February 29. 1934 Ormes Lid. ZrfiA. Ptquter Druggists the lUsall Store,. r bones l SI & ft STATIONERY MIXROSK. Linen Finish 50c tAKLYLE, Hand Wady 50c FLWiANf fi Linen or Vellum Finish 50c First Aid Supplies First AM h'its, Bandage, Adhesive, (lau.e, Etc. Let lis refit your old kits KLENZO Shaving Cream and Talc Special at 50c Parke, Davis Toiletries ( OLD CREAM (Cleansin) 35c VANISHING CREAM 35c ALMOND HANI) LOTION 35c PINK TAU SHAMPOO : 35c Something Now MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Ml Felt Mattresses $7.25 (All Sizes! All Feather Pillows $1.00 327 3rd Av., Prince Rupert, Phone 775 Coal Prices Minehoad Egg Coal $12,50 MInehend Lump Coal $12.50 Pembina Egg Coal $12.00 Stove Coal , $11.50 Coal in Dry ShwTancI Delivered Dry HYDE. TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Central Hotel American and European plan Housekeeping Rooms tt'c Also Sell Coal That Gives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zar'llt pioprletor A IIOMK UVAV I ItOM IKIMK" Italr Sl.no up SU IVjoms. Hot ft Cold Water Prince Rupert. H.C Phone 281 PO Box lfrt UNION STEAMSHIPS Special Winter Excursion Rates TO VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE RUPERT S32.00 RETURN FROM PORT SIMPSON $35.35 RETURN AH Meals unri Berth Included Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from Intermediate points. Special Tlrkeu on Sale Itetneen Noveinl.er 10 and Fcuniary 28. 1MI Inclusive (loud l Rrturn Up lo March 31, Children HiiU Fare STI'AMEUs TATALA S-S. CAIIDENA LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M, I RIDAV, 12 MDT. AUK. VANCOUVER THURSDAY, P.M. MONDAY, AmM. Tickets and AU Information From ,,r,,re Rupert Ab.mI. R, M, SMITH. Third Ave.. Phone or Pursers S.8. Calala and S.S. Cardena, SCH .TOT DAILY RIWI PAOX THRJT j. LOCAL NEWS NOTES N buy anything in gold. Premium prices, Max Heilhroner, Orand variety entertainment and j dance at Moose Hall, Friday, April j 8. Reserve thte date. 48 I Harry Gourlay returned to the city on the CataU yesterday atter-I noon from a holiday, visit to i A public mooting has been call-led for tonight In the elty council ' chamber of those Interested In the future of the local public library Wttllara aosnell. Indian, for drunkenness, was fined $10 with option of sevijn dajrr lmprLson-ut-nt in city police court on S.v urriav j Staff Setgeajit Alp McNeil! 'provincial police, alia XWU-tday afternoon on the Prtjicei. riorah ( i for a trip to the Atlln district on I official duties. Ray Walker of Tulsequah. who has been paying a visit to the L-lty sailed by the Princes Norah yesterday afternoon on his return to the Taku River country. I j Rev. Oliver Thome. Anglican Church missionary at Kinsolith I who has been spendlrfg a few days tin the city, sailed by the Catali last evening on his return to the Naas River. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bsselmoni and family of Stewart, who have born on a holiday trip to Vancouver were passengers aboard the ss Catala last evening returning to !.ilr home in the north. Jv- J by rubbing on Mr and Mrs Rober Arhur sr who have been on a two weeks' ) docl( holiday trip to Victoria and Van-rouver. returned to the ?Hy from I the south on the Princess Norah l yesterday morning. The Joint committee for the fishermen's farewell dance has expressed their appreciation for the many donations of cash and supplies by local business people and to the newspapers and many othe-ers whose ready help made It an outstanding success. Resuming service after having been off the run for three weeks undergoing annual overhaul at Vancouver Union steamer Catala, I Oapt. A. E. Dickson, arrived In port it 5:45 last evening from the south and sailed at ' a p.m. for Anyox. ! jwvn i uitu uuut iiui 4 lVJt4 fco, whence she will return here tomorrow momlng and sail at 1:30 pm. on her return to Vancouver and way points. The vessel brought north a fair-sized list of 15. Announceraents Pioneer's Banquet March 0. United St. Patrick's Tea. March St. Patrick's Supper and Concer; March 17. Catholic Hall. St Peter's Church Sale April 19 Moose Hall TOMORROW NIGHT Bridge Drive Under auspice t( Hie Wonivn of the Moisc 9 P..M Sharp Excellent l'rle.s, lood I'-ils Adnilsnluu, 25c Everybody Wvlrin FUPSH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY IMione 057 Basketball tonight 7 o'clock. Anglican W, A Tea at home of Mrs. Woodland245' 5th Ave. Tues-' day, February 27, 3 to 8. Homo cooking. 4a Dr. A. Jure, field engineer for th Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co., was a passenger aboard the. Catala yesterday afternoon goin? through to Stewart. n1 m MAIL OHOtK'- A IH'.IAJi IWlfORMJvfDIlTWCTKW St riBV ti-ii RON SHOP IO 0-R.ANv : l'.C VANCOUVl- S C. W1I I OK IMTtMtl , - -j - - Hum Oil D:stri'jai : Ltd. tujj Mister anc. tank barge No. 5 was; In port yesterday with fuel supply for the company's local station. W. L. W vie'l of 8t"wirt. who has been on a trip to Vancouver an elsewhere tn the south, was a passenger aboard the Oatala last evening returning north. Mrs. S. R. Dsnnldaon and daughter. Lorna, MiM Mae Donaldson, and R. S. Donaldson of Port Es-sington were week-enc visitors In the eily, having arrived Saturday morning on Iho Venture from the Skeena River. O. T. Surrfal of Tesraee, who has been on a brief business trip to Vancouver, arrived in the city from the south on sthe Princess Norah yesterday afternoon and I will return to the interior on ttil VQLPs throats'RterD00n, tnlin kJR ,i Quickly relieved Albert Farrow, steamboat ln-ntrto. arrived in the elty on the Oata'a last evening from Vancouver, being here o make an Inspection of the steamer Prince George whteh- 'te untergeirwfcplr and innuaj overhaul at le local dry A charge aginst Broet Stareyl of being in possession of property; llleged to have beenSitolen from! the fishing boat Dundas over .'. ' year ago on the local waterfront was dismissed by Magistrate Mc-Ciymont In city police court at the week-enti there being insufficient1 evidence to associate Stacey witui the alleged theft I THIS IS THE -iiuiid n.c. payroiis- WEATHER THAT DOES IT lis? Tills Is the kind of weather that makes Pacific the good milk It Is. This Is supposed to bo winter and the temperature the herds have to stand. Contrast It with long stretches of 40 below and you have one reason why cows here produce bet-t?r milk Pacific Milk 100 II. ( Owned anil Controlled PI.ANT AT AllltOTSFOItl) TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cownn & Phone 234 I.alta COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Uulkley Valley Coals ar? guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try ton of No. I Bulkley Valley. W" lso tell Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 5R phones Ml Anyox Bride Is Tendered Shower-i Miss Edna Strand Hostess at Affair For Former .Miss Mary Casey A delightful miscellaneous, shower was held Saturday evening at the home of Miss Edna Strand, Tenth Everrue East, in honor of Mrs. Andrew Hardy of Anyox. formerly Miss Mary Casey of this city. The bride was recipient of many lovely gifts. The evening was spent In slaving bridge and games after which dainty refreshments were served. Mrs. Hardy, who wll be- re-' .turning north on Wednesday, has! ' the hearty congratulations of many , friends. I The couple were married last! :week at Anyox. The bride Is the daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. George I B. Casey of this city and the groom ' the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hardy. also of Prince Rupert. 1 Notice Notice Is hereby given that the! I 2o-partorh!p hereto subsisting' between the undersigned, as truck, farmers under the firm name of The Prince Rupert Hog Ranch, Prince Rupect. B C, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent! The business will hereafter be car-i tfed on by Chen Quen. I Prince Rupert, B.C., ' February 26, 1934, C. N. R. Trains for the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl days 5:30 p.n From the East Tuesdays. Thursdays, and Satut- S. It. S. lune in topics HIGH LIGHTS MONDAY 6:30 Around the Corner, KOMO. 7:00 Carnation Program, KOMO. 8:00-Shell Show. KOIN. 8:30 Firestone, Lawrence Tibbetts. KOMO. 9:0076 AH Star Revue. KOIN. 1Q:00 Serenators Piano Pictures. KOIN. TUESDAY 6:00 Alron Trio E. KOMO. 7:00 Darlc Quartet. KPO, 7:30 Mme. Sylvia. KOMO. 9:00 Magnolia Minstrels, KPO. 9:30 Winning the West, KOMO. WEDNESDAY 6:30 John McCormlck, KOMO. 7:00-Cdm Cob Club. KOMO. 7:30 Can. Press News. CFCN. 8:30 California on Parade, KPO. 900 Under the Star. CFCN, CRCV and Kemember We. offer you a modern, efficient and reliable Radio Service Superior Radio Service Phone IHtie .TfO: 53G ?nrt. Ave. LOOK KOK THE TOWER Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD peerstlng three Dry Dckt Total capacity tl.MI Shlpballders and Ship Repalrera tor Stcet and Wood Vessels Iron and Brass Casting gleetrlc and AeetyUne Welding ll-ton Derrick fer Deavy LU U Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Askfi or N ELEPHANT llrna UlrMIICAt, r'KKTILI.F.IIH Producer it Rlner at TADANAC Iran 4 KI-ECTKOLYTIC ESTLEs STERILIZED EVAPORATED MIL Ah. WORLD'S STANDARD OF QUALITY THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED nc nr itiei risii rni.DiiiM Manufacturer of AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA ' TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAQ-ZUs'U CADMIUM-IIISMUTII Classified Ads FOR SALE CHIN YIN. BABY'S Crib, good condition. Rea CHEN QUEN. ! sonable price. Phone Red 345. 40 50 FOUND FOUND pair of ladies' gloves, lined kid with fur trimming. Dally News, SPECIAL Roller Canaries. 'Sing-'FOUND string of Pearls. Owner ers. and females. $4 and $5 pair. Ship any distance. W. Hutson. Rand Block. FOR SALE 2 Gurney hotel ranges, cooking utensils, 1", 2", and 4'i" Iron plate, 3 Gilchrist jacks, logging blocks. Armour Salvage Co. 52 FOR RENT FOR RENT Nicely furnished I.ANII KUilsTHY ACT He: Ortlflcate of Title No. 11SK1-I. tn U.t tt. Illmk 3S. Mtimi H, M 9t. CM of ITInrr Kuprrt. WHEREAS proof of losa of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name ol Bert L. Clayton, has brcn fUeti tp thta offlcv. nstVce U hereby given that' I shall, at the expiration of one mauttl! I from the date of the first ptibllcaWoa j hereof, issue a provtalonal Certiucat or: (Title in lieu of aatd lost Ortlflcate. un-jleisg ln the meantime valid objection be macie to in S writing, f DATED at the I Mid Regtstry Offlee, ; Prince Rupert, H.C., UU Wth day at jrebruary. AD. 1934. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Rfglatrar. r.OVr-RNMKNr I.Ujl'OK ACT NOTICE, la hereby given that on the ;tla or by the bvW? for coaumpUon j m the premlea or cfcf whet. Dted this Wnd day of January. 1934 ' can have same by proving ownership and paying for this advertisement. Dally News. TRANSFERS GARDEN SoU S2JS0 a load. Cam-. , eron's Transfer. Phone 177. tt" GARDEN SEED steam heated room close in. Har- HAVE A GOOD GARDEN. Plenty of bor view. Phone Blue 53. FOR RENT 3 room furnished ! housekeeping apartment. Phone i Rfd444r tf ! VERNON Apartments housekeep ing, roonu, newly renovated, 141 2nd Avenue. Pbone Red 421. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAYINO! Cluster "Cyril Latest Styles NELSON'S BFAUTY SHOPPE everything to eat fresh and for winter. McFayden's Seeds cost so little and grow so much 3c. to 4c. per packet. Big Oversize Packets. New Crop, Fresh, Tested Seeds. Over 150,000 satisfied customers last season. Investigate. CLIP THIS AD and get Large Packet Beautiful Flowers FREE or send 25c. for 10 Big Packets regular vegetables with Splendid Coupon good for 35c. on first order. (Coin preferred; stamps accepted.) McFayden Seed Co.. Princess and Market Sts.. Winnipeg. Man. PAINTERS The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Dally Bj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 66 t A IN. TIN O and Paperhangblg Holler, phone Reg 802 u is ruoiiATr. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and in tin: mtti:k or the estate op DON.tl.lt I.KVKKNE Mr.NKILL. IIECEASKD TAKE NOTICE that .Ty Order :6fKil Hoacr. W. E. Flaher. the S6th diyiof July. AX). 1S33. I vaa' appointed : S-outrta f the eUte of Donald Levrne McNeUl. deceaW. and all partle hav- First Day of March next, the under-(luj cwnu a?int trx said eaxate,, are lned intends to apply to the liquor hereby ivqutrtd to fumith aame.l pro-Control Board for a Lkuce !n respect ' Perly verified, to Mav Patmore & of premise being part of tlie buUdlng Fitfton. SaUcitow. PrUice Rupert. BC. known a Murroot HottL alttirte at the on or before, the 30th day of March, A. i-crOft jof VlttC and Columbia SlreeU. ' D :934. and all prt!e Indebted to the village of Stewart, upou ta Jatid C-.'ate are reaulred to pay '-he amount scrlVO. aa lot No. 19 Blank N.v to. Hwk( ili-lr Indebtednexa to the aald tirm Nn. 005. Prince Rup.-rt t-and Regintra- f'rrhwWh. ...... m....i.t . n . K - DmmImu rtf n-ltJlt Mum.. '..xmunom. tor lor the vne ; aale wie M m Ge. u r i by uy TfTe , OI.YMPIA JOSEPHINE McNEILL. MeMrf, Putoiore Sc FuljKin, Barrivten. MARMOT HOTEL COMPANY UMrTKtl , rV"lce KVPrr'- per Oeorce I Mardonald. Manaser. Dated the lth day of February. AX). Applicant 1934,