Annual - - CLEARANCE EVERrPAIR OF SHOES offered are .constructed to give comfort and wear. PnbHihed DAILY EDITION Outstanding Values For Thrifty Shoppers Take advantage of this event. Seleet jour (footwear now while sale is in progress. See.Our Windows (For Values THE DAILY NEWS. JNUNCS RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA 'Member ct Audit Bureau ot Circulations GOLF COURSE PROPOSED SMOKED Every AXtemoon, .Except Sunday, by Prtnc Rupen Dally ;News, Limited. Third Avenue .H. T. tPXJLLEi m : .- - ;ManagJng-EiIitcr : 8 DBS CEIF7I ON RATES -City delivery, by mil or carrier, yearly period .paid In adTan.ce I3.0CJ ror leaMr-pertoda. paid lnadvarw pw'1' jO i By i mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United Btates- nakl In advanpi', pr yoar . 3.00 By mail to all other countries, per year ' 9.00 ADVERTISING "BATES Local readers, per, Insertion, per line ClasslllwlJLdvertislng. per .word, per Insertion Transient display advertising, per men, per Insertion .Contract rates on application. Advertising and Cti eolation Telephone Editor: and Reporters' Telephone - BLACK COD . u Tuesday, August 28, 1334 In ansjverto the query as to what Prince JIupert, needs, ;thpairst reply received this morning is that. the. cityineeds a golf course, o-he writer suggests a mne-hole course commencing at MeBride Street along the foot of the mountain. He suggests that the unemployed could be puttcwork at forty .cents an hourfor the winter and the city could col- Ject a nice revenuein.a year or two, presumably fromiees "from player. He concluded "Smithers has a golf course. Why pot Prince Rupert?" The. only thing that has kept Prince Rupertirom having a golf course .years ago is the matter of costs. Various estimates have Jbeen made as to how much money would have to' be -spent to make a nine-hole course that w ould be .good enough for a tilaver to tret eniovment out of it. Twentv thousand dollars is about the smallest sum mentioned bul the concensus of .opinion is that more would 'be needed. In tbe past it ivas proposed to construct the course along .Montreal 'Heights just beyond where .the highway leaves Eleventh AvenueThe country there is open and the chief to .drain the muskee. The land is owned fcby'the city -and is so far out that it will doubtless be years before it is needed f qr..buiiding purposes. As our corre3- .pondent suggests it 'fcould fte made a source of Tevenue to the city but on the other hand the cost would be great'It is probable that the average citizen would prefer to have relief money spent on roads rather than on a golf course, al though it must be admitted that golf would be a great attraction to tourists, possibly the one thing needed to induce .them i,o stop off here. We know of no endeavpr that would ;be.of more.benefit to the city thanthe,construction of a first rate .golf cQurse :a ' 11 ii .1 anu 'a is vveu worm 'Consideration. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" Prepared Daily Bj Zm2m IFisb & Cold Storage Ce., Ltd. PJilNCE KUPERT..B.C. The letter Box REPLY TO NATIVES Editor. Dairy News: .Acopynf thIs.leUer.bas.been.Inr- warded to. each ol the ! the letter which appeared -In this1' paper on August Hi. t "J .beg to .acknowledge recejpt of, your letter. , dated August 24, ,ad! dressed tottne. and whleh.also appeared in (the newspapers In this city,. on the above. date. , 'Hihaye inquired of the police ie-; gardtng the protest which you make therein, and .they .emphatically In-1 formed me that the policy which they have pursued during -the re-1 cent Exhibition Week has 1se differed from thatsWhleh they have ordinarily pursued during -the tpast year or In former .years, In. connection with the enforcement of law and order; and also that thej.make no distinction between the treatment accorded to your people and that .which they accord to the citizens of Prince Rupert. "For your Information I may say that, during the week ending August 25, twenty-one Indians pleaded Japanese Moving Pictures Shown Interesting ; Films Displayed Before Gathering of 150 Persons Last Night Before a gathering of about 150 persons moving pictures -depleting very Interesting to all present. The films were obtained 'lrom the Ja-. Central 1 LB. .Brown, Charles Atkins, lit McO. Tolly and D. McDonald, city? Mlas Mary 'Nelson, Metlakatla: A. H Lund, Victoria; S. H. OklU Vancouver; J. .Clemens, .C.N.R. Knox t. (C. Jones, -.Mr. juid Mrs. '.Brown and family ann Mr. and Mrs. C. Ross,.jslty; Mr. and :Mrs. J. :Nelson, Casslar; J. B. Webster and :N. 8. Stej?enon, Vancouver; .O uaner Smith and John E. Shaw, Wlnnl peg. Prince Rupert A. R. 'Brueger. Wraneell; E. M. Clover, -Paris. 'France; -William H Eassle. 'Prlnre Rupert; F. J. 'Tul- verhouse, Hazelton; Mrs. A. El Perry -and -Jean Thomas, Port Simpson; D. A. H. 'Hutchison, Van couver; F. iWeeks and J. a. Cowie. Ottawa; Dr. W. A. Clemens, Han- almo; Prof. A. T. Cameron, Winnl peg. Yprk Miss Priscllla Smith, Casslar Cannery; Gordon Robertson,. Bute dale; Oswald Morvep, Skeena River; Peter Lee, city. Royal Ada Sherwood and Peggy Sher wood, Pacific; C. -Pragncll, Hays port; ;E. ill, Carlson, city; 'Oust Jomanaon, Juneau. 8avoy C. V. Learman, Inverness; B Pederson, 'Haysport; J, F. Xortl Port Esslngton; 'M. H. Lawrence, Hazelton; A. H. Vlclc, Inverness C. Soinl, Port Simpson; Louis I Star. 'Mrs. J. R. Brown and .family, T. Reid, 'Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pre vost, ilans Nlleen, Mr. and Mrs. Varpy .and A. Jaklnen, city; ff. Marrs, .J. L. McGregor and Morton, Worth -Pacific Cannery. Miss Ivy Anderson of the local telephone exchange -sailed this .afternoon sin .the .Catala .for Vancouver and other southern points on ia month's vacation -trip. Oeorge Dlbb -arrived in the cjty on the Catala today from Anyox, where he Is in the eipplqy of the Oranby Co., to spend a week visiting here with his parent, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dlbb, Qraham Avenue, westvlew. Csy Defeated C. N. II. A. Six to Nil in First of Softball Playoffs (In the first' game In play-offs for the championship, the Orotto shut out the Canadian National Recrea tion Association by a score of six to nil. Although the score was onesided, it was. an Interesting contest and the C. N. R. A. could not get hits t when they meant runs. 'However, the Grotto ont-hlt and outplayed, the C. N. R. A. team. Jack Nelson, for the Orotto. was the Individual star, handling nine chances with only one error, .and Antonelli was a clse second at first base. mil. with a single and a l?J?n:r I UXe . . w:tthree-baggeV. -was the best hitter. Angucan uatnearai uan ana provea 1 0eQfles vtam.vxjA bali hlle;Un- paneaTdurisf Bureao and the en--fe ctn tenainmeni was in progress xor about an hour and a half. Very Rev. James B. Gibson, dean of St. Andrew's Cathedral, presided and Miss E. O. Lenox MJ). made explanatory remarks in regard to the pictures. 'Hotel Arrivals ger was fitf color and macd Jaur errors. Ilibbard. made some C?d C N. R 'A. Geddes c. Pitcher p., Stiles lb . Astori 2b.. Horton 3b Unger as.. Mcintosh If.. Hlbbard cf Cameron rf. iGrotto dunrlch c.'.Yager p.. An tonelli lb., Fong 3b Bury 3b., Nelson ss.. Stalker If, Hill cf . 'Postulo rf. Umplrfcs Comadina and MacFie. Score by Innings: 1RH1E N. R. A. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01'8 Orotto 2 l 0 l-O ! l 0 x 6 8 4 Miss Swarma .Olafson returned to .the dty .on -yesterday after noon's .train '.after spending tlje week-end at tier home in Oslanrl PAGE PWC Hpfltfy. Au,.,.: The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue LIMITED Phone 357 Skipper "Vanderbilt T-ries ithe Rainbow Out NEWPORT. Rhode Island. August 28 HaroU. S Vanderbilt's Annrlca i tup defence . contender Rainbow got off to a flying start yesterday against the Yankee In the fifth trial of the Una) serlat to decide the American yacht to meet Uie Brtlsh etullenger. Endeavor. 'The above picture looking towards the bow. shows the full length of the .Rainbow with Skipper Vanderbllt at the him The yacht is keeling a bit before the wind during a irecent trial run guilty to charges of being drunk ny ATTA IP and disorderly, and one pleaded .HI9 fi not guilty and was convicted on the A IV V 1 1 V 1J evidence of three policemen. There were no acoulttals. I mav aav fur-1 ther that 1 am informed by the police that In no case was any Indian arrested that was not disorderly." W. J. ALDER, Commissioner. Baseball Stores 'National iLeagne New , York 0. Chicago l (Brooklyn 10. 8t. .Louli :l. iBoston 5, '.Pittsburg :8. American 'Lea rue at. .Louis l. .Washington -6. iDetrolt ll. PhlladelphU .0. Chicago 2, New York 3. Cleveland 6. Boston 5. 1 (BASEBALL STANDINGS National Leagne' New York 78' 45 .Chicago ,Tf 49 St. '.Louis li 52 Boston . M' 59 Rlttsburg 458- ,42 Brooklyn ,m Philadelphia 49 74 Cincinnati 43 79 American League Detroit A8i 42 New York 7 A6 Cleveland 65 5 Bostfln 404 W Washington .5 ,65 St. Louis 63 65 PhlladelphU .48 70 Chicago 44 80 .377, .312 .483 .430 .383 J52 isisHmii msr -r j .1 v aim . . t1 csai " " 4-Fine'Tennis Match ! L.NCAaiIint WINS CDL'NTl" (CRICKET LONDON, Aug. 33: (CPi Lancashire won the English 4 county cricket championship today as a result of a (first in- nlngs victory over Surrey. completing the i Lancastrians' schedule. . ,4 4 4 f Played Last Night Grerrw and 'Sirs. Tlnkerjleat Ale Mitthtll and aiW Ifrluell In Mixed Double In one o( the. bast mixed double tennU matches ever seen tn Prince Rupert. -R D Gregg r and Mrs O. P. Tinker Uit-evt nlng defeated Alex Mitchell and Miss Laura iFrtzzell to win -the championship in this alas Of the .Prince .Rupert (Tennis .Club s tournament. The score was 8-4. 3-6 6-3 MacPheerRogers Hinks 'Winners In the Canadian National .Re i creation Association Lawn. Bowling , I League last night, .D A ,MaI?be s ,rmt on over f. 8. Waltona 15 to iftU.Bd F. A..Rmeri' rink defeated 634 Id. O. Borland's 17 to It. W2I Mrs. M, -A. .Dupun of Haysport arrived in the tatty on yesterday aitemoonts train from the Bkeesu River for a brief busiaeas visit to town. W A. Clemens, director of the .tn k, . .... . . .. '""LxianAimo uioi02ieai HtAtton vn 8 I the speaker at the regular weekjy :wiuinohoon of Uie Prince Rupert -wo ! pyro Club in the Boston Cafe to ,ij.aajr rresaent W II Tobey was x449 in the chair and there was a gtxjd .407 attendance of members 353 few guests WHIFFLETS Ju-oru the Waterfront CPJt steamer p Oapt. 'Ttorna Cliff regular voyage to Szagww and sailing at !M south after an AUlu Hrarr p a steac : of J 00 tons and aboc ltnfth She has ; and hahdsome rak:sl: ; La.. l 1 . 1 Leva iVQien steam c.u. Drskaoa, rwtarmxJ , . noon namj irom a j, . . . . Per kH :30 pjn. for Vaatoaver ,7, r--i"!.ipr .. fg heart ""B (nil ll. w r mostly rjouad trip tot, ing south. The largest and on, t ,.tseA ha mi tome pleasim . , Prine .Rupert uu Xu Stranger of San Ub fv . board (her owner r & parj . .antes, irmuie .. t port thU morning an. mv aiayuerr.une vessej : k Urw ist ream dose k At 1 National dock t- its '2' fectL- ana uutvr noirnrr sattad at ISO pm ;i s&eC'jki VaneooTor aul wavnc VAth the hattbtif Uthlv fNo- 8 now closed on- haiibut boats have if rounds u fish b;.cJc for the Canadian Fiati 4c age Co Am - (if U-ifi. Thirty-Four Cases HandledlastWeek City Police Court During Oamtva Week ttr were thixtyoiuu. prose aiissi a city noNetcouaah cf Kli& rt ted tn convtettoru. r.c-, cr lit week totalled U2C ar.:J Hct: cf Uur -persons Convicted electei u atcOhuav Of the !U prosetuUtmn asi twei.ty-tjro , .jmre lau.oss ui twelte whites. All th JriUru sm charged with touaicat sr us? one who was ajarte' wl'J hirtt Ihnier in posmskn The twelve white' ir adejsno charged sk. driving to the common HzztrvA one .with being the keeper ctt t orderly heuse Mrs William K Pp.. l damcriter. Margaret of Kc wore pxuenters aboar ' -c Prfca George yeatercav g ::g SnZ'J- with .a I Miss Spaakilnc wtli iat ti les In business eoHVre . p :iit m 1 TMSm fcA 1 f in . mm m - m . - ; " r f jr ft "i t x ) XGrOZ., $1,80 ,25t0Z., $2.65 ThU advtrtUement la not published or displayed "By tne Llquot ControV Boi'rd' of by the bcrvkb miulVbf irltlihXoiiinb'