mi m 1 K ' - SL(MBI8 .111" I- T. rs 7 -. wtekly over the 200-mile run between, D,r n Kei : r : , Is Uncovered t J. VICTORIA, Feb. 1: (CP) Birth registrations of more tnan 230 persons, mainly Japanese, in British Columbia have been cancelled as a i result of an investigation j into an alleged fraudulent registration : plot uncovered in 1932. l u jg gtated tha(. QHen. . f n i- Dinn in ortier to conform 4- with the fisheries regulations. NEW FISHERIES COMMISSION George J. Alexander of Nanaimo Receives Appointment As Assistant To Hon. George l'earsoh VICTORIA, February 1 (Canadian Press) The cabinet has passed upon the appointment of Oeo. J. Alexander of Nanaimo as assistant commissioner of fisheries In succession to J. P. Babaock who rcslgneo recently. Hon. O. S. Pear son is the minister of fisheries. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Feb. 1: CP- Wheat was quoted at 66t2c on the local exchange yesterday and moved up to 67c today. FRANCO-BRITISH TRADE WAR IS NOW LOOMING PARIS, France, Feb. 1: The French ministry of commerce has sent a note to Great Brl- tain rejecting the British dc- mand for revision of Import quota regulations and threa- tenlng that a trade war will become effective next Tuesday. ""i ' II National Steamships' liner West Indies their first regular service in the tropics she Is seen search of small change. She now the Florida city and Nassau. WOMAN DIES, MAN IS HELD .Mr. Sarah Enrig-ht Succumbs to Fractured Skull in Montreal William Kelly Arrested v MONTREAL, Quebec. February I -.Mrs. !aran t-nrigm. agea sj.,"- " ". "S"t Vinnlpeg. died in hospital here a result of a fractured skull: caus-' d by blows from a dull. Instru.j iment and William Kelly of. Mont-. i unug nciu imiumg aa in - 1 fluest- I UNSULL IS nVTnpT T i-ir water' At that 1Kllnt a balanced budget as a means for r X r r I I hi lneW workmg shaft 15 t0 sunk solving -the return of the Domm-JjIjULiL I connecting up with the present Ion to more normal conditions m -j workings. his address at the annual mcethi3 Creek Government Uefuses to Ex- J The work at Gold Harbor was of the bank. tend Leave of Former Utilities , closed down last month at thei - - Magnate to Remain WASHINGTON, DC. Feb. 1: The United States legation lnAth- ens advised the Department of State yesterday that the Greek gov-1 ernment would expel Samuel Insull, former Chicago utilities' magnate.. at mianignt last nignt wnen nis police permit to remain. In that country expired. Insull, having been Indicted by wan-ion . -m. . ... . i r- f niy 8na jury, .s J . icu in viiiv.au tu i , mmi wii charges of conspiracy and larceny in connection wun me coiiapse oi ms uuuues empire. .: inc ureeK government was ho-; ' vised by state physicians that; they ' considered it would be safe for Insull to travel. Extension of the time he might remain ln Greece was, therefore, denied. WORK IN ONTARIO Greater Highway Program Planned For Eastern Province For Benefit of Unemployed TORONTO. Feb. 1: Hon. Dr. Herbert A. Bruce. Lieutenant Governor, In the Speech from the Throne opening the. fifth session of the Eighteenth Legislature of-Ontario yesterday, forecast a greater highway construction to give work to unemployed but failed lo make Intimation of any hint In regard to , a beer system. Seventy-five Thousand Dollars To Be Spent on Gold Harbor Claims Ambitious Program of Development Work Planned on Moresby Island Property Prior to Starting Gold Production, Manager Announces The development work at Gold Harbor Mines has been efinanced to the extent of $75,000 and work will recommence toward the end of this month and continue throughout the summer and in the fall a new cyanide mill will be erected on a new site. This is the news brought here by E. Schroeder, manager of the company, who came in on the Prince John yesterday and is leav-n Ing this evening for Vancouver for . u . .. . . a brief trip before returning to the ?SfM mlne , re-financing Is being done by Olcn , M, . , Jordan of a Boston firm who has : Mr. Schroeder Is verv nleavd t . with the the rm.it. results so f far obtained 7 at t lOold Harbor. The mill has been , operated In a small way. chiefly on nn. t th. H,.m o'h k7. ditlon to thi 9 owr jIba! , hs ba don, in Hie lm rt . . . . wmii-m a veui nas Deen uncovered: eigni reet wide, giving very good average values in milling ore. , ' 11 15 now Planned to continue the surface stripping with a view to ! letermlnlng the length and num-. Der ! velns. bearinS 6od gold va-. lues. The 'cross the peninsula to Douglas In- ,et which case a huge ore body ! ould be available. In any case, the' stripping and underground devel-i -. wm.ira iu anuw inai ; e amount 01 ore wouW lly Jus- itify the expenditure of monev on j the new mill. A site for this has al- , ready been chosen farther back time or the cold snap when every-; thing was frozen up. When actlvl- ties recommence there most of theij. attrition will be devoted to strip-j phig and trenching In order to get- that work done before the flies be-' come annoying. Then the shaft wlir be sunk and the ground be pre- parea ior tne new mill in connec SSS,?S,,,trtei,g,nei .... Development will also continue Decome """esieo the property. and who Is willing to back his faith In It with his money. , Z uV T 11 13 Probable the present mill he,P to- Proyjdejhe necessary funds Sff "".WW-ls M ior use. RETURN OF PROSPERITY nminin 1 int iir, rw. t... Consolidation, Government Ec onomies and Balanced Budget TORONTO February 1 Frcs- cent B. C. Bogert of the Domin- 0f the Canadian railways, econom, in government expenditure ana 4. FRANCE HAS STRONGEST AIR FORCE IX WORLD; . SOVIET RUSSIA SECOND LpNDON. Feb. 1: Prime Minister J. Ramsay MacDon- A t It. 1 l L. . C "day. ,n reply it to a Statement hv Cant irnr- nM - w, V4tr kite JKJ f C If strongest In the world, the French being first. the lower level where 100 tonsit Russian air force is the second oi ore nas aireaay oeen broken. j which Is "good mill feed.' The company has 2l dalms ln a ! 'solid block running between Gold Difference of Opinion In Tokyo Regarding Proposal To Increase Navy Strength TOKYO, Feb. 1: (CP)-The Minister of the Navy told the Japanese Parliament yesterday that new auxiliary naval vessels of the Japanese would outrank those of the United States at the end of 19M. Former Minister of the Navy Yoshizawa, a member of the House of Peers, declared that, if navy men had their way, relations between the two nations would be ruptured. Japan will ask the next naval conference for permission to increase its naval strength to a point nearly approximating that of .Great Britain and the United States. He- 9 A Today's Weather " Tomorrow's Tidca ft prince RupertShowery, light IHffh 2:55 ajn. 20.1 It. (,,,rrrly wind; barometer. 30.04; 14:50 pjii. 20.4 It. temperature, 40; light chop. Low 8:19 a-m. 6.3 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 21:19 pjn. 3.0 ft. . No. 27. XXIV Vi PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1934 PKJCE: FIVE CENTB DOLLAR REVALUATED BY ROOSEVELT ISLAND MINE RE-FINANCED AND MILL IS TO BE INSTALLED Fixed Price Per Ounce for Gold Is Set By President Further Advance in Commodity Prices Expected to Rc suit tendon and .Montreal Metal Prices Move Up Sharply in Response W VSIIINGTON, D.C., Feb. 1: (CP)-Presidcnt Frankly Roosevelt late yesterday announced that, "until fur- not in-," the American dollar was revalued at C9.0G hi vent of itM former gold content and that the Treasury i .ailment would pay a fixed price of $o5 per ounce for . aiid all gold." The administration hopes that a world '"'d price will be established on Made President s, j, in n(,i:ui oito '!"' TIIEAL F.j. 1 CP ti:'f 'ni'3Ui.i:-(r,' i.: wa.- m,iM ' iu of he appointmrnt of ' ' 1 " J HunirPif'ird as pn sl-! "f Hi- f.matilan National 1' UA.iv.s As well as vlce-presi- i t Hi riuirKc of operation. Mr. Hurmt rford. since the resignation ! ' late Sir Henry Thornton in 1W2. has been acting prut-fc' 'r the Natlohal syntcm. li"i. Cliarlea P. Fullcrton. K.C.. "'airman of the trustee of the I oi idian National Hallways, an-r inn ing Mr. Hungerfords pcr-" incut appointment. Issued the f"ii"wniK official circular: H J Hungerford has been ap-V 'u ilod president of the National I' always, reporting to the trus-,, r The npiolnlment covers the tiiiadiun National Hallways Company nnd other railway and t' hrr fompanlcs comprised In the illonal Hallways." Fpw railroad men In Canada '"vc gone more thoroughly "MiMimh Ihe mill" than has Mr. 'luniirrford. His story Is one of 'luroushncss In his Job of Icnrn-liv' rvrry phase of railroading from the day in 1C80 when he trutlRcd nlnng with his dinner pall to the Southeastern Hallway muij m Parnham. Que. to start railway career as an apprcn-l,rr- 111 flue time becoming a ma-'"iiii.st and from that start mov-"f. Kteudlly on until In 48 years ic hsvn become president of the wnwat railway system In Am-trira FillCH Collected in rltv tuillni. urt during the month of January I J year totalled $95 as compared In the shme month last i'.ar. of $35 ihu busU and expect that, as a re-Milt, commodity prices will further ii'J .ure beginning with exports. T ip new two bUllon doUar sta-L. 7a'i n fund alao goes Into ef-fc today. Gold Prices Advance LONDON. February 1 (Canadian i Pr -Bu- gold di-!'-iiga and live pence In price' today to m JMIUqm bc . pence , n ' equivalent to $34.11. f M1 NT HEAL. February j Cana P. i Thr pjice or cola i j--pc'i b2r t $34.01 today FORMING" OF BANK MinKter of Finance Moves To-ward Formation of Central Institution OTTAWA,' teb. 1: (CIM Hon. lUljar N- KIhhIcs, in thr House of Conunons )rtcrday, gave notlre that a measure would be introduced in Parliament providing for the incorporation of the projected central bank for Canada as recommended in the majority report of the Matmillan Commission. The minister of finance intimated that the central bank would not strictly speaking be publicly owned but a clause would be Inserted to provide against any single person or corporation obtaining control of the institution. First opposition to the central bank proposal came from the Senate where one of the members prrdlrtrd that its establishment would result in the closing of half of the branches of already chartered banks in the country. State Health Insurance Scheme In British Columbia Planned; To ReCast Education Finance VICTORIA, Feb. 1: (CP) Definite plans for a contributory itato health insurance scheme under provincial con- itrol will be worked out by ment in the six months following the coming session of the Legislature, Hon. Dr. George Veii.provincial secretary! md minister of education, stated yesterday. It would be 1.-1 t i I n m ttfr mm n nis Jews in Poland Are Inoculated WARSAW. Poland, Feb. 1: -Fifteen thousand Jews have been com-pulsorlly Inoculated and disinfected ns nn enldcmlc of typhus has 'spread throughout Poland. New i : 'C,'ii - A-n n W Bf Once a familiar sight on the British Columbia coast '.he Canadian "Prince Darld" is now giving toi.iml, Florida, and Na-a -anusa transportation link by water. Wuh a neat cr-at of wfc.te pamt tot entering Nassau harbor where native divers surround the h.jp makes overnight trips thrice RIf, SUM REALIZED Sis .Million Dollars Kaised Tor Warm Springs Hospital in Celebrating President's Birthday WASHINGTON DC. February l Approximately $6,000,000 was realized as a result of some six thousand or so birthday balls and dinner held throughout tne country on Tueday In honor of the birth day of President Franklin D. I Roosevelt for the purpose or en- dowing the Ann Springs Founds-j lion for Infantile paralysis in Oeor- Preparedness Bill i Passed by Congress Tarlfist nioc" in i-ondon Shocked At quick Adoption Oi Vinson Bill WASHINGTON. DC. Feb. 1: The "Pacifist Bloc" was shocked yesterday by the speed with which Congress acted upon preparedness legislation, the Vinson bill being passed In a single day. the British Columbia govern Implemented as soon as a Soune basis could be found for whatever scheme of contributions ana benefits was decided upon without waiting for action by the Dominion or other provinces. Regarding the complaint thai the present system of cauoauona financing In the province was rn-equltable, the government would recast the entire financial struo. ture of British Columbia school system immediately following the Session, Dr. Weir stakd. Dress For New Waters - si-v j ,:. i S8S m