P t Ma,.hrwa nv f .... x - wr, iJ rxpr 'i a visit tc Prince Rupcu shortly HOME IS GUARDED Mnktrton Operatives Krporled n Working on Labatt Kidnapping Case to LONDON. Aug. 28 It 1 com- r' ported here that Plnkerton ;-vr Agency operaUves are ' i urdlng the home of John S wralthy brewer and sporU-wiio was abducted recently returned without payment of m money after having been iptive for three days, and : prcat curiosity as to when nd his brother will resume z r.'irmal course of life. Deserted From Army, I hen Hid Fifteen Years lUO, Latvia, Aug. 28: Kaspar dT aged 40, was held as an "ay deserted here after hiding for Jlii years in a room of his bro-era house Having had scarcely 1 1 rxrrriaf . he was bent over and '"Qiy uble to walk. Stock Market Lapses Uwcr With Pressure NEW YORK, Aug. 28:-The stock Mr. lapsed back to dullness yea- ; 0J" us Prices worked Irregularly vjoiq and silver were under ' oy pressure session. throughout the E M. Dart returned to the fro rday afternoon's train Easing on buslncM to TT.e attention of the railway :.rjd wax called to the fact that. v n h ' helped to build up Prince r jpc r . hey secured all the railway U i.'-v to themselves but when " bull: up Vancouver, they dl-.ed it with another company. The memorandum asked that the busl-ni -s of the Queen Charlotte Islands be centred at Prince Rupert instead if at Vancouver as at present; that ihe tourist buslneas of Prince Ru-oert and surrounding country be catered to: that Prince Rupert people be given an opportunity to secure employment on the Canadian National steamships: that railway and steamship purchases be made in Prince Rupert whenever possible. The memorandum suggested mat. as Prince Rupert was placed on the map by the railway as the terminus of a transcontinental system ana the townslte laid out in such a, OASTEL. Oandolfo, IUly, Aug manner m to aMommodate 40.000 28: A messenger of Rt. Rev. Tho people and this has become a bur den on the ratepayers, every effort should be made by the railway to Improve business in the city. Printers Urge Work Insurance International Association of Print-Ing House Craftsmen In Session At Toronto TORONTO. Aug. 28: Thomas E. Cordis, opening the annual conven tion of the International Associa tion of Printing House Craftsmen, advocated government-supervised unemployment insurance. Search Underseas For Clues In Big Brooklyn Hold-up NEW YORK, Aug 28:-Search for clues of the bandits who looted an , armored truck of $427,000 In Brook- j lyn last week has been extended undemas. divers being engaged lnf exploring the floor of Jamaica Bay., TORONTO. Aug son of Haileybury Pope Pius Shows Keen Knowledge Indicates to Messenjer of Ontaric Bishop That He Keeps In Touch With Affairs Here mas McNally. Bishop of Hamilton Ont., was granted an audlenee witl Pope Plus XIII yesterday. His Hoil ne&s dlsnlaved keen knowledge ol the progress of Ontario. Haileybury Man Grower of Best Gladioli Flower 28: A. J. Car- yesterday won first prize for gladioli collections of I various varieties at the amateur cut flower competition at the Canadian National Exposition. Wheat Prices VANCOUVER. August 28 (Canadian Press Wheat was quoted at 81?c. on the local Exchange yesterday, down from 82T,c. on Saturday and 83c on Friday. Today the price dropped sharply to 79-hc. Wlnlnpcg October. .82si. December, .83?. May, 7Vi. Chicago September, 1.02'. December, 1.03' . - HIGHEST PRICE OF YEAR PAID FOR HALIBUT TODAY With practleaily aH the Ca- f nadian boats now tied up fol- f lowing the closing of Area No. 2 to fishing for the season and the larger boats having to go to r the more remote Area No. 3 for their catches, there is a de- t elded stiffening in the price of halibut Today the American I- boat Norland, the only vessel in. sold 20.000 pounds to the Atlln Fisheries for 10.7c and 7c. V the highest price paid so far e this year, f Doug and Mary Very Friendly Xeeonciliation of Famous Seems Likely Peace at Pickfair Children's Day Pair HOLL-SWOOD, Aug. 28: Peace predominated at Piekfalr when Douglas Fairbanks sr. and Mary Plckford resumed their friendly visits after a trip to Fairbanks' spacious county estate. There are still rumors of an Impending recon ciliation of the estranged couple ! and there appears to be some bask of foundation for same. At Toronto Fair No Less Than 100,000 Youngster? Attended Canadian National Exposition Yesterday TORONTO. Aug. 28: Yestcrday was Children's Day at the Canadla National Exposition here.' It belnp estimated that 100,000 youngsters under the age of fifteen visited Ex hibition Park. Most of them had few nickels to spend while others had as much as a dollar. There were about twenty-five oouples In attendance at Ihe dance Saturday night In Uie: Canadian Labor Defence League, Hall. Music was by Carl Smith's Orchestra. Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides mmln prince Rupert Part cloudy, light High 4:07 a.m. 19.3 ft. southeast wind; barometer, 30 JO; 16:17 pja. 203 ft temperature, 61; v mooth. Low 10:03 ajn. 5.5 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 22:54 pm. 4.4 ft. XXIV . No. 200. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1934 That pile of link on Kjt left is a;, that is left of the trim Uttle raring ship whkb Mrs. Francis Harrtj Maraiis wasf.y.g ax a 53-mile free-for-all race near Dayt n Ohio, bstore she was killed. The little ship crashed when caught in the backwash of another p ane. The pilot is seen on right. MESSENGER IS ROBBED Emp1o)te of Drug Store Slugged at St. CUir and Dufferin in Toronto TORONTO, Aug. 28 Norman Oardlner. messenger in Tamblyn's drug store at St. Clair and Dufferin Street, was slugged over the head yesterday by two youthful thugs as the was crossing the street outside the store and robbed of $500. POWER fS QUESTIONED Lejal Men Not Sure About Constitutionality of New Marketing Board VICTORIA, Aug. 28: (CP) Constitutionality of British Columbia's newly appointed marketing board is questioned by legal advisers to the government who hold that the Dominion has not the power to delegate authority to the province to control products marketed with-n its boundaries. Legal authorities contend that, since the Dominion did not constitute the provinces but that it was tself constituted by them, it cannot lelegate powers of this kind. Ottawa Going Ahead OTTAWA. Aug. 28: The Depart ment of Agriculture declared here yesterday that threats of litigation will not be permitted to halt the jperation of the Federated Market ng Act hut British Columbia doubts lay impede organization of the ipple growers. New York. Exchange New York U. S. Steel 358. U. S. Smelting, 135. General Motors, 30ft. American Can, 99. American Telephone. 112 W. New York Central. 23 tfc. British Pound and Canadian Dollar on New York Exchange MONTREAL, Aug. 28: The Brl-Ish pound sterling was quoted at 14.92 here yesterday, afternoon and he United States dollar at 97 7-32c. NEW YORK, Aug. 28: The British pound sterling was quoted at $5.06 on the local foreign exchange market yesterday and the Canadaln ' dollar at $1.02 13-16. BAH SILVER NEW YORK. August 28 (Canak dian Press) Bar sliver closed unchanged at 49 He on the, local metal market today. Today's Stocks (Couna.y B. O. Joiissian Oo.) Vancouver Alexandria, .01. Bayvlew, .02. B. C. Nickel, .S3. Big Missouri, .35. . . Bradlan, 250. iBralorne, 14.75. . . B: tl C JIH- B. R. X, .83. Cariboo Quartz. 1.65. Dentonla, .51. Dunwell, .18. Georgia River, .01. Golconda, 25. Hercules, .044. Indian, .01. Minto, .19 Mj. Meridian, .08 H. Morning Star, .17. .National Silver, .03. Noble Five, .07 V. Pend Oreille, .70. Porter Idaho. .0834. Premier, 1.26. Reward, J)6. Reno, .90. Sliver Crest, .02. Salmon Gold, .14. Taylor Bridge, 26. Waverly Tangier, .01. United Empire. 22. Toronto Central Patricia, 1.10. Clubougamau, .12. Lee Gold, .10. Granada, .64. Macassa, 2.80. Sherritt Gordon, .65. Slsco, 2.70. Thompson Ca'dlllac, .50. Ventures, 1.00. Lake Maron, .07. Sudbury Basin, 1.55. Columario, 22Y. Smelter Gold, 21. Can. Malartic, .72. Little Long Lac, 6.65. Astoria Rouyn, .07. Stadacona. .35. Maple Leaf, 29. Pickle Crow, 152. v Long Lac Lagoon, .43. Manitoba & Eastern, .34. Inter. Nickel. 24.90. H. Walkers. 27. C. P. R, 14. Bell, 117 4. Brazilian. 11. Can. Industrial Alcohol. 8. Norando, 4155. Teck Hughes, 6.40. Holllnger. 18.95. Eldorado. 2.60. B. R. X? 82. Oils A. P. Cort, .09. Amalgamated, .08. C. A: E-. .70. Dalhousle, 59. Freehold, .074. Home Oil, 1.03. Merland, 51. Mar Jon, .08. United, .044. PRICE: FIVE CENTS TEXltE WORKERSrSTRIKElS CALLED LOCAL RAILWAY SITUATION DISCUSSED WITH C.N.R. HEADS Building Up of This Port and District Js Urged by Delegation Company Complimented on Policy in Regard to Dry Dock And Also For Ixmcrinj: Interior Produce Rates Mutual Benefit of Local Development Stressed Tnc committee of the Chamber of Commerce which met H r ( P. Fullerton, chairman of the board of trustees. l: 1 , J, Hungerford, president of the Canadian National fL J w ays, yesterday presented to them a memorandum in rr . j.rd to relations between the railway and the city of Pr.-w1 Ruiert. It complimented the company on the pplicy j Coming Here , In tbe Prince Rupert shipyard op-! erted by the railway and suggested ' that it wpuld be good badness for' .b railway to overhaul all 1U ships in m own yard at Prince Rupert ar.d thus secure the profit for itself The memorandum farther com-' p. denied the company on the Im-, proved rate to farmers of the In-, ) tenor on their products and on the j i iw rate of carrying ears to and - .from. Yancpuvw. It asked Xor an Jcx-rnMiin of this to the railway be- jtwrt: Prince Rupert and Terrace jr Hazciton Noted Woman Flier Killed This Saturday Set For Commencement , Of Great Walk-Out May Be After Labor Day, However, Before it Becomes Fully Effective Too Late Now to Prevent It, Declares Leader WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 28: September 1 has been set as the date for commencement of the nation-wide textile workers' strike in the United States. The walk-out will effect some 650,000 workers. In announcing the date for the commencement of the strike, F. J. Gorman, chairman of "the general strike committee, stated that nothing at this Klate date could prevent the strike going into effect. It may be tember 4, the day after Labor-Day, before the strike becomes general. Janitor Grilled Regarding Files Of Railway Line . i - NORTH BAY. OnJU Aug. 28. Commander Armand Racine closely questioned James Hume, janitor at Temiskaming and Northern On tario Railway headquarters, regarding destruction of files in the basement last June at the resump- of the inquiry here. jtlon Suicide Endangers Lives of Patients Steve Chary Set Off Explosives in Port Arthur Institution to Take Own Life PORT ARTHUR, Aug. 28: Lives of patients In a hospital here were endangered when Steve Chary set off a suitcase of explosives in order to commit suicide. LEGISLATE FOR LABOR, New Minimum Wage For Men and"; . Women in Ontario Company " Unions Not Recognized TORONTO, Aug. 28:-J. F. March, " deputy minister of labor for On tario, announces that company unr Ions will not be recognized under-leglslatlon for "industrial standards" and that a new minimum wage act for men and women is to be introduced by the Ontario department of labor. One Man Killed, Another Badly Hurt in Smash' WELLAND, Ont., Aug. 28: Jesse Flowers of Crowland, Ont., died of . injuries received In an automobile accident near Cayuga on Sunday, and Herbert L. Augustine of Wetland Is in hospital suffering from a fractured skull. Today's Weather Terrace Clear, calm, 54. Anyox Cloudy, calraM. Stewart Cloudy, calm; 54.