a : r as 1.1 i; " a : x 1 an ria nav:: ; j a: a't s a rxi a ' i w if afc a 1 STEVE KING m SPORT NEWS NEXT TO 0!t.Mr.,S DiU'O STOKE a Spring 5tVs anJ Light Coats Call and Look Over ROYAL YORK Clothing Samples for CJO? 5ft v Spring, Suit (to measure) v W R. JOHNSTON Make Suit 3Q.OO (to measure), .S22.o() to . . ; fiood Fit Guaranteed SPRING LIGHT COATS, New Belted C A Backs, up from Third Avenue Phone Green 85 DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. rSINCE RCPERT - BRITISU COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Ruwrt Daily News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor x Saturday. March 17. 1934 CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH , Minister, Urv. W. D. Grant HolJingwortii, HA. . Organist: .Mrs. E. J. Smith 11 A.M.. Sermon Subject: "PHILIP THE DUBIOUS" 12:15, Sunday School 12:30. Westview School 7:30 P.M, Sermon Subject: "THE DISCOVERY OF GOD" y Answering the questl6ns. Can't I find God In nature, in service to men, or In the church? How shall I know when I have found him? All visitors welcome fM T.MsW AFTER hard yvoik or vigorous play, a glass of good beer is the supreme builder of health and strength. It builds body tissues, renews expended energy, aids digestion and enables you to carry on sustained and refreshed. Ask for any of the brands mentioned below and you are assured beer of a quality and flavor second to none iri Canada ... or elsewhere. t'SSBBSBBSBBBBBBBBBSBBSSSSSBBBBSSBSBV This' advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Cqntrol Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. TO PLAY FOR cup 1 : .Manchester and Portsmouth In Final For Historic EnglUh Football Trophy LONDON, March 17: (CD-Manchester City and Portsmouth' will battle In the final for the histotc English' Soccer Cup at Wembley. Manchester eliminated Aston Villa C to 1 in one semi-final to-day at lluddersfield while. In the other, Portsmouth defeated Leicester City 4 to 1 at Birmingham. Sixty thousand fans watched each game. GOLF STAR Miss Kathleen Gamliam, leading English golfer photographed In t Miami, Fla.. recently when she . arrived, to play in the various winter golf tournaments. HINT0N IS PRESIDENT Tennis Club Launches l'lan For What is Expected to be Sue-cesfcful Year At a largely attended and enthusiastic meeting in the City Hall lust night the Prince Rupert Tennis Club commenced activities preparatory to what promised to be one of the most successful seasons In the clubs history. Officers for the year were elected as follows: President. J. A. Hlnton. Vice-president. C. J. Norrington. Secretary-treasurer, P. H. Edg-cumbe. Executive Council Mrs, S. P. Mc-Mordle. Misl W. N. Currle. P. H. Linzey. Wm. Crulckshank and O. Young Auditors 8. Darton and R. Young. i A new club constitution and bylaws, drawn up by the 1933 executive, was presented and accepted. Membership fees remain the same as last year and are as follows: per married couple. $10.00: per single ' member. $7.50: per junior member. $3.00; visiting members, $3.00 'per month i. I SPORT CHAT Next Tuesday evening has been selected as the time for the playing of the much-heralded, basketball game between old time hoop stars of the city and the Canadian National Recreation Association, reigning champions of the Senior League, in aid of the Prince Rupert Public Library new book campaign. It is expected to be a great, game fin.d a large crowd of fans Is expected out to see the fun, If not so' , . bogd r hasU'tballiULwcll, U COLD stokagk 'HEAD 1-iiTs in itiMikci: ci:r Liverpool 4. Birmingham 1. OUCJUCiU uini.ru n. nttiauuc u. , Stoke City 2, Middlesbrough 0. ; Tottenham 2. West Bromwien Albion 1. Wolverhampton 5. Blackburn 3. iVAMCOUVER INFINALS Defeat Edmonton For Right to Meet Calrary In Northwest Hockey League Play-Off SEATTLE. March 17: CP Vancouver defeated Edmonton 3 to 1 to win the right to play Calgary for the championship of the North-' west Professional Hockey League. Moose Hard Times Masquerade Dance i Two Hundred and llf ly Persons In Attendance at Enjoyable Affair There were 250 persons present at a hard times rnasquerade dance neia rriaay nitfnu oy tne woose Lodge. Quite a number were in costume and the ftxtye. winners were 1 Mrs. W. F. Bussey. Miss Mildred Hunt, A. K. Nelson and Mrs. Lea-vltt. Judges were Mrs. D. Sutherland, Mrs. J. J. Judge and J. Nelson. Music for dancing was furnished by Julius Welle s orchestra and Joe Slaggard was master of ceremonies. Refreshments were served at midnight with Ms. D. 8tegavlg and Mrs. P. Wlngham In charge William Gray presided at the door and the committee in charge consisted of Oillis Royer, Louis Shlbig. Chuck Hickey. B. J Bacon and Andrew Macdonald. l PrirtceRuper! DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Itecki ToUl castcity li.sM less Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers fr Steel tod Wood Vessels Ires and Brass Casttnx electric and Acetylene Welding It-Wa Oerrlck! fer Heavy LtfU '. ,1 Vlsl.' Iswinlll nd Mlnlns Mshjoer? , KepslrtdTs' Uftrbssled J :(PLAY-0FFS COMMENCE T. II. 'Johnson. manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Post-Season llrldge-Cribbagr Series Storage Co.. has donated a r perpetual trophy for city i league bridge championship, y the first season of which was played during: the past winter. The cup Is now on view In the window of the Grotto Cigar Store where It Is exciting much admiration. The holder for the season play-off between the bridge first season Is the Swlft-Cana- ( and cribbage leagues, the results dlan team The tronhv will be being as follows known as the' Johnson Cup. Old Country Soccer SCOTTISH leach: First Division Aberdeen-Hamilton unplayed. Ayr United 6, Cowdenbeath 2. Clyde 1. Queen's Park 1. Dundee 4, Alrdrieontan 0. Falkirk 2. Hearts 1. Hibernians 1. Celtic 2. Motherwell 2, Partick Thistle 3. Rangers 2. Kilmarnock 2 Gets Under Way With Urldge LaU Mi lit The four teams oMhe Prince Rupert Bridge League started a knock-out tournament last night for the right to represent the league in the forthcoming post- Cold Storage. khw: awuis. a tut. Grotto. 7843; Oddfellows. 5120. The date for the final between Cold Storage and Orotto will be set later. On Monday the Cribbage League will start its ptoy-oif as follows: Empress vs. Canadian Legion. Musketeers vs. Grotto. j ' Moose vs. Rupert Hotel. ! Elks vs. Oddfellows. ' j The Inter-lemgue championship , will be settled with one session of j bridge and one of eribbage between 'the I trial list team representing 'each league i Y.P.E A. will represent Port St Johnstone 4. Queen of South 0 Simpson In Northern B. C hoop fl-Third Lanark 1. St Mlrren 5. ,nals. having beaten PS.A.C In the pvr.i.isii i.rari!E vrnage unais. First Division Chelsea 0. Sheffield 1. Derby 0. Sunderland 0. CASH! for You DO IT TODAY Gather Up Your Old Gold Jewellry, Trinkets, Nuggets, Teeth, Coins, Etc. and wait until our expert buyer calls at your home shortly. He will gladly give you a correct valuation on anything you may with to sell and pay yon in cash for same. Get Your Share of the Hundreds of Dollars being spent in Prince Kupert Jiy this well km.wn firm. We sell large quantities of gold direct to the Dominion Assay Office and are thus able to pay you the highest premium prices in the trade. WAIT FOR C. II. CKAIIA.M TO CALL AT YOl'H IIO.MB or plume 2S1, New Royal Hotel and ask him to rail at your home. Pacific Gold Smelting Refining Co. Limited Vancouver Victoria Announcing the NEW 1934 CHEVROLET TRUCKS TN 1933, Chevrolet told mors trucks IK an J any other manufacturer. We predict even greater success for these new, 1934 Chevrolet Trucks, on display today in our showrooms! And here's why: Chevrolet offers you five new, improved truck chassis . . . with bigger, smarter, sturdier Chevrolet-built bodies. These new trucks are powered by an advanced new design of Chevrolet's famous truck engine . . . giving more torque, more power, more speed, with even greater economy. Frames and axles-transmissions, clutches and brakes are truck -built and greatly improved. And the Chevrolet cabs are roomier and more convenient. See these new, 1934 Chevrolet Trucks learn the typically low Chevrolet prices today I You will agree that here is something new in the truck field ... a bigger, sturdier low-priced truck handsome, fast and a record-breaker for economy I BssssssssssssssssssmrTTIVTTSJBSssssssssssssssa H U .1J.1' 'Him siiiivTnrri7TiTT7rHi M i I II ) ' UM tBSSSSSSk I . X l i m m I I M mm FOR ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION KAIEN MOTORS LTD. r.KNKKAL MOTORS DKALKKS Third Ave. . IMione 52 IX your, paper does not arrive, telephone the office