjn I Wednesday 3 p.m. i From Anyox and Stewart , I Tuesday 11:30 a.m mursaay 8 p.m For N'aas River and Port Simpson-Sunday 7 pjn From Naas River and Port Slinpsoi Tuesday 11:30 a.m For Queen Charlotte Islands Feb. 2 and 16 9 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands Feb. 14 and 28 a.m, ! For Alaska ' February 4 a.m. From Alaska i February 8 pjn. I Advertise In the Dally News SPECIAL CLUBBING OFFER For the purpose of celebrating the fact that we have turned (he corner and' are heading toward better times we have ar. ranged a special clubbing offer with the Pictorial Review and the National Home Monthly at a very low rate. By sending In your subscription now, either new or renewal, you receive? (Delivered in the City) The Daily News, one year .$5.00 Pictorial Review, one year 1.00 National Home Monthly, one year . 1.00 Total value $7.00 All Three for $5.50 (By. Mail to Points Outside Prince Kupert) The Daily News, one year $3.00 Pictorial Review, one year 1.00 National Home Monthly, one year . 1.00 Total value $5.00 All Three for $3.50 The Daily News, Phone 98 STOCK MART IRREGULAR .Most issues Record Lysses In Wednesday Trading: With Aviation Ami Alcohols Strongest NEW YORK. Feb. 1: Conflict -iiv piice movements save the New York stock market an Irregular up-pear.inca yesterday with mast Is- 'sues recording losses for the day. J Aviation und wet stocks were the firmest. Closing averages were us follow. Industrials. 10752, off 1.77; rails 49.77. off .78; utilities. 37.05. off .05: bonds. 89.75, up .13. Today's Stocks (Oniii'tmy S D, Johnston IV i U. R. X. CSold, .03. Uralome. 11.15. li. C. Nickel, .78. Big Missouri. .35! Bridge River. .41 . Cariboo Gold, 2.45. Duuwell, .30. Georgia River, .02 Vj. 1.40' Indian, .0lj. .25 Mlnto Gold. .24 ii. 02 1 Meridian, .23. ! Morning Star, 57(.. , Native Son, .093i. National Silver. .04. Noble Five. .11 i. Pend Oreille, .95. Porter Idaho, .12. ;T Premier. 1.06. , Reeves-McDonald, .17. Reward, .12. Reno, 1.07. Silver Crest. .02. 'c Wayside, .43. Whitewater. .07. . : Waverly-Tangler. .024. Oils Fabyan Pete, .00si. Home Oil, 1.85. C. & E 1.05. Freehold. .15. Sterling Pacific. .07. New York VS. Steel, 56! fa. Oenerol Motors. 39 . Allied Cl-emical. 152. . .; American Can.. 99. . National Distillers. 29Vu . Douglas Aircraft, 27. Toronto International Nickel. 23.20. Dome, 32..50. Tc Hu?hes. 5.85. Holllnger, 12.20. Ma?assa, 2.13. M:Intyre. 40.00. Thom.son Cadillac, 31 V2. Wheat Prices Winnipeg May, .09 July, 70 V2. Chicago May. 91. July, 903;. September, 91V4. j Steamshin Sailing For Vanrouvei Tuesday Cardena 1:30 p.m, Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 10:15 p.m. Friday ss. Prln, Adelaide 10 p.n. Ss, Venture midnight Feb. &s&. Prln. Norah p.m. Trom Vanrouvei. . Sunday ss. Cardena p.m. Wed, ss. Pr. Rupert 10 a m Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide .. p.m Ss. Venture p.m. Feb. 4 ss. Prln. Norah a.m. For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday ss. Cardena 8 p.m. Wed. ss. pr. Rupert 4 p.m From Anyox and Stewart-Tuesday ss. Cardena 11:30 a.m. Tlurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 8 p.m Tor Naa River nl Port Mmnson-Sunday ss, Cardena 8 p.m. From Naas River Si Port Slmnnn Tuesday ss. Cardena 11.30 a.m. For Orran Falls-Tuesday ss. Cardena 1:30 p.m. Thurs. ss, Pr. Rupert 10:15 p.m. Friday ss. Prln, Adelaide 10 p.rr. From Ocean Falls Wed. ss, Pr. Rupert 10 a.m. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide ... p.m. Ss, Venture p.mJ lor Queen Charlotte Islands Feb. Ht ss. Prince John 10 p.m From Queen Charlotte Islands Feb. 14 and 28 is. Pr. John a.m For Alaska Feb. 4 ss, Prln. Norah From Alaska Feb. 8 ss, Prln, Norah From Skeena River Frlday-s. Venture a.m. p.m. p.m. Capt. Dan McKlnnon, until recently skipper of the steamer Prince John, has now become chief officer of the FrlnceHupprt. X THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, February l jM4 Conferred In bringing about the recognition of Soviet Russia by the United States a lengthy conference v,.s held by United States Senators William G. McAdoo of California top and R. Reynolds of North Carolina (second' with Foreign Commissar Maxim Llt-vlnov' In Moscow. Jap Troops Are Close to Border Passes Away In Toronto at Aje of Seventy-Three Of Soviet Russia TOKYO, Feb. 1: Kslnklng dispatches state that Japanese Infantry and auxiliary forces of the state of Manchukuo ore close ap proaching the Soviet frontier in antl-bandlt operations. Ontario Supreme Court Judge Dies Mr. Justice William II. Wright TORONTO, Feb. 1:--Mr. Justice William H. Wright, aged 73, of the Ontario Supreme Cpurt Is dead after an Illness of several weeks. Exchange Rales. New York anil Montreal NEW YORK, Feb. 1: The British pound sterling closed at $4.074 on the local foreign exchange market yesterday. The Canadian dollar closed at OOVoC, having dropped 'uc later In the day. MONTREAL, Feb. l:-r-The British pound sterling was trading at $5,0112 here yesterday afternoon and the United States dollar at $1.00 13-10. SILVER QUOTATIONS NEW YORK, Feb. 1: (CP)-Sllver closed at 44c per ounce on the local metal market yesterday and at 43c today. The price of copper was 8c per pound yesterday, ad- vanclng to fl'c today ANNETTE'S- Stock - Reducing All Untrimmed Coats Reg values to $22 50. to dear at Women's Dresses--From sizes 38 to 44 to clear at sleeve, rei' values to $3.95. specia Served Long As Crown Attorney, ST. THOMAS, Ont.. Feb. 1:-An- I gus McCrimmon K.C., aged 78, who j retired last October after serving I for 30 years as crown attorney for Elgin County, Is dead. The Dally News con be pur chased aU- Post Office News Stand, 325 Oranvlll St.. Vancouver. 4 Karl Anderson, Prince 4 i George. D C, R. W. niley. Terrace, B.C. General Rtore, Anvox. 4 Smlthers Drug Store, Smith 4 rs. D O, 4 4444 4 444 4 S12.00 Dresses Sunday NUe. Afternoon and Evenini; Dresses sui!able for all occasions ft A sizes 14 to 20. to clear at Fur Trimmed Coats All Fur Trimmed Coats to clear ,-,g;-,iu f ,,t $19.50 $4.00 Dresses- In crepes, flecked tweeds and QO A A wools, sizes 14 to 20. very special vO.UU Sweaters- Pullovers, novelty styles QP OOK short sleeves Sweaters- Novelty pullovers. long O-t QT Vegetables . . . . . . Potatoes, Ashcroft, 9 lbs. A very successful telephone gaclc bridge by the party Potmo; Upr,pr( ,0 ,bSi Elks' Lodte last night at the homes' j2 in to it aiAicrii iunnui lur uic ju(hac c,iTTOtH UC ' bunch I raising funds to assist the fin- jo lbs ! mclng of the annual ERcs' Flag Day u.. n tu Spinach, import, lb. the evening's proceedings was the flrutgeiu sproutt. B C lb .ruwiiiR ior q. uic wuuici BrusseUs SnrouU. Cal.. lb. OttOC. YOUng. Winners at bridge ilrst. Miss Muriel Morris: consola-: ion. -Mrs. Peter Ilytne; men's first, K. Egolson; consolation. Ian Fra-ser. The following members of the lodge were hosts: William McLcod, Cal. Head Lettuce. 8c to Cauliflower, lg.. Imported, each. 25c to ... . Vegetable Marrows, lb. C P. Balagno. E. L. Clapp. Harry ;SpanUh Onions, lb Aunzic, James viccone. uor-don, H. B. Stiles, W. D. Vance, Frank Dibb, J. E. Morris, Walter Johnson. John SImohsen, Harry 'oiif, George Mitchell, Ounnar An-1 derson, Mike Budinlch and Harry I Nelson. The committee In charge con sis -ed of William McLeod. chairman, 2. P Balagno, E L. Clapp, Harry Mcnzle and James Clcconc REARMAMENT OF GERMANY Seen Ily Italy as Only Means of Reaching Solution of Armament Question ROME, Feb. 1:-Italy. In an official memorandum issued yesterday, went on record as favoring the rearmament of Germany as the BeeU. bulk. 8 lbs. Parsley, bunch Turnips, 8 lbs. Parsnips uprlvcr washed, a lbs. Olery. Cal.. head J Wagner, 4pbs. Apples Sale Leather Pocketbooks & Ladle' Purse reg. values to $4.95. to clear at 25 Only Skirt -stock reducing-sole Elastic Girdles Sizes 24 to 28 Special Corselet tes Small sizes only Exceptional value at All House Drrsses-to cliuir at BRIDGE IS ThpMarbk ENJOYABLE Rig Party Held by Elks' Lodge Members Last Night in Aid of Flag Day Fund UdtGn. sue. siked. best ' Pork, ihouldrr. lb. Pork. loin. lb. J Pork. i. lb. Pork, dry H lb. "j-VedF Ifttn. lh 2 Vml. slMwlder. lb. .04 .25 .10 .14 Reef, pot rout, lb Ucf. boiling, lb. 3c to S1.50 Lingerie Crepe de chine and flat cn-pe C reg values to $3.05 Q q to clear at M4J AngeUkin Lace Trimmed 81lp- in pink, green and white, spvcbU All Winter HaU to clear at $1.25 No 1 C rumnrv 3 lb .Meats Turkeys No I. A.'b r i ' Fowl. No. 1. lb. Rousting Chicken, !b. i Ham. sliced, first trade Retail prices -urm,: here are as Ham. picnic, first grade follows- Bcf, roait. prime rtb. lieef. stMk. lb. 20c ta -j4 Lamb, shoulder, lb. Irtnlnn. Onions. 8 8 lh IK. ?s . . 7 " T ' were: ladles' ZZ "mo unopt. 25c to Oarllc, lmportd, per lb JS . 3mokfd Klnn,r. fVlhh-loo Cabbage. B Uf' C. lb IV. HA'' . r -WV i aairoon, fresli. lb .12 ,35 .01 .10 . .VI M lb. 50c 25 Only Pairs Shoes Cuban and hli h Q-f ftp heel, to clear at 2AuO $2.95 S1.00 95c 79c SALE STARTS FRIDAY AT 9 A.M. ANNETTE LADIES' WEAR CO, LIMITED THF STORK OF THE BETTKR DRESSED FOR LESS lb. :b, Halibut. 2 lbs. Smoked Halibut, lb. Dried rrults whit rigs. lb. . Ulack Cooking rigs. lb. Dates, bulk. lb.. . 8i Umon and (.-range Peel Citron peel 5 Pruns. 30-40. lb. " Prunes. 40-60. lb. Prunes. 60-70. lb. 55 Raisins. Australian swdlo 1,ox 1.75 RaUlns. Cal.. seedless, lb, Sp.'tzenberg. bulk. 4 lbs. . 55 , CurranU. lb. Uox , 1.85;AprlcoU. lb. 20c to Rome Beauty, fancy bulk. 4 lbs. 55 ; Apples, dried . !4 nox - , 1.85 'Peaches, pcelel. 14c to Delicious "tr wrapped. 3V4r lbs. .251 Box Fancy wrnpj)ed, 3 lbs nox Bulk. 3 lbs Box Yellow Newton C grade. Lemons, Cal., doz. 25c to Grapefruit, Cal., 5c to Jamaica Grapefruit, each flc to Florida Grapefruit, each 12c to Tangerines, Jamaica, doz. Rhubarb, hothouse, lb. Bananas, lb. ...... 2.C0. 55' 2.75 55 255 3ii lbs. ,25 Box 2.60 Fancy, box 2.80 Wlnesaps, fancy wrapped 3 lbs. 25 IJ0X 2 80 Fruits only practical solution of the arma-ICa' Navel Oranges, doz. 20c to ments question. .75 .35 .10 .14 .15 .40 .15 rv r . ir 10 Iipc in I intnrin ", ,,ur .virn ,e 50 xrawv v v uranDPrries ih .43 Hour I Flour, 40's. No. l hard wheat 1 .85 1 Second Patent j 70 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. 45c to .. .. 30' Aust. Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. . '. .35 'Honey Extracted Honey, per Jar 20o to .30 Comb Honey Sugar White, 100 lbs M Yellow. 100 lbs tg B.C. Fresh Extras, cartol I-ocnl new laid, doz Fresh Seconds Preserved Extras, doz. f.rd Pure, lb, 17c to llutter Fancy cartoped, lb. .25 7.75 7155 .34 .42 .24 .30 .20 .35 ih ( Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by an expert. Bear rugs mounted In any style. Oame heads ft specialty. All work guaranteed first class. FURS MADE UP Write For Prices E. Dix, Taxidermist Terrace, M.C u a t Have Order For Three Thousand MINK No change in market. Paying as high as $15.00 Interested in all furs. Don't sell your good-4 until you see G0LDBL00M