ft-. - .4 s i I' 4? r . . . x . . ... J. 1 SAFETY SPEED COMFORT . SERVICE '. w - , . -(' ,,.- Summer Long-wave Reception IS NOW AT ITS POOREST So why not give that set its long needed overhaul now? Phone Blue 320 and get the most out of your radio -for this coming 1 season. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC , Second Arenne & Third Street Advertise m.the DaliyNews to do all possible to make travel agreeable and pleasant. .He is "TILLIE THE TOILER" Two Hundred and Fifty Chinese Left Homeless by Fire Which Swept Settlement Near Chllliwack CHILLIWACK. Aue M- irPi Eight of nine large buildings In a Chinese settlement west nf hr were destroyed by fire early yesterday, dozens of residents losing their homes and possessions. ' Some 250 men, women and chll-.dren, residents of the settlement , which Is three-quarters of a mlla ' 'outside the Chllliwack city limits, spent last night In the open. Their only coverings were donations by I neighboring white residents or : meagre belongings saved when they I were forced to flee in their night j clothes from their blazing hones. The normal population of Ihe settlement is about 100 but 150 . ! m ... .... vomicae irom omer ueias In the valley were staying with friends while working in the hop fields. TBI DAILY NYWS - Your Goodwill is the Aim of C.N.R. Employees Some people are inclined to think of the railway worker at just a cog in a great machine consisting of eadless tracks and engines and stations and cars as a being almost mechanical whose duty begins and ends with doing his appointed part in keeping the machine going. They incline to. overlook the personal and individual interest he has in seeing that the utmost satisfaction is given to everyone, of whatever age or rank, who uses the services of th railway which he helps to operate. Such an attitude is not correct and leaves ; ' out of account one of the most important factors which contribute to the pleasure of travel. An outstanding reason for the safety and comfort which the C N. R. provides is to be found in its personnel. Each employee on whom the slightest responsibility rests is first ofi all an efficient worker whatever his job he is qualified to perform it. Bit the C N. R. requires that he be more than an efficient and ; . dependable wofer. In all his relations with the public he is trained to be and is anxious to be of -' service to them; ... to be helpful ... to be thouchtful ... to K rn.mm vill ... determined to obtain the goodwill of his company's patrons the goodwi which is the lifeblood of a railway and all engaged in it. ' 1 '- 4. ' ; " ff l 111" 'T,r' " real satisfaction in knowing that when your friends and relatives, young' or old, . -2 : : ' traTeI 'T. the C N- they ife not on,7 hating placed at their "seAice all mources ot Bte" railway system, but they are also the recipients of the personal consideration of each railway worker or attenda nt with whom .. they may come in contact. And of course this feeling is not lessened when it is one's self who is travelling. Travel by C N. R. oqyour next trip be it long or short and see how.t highly" ' ' yr goodwill is esteemed. You will be pleased. , . CANADIAN NATIONAL FREE! FREE! Special For School Opening 3 Only 60-Page Ink Scribblers Free with every cash purchase of $1.00 Limit 12 to each customer while the suppry lasts. n m.mn..: r AA1XLy VV MeBride St 3 n ia vara ra . a a t jo Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES TJiq best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried , HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Do you read the classified advertisements? SPENT ALL NIGHT OUT Bishop Geddes Of Yukon is Going On Old Country Tour Rt. Rer. William A. Oeddes, Bishop of the Yukon, and Mrs. Oeddes were passengers aboard the Prince George yesterday bound from Dawson to Vancouver. Bishop Oeddes will spend the winter in the British Isles on a lecturing tour on behalf of missionary work under the auspices of the British Columbia and Yukon Aid Society. He will sail for the Old Country on October 5. Mrs. Oeddes. will spend the winter In Toronto. SUPPLIED TO INDIANS Pleading guilty to a charce nf supplying liquor to Indians. Wong Mln o( pie West End Chop Suey House was fined $75 in city police court at the end of the week, the fine being paid. W. O. Fulton acted as counsel for accused. Jack Bulger sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Oeorge for a trip tptafocouver. NEW RESORT IS OPENED George Frhiell Entertained Many Friends on Sunday Sunday afternoon marked an-: other forward step in the development of Port Esslngton and district! when Oeorge Frlsell entertained: about seventy of his friends at the official opening of his hot springs situated about two miles above Port! Esslngton. J Mr. Frizzell now has eight cabins and an apartment house and two, tanks available for use of his 1 guests. One of the tanks is eighteen feet long, ten feet wide and six feet deep at one end. Many availed themselves of the opportunity to! take a plunge and swim' around In, the hot springs water. ' Luncheon was served on the spa- cious lawn in front of the cabins from where a delightful view of the surrounding district could be seen. The setting bordered on the river with the snow-capped mountains in the distance. An occasional fish could be seen Jumping in the river. Transportation of Mr. Frtxzeirs many friends and well wishers in his new enterprise was under the capable charge of Stewart Donald son. The boat Norbeec. Capt. Vic Grant; Two Rivers, Capt Donaldson, and the Laura F. were used to convey the party from Port Esslng ton and return. Aiyansh Infant Is Dead Here Nine Month Old Son of .Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Morven Passes Away Here The nine-month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Morven of Alv- ansh died yesterday after having been 111 In the Port Eastngton Hospital. The Infant's body is being forwarded by Hayner Bros., under takers, to the home on the Naas River where interment will be made BARGAINS! WE HAVE Til KM. SEE US If you are looking for bargains NEW POTATOES per sack NEW ONiONS- lbs. .... NEW TURNIPS 4 lbs. VEGETABLE MARROW Good size, each EMPRESS PURE JAM Assorted, 4 -lb. tin EMPRESS VINEGAR- Malt or Cider, per qt. bottle MACARONI Rcadycut 3 lbs. CANADIAN C1IEESE- per lb PILOT BREAD IJ1.C. 3 lbs IJJ.C. SODA BISCUITS per pkg SEEDLESS O RAPES per lb BANANAS 2 lbs TOMATOES per basket A "Selling Game" S1.23 25c 15c 10c 53c 23c 20c 19c 50c 20c 15c 25c 25c PRESERVING FKUIT will be rrady this week. Phone your order NOU'i Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Bos 575 Phon III 2 Features LEDLmn WARNER BAXTER - in "SUCH WOMEN ARE DANGEROUS" A Romantic Gentleman .... Honorable to a fault .... He never told a lady's secrets-even though many ladies told secrets about hlmt with llotemary Ames, Rochelle Hudson, Mona ftarrie, Henrietta Crosman. Herbert Mun-din Starts 7 10 and 10 pjn. PARAMOUNT NEWS SPEXrpii 2 TRACY t "Now I'll Tef r Mrs. Arnold Bathst one sat in M.n,- r tw wti.;e New 5? around her N w j-, t .J,' world her st-.rY h?J5 storv as she s , , . . HELEN "nVELVrrRfit ALICE FA YE man B 32 si, ENDS TONIGHT Noel Coward's "Design For Living- 1 t0 and s 11 "M pt.. "Love Birds- at 8 J2 only It's Easy to Own a New SINGER StHfl Have you seen the 193-1 modAs in Singer Fan Sewing Machines? $5.00 places one in Your Home and $3.00 each moots keeps it there. You can't afford to be without this household rm-sity that saves you money for years and yeann come. Singer Prices are lower than evor before Xn Treadle machines from $05,00 term price. New EWj trie machines from $70.00 term price. Liberal dtl counts f r6m these prices for cnh. Arrange to have ono Now ! sec eMaeMvsfti MACKENZIE FURNITURE LINOLEUM WINDOW ItLINDS CURTAINS ItLANKETS Phone 775 DINING SUITES IIEDROOM SUITES CHESTERFIELD SUITES CARPETS CAM Siiei? Complete Home I'urnUhlnr Prince Rupert SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT Wc Rive you a quick service with our steam prcssto machine. It takes only from 15 to 20 minutes to pre a suit. Suits and Overcoats WInlf-r umnlM !... .,!. ........... . ,A,,lM House of llobberlln, the Home of slone. Ilet clolhes mii 0" J price throughout Canada, Let us take your measurement today. The suit will be n 4 to you. LING, THE TAILOR Second Avenue. Corner across from Post Office I W.,cv a VMtonS il Ul 1 CM" EVERV PAIfe V PAIR t0. U. - J -By W I ON tovtJ