THE WEATHER we aty: four hours ending 5 a.m., 19 " re-reMP. 61.5 Ty . RAIN 20. 999 —— el THE DAILY NEW Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist . Sunday, a.m, RTH .Monday p. m. Camosun.... Princess May. iia = — — ee — — —————— nd VOL. Il, NO. 188 - PRINCE Rupert, B. C., SATURDAY, AuGusT 19, 1911. Paice Five CENTS HE RAILWAY CONIMISSIONERS TELEGRAPH CREEK COMES TO FRONT FOR HUNTERS dore Roosevelt--Large field aris- the Col- Tele- who the Alps, he dizzy ridges of the latest hunting guns’’ of the certainly British and beyond raph Creek. Wealthy hunted big game ypics, shot Chamois in the Quite the ~ ior the “great yorld of Northern liocratic 1s sistrict mbia around men in 1 scaled g new hunting worlds nd it at CCh now turning their » conquer, are tte! n to Northern British Col-| il | his di rict has un undisturbed, round that Roose ve It, Tele- number Imost got rumor [Theodore visit to the reek territory, a t sportsmen had their istrict which is getting uutation as a fresh Inting yund Are Now Arriving ed from an inspection Mr. A. M. {f Indian Tyson, Agents co went south last night s Royal, mentioned large party nt Englishmen and Amer- irrived in Wrangell from lready a oO ere the SS Simpson lcorrespondent at ifrom Juneau to Ketchikan in for | and empting New Territory Attracts ex-President Theo- Party of English Big Game Guns at Wrangell—SS. Port Simpson Busy making regular trips up Telegraph Creek to the head of nayigation. The party includes Lord Lascelles, one of the greatest big hunters of the English aristocracy, Camp to W. Ward who frequently entertained Aide de the who used to be Earl Grey, Hon. also the late King Edward at beautiful and residence near many other important sonages taking advantage of their distance from Englend to freely in secure incognito. Governor Clarke Waits Governor Clarke, Washington a leading Pacific Coast came frequently in personal com- munication with President Roose- velt, and is one of his many friends, made a special journey an- ar- of Mr. Roosevelt's rival, and is waiting there now ticipation as the party is expected immediately. Preparations are being made at the of the Creek for head waters {| dealing with the influx of people, the many tons of freight from Wrangell is} up stream, ANCOUVER vs. NEW WESTMINSTER day's Momentous Lacrosse atch at Recreation Park lay Decide the Home of the into Cup for this Season ggeresult will be Bulletined by Daily News. Reere fternoon Park Van- Van- : ; | e teem meets New ation the the n in most mo- 1 match of the present ms now stand the league Vancouver has only \ match to cinch the 1 ( New Westminster, M Cup holders, and | p! ( pion Lacrosse play- a be, are two games | ie with Vancouver. ' Arctic Studio, Third Avenue. Va vet been this che rcouver season team has never Jacrosse i interest feated on their own ground, and in today's match is ac- cordingly phenomenal. A gate of over twelve thousand enthusias is fully expected. Hun in Prince Rupert are eagerly lreds of lacrosse enthusiasis awalt- ing the result of the match wnhicl will be flashed to the Daily News office, and bulletined down iown at the earliest possible. LOVELY FRESH FLOWERS Some of the best flowers of the season came today to the Arctic Studio, | They are selling at reasonable Third avenue. | prices. The | | place your order at once. ILDING PERMITS TOTAL xz NEARLY $37, stholme Lumber Co. Will Build 000 THIS WEEK New Theatre and Modern Office Building on Second Avenue —Will be Modern and Handsome Structures Other Permits Granted ling permits for this $36,550, the largest he week this year, holme Lumber Com- e KUINY a spe nd $35,000 if nM BCiiy he W are a store and office avenue, All & leatures about these Were given recently k Second Inter, buil the Ney he h i os ( 'S going to be quite ain “nd elaborate and will ule nex: . : Next to the Acme ( lothing iF ALTY Ph ext Bilin ‘nd office building will the Continental Trust “nd will be modern in Work on both is being ‘t they will be ready Ober, ed ‘ } Y in O he o te Other PCrMILs are: istel, hothouse cost $800, » M; 'Ynard Blreet , COst $300, on house on Humph- alterations to J. P. Weston, office on Fifth a cost $50, venue, LIQUOR SELLING CASE Two Japs from Inverness Re- manded Till Next Saturday Charged with selling liquor with- out a licence at Inverness Cannery the two Japanese Maka, and Ma- rita by the Provincial Police appeared this morning be fore Chief Vickers eee PR, Magistrate Mullin the The two p.m, on Saturday next. arrested in his capacity Me- city. until | since is absent froim case was remanded Dollars Saved to make money by attending the auction sale at Schreiber's today at-8 and 2 p.m, Be there and get your share, zame | his London, per- move who as special of newspaper, Port Simpson is ferrying | If you would like some | There will be an unusual chance es es Ps Fs ts rn re re BASEBALL SCORES | a § + l ! Three Indians Implicated at Essington, and Committed ASSAULTED LITTLE GIRL r | | Northwestern League Provincial Police Chief Owens} Seattle 13, Victoria 3 reports a nasty incident at Port; Spokane 7, Tacoma 2. Essington the other day. Three Portland 6, Vancouver 1. Indians David Faithful, David Nationa! League Wesley and Sidney Lawson ap- Boston 5, Chicago 2. peared yesterday before Stipen- Pacific Coast League diary Magistrate John T. Williams Oakland 3, Vernon 2. and were committéd for trial at American League jthe next assizes charged with] Boston 9, Detroit 3. having criminally assaulted a little Cleveland 5, New York 4. girl. Washington 3, St. Louis 2. ALL AGREED Event on Third Avenue Pleases Everybody " Determined to convince the householders of this city and dis- trict that he is offering some of the greatest bargains of the year in furniture Mr. G. D. Tite is continuing his furniture sale. Some special attractions are be- ing offered and the particulars, of which will be found in Mr. Tite’s half page advertisement of Dr. F. Montizambert, chief of the Dominion quarantine service, is on his annual tour of inspection. After a visit to Victoria and the this issue. quarantine station at Williams RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS ARRIVE IN CITY TO-DAY Just What is the Range and Weight of the Board’s Influence in the Dominion---Administrative Body With Powers Second to None in Canada Made up of Men Worthy of Them---Board Will Meet in Government Building. extent of the Board’s work becomes | investigate, Head he arrives at Prince pert, accompanied by Dr. Watt, of Victoria, chief quarantine officer in British Columbia. Dr. Tremayne's Charge Here Dr. Montizambert will have an interesting duty to perform in the inspection of the new Quar- antine Station now in pregress of construction by Messrs. Ander- son and MacKinnon over at Digby Island. In the beautiful new Quarantine Launch Evelyn Dr. Tremayne, quarantine officer for the port whose duties will before very long be as arduous almost as those of any quarantine officer in the world, will takt the senior officer over the works, along with J. circumstances, papers, Dr. Watt. Ru-| at CHIEF OF QUARANTINE FOR DOMINION COMING Dr. F. Montizambert Expected to Look Over Prince Rupert’s New Quarantine Station—Dr. H. Tre- mayne Will Show Him Around With Dr. Watt, Quarantine Chief for B.C. duty as quarantire officer ex- aminirg a thousand pessengers say, Dr. Tremayre will require to meet the vessels 2 long way out at sea, and this will necessitate 2. date not so very fer distant, a still more powerful quarantine boat. While the trig little Evelyn can do worders as a sea boat she would not do to run regularly out into the Pacifie and do the heavy work of boarding big liners. CHIEF GOES SOUTH Manager of the Famous ‘‘Cha- teau’’ Vickers to Holiday Our old friend Chief Vickers of the city police force is planning trip down below tomorrow. The Chief will combine duty with rec- reaiion by conducting to their more permanent hostelry at New Westminster one or two of his guests at the Chateau Vickers. 2 Today members of the most 2 vet : F ; ae : . . uar pec re or tw i powerful, extensively influential|apparent. One billion five hun- | books, contracts—everything in B - a. = Es ne re coe sea as bi : eas ; ; P ‘ : lon re ave also and honest administrative body|dred and fifty million dollars of|dispute. It may ecven take evi- S ORS S ON ere ae also to go below by . ts ‘ : : at f work of this port will be ex-|the Camosun which will have a in the whole Dominion of Canada, | capital are involved in the railway | dence by commission in a foreign dincly i hE Sk ah al ais = in other words the Board of Rail-|enterprise of the Dominion today|country. Every railway accident oe pgs y > , s PA = ~ = way Commissioners. arrived in/|in actual operation. Eighty mil-|that causes death or injury must . 7 18 aoe ae ee oa a ei ; I ae ou e ig not been , . : > y a f ce ert | out ¢ e | Prince Rupert this morning. The|lion passengers ere cerried over] be reported to the Railway Com- ie nad a cee t Saal ayo cea ae sta oe iid years, F . . ~ ~ e » ‘ 2 2 n 3100 eal Z Board is holding session in the] the tracks every year, and nearly | missioners, They have five ac-|@n¢ the Orient wt getedeies, Mabie: bosetcress ing lorwerd to his trip Provincial Court Room. Members|seventy million tons of freight. of the Board are Mr. James P. Mabee, Chairman, Dr. James Mills| with a pay roll each year of $40,- jinion simply to look after this end ae ee CONSERVATIVES : Mr. S. J. McLean, Mr. D'Arcy | 000,000 ever on the increase must|of the work. Right down to the Alert to Protect Indians from Scott, the Hon. M. F. Bernier, and | be added before you can grasp the regulation of such details as the “‘Hooch’’—Cases Today ek exOfficio the Hon. George P. Gra-|extent of the Railway Commis- speed of trains through cities, and < Nominate J. D. Taylor Again— ham, Minsiter of Railways and|{sioners’ work for the country.| villages, and the coupling of cars, Before Magistrate Carss today Premier McBride and Others Canals. Mr. George A. Mountain Why, the revenues of the various| even the means of access from | Donald Martin pleaded guilty to Make Speeches Deserving Pi- ‘=. Chief Engineer to the Com-|torporations whose operations are le ar to car, come under the Board’s| having supplied liquor to an In- ty Rather than Censure. missioners and Mr. A. D. Cart-|guided by the Railway Board, are | jurisdiction. dian. He was sentenced to pay uel wright is the Secretary. |yearly more than twice those of It is even within the power of |* $100 fine, or go sa: Pere for two New Westminster, Aug. 19.— Vastly Useful Body | the Federal Government. the Railway Commissioners to DONE, eo J. D. Taylor who represented New NI ae ane heeces HN onan Wonderful Organisation |fix the maximum passenger and ae oie pas Se Rite ah Westminster riding in the late RE SERRE TL AK bik inane Operating under the Railway | freight rates according to what is agg phe dite cal ride Parliament, was again nominated Between the general public and the} Wt, the Board of; Raley Soe. the judgment of the Board a to hae - he of $25 for a aulaas at the Conservative Convention great railway corporations the Rail- eee has soem eet aod reqnopable acalle Hefhre whisky in his possession. Both|/held here tonight. Premier M way Commissioners maintain the| |ganised powers that no matter] our important, first hundred miles er F PORSESE ‘i io eat. emer iViC- Sala cdditing tien. vasnil 1, [is too smai! and no deadlock too | of G: T P. railway could be op- these cases are the respit o ride and others ‘were present Milita: sind eecink ‘fair. play also | ree to be dealt with, and with erated for passengers, as Rupert vigilance for the protection ofjand spoke denouncing the recip- for the railway companies, in order noe Just aa 2B the highest residents remember, the sanction | [ndians from themselves and those|rocity pact which the Liberal that they may carry on. their jcourt of law the Commission op-|of the Railway Board had to bel oho would give them liquor on the} Government contemplates execut- : : ; ‘Lk reg. | erates Sah and the attaching|obteined. Not a furlong of steel ; oe % 3 : ‘ hae zs valuable development work res- | part of Sergeant ‘‘Pat’’ Phillipson. | ing with the United States. ictéd Goli-swhare their. operations | of the Board’s seal upon documents | may be opened up for regular a s a formality recognised as effec-| traffic in Caneda without the au- en interefere with the public good and While the Board the railway companies tively as any Court Seal. The aeons has the fullest powers to safety. sees that ; , ee to give the people fair treat-| it the io it | have guards attacks of |ment, also companies |“ | | from unfeir com- WATCH FOR THE NEWS | petitors, and from unfounded and | | unreasonable complaints. BULLETINS Wide Jurisdiction Arrangements ‘have | Greater powers, and a more|», been made by the News \far-reaching system than that of to have the name of any other Board in the Dominion the successful candidate |belong to the Railway Commis- nominated for the Fed- |sion, From our own Prince Ru- eral election tonight at | pert, and the wonderful North- the Liberal Convention land beyond it, where even now at Nanaimo wired here | che Chief Engineer, Mr. Mountain and also to have the |has been busy with the White result of the lacrosse !Pass Railway, right across the match in Vancouver this continent to Sydney, Cape Breton afternoon sent. where we get the steel for the The News will post G. T. P., the Board of Railway special bulletins tonight © in the following windows «& by courtesy of the pro- » prietors: Keeley’s Drug »& Commissioners whose members you today, holds authority. can meet almost | unlimited Two hundred thousand employees | erent strategic points of the Dom- cident inspectors retained in diff- VIGILANT ‘“‘PAT”’ _ | WESTMINSTER thority of the Railway Commission. But a. sort of compensation to the companies, until the sanction of the Board is obtained for a new line the corporation owning that line may use it for its own purposes without being compelled common carrying corporation hardle whatever freight is offered. is THE FATE as a and Surprised With to Some little while ago the Grand Trunk Railway Co, was com- pelled by the Board to issue tickets two cents a mile and to instal of third class coaches between Toronto and Montreal. This is an example of how. a cor- poration can be compelled by the Commission to meet public needs. But the work of the Commission is not all aimed at compelling the companies to give concessions. The Commission sees fair, and the great railway corporations of Can- ada appreciate the services of the Board. Because the method of appointment of its taembers en- sures men on the Board of Railway Commissioners who are above re- proach, and paramountly capable of judicial and administrative work That big handsome man stand- ing a few inches over six feet tall, with a strong, kindly face, over which rested a big Stetson hat you may have come ashore from the S.S. Prince George this morning was Judge J. P. Mabee, chairman of the Board of Railway Commissioners, and Judge of the Ontario High Court. He is a strong man physically a strong man intellectaully. ‘‘It’s my first trip up this coast,’’ said His Lordship when queried by the News. ‘It's a beautiful trip and I marvel in pleasant surprise at the excellent accommodation of tle steamships up this coast, This is a beautiful boat,’’ he said refer) ing to the Prince George. at a service seen MAY FINALLY DECIDE ABOUT OF SEAL COVE Railway Commission Will Deal With Question—Inter- esting Little Chat With Judge Mabee—Delighted His First Trip Up This Coast—Leaves on Monday we will go to White Horse where we sit.” ‘Do you know what business the commission will handle here?"’ ask- ed the News. “T understand the chief thing is the settling of the dispute about the line the G. T. P. track shall take running northeast of the city and about the filling up of some of the coves’ along the proposed route.”’ As Judge Mabee had not had time to look around the city he could not comment on it, Only one other Commissioner - is travelling with him and he is Mr. S. J. McLean, L.L.B., Mr. Richardson is acting secretary and Mr. Butcher as official reporter. Arriving with the Commissioners between public and corporations,| «ye are going to get’ to work the effect of the Railway Commis- , here at once and hope to be sion is beneficial to the welfare of the whole Dominion through|through by Monday afternoon the railways, the arterics of the|in time to leave by the 5.5. Prin: The Railway Commission deals Store, Third Avenue and lwith five hundred distinet. in- Sixth Street; ‘Royal Ho- »& idustries. Thousands of requests tel, Third Avenue and » lfor the exercise of its adminis- Sixth Street; Orme’s | erative powers come in annually.|~ Drug Store, Second Av- Thousands of authoritative actions|@ enue and Sixth Street; » lare recorded to its eredit every|@ Exchange Grill, Second » year. With railway lines in oper- Avenue and Sloan & Co., »& ation in Canada up to twenty-five] @ clothiers, Sixth Street. thousand miles of track, and a] ® continually increasing mileage, thely @ @® @ Yes OY S Bees country’s commerce, is Mr. D'Arcy Tate, G, T. P. sol- icitor, and R, C. W. Lett, col- onization agent for the G. T. P. The meeting place is the court cess May for Skagway, from where! house.