iThe Leader for Over Forty Years Mil A Ifl AH II II H AliAlln TEA "Freih from trie Gardens" s ew. minim m tm ROSE. COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers 'use Hooks ndinp Files, ' snination Cap. ,;;. harp Leads ), ', " Folders ''" Couch . ' ners, Paper ap Paper CANDIES For SAINT PATRICK'S PARTIES MINTS AND HARD CAN 1)1 KS Ihr rollrrn may be, you may be aure that he will likr AT-Jt rand randies on St. Patrick's Day. ()r if you're hating a part- be uie thai you have an ample supply on hand. SPECIAL OFPKK THIS WEEK : M ,r s Chocolates 50c janonp's Chocolates '. 70c ino Cherries, Page & Shaw, Mb. box 70c Special SL Patrick's Offer KASTKIt NOVELTIES iim assortment to i hoove from at very reasonable prices. (.me In and see them. Ormes Lid. Pioneer Druqrjiats The ICexall Store rhonei: 81 It S2 Fountain Pons Files, Shannon Files, Clip Glue , 1 Graph Paper Gummed Uik'ls Gummctl Reinforcements Gummed Stars Gummed Tape, Kraft esner Block, Third St., Phone 234 MURESCO 1 f nd Muresco one of the most easily applied of all wall ...he. u u beautiful, economical and durable 75c per package 1 Popular Tints to Chooso From 'ORDON'S HARDWARE The AUCTIONEER acklng-raUn.w , ,rJ Furniture ReptlM i LUt your roods With ms- PboneBlsek 11 (JK0. J, DAWKS I'lione 311 k Mrltride St For Your Health Chlroprsrtlo Dltr Violet Kays Intra Red Rays Mstiage All'at Reasonable Prices W, C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones Green Hi Eschanga Block Having come In from Terrace on 1 yesterday morning's train In company with Carol Zaludka. who was brought here to enter the Prince Rupert General Hospital ror serious spinal injuries caused by a tree having fallen on hi back at Pohle's camp where he was employed as a logger. Mrs. James Smith left by last evening's train on her return to Terrace. I Hotel Arrivals Royal D. H. Anderson, Vancouver. Announcements St. Patrick United Raster Sale. April 4. Colonial April 5. Fair Cathedral Hall, Presbyterian Easter Sale April 12. C. N. It. A. Anniversary Ball. 13. St Peter's Churen Sale April 19. Spinsters' Spree Cambral April 27. Moose Hall TONIfiHT Scotch Dance MRS J. S. BLACK'S ORCHESTRA Admission 2s- and 10c Everjbwly wrleonie BAPC0 FLOOR ENAMELS In Nine Attractive Colors Made to walk on. Easy to apply. Suitable fpr all Interior decorating where a high gloss li. required. J pints f0c; pints 75c qts. $1.10; .J gala. $2.r0 Thompson Hardware Co. Limited inc. inuii iiLno. LOCAL NEWS NOTES We buy anythinc In cold. Pre mlum price. Max llellbroner. D. c. McRae left on last evening's train for a brief buslneis trip to Inverness. He will be retiming to , the city tonight. In dismissing appeals against dvic assessment valuations In County Court this wee, judge W. E. Fisher awarded costs In favor of the city. George Webster, who Is in the service of the Canadian Flshinf Co.' sailed last night on the ss Prince John for Lagoon Hay, Queer. Charlotte Islands. Capt Gladys Bray. Salvation Army officer from Petersburg, Alaska, left on last evening's train for Edmonton. She had arrived here Thursday afternoon on the Princess Noroh from Alxdca. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. James Findlay, arrived In port at 10 o'clock last night from the : south and sailed at 12 midnight on ; her return to Vancouver and way- points. ! W. E. Oold finch, who left the city a year or so ago for Vancou-vtr. returned to the city on the ss. Princess Louise yesterday afternoon from the south to resume a position he formerly held at the Pioneer Laundry. ' ' Do not forget the basketball game Tuesday night, March 20,C. UHA. vs. All Stars, also Intermediate and other game. Adults 25, children, 10c. All proceeds for thei Library Fund. i James Martin, well known Max- sett merchant, sailed by the Prince John last night on his return to ite Queen Charlotte Islands fol lowing a brief business visit to.the-j city. Miss Edith Thompson; daughter! of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thomp- ton, left at the first of this week for Ketchikan where she is paylnd l visit with her sister, Miss May Thompson. Frank Waterhouse freighter Vorthholm, Capt. It. B. Bennett, arrived In port last night from Vancouver and, after discharging eneral cargo, sailed this morning on her return south. Peace River Man Sent Up For Housebreaking; Trial in Prince George provincial police here have been advised of the committal for trial at Pouce Coupe in the Peace River Block of John McDuff on a charge of housebreaking. McDuff is being escorted from Pouce Coupe to i tea ' From Naas River, k. Port Simpson I Teusday ss. Catala - 11:30 ain, -! 'or (keean Fall Ptilharmonlc Society concert, i tihi.iviu. Cainia i-ao tm . i ow j n , u..ui, . v... M, inurs. ss. ,rrr. Kupcrt tu.ia p.m. 3.30 p.m. j Fridayss. Prln. Louise pin. i From Ocean Fatls I Queen Mry bridge and dance., wed. ss. Pr Huprt 10 ain. April 2. , j Friday- ss. Prln, Louise pin. ss. cardena. p.m. Easter Novelties & Chocolates This Is the time to select your E.STEIt CANDIES & NOVELTIES While our stock Is complete' Easter Eus. Rabbits Chickens and Itooster, lc to Box Cholocates Tliese make" good Easter gifts to 2.50 FRKSH COCOANUTS tlCpi large 2 for S1 We P Drink Cocoanut Milk BANANAS 2 lbs ORANGES Medium 2' doz. PEARS ler doz. . . 'Coffe, Tea, Hot CliitcoUte made to suit your individual tat Call at Mussallem's 2?c Sic 25c CON FKCTION KRY UNEMPLOYED HAVE SHOW Maslc, Wrestling- and Boxinf on Entertainment Fare Last Mint An enjoyable entertainment? Including musical numbers; boxing and wrestling was held ay the! unemployed in the Canadian Labor Defence League Hall last night, there- being a large attendance. Among the entertainers were Tom Carr, with comic sketches; and vocal solos, J Oakham with vocal solost Miss Zelda Hale, with recitations, Vernon Rovre, Pete Hardy. J. Carroll and Mrs. Wagner with comic orchestral numbers; Jim Tardy with vocal solos, E. Wall and J. Tardy with harmonica and tambourine selections, Miss Alice Gomez and Vernon Rowe with violin duets, accompanied by Mrs. Wagner, harmonica selections by E. Wall and. songs In Ukrainian by Katie Kurolok. A couple of wrestling bouts proved very exciting as there was plenty of action. Jim Tardy the Canadian Bear I finished off J. Oakham of Vancouver with a stranglehold In Divisional headquarters of the ne or the "Panning matches while E, Makkela, took the winning fall from P. Terelberg tn an exhibition of Graeco-Roman wrestling. P. Terelberg refereed one bout and Max Crossman the other.' In boxing MIna White and Ruby Prince George where he will appear! Gomez sparred three rounds as did before Judge Calder of Kamloops Axel Dahl and Teddy Allen. Marvin In the absence of Judge H. A. Rob- j and O. Carlson were seen In ertson who torla, Is In hospital In Vic- Steamship Sailings For Vancouvei Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m. Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 10:15 pin. Friday ss. Prin. Louise 10 p,m. Ss. Cardena midnight Mar 15 and ,2a ss. Pr. Norah pin. From Vancuvrt-r Sunday ss. Catala ... I ..... pm. Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert Friday . Prln. Louise 10pjn: Ss. Cardena pm. Mar. II and 25 Pr. Norah Sin. , For Anyox and Stewart I Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. ! Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert . 4 pjn j From Anyox and Stewart- Tuesday ss. Catala 11 :30' ain. St. Patrick's Supper and Concert j Thurs. ss. Pr. "Rupert ...... 8 pra March 17, Catholic Hall. for .Naas River and Tort Simpson ' Sunday ss, Catala . 8 pin. Presbyterian March 21. barrel boxing. Also In barrel boxing June Gomez Issued a challenge which, was answered by D. Michl-luk. The presence of two clowns enlivened, the proceedings. DOMINION DAIRY NOW OPEN At Second St, near Third Ave. Fresh .Milk. Cream. Butter, Buttermilk. Eggs and Cottage Cheese Tel. C3C. Prompt Delivery Mll; direct from our own herd r FRESH EVERY DAY Iileal Cleaners OPEN In New Premises Cor. MrRride & Fifth CLEANING, REPAIRING, DYEING. ETC: S. R.S. iunein topics HIGH LIGHTS SATURDAY 5:30- Sous les Ponts de Paris, CFCN CRCV 7:00--B. A Rolfe with Ripley. KOMO. 8:00 Moonlight on the Pacific. CFCN. CRCV. 9:00 Carefree Carnival; 9: 15-Rhythm Girls, CFCN, CRCV. SUNDAY 5:00 Chase & Sanborne. KOMO. 6:00 The Sorcerer. CFCN. 7:00 Artists Series, CFCN, CRCV. 8:00 Twilight Echoes from the Fireside, CFCN. CRCV. 9:00 Ghost Stories. KOMO. MONDAY 6:00 Gaiety and Romance; CFCN. 7:00 Carnation Program; KOMO; :30 Firestone Hour, KOMO. 9:00' Sparklets. Marimba Ndvelty, CFCN, CRCV. TUESDAY 9:00 Seville Fair. CFCN, CRCV. 7:00 Camel Program. KSL. 8:15 Memory Lane. KOMO. 9:30 Hodge Podge Lodge, KOIN. and Remember We offer you t modern, efficient and reliable Radio Service Superior Radio Service Phone Blue 320 336 2nd. Ave. LOOK FOR THE TOWER Notice to Sharefiold i IN THE SCPRKME COURT OFBHITISn COLUMBIA iv rnoKiTS' H THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" : and' IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF FltAXK IUVA. otherwise known ar Prank ReTa, Drcekwd, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of 11U Honour Judge Plsber. Local Judge of the- Supreme Court of Brltih Columbia. made the Sth day of Jiarch 1934 I wan be made without recard thereto, A1U I parties Indebted to the said eatat are MNP RiOISTRY ACT ' Ite; Certirkale of Title No. llStS-1. tn 1-ot 31, lllnrlt 33. et tl.m R, Map Ifll Cllr of ITIiire Kiiiwrt. WHEREAS proor of km of the abnw Certificate of Title, iwued In tha name of Bert L Clayton, has been fUed In ttii oirico. noiko is' hereby rlen thai I shall, at th eirplraUon of one. month from the date of the flnt . publication nerexX; !snue a provisional cemuical oi Title in lieu or said lot ortlflcate. tin' les In the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing. DATED at Uw Land Rewlrtry Office Prince Rupert. B.C. this lath da; pf February. An. 1B34. ANDREW THOMPSON; Depute RevUtrar fTKTIFir.TKS K I Wl'IUIVKMKNT TuNuqiiah llttiianu, Tul-uqiiah Chief. TulMMnah' Raid Karlei and Ttiluuah tlva Irarllon, Ml serai Claim. Situate In the Atlln Mining DtTWrton of Cavvlar District. Wliere located: Left Bank, of Tulsu-quah River. TAKE NOTICE: ithat It. McN. Frurr. actr as scent ft TakU' Mlnea- Com- putiy Limited. Free Miner's Certificate. No. 73408 D; J. O. Klrthwn, Free- Min ers Certificate No. 73408 D; Carl Carl ton. Pre Miner's Certificate No, 73413 D: Olen A. IQrkham. rrve Miner's Cer-Uflcate No 73410 D; and Oeory L oohnnon, Free Miner's Ccrtmcate No 13413 D; Intends, slaty days from the dat hereof, to apply to the Mlnlnc Recorder for Certificates of Improve ment i or tne purpons or ootammg CTovn uranu oi tn imw culms. AND further take nonce that action, under section 83 of the "Mineral Art must b commenced before the lasuanca of such' Certlflcaiies of tmurovemeots? Dated thla 20th day of February. 1934, ers PAGE- THREZ MAPLE LEAF MINES LIMITED By resolution of the director of MspJc Leal Mints Umfced. pawned on Wednesday. March 14, 1034. shareholders of record of March 77, 1934, t en-titled to purchase snores of Neaftoy Odd Mine Limited at 43 1-2 cents per thai. All subscript ions mufctte boner before- March Slit. 1934k. Shareholders residing. In Wlrae- and point west or north wwrt will be granted three additional day to fellow for delay in arrival of inalL NoWre cf rights and coirtXctt it pur-hes wU be mailed by Mid- , Canada Exploration Company LUntted on March 23rd to air REOISTEfitT) SHAREHOLDERS of March Z2nd. 1VS4. ' Tnl. PREFERENTIAL OFTEULVO 1 part of a firm tmderwrttlitg of Mid-Canada Exploration Company and, is limited to 250.000 shares. MID-CANADA EXPLORATION COMPANY LIMITED 4G.1 Ray Street, Tim-oiiUi, Ontario Classified Ads FOR SALE FOUND URhrmJRE for sale. Apply 308 FOUND Single Yale Junto? key. 9th. Ave. West. Apply Dally News. FOKRENT HOUSES to rent. Hart. E5NON Apartments housekeeping room:,, newly renovated, 141 2nd Avenue. Pbone Red 42L PERSONAL PRIVATE home Kindergartens pay We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute. Winnipeg. HELP WANTED HOW- to get a Government Job. Free Booklet. The MjC.C Ltd, Winnipeg. HAIRDRESSER - i PERMANENT WAVING! Cluster Curl; Latest Styles L NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE TRANSFERS GARDEN SoU $250 a load: Cameron's Transfer. Phone 177 tt PAINTERS FAINTING and Paperhangln Uoller, Phone Ree 802. GARDEN SEED HAVE A GOOD GARDEN. Plenty Of everything to eat fresh and for winter. MCFayden's Seeds cost so little and grow so much 3c. to 4c. per packet Big Oversize Packets. New Crop, Fresh, Tested Seeds. Over 150,000 satisfied customers last season. Investigate. CLIP THIS AD and get Large Packet Beautiful Flowers FREE or send 25c. for 10 Big Packets regular vegetables with Splendid Coupon good for 25c on first order. (Coin preferred; l stamps accepted-i MeFayden T Seed Co.. Princess and Marker Sts., Winnipeg, Man. 6 NOTICE DAVID McVAT. DECEASED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, all pcrscsw baring claim agataat the estate of Djrid MeVay formerly of the City- of Hyder In the Territory cT Alaska. United States cf America, who died on 38th Septemlxr 1933. are required on or. before latb May 1634 to deliver or send by prrpott letter full particulars of their daCm duly Termed to THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY. Administrator within :!fLttt.!Bh CU cTi oVX ;wW,Vby.. required u t Sr'. roe (Btperly TertlVd. to me on or oe-i ' vu .'ore the 7th day of April 1934. i4ber ; vie tofOOBttlou of the said estate will mentioned date the Administrator will proooed to dtetrtbuta the assets of i the Dccaeed amane the persons entitled thereto, hating regard only to the claims required to pay the amount of thelrfpf, which It shaU then have had notice, ........ t w .. . ma forthwith. !, H r . Ill II , ' n . . . ... I indebtedness to tne NORMAN A' WATT. " Prince Rupert. B.C ; DATED thla 7th day of Mar. h. AX) 1S4. DATED at Vancouver. B.C. this- 13th thiy ct Mir-b 1934. . ROBERTSON DOUOLAS Ac SYMES C40 Wert Pender Street, Vancouver. BC. S-Jicttgr for The Royal Trust Company. IN" PROBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH , COLUMBIA r IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMIN ISTRATION ACT" and'i IN THE MATTER Of THE ESTATKlOP PONALD MacRTTCHIE. DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE that ' bv crder oft Ills Honor w E Fisher, the 5th- day of Mdrctr. KB. 19S4, Iwls appointed Ad mtr.lmrator of the estate of Donald MacRitchle decestwd. and all parties havlncc claims atalnst the said estate are hereby required to furnish same. pruneriy venned. to me on or before the 9ta dsv if Anm AD. 1934. and 'all parties Indebted to the estats are'.re-qulred to pay the amount ot their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Officii Administrator Prince Rupert, B C. uafed the th dsv r-f March A D 1S4. IOVf.RNMF.NT LIQI'OK ACT Nut Ite of Application for Iteer Llrrnrr NOTICE H hereby siren that on the lStb day of April neM the under pied Intend to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence in nwpect of' pre-mlsut. bring part of the building known aa the lU-sport Hotel at Haysport, Brl-tlah Colusibl. upon the lands described a Lots S3 and 54, Block 11. Towns! te of llpcrt. Prince Rupert Land R titration DJAtriot.. In the- Province', of IlrttUh Columbia, for the sale- of beer by the- glass or by open bottle for consumption on the pmniues or by elated bottls for oonsumntton einewhere. . DATED this 10th day it March. 1S44. MARIE ANN DUPUI8 Applicant UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Bteamera leavs Prince Rupert tor Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, I.30 Vjil. Via Ocean rails and WaypolnU. arriving Vancouver Thuradty rtemoon. TSS. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday A M. Weekly altlng' to Parr Simpson. Alltf ' Ann. Anyoi, Stewart' ana Naas' River points. Leave Prlnc Rupert Sunday, pm. Further Information regardtns U aallngs and tcktts at - I'KINlt Rl'rCHT AUENCVt Tblfd Aruue. fhone MS