August 48, Ordinary "SNAPS" make BEAUTIFUL ENLARGE- Tne Itexall Btort Tht fishing season will mod i be over and D.Elio Auctioneer and Exchange Furniture Dealer Scftf-i that you get busy s-iiastnir house cleaning, and. i j tvi anything In the j- ::j .ins: to dispose of. tee him first Third Avenue at rote from Thrift Cash and Carry E..- and sells everything Phone irern ill im n tour ininshot col Attziat. You'll lil a Cr lectioo. I'Uk out ff of pronjpi jcrvicc. Com ia n3 .JL: foriii. Then bring ut tec Jinjpltf of the work Xbai nfinii vr otiititei for to. we bi dooe Jor others. P" Developing and Printing Daily Service rums left In before noon tlnlhed the same day. If you are not nulled lth tfour work we will reprint it for you;free of charge. rmes Ltd. "Tim Ptonecr Druqrjtsts rbones: 81 ft M NEW ROYAL HOTEL ,J..ZarellL Proprietor -A JIOS1E ATVATFKOM HOME" Rates S1.M up -60 Roams, Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, RC, Phone Ml P.O. Box 100 Canadian Pacific ) UfNCESS STEAMERS ior 'Ketchikan, WranceU, . Juntaa and J Bkagway Aus-Sth, 13th, Urd and Sept. 1st r For Vaneorvr direct Aug 4th, tilth, 18th, 28th.and.8ept.Jtb. ? Far Vancouver rla jDceanJraUs and Way:Pcrts, -Princess Ada-.ialde .every jTriday.10.pja. ! jor Reservations W. L. COATE8, Oen. Agent, Prince Rupert, RC. UNION STEAIUSIUPS XIMITED steamers leave Prince IRupert tor Vancouver ' m, CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:38 PJ1 arriving Vancouver Thursday 7SS. CARpENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver. Monday Ail Unty auu to Port aLmto9. AIM Ann. Anyoa. iBumut' od Uir mtnu MnM Tiling rt Runciar. 8 BJXL I Tnrther mtonrutlon regarding all sailings and tickets at riUKo amtKT aucnct wtd a. maa What Prince Rupert Needs Now that conditioii8(nre improving is a good time to begin to consular what jmprovemcnts if any can be made in prince Itupert. ffiliese may be in the form of criticisms pnthey may .bo .constructive csuggestions, .preferably ihe .latter'. The .idea Js that suggestions pade through .those.columns-may be-usoful tpipublic bodies in formulating a forward policy. Prince Rupert needs i illll out tand return DAILY :NEys, JHINCE UMJI'ISHT, ilJC or "MesUonSiinay be made.on,aiieprae'ahcet. V you Jose anything, try a classified acL you .can rent a Par tat .yYaiker's as low.aa.Jl ai4y,plu 7c. a mile. ttt Music .classes ,az St. Joseph' Convent vlll reopen.Scpt. 4. ..TDnlght-' train, .due from ihe East At .10:20 pja., .was repotted ils morning ,Ui i?e jjn lrne. Alex lulltchell returned Jo the. city on yesterday afternoon's strain af Esslngjon hot springs. . Ernest Santerbane sailed yesterday afUrncon on Jhe.PjInce fleorge tor Vancouver where he will lake up studies at Technical Schpol. Ml&s Eleanor Moxley, daughter pi Mr. and Mrs. ,W. J. iMoxley til .this city, has received the appointment as teacher of the .public jschaal at Pacific Piano classes in .Booth Memorial and Seal Cove schools open September 4, Also private tuition and theory lessons it McCaffery LPhone Blue 836. (201 C L. "Youngman. who sailed for Vancouver on the Prince Rupert Saturday evening, wjll undergo treatment at Shaughnessy Military Hospital. John M. Uali of .Ketchikan ar rived Inithe'Cily on therts. Prince George yesterday from the Alaska term .nd .proceeded by last even big's itraln jon .a irip to Kansas City. .After harin.spentji,week in the city, Mr. and .Mrs. J. L. Joll)inore left yesterday afternoon on their return .to .their .logging camp at lUxenor Inlet on the .west .coast of Pitt Island. John .Raymond .Vtterson of.KH- wanga .arrived in the .city irom the interior pn yesterday afternoon's train and .soiled .on Jihe .as. Prince Ocorge for Seattle where Jie .wjli loin .his .mother. Miss iClalre ;MineU ,R1. of he Vancouver General uospiui nurs Ing Uff sailed by ihe ss. Prinre George yesterday afternoon on her return .south f Urt a ten-day vlslt here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. TJryant, Fourth Avenue 'We Jt. .Word received .from .Mayo .Clinic. Rochester. Minn., Is to the effect that Mrs. W P. Armour, .who re-cenUy underwent an operation there. Is making food ,progreasU- ard$ recovery. Mr Armour Is ex pected back towards the end pf.this ek from Rochester. Attss Cleo Mussallcrn, after spending a .vacation .visiting here with her jxirents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Mussallcrn, Fourth Avenue West, sailed by the Prince Oeoree yesterda afternoon on 'her return to iNow Wwstmlnster where she will re-( sume -her nurses' training studies at Royal Columbian 'Hospital. Miss 'tats 'Murray of Hew 'Glas gow. Nova Scotia, who Is tompaijy' nurse in the plant of the Northern Electric Co. in Uontreal. was In the -city yesterday aboard the ss. Prince .George .returning south af ter having made the round trip to Skagway. JJuringiieriaUyihere sh visited witn Mr. .ano jjirjs. jpmi Murray of Fifth Avenue West, old friends. F.OttQUJCK BALE LoU 9 and 10, Block 15, Section"! and tlmproyeraepts-44450J)0 whole or $250.00 ach. Norman .A. .Watt, 1 .Administrator, .Chas. Vess .Estato. .Catholic .Church Ja&ur Xictohcr, 10. and 0.1. lOanodlan 'Legion Women's MOOSE 2IAUL RENTAL JIATR8 cconcert .r ipancts , .-.'QJO iEuWlc iMsetinW ilSJJO .A room pliable for ;smallr meetlnsa its '.now available -op the ground ffloqr.irentaltfotf, $3.00. For ngagemenU hon 'the Oluli teward,40r -Red 413. TBI 'AfiJT 'IIMWI -tpAOE'THftU iii i II,.,, 'uiiii -ii ! ... M i i LOCAL NEWS NOTES I rmm ; r 1 We are (till baying old cold, Bulger's, (tfi Catholic tea, home of Mrs. R E. Mopre, 4tb Ave. W., Thursday, Auguaf 30. Ernest Calderone sailed yester day atternoon on the Prince George for Vancouver, Mrs, Thomas Balllnger; who has ter spending tfce week-nd at prtibeen cn a trip to Terrace, return - ed to the city from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train. Mr. land Mrs. W. E. CtoUlson .and oaugrxer, Miss Joyce Colllson, sail ed this afternoon on the Catala for altrip to Vancouver and .Vic toria. E. JjSmlth of O. W. Nlckerson Co Ltd. returned to the city pn the Catala today after "making the round ttrlp to Anyox and Stewart oh business. Miss Laura FrizzeU and Mur iel Vance returned tto .the sty .pn yesterday afternoon's itrain after spending, the wk-end aP,ort Esr nngwc not springs, G. A. Woodland, local. agent of the Imperial Oil Qa, ssaUed yesfcer day afternoon on ;the Prince George for a trip ,to .Ocean Falls on company ousiness. R. W. Hannlngton, regional coun sel of the Canadian National Rail ways from Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the -Prince George yesterday returning isouth after making the round UrlPitorSkWRy. Mrs. E. IL Mortimer 111 sail on Saturday evening of .this .week on, board he Prince George Jqx Vancouver where she .will pe met by her son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Paul YeRon, -with whom she will motor to their 'home -at Victorjllle, near Los Angeles, Call fornla, where she will spend the winter. Mr. tand Mrs. A. E. Carter of Vancouver arrived in the city at ihe end of the week from Vancou ver to tpay a 10-day visit here with their ton and daughter-in-law, Drj ia Airs. eai waiver. a.oey -wen; accompanied nortaby'thelrigrand-sons, David and Bruce., sons of Dr.' and Mrs. Carter, who had been visiting with them in Vancouver. Prof. A T 'Cameron, of the University Pf Marntpba, WJnrilpes: Jjr. A. II Uutchlnson of the .Univer sity of British Columbia, Vancou ver; 1. 3. .Cowie ;and J. iVeeks of Ottawa, and Dr.W . A. Clemens, di rector of ,the .Nanaimo JJiotogical Station, returned -to the tity last night on the C.O. Glvenchy from Masset irtiere a meeting df the Pa clfic sub-executive af -.the Biologi cal (Board of (Canada .was-iield yes terday and : sal led .inks ; afternoon on, the iCaiola for Vancouver. "TlMHEK SALE X 171 I8l(d .todf .wUl b rccflred by th'Ditriot rorwtw.frtaee Rupert. &. C . .not ,Vtr XXn .soon on itbe 13 Ul Uy .c( September, ,1M4. Ior ttw pur-eh oT Ucene "5C17TI1 tr Br R4wt.Ut. CJR.t to cut ilBJO "U. Bti. ttut of 8oruc Hetnloek and ,IWMcq, ' Two Jean tUI be allowed tor pxoo eeter, Victoria. B.C The Dlatrlct Tor-, Mtvr. Print Rupert. 3 C lunger X B. wefeter, on riu, s.c More Good Buys Curtain -Stretphers. ;ad- A11fl m a. a any i ks S1ZP .'fit Clothes Ijine Outfit, 100 foot Uine, pulleys, 2 hooks f1.00 for lUbi hardware ;A tatUfactovy placrt, shop. During the Carnival Week we depleted our tstock of shoes but a big new shipment arrived yesterday irom Leckie's so we are all stocked up again to supply our customers with new goods. This snipment 'wasjpur-chased at prices that enable us to giye fPrinee Eupert Very Pine Grade Ladles' Oxfords Jteg. $450; cutsto ..- Ladies' Patent Leather Straps Reg. $2.50; cut to Children's Patent Slippers Sizes 8 to ,10V2 Want Ads .FOR SALE por rale English collapsible go-cart. Price $250. Dally Wews. people REAL BARGAINS. We still have a large number of 'lhoe' samples that are of thelhlghast quality and are being sold at-reaMowpriees. They are the best values we ever had. u FOR BALE-iLrge walnut table, sul table for library or 'living room. r and oil paintings. Phone Blue 691 tf FOUND FOUND On Third Avenue, .empty purse. Finder may have same by applying at DaWy News office and paying for this advertisement, 'it WANTED .WANTED Jo rent jn shares, farm with .-stock and equipment, by" ;llfe .experience Jarmer. Skeena, Terrace or Pacific district. Apply Box 21. Daik News. 201 AGENTS WANTED AGENTS wanted to take orden for The Most .Beauttful Line of Personal Greeting Cards ,pub llahed : in Canada." 'Priced -as low as IB for 1.00. siu taies rui Free. Art-Point 'Card Company Victoria, B.C. 3IUSIC .VIOLIN Tuition, thjpry and ,har- jnony, Miss N. iLawrence. ftone 177. .Classes start .Sept. 1. 209 HAIRDRESSER 'PERSIAN ENT 'WAVING! Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY 8II0PPE TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Birch. Jackplne, Cedar. PAINTERS PAINTING and Papertanging .Moller. Phone Red 802. hUTlCE LAUD ;EIOI3TIlT ACT rt i fu ,-t nt.U Nn m43'I. 'to Lot 10M, 'U1 -to oonuun -'. more or lew. Lot MS3, tald to con, m m iTirnrai nr iaM. tviv1 iLOt 14M, uid to contain 73 crtj. .wow or t.AU In &uute 5. Co,rt 3K5trlctt mirvtinia wf ftf InuiAf ihA ADO Vt Oertlflci of Title lasued In .U nm or Erna HUfaoh nd Alonao Mrjn aid na Been !iuea m mure. ,." U heetby.pmi ina i nau, iw' wm-i. t TltJ. tn 1111 ot aald lor. certtnoate. uny to Ihe nve i in wniing. , r.,Trn . ts. IatiA RMlatre OKlte Prince Rupert. DC, bi 33rd day o yWJ, fAJy M. AKTMUTV TROMPSON. Deputy Reciatiar ot TtUea, $2.49 81.95 95c PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SUpballden and Engiaeetm. Ira btm! '-'Bnm 'Caatlng. Beetrie and AeetylcaM TTelding. Speeialiata on Saieaatn and Mlaias Machinery. AH Type af Gaa Engine Repaired and Orerhaaled. Motors Heavy Duty Truck Jlotors 'Suitable for fish boats also speed boat -motors $35 up Christie Truck & Car "Parts 1630 W. 1st Ave Vancouvsr COFFEE Deluxe Served iat All Ximesiof 'Day or Night ,AlwaysireshUlng .thellex method Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale "flavor. Healthful and invigorating. Comnttiore Cafe AFRESH AIILE AND ,OIEAM DAIia' VALENTIN DAIRY Thonc'637 "Wakethe YORK HOTEL Your "headquarters while in Prince Rupert 'Special -.rates lor Carnival Week COA34 COAU f Our Jamous iKdwrri. Alberta and J3 jilkley .Valley cCoals are guaranteed to iglve :aatl4facUon, Try a ton at:No.30lley Vafley, Wt alto mU Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince ;Rnprt Feed Co. 1 u rnM ua Leckie's -Skookum" Work Boots Beg. .850 at Leckie's Boys' School Boots Reg. $3.95 and $4.25, cut to .ChUdren's Runners .up irpm Large assortment nf Goodrich and Miner's. Gum Boots. Mens Rubbers, Goodrich 7(n and Miners, at -. WE ACCEPT CITY SCRIPT $3.95 59c Cut Rate Shoe Store Kalum Lake Lodge Now under new management Rates $2-50 per day Special prices by the week Ideal Spot For a Restful Holiday For particulars write to B. W. RILEY, TERRACE, B.C. NOW OPEN .BBaBaaaaaBBpaiBjBBaaaaBaaaaaaaaa- Palm Cofiee 5hqp Pleasant surrounding 'and Service with a Smile Call and see us 4ncrossfrom the Power Co., .Third Avenue Van's Bakery Opposite Boston Cafe Quality Breads 4 for 25c At All tGrocen Labelled on Bottom For Your Protection ;Phone 190 IFOR SALE -The $2850X0 house at '$200.00 fdown. t Furniture Including ' stoves, j3ed5,tdreejs,juchjBS, dining room sets, va'cuirri' Cleaner, etc. Plumbers,' fishermen's, carr penters.' blacksmiths' and up-iholsterers' tools. Nails all sizes. These goods must be sold by the 'piece -or as a twhole uU lower Jthan the Jowest price. F. W.HART "216 6th Ave. WVPhr Green 69S Whentforagtto Terrace' or Iakelse Jlot Springs Make 'Arrangemeats With Swain'slransier & TAXI, Terrace, B.Cj To Greet You 'We meetAll trains. Freight; i .passenger .tervtee . anywhere. ! Laxeise uaxe no ixrage, new boat (H. A.'S:)-now,ln service on the lake, Fare anywhere ron vthe ilakf, one adult. W.M; $l;30 per bead ' additional. 'No. rowf to )Mg. 'NoJob-tooimaU. 1CHW 'PARTIB8 EYpRY SUNDAY i 1 m 3 3 2 a