' . THE DAILY NEWS is > ’ ‘ritten laws } i er le yno o It is one of the unwritten laws in the newspaper arena that all found in no othe laundry north of | lettersstocthe paper must bear the correct signature of the writer, not | Vancouver and is sure to appeal |necessarily for publication but as a guarantee of good faith. to people who are tired of having : their clothes spolied at other laun- "The Daily News The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B. C. The Continental Trust Co, , Lid | AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $500,000 Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing C. Limited seclia ; ing Company, Professor Dr. Stalker of Aberdeen, Scotland, who is at present | dries. DAILY AND WEEKLY touring the west addressed the Calgary Canadian club the other day.| Sanitary collar, cuff, neckband, OFFICERS: SUBSCRIPTION RATES—Daltty, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. | Professor Stalker is very enthusiastic over Canada. land all kinds of ironing machines WM. T. KERGIN, M.D., President DAVID H. H4 WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. OuTSIDE CANADA—Daily, $5.00 per year; Weekly, He said he was surprised to see the remarkable growth of such lwhich does better work than JAY KUGLER fa. rae 2nd Vice-Pres. and M iM Vice Pre ‘ f ; en6 * ' . , Scerelary- . > : $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. cities as Calgary and Vancouver, during the past few years. The|done by hand have just been 4 hn coped ©. B. PETERSON, Ay Tet 3 wy ond i ‘e mNnecreacpe rs > sen Ge ‘ > . sos : . vr Ph ls ‘ ¢ ae “xpe . . 7 dygprye eels mas ADVE#.TISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates| increase was more than such large Scottish cities as Glasgow, Edin- linstalled at a great expe nse as Brectsy ead Abitabeiniio: Necsiver 6 Asstenes , on application. |burgh, Aberdeen and others could boast of. The reason of this was|well as the latest self disinfecting Real Estate and Insurance _ Agent For Care of Real | ands and Ming, ; HEAD OFFICE that these cities had been supplying Western Canada with a large| washing machines. vag | re Tag oe Reptetrer yeas — > sta : . : . oye . £6 eer 7p | ; bein = one j Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98, parapet of immigrants. These immigrants were the cream of Scotland.| There are lots of other interest- Safe Deposit Vault and Boxes ee oT Collect tions SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, 4 per cent. oy l We will be pleased to answer any inquiries reward|; s and Northern British Colum! Scotland was sending. her best sons, and what was their loss was ( an-|ing things about this up to date \laundry and if you are interested lin machinery it would be a treat for you to go and see it. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co, Lonpon, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar ada's gain. ‘WILL HOLD FIRST The Continental Trust Company, Limited ‘NEW MACHINERY Square. vciiiillsisedthinii « saecallisbsibilonian $$ —| ANNIVERSARY) = FOR LAUNDRY __ PEEVIsH cir. : DaILy EDITION. ag SATURDAY, AuG. 19 age oe Fe ete er nrc <~o Beye. Vee a Re es eer ~~~ | First Baptist Church will Cele-' Pioneer Laundry Has — Phe OE a ote : ee nip ot SS 7} ANOTHER SLIGHT ON PRINCE RUPERT brate Important Event To-| Much New Sanitary Machin-| «| da me ap seeme ae Ses Do You Want ( Why not eat tu “tbe —_—_—— a ai morrow in McIntyre Hall at; ery--This City Now Has Best Ta Naaon ee re ae at t d | Today is the day set for the home-coming of Mr, S. M. Newton. 7.30 p.m. : , ee Val fe t It is safe to say that there will be no brass bad or cheering érowds i iin 7” North | And nary a bit of gare Sane VE ue for Exchange : Grill | at the wharf to acclaim the returning alderman. Nevertheless, the} All that is the matter with the | eis. —New York Globe y M ? } | Prince Rupert candidate for the Conservative nomination fought} First Baptist Church here is that Prince Rupert can now boast of The maddest girl I have ever seen our oney : The Price 35 cents—15 RIGHT j |! well to secure the honor for his city, if all reports are true. it has got the growing pains—|the largest, mest up to date and | Bought a brand new own the ee eres and the cuisine er t q The rejection of Mr. Newton by the Conservative Convention |a good compalint for a church to| most sanitary laundry north of bk en. bles ent © :alebieaes ! well estab! ime in favor of a candidate who lives outside the constituency, is one | have. Rev. W. H. MeLeod, the} Vancouver. Witkip che iast few- She ane down tern in her limou- = MILNER & BOWNESS Propall { more slight upon Prince Rupert, of a piece with the mutilation of our| young pastor has panned out toj/months, Mr. Otto Nelson, pro-| tiie | e Seg rele | prietor of the Pioneer Laundry, ae Ar ett eat rst rm iriran,, Hf city charter and the general policy of making Prince Rupert tag round |be a dynamo of enthusiasm and at the heels of the Victoria politicians. |tomorrow at the evening service In his announcement, Mr. Newton said that one of his chief}in McIntyre Hall some special objects in offering himself was because he felt that the time had come features will mark the service.|}to none in this province. This} when this constituency should be represented at Ottawa by someone | following isa part of the program: big sum of money has provided] The maddest girl I have ever seen who lived within its borders. That he should have been rejected | Solo—‘‘The Palms”’...Mr. Fletcher|an extension to the building, has} Was the maddest ever seen till And saw a neighbor in the same darn rig. —Milwaukee Journal SS ot Yt Pa Hs 1s es, eile has sepnt close on ten thousand dollars to make his laundry second y. wer arene remsrmsrmsrmmarmenmarnees pressed xe~ babe mt mt rn, x LYNCH BROS Connral Merchandise ‘ in favor of ‘‘Mr. Clements of Vancouver” is a mortification that citizens Faure installed the very latest machinery yet of Prince Rupert of all parties may share in. It is a slight on Prince | Anniversary Sermon—-By the Pe known to the laundry world be-|She wore a bathing suit, gold and Rupert. ROT aS 8 Rev. W. H. McLeod | sides providing for other necessary green, Solo—‘‘Nearer My God to Thee Largest Stock + AOS 4 CR Lewis Carey modern improvements. And it is worth while to note Although it has been stated in the despatches that Mr. Clements at one time lived in Prince Rupert, only three persons have yet been And a wave splashed up and the | | suit got wet. ! | | discovered in the city who know the gentleman, and none of them are | Solo—Selected......... Mrs. Nehr/that none but white people are ~utTonstan Post at all enthusiastic about the gentleman’s fitness to represent Comox-| Voluntary—‘‘Song Without Words’ jemployed in the Pioneer Laundry Lowest Prices in Northern B ( Atlin at Ottawa. Mendelsohn......... Miss Froud | and that the weekly payroll there} The maddest girl I have ever seen | aa The tub thumping of the Empire against the reciprocity agree-| Vocal Duet—'‘I Waited for the} totals $500. Had a foolish quarrel with her : ‘ oe 5 site rn dim ite ae h h bt Ai 1" We ee es 5 5 thane a aia ete | ment has obviously been very difficult work. Now that the tub thump-| Lorc Mendessohn..........] One of the finest peices of beau; i pe tae diebiabnsit \ pres somes wnsomanet pe cris arcane Messrs. Fletcher and Davey | machinery that has been added}|He left and didn’t come back, I ing must be done on behalf of ‘‘Mr. Clements of Vancouver"’ instead | of for a Comox-Atlin man, it will probably become even more dis-|Solo—Selected. . .Mr. Clapperton| js an electric bleacher, which does | ween, tasteful to that journal and its editor. Instrumental Duet—"Traum, Der| away with the old way of using | To tell her that he loved her so. SAMUEL HARRISON AMBLE ee eT Tennerin’’—Labitzsky. -Miss|chloride of lime for bleaching | Birmingham Age-Herald NOTARY PUBLIC) NOTES DUE Barker and Mr. Froud |clothes—and incidentally destroy-| e ere Mr. John E. Davey, Organist ling them. The new machine pre- The maddest girl I have ever seen | One of the most useful articles in the editorial rooms of the Daily|and Choirmaster, Miss Froud, Ac-j pares a disinfectant bleach by | Was one who could'nt put on her amue arrison 0 News is the W. P. B., or waste paper basket. There is PRR r — Dae ay lelectricity and when ready for use he shoes: 6 consign to it with better grace than a letter received without the ou are cordially MetOR TO ts a ulinbead not td tlestrby lo tell the reason seems downright a) Batata dat Stock Brokers signature of the writer. Yesterday we received one such signed ‘‘A| attend this service. ly we Tt : : mean Aepeoven Afemandte FOR SALE PURCHAS! Ratepayer’’ and if the writer does not send along his name and address —__— — |" = ean aoe 8 preparing pro-| Her size was seven, but she| apenas Speen Sieeneeass ; his letter though very interesting will certainly find its way into the If you want money apply P. Oe Is en soe than the om bought twos. Fs a Prince Rupert a and S Stewart W. P. B. Box 953. tf|way. This is a feature that is| —Springfield (Mass.) Union| vr, <7 3S, a aay I FV OP", vo.’ he Fe) EI LED) Sy eR oS 4 ~42 Aw eorxya 445) ma nwa Si, LIAS 6 ay ° f GEO. D. TITE GEO. D. TITE a e es e e ' aa r . Furniture Dealer - Third Avenue Furniture Dealer - Third Avenue ) * ws if i s " Sy AG a ( “ | I sf Our many customers in the first two weeks of this sale have realized the great saving in buying what they require at the 20 and 25 per cent. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. immense bargains are still open for you during August. The large stock we carry will give you a selection for choice no where equalized in Northern British Columb: SALE PRICES MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES ON EVERY ARTICLE ———————————- ° . ° , 5 COUCHES For the BED ROOM A FEW CHIFFONNIER VALUES Pillows and Cushions Child’s Iron Cribs. Pe We have a nice assortment of Couches Iron and Brass Beds, Dressers and . . ‘WIRE . Duck and Down Pillows, art tick, regu- 4 Different g for your inspection at our SPECIAL 25 Stands, Chiffonniers, Somnoes Mahog- eon OAR CHIFRONMIER lar values ae Sale $6.00. ‘Sale. 7 e Child’s Crib, regular va 77 00 he PER CENT REDUCTION. any, Golden Oak or Early English Brit tate oeY ethene en Pere alae t clastdt es sh 4c : 4.75 $10.00, Sale price $7 ‘ fe finish, Springs and Mattresses, five “i page ye m Sale Pric eee Choice Duck Pill m aS ' iz different grades, Chamber Sets, Blan- value $20.00, me Free 14 00 oy once st 8 art tick, regular Child's Crib, regular va g 00 dee ROLL TOP DESKS kets, Comforts, Sheets and Pillows, all f ue pa Eee ee Nae 4 00 on, bee pee : moh full ffice Desks, Roll T. oo SURFACED OAK CHIFFONNIER | Fosther Pillow (hen) art tick, regular | fhild's Crib, regula 11.50 Pees A full line of Office Desks, Roll Top, . $ ° with five drawers and oval British , OR, 6.00. Sale price : ag Flat Top and Type Writing Desks, Big Reduction Prices mirror, regular value $22.50 1 0 value per pair $2.50. Sale price 1 90 Child’s Crib, regular 13 00 oe os Sones to match at the Big Re- OIA es «sb hvinc vost v'eed 5.0 Wool P ° $1b. 0%. Sale price ve ae 8 uced Prices, ool Pillow, regular value per 00, & bean SURFACED OAK CHIFFONNIER ir $1.50, § ice All Lron Cribs have wo . ‘ CARPETS AND RUGS with five drawers, serpentine front, pers ’ - oe yes ‘ 1.00 on ree frame, Mattre Bi shaped mirror, regular value 17 00 Kapeck Cushions, size 16 x 16 50c Sale price from $2.00, § lily In this department oe ready sales has $25.00, Sale price......... ° ae covened, Sale price.. Brass Curtain Poles, . roven our good values, . apeck Cushions, size 18 x 18 tri i to fit at Sale | ‘ae Wiltons, Axmister, Brussels CREA CNNIBR, auesiet ee eke cotton covered, Sale price. ; 60c ‘a inet aon un r . and papoesty Squares, all sizes. ie $30 On” dele colon te >» an Kapeck Cushions, size 20 x 20 4 - (>> Heer me Carpet Runners 20.00 oe covered. ‘Bele price... -40€ } i y’ CHIFFONNIER, Solid Quarter-Cut apeck Cushions, size 24 x 24 ( ey To See Them at Our Sale Oak, five drawers and hat compart- cotton covered, Sale price... 80c NY sy Prices You Will Buy. ment, oval British mirror, regular -_———————————_—~_____- — ‘ ; (S re value $38.50, Sale price.. 27 00 Say \ ise Bask H HR IEEK aR For the Dining Room SHIFF' » Quarter-Cut , ‘ ack ead 4 as ets or ampers five large drawers, swivel front, eam Dining Tables, Buffets, China Cabinets, wa 3 wey Used for soiled linen, just a few left, lar value $45 00. Sale price 29 0 Leather Dining Chairs, all receive the i) ¢ ! (oN 8 sizes for choice. SALE PRICE $1.00, 2Es 20 & 25 per cent Reduction ey naa — — mk 7 yA Wy _ : mY The H f Quality | $ & EO. D. TITE =, = S and Quantity ~ , SS s eae