HON. J. A. MACDONALD CJIARL017ETOWN. PEL N 8 CP Hon John A, Mar-( aid. minister without port-f in the Dominion cabinet. : nounces that he will not seek ! orUon In Klnirs County for business reasons." History of Early Chemistry Subject r:pr t mtnr.tlniT (atlr nn the "HlS- ry of Early Chemistry.'' It ws hown that modern c'hemlstry hop-rl to rcallte the dream of Uie al- cmlst,j namely the transmutation ;f clcmcnU. CHILLIWACK PAIR DEAD Mr. hikI ,Mr. Charles Darough Suc-nimb After Train 1UU Auto Ml8810NNov. 8: (CP) Mr. and Charlos A. Darnuch of ChUU- Mr r i"k ate dead as a result of fractured skulls rrcelved late Tuesday wn their automobile was strucK ly a Canadian Pacific express train "f.ir Dcwdney. The husband died last night and Mrs Darough succumbed in hospital '"re today. Miss Dolly Dungate left on last evening's train for Houston In ieh district her father, OcorRC "Ungate. fnrmir1v nf tills city. IS engaged in farming. BERLIN. Nov. 8: -The belief being gencralTy held here that' the a,r if riven Its own Irce prcfer- .n in the nleblscltc to be held in January, would vote Itself back Into Oermany rather than become part of France or remain, as at present, mandate of the League of Nations. Oermany Is appealing tp i' the League against the French pro- rVi dcciareo. deciarea oy oy j Of Teachers , Talk ll nut troons Into the Saar Italian Wins lulei Pirandello, Dramatist, (IcU Covrtcr Award I'r Literature STOCKHOLM. Nov. 8: CP Lulgl Pirandello, celebrated Italian dramatist, was today awarded the 1935 Nobel Prize for literature. todays Weather calm, 38. -Cloudy, Terrace calm, 35. Anyox-RalnlnB. Stewart-Heavy rain, calm. 40. Hazelton-Cloudy, calm. 32. Smlthers-rart ciouay. ukuo wind, mild. Durns Ukc-Ciear. can. . . Dead Tree polnt-Pnrl cloudy, 1 MinrP 40: sea choppy. congressional elections appears to have been even more pronounced than was at first Indicate. The Senate standing today is : Democrats - 69 Republicans - 25 Progressives 1 Farmer-Labor 1 In the House of Representatives, the standing is: Democrats Republicans Progressives Farmer-Labor-. iA Doubtful 317 102 A number of seats which were at first reported in the Republican column swung over on, receipt of revised returns to the Democratic side. The standings in the last Con- eress were: ... i Senate Democrats. 60; Republl-j cans. Farmer-Labor. 5; vacancies, 7. Democrats have elected thirty-eight governors to eight for the Republicans with one Progressive anyone Farmer-Labor. RECORD IS NIGH MADE ,Vallev to keep peace there pending . piccard Ascended I Such f the holding of ihe plebiscite a move on the part o Fran e. It Is 1y ...... nlrt vtrini. f less than an nwayy Wi..wm!i. n n. Nov. :-It seize the valley by . "ST I ,hat force bv controlling the election. ' ' ,Mn p..-, th(ir of ue The argument between France j,. ... Dear- t:r third renular meeting h h, from '.hem High School Teachers' and Oermany over the ;"0"p' born, Mich., a a few few days nays ago. ago. cam came to wage wen showed it his. K iatipn was held In the epm-.the Saar continues wUn,n 3 658 (ect of breaking the al- Thunder, Lightning and Hall Stones v ll.Tjlf an Inch In Diameter SASKATOON, Nov. 8: (CP A EMBARGO Ko thnnnor iuu I. Mtfimiiir un rnonca I rum i jvw4' mitt .v-, "i the Pajnton district this morning. IS ENDED iancKshlrc Mills to Send Cotton j 1 Again to Germany tv- HBEhBBBBBBflBBBj9sHBBIf be ' z Htsssl BE 'j. t - f iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiBBBBKili BH'I bbh BBT IBHm3 BBBBSBBTBBBBBBKBBBlKiBH ' BrHNB SBBH Vw. P" BBBBHSBraBiRflB 1 rm HBv. -BM .BBBBEsBBMBYflBliiHH flgaSK KH LvlkjlrcK v t''j9kbbbbbbHbMbbbH SCALING i GREATER cans, 35; Farmer-Labor. 1. ' Forest Production This Year Con House Democrats. 309; Republl- . , Maintain Substantial Autim"r ial room of the King Eawara declaring maw - utude of of 47,479 47.479 feet. fCet. a Itlrh School on Wednesday after- tcnlng the peace 01 cutvv p ! ttu rinrniiiv nriirp cave n chcck-UP of Increase Over 1933 Log scaling In Prince Rupert for-j estry district for the month 'of -Oc-: tober thU year totaUed 18,254.223 " board feet as compared with 15.709.-fiss hoard feet in the same month last year, bringing the total scale for this year to date up to 110.366,-246 board feet in . comparison with 50.964,658 board feet in the Hrst ten months of 1933. The scale per species this Octo ber was as follows, figures for the same month last year lwlng shown for comparison: ; hlr Instruments Miscellaneous Nobel PrizeiSaskatchewan , Has Big Morm 1931 Fir 194.558 Cedar 1,224.230 Spruce 6,985,196 Hemlock 7,262,792 Balsam 2.485,422 93.880 3,145 1933 ' 307,996 979.461 7.708,500 4.590,108 2,021,681 101,890 Totals 18,254,223 15.709.636 Forest Products I ' ProducUon of poles and piling In the interior this October totalled 171.420 lineal feet, all in cedar, as compared with 162.914 lineal feet in October 1933. Cords of wood taKen out this October totalled 203 as ag ainst 152 last October while 19,262 hewn ties. 768 hemlock and 18,494 iacknlne, were counted this Octo- wlth 11,049 last DEAN 'TUCKER PASSES AWAY ce a murder cha;ge WON OVER T0WNSEND Gordon Wallace Scores Decisive Victory to Go Into Forefront Of Welter Ranks . -VANCOUVER, Nov. 8: (CD-Gordon ; Wallace of Vancouver moved definitely into the forefront of the weltcrweijht pugilistic division last night when he won an unquestioned decision over Billy Townscnd of Nanaimo In firteen lively rounds. The . bout was billed as being for the Canadian Welterweight championship. It was a decisive victory for Wallace who built up an early lead on points stepping in, after the first two rounds, with V left jab and rijtht cross to score three knockdowns over Townsend in the eighth, tenth and eleventh rounds. Townsend took the count of nine on his knees each time. Hilly-essayed a valiant back In the last three rounds and on one occasion almost had Wallace in distress as he staked everything in trying for a knockout, his only chance of winning. He could not finish Wallace al-, though he won the final round, NEW COUNSEL ' FOR DEFENCE iufin U e Rev. Lewis N. Tucker, aged 82. dun Left Republican Party In Control In Fiance; 1 Reform Measure Falls Herriot Not Called Upon to Form Ministry as Had Been Expected Personnel in New Government is Not Expected to be Changed Much i PARIS, Nov. 8: (CP) Premier Gaston Doumergue and his proposed constitutional reforms were swept from the political scene today when his cabinet resigned and Pierre fctienne Flanciin, minister of public works under Doumergue, agreed to form a new cabinet. He is a member of the left Republican 1 party. It had been thought that Former would -nrmlrr Edouard Herriot I Today's Stocks iCourvei) 8 O. JoIuumio Ho.) Vancouver Alexandria, ,01. Bayylew, .01. . 1 Bruno R Haup.-nann. Linaerbergh kidnapping suspect; tn sa- B y NlckvUH.- refused" his ppllfitloa for a writ of habeas corpus against his Bradian, 2.25. I extradition to Nrw Jersey, to i zu.vo; viiin-w".-.-. - ...... ,-,,( cfi.fnotnrv . nrranoc- ycsieraay. 11c was one 01 mc raw j- . .1,. Trlnle Island Fan ciuuujr, u...m..j. ..-.--.,, - - - i.nown ricruvmen In Canada Dared to spend ner lire savings 01 a vneai ciosea av 'S.ind: sea moderate. ments are expected .to be .made by l. dol,ars In defence of exchange today, down from 78V',c BW.U""-::' t.i.,.Part cloudy. 'Oermany to pay amounts aircauy . ""..!" V4 viPrdv yesterday. Lancnr """. ....... serv service ce In in the tne Dominion. uominion. ' mwuanu, light southerly wind; sea moacraie, wiug, . One of Canada's Most Widely Known Churchmen s Dead LONDON. Ont.. Nov. 7: (CP I Lloyd .Itrooker Succeeds James M Fawcett in Hauptmann Case h FLEMINOTON, N.J.. Novv8:- Lloyd Brooker has replaced James M. Fawcett as chief defence counsel fnr nruno Richard Hauptmann charged In New Jersey 'with' the uirinnnnlmr and murder .of 4 baby Charles Augustus Lindbergh Jr. and in New York with extortion in con nectlon nectlon with with the the collection collection of of $50. 50, Bralorne. 13.00. B. R- Cons .102. B. R. X. Gold, .29. ' Cariboo Quartz, 121. Dentonla, .47. Dunwell. .17. Oeorgia River. .01. ' Oolconda,..3l. Hercules Cons, .02. Indian, M. Mlnto. .19. Meridian. .10 Vi. Morning Star. .132w National SUver, .038. Noble Five. .07 Vi- Pend Oreille. JO. Porter Idaho. .08. Premier. 126. Reward, .03 Y2. Reno. 1.13. Silver. Crest. .01 V. Salmon Oold, .11. . " . Taylor Bridge. 58. Wayside. .09. Whitewater, .04 Vi- Waverly Tangier, .01 V4... United Empire. .14. Glacier Creek, .06W. Toronto Central Patricia, 1.06. Chlbougamau, .08 V. Lee Gold, .09. Granada, 20. Inter. Nickel, 23.10. Macassa, 2.75. . Noranda, 33.55. Sherrltt Gordon, 32. Slsco, 2.65. Thompson Cadillac, 54. Ventures. .94. Lake Maron, .04 Vj. Teck Hughes. 4.07. Sudbury Basin, 155. Canadian Malartlc, 39. Little Long Lac, 550, Astoria Rouyn. .04. Stadacona. ,20. Maple Leaf. .10. Pickle Crow. 1.88. Long Lac Lagoon. .16. Manitoba & Eastern. .24. v Oils A. P. Cons- .07. Amalgamated, .06 1-3. C.,& H, .68. Dalhousle. .23. . Freehold. .06. Home Oil, .62. Merland. .20. Mar Jon. .12. United Oil. .03. VANCOUVER WII11VT have been called upon to form a new ministry but it Is believed In political quarters that President Albert Lebrun considered that it would have been Impossible for the ttaaicai socialist icauct j uim government which could have sur vived. - - 'ftnaadlnXJyW.Hl -J-. .... . , l.JirjI7.1t to i.nrlar- ktood. fronf that' of Dodmergue!" Disorders Break Out Threatened disorders, following the resignation, of Premier Dou mergue. broke out lomgnt, uiou- sands of persons smashing througn police lines in front of the Opera yelling "Down with the Deputies." Scores of persons were arrestea after repeated charges by the police. ONLY TWO IN FIELD Taylor and McGeer May Have Ma oral ty Fight in Vancouver To Themselves VANCOUVER. Nov. 8: ( CP Un less a dark horse enters the field, It Is beginning to appear that Mayor Louis D. Taylor and G. G. McGeer K.C M.L.A., both of whom have definitely announced themselves, will be the only candidates In the field for the mayoralty of Vancouver ot December 12 at the civic elections. A number of other candidates had been In the field but all have now dropped out. , 'z. It looks like a close fight with plenty of action. Road Traffic Is Restored Temporary Repairs Made to Bella Coola-Hagensborg Road fol-lowing Ree'ent Floods nnnri traffic has been restored between Bella Coola and Hagcns- borg villages in the Bella Coola val ley following recent floods which washed out several bridges and In undated the toad at several points. Temporary repairs are now bclnp made to the old road by the depart ment of public works pending decision as to what Is to be done In the way of permanent work. With he excentlon 0 two or three fami lies, all the rjedble who were forced to vacate their houses during tho high water have now returned to their homes. BAR SILVER NEW YORK. Nov. 8: (CP) Bar allver was up at 53ViC per ounce on the local metal market today, yesterday's price having been 53c, l4j 1 Tomorrow s Tides Today's Weather 8e ' High 2:23 am. 19.5 ft. 41 14:06 p.m. 22.6 It. prince Rupert Cloudy, light Low 8:14 ajit. 7.8 ft. mthcast wind; barometer, 30.08; rmpcrature. 45; light chop. 21:00 pin. 2.3 ft NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V ! XXIV . No. 200. p PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1934 pricz: five cmre ALASSA ROAD PLAN IS PROGRESSING DOVMERCVE MINISTRY RESIGNS; FLANDM FRENCH PREMIER Northern Highway To Cost $14,000,000 Is Advocated In South Wenatchec Man Reveals Plans For Birr Project Would. (jo North From Hazelton via Skeena and Klappan Rivers Route Feasible, Says Engineer VANCOUVER, Nov. 8: (CP) Construction of a $H,T 000.000 Northern British Columbia and Alaska highway .....w..t I.,. i,Vi( .it n iTinitiurr nf tlin Pn mnonrf n rr Till. ran of the Vancouver Board of Trade by Ray Clark of Ui iihIpIimi u'lin ujiifl Mint trntntive nlnns had been made fur financing the project. Col. J. M. Rolston, provincial agovemment locating engineer, also. I addressing the meeting, declaring MPCPrfc RpnnPtt j that the route offered no UCOCllD UtllUvii ingmtflctltlwandltwouldbecom- t parativcly cheap to construct at an t approximate cost of $10,000 per mile The route selected, he said. ; would run east of the Coast Range I to escape winter storms. From Hart lton the highway" would follow the Bkrma River tothe-Klappahnir skirt the Klappan to Dease Lake and Ihcnce north. question" OF SAAR ntrlln Protests Vigorously at Move Of Prance to Put In Troops Pending Plebiscite DEMO WIN . IS GREAT Party's Victory In United States Election Even More i Pronounced Latest Summary Number of -Seat -First Believed Have Been Republican Swing Over WASHINGTON. D.C, Nov. 8: CP" Vlth returns fairly complete, the Democratic victory In Tuesday's Hauptmann Goes To New Jersey at- -I 4l V ft! .11 1 -i i