PATTULLO ASKS FOR GREAT POWERS Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides Prince Rupert Raining, moderate southeast wind; barometer, 29.89; temperature, 44; sea choppy. Vol. XXIV . No. 65. Request Forms Part of Plan For Giving Work and "Wages" INTEGRITY OF INSTITUTIONS TO HE MAINTAIN-ED, ALL PERSONS TO HE ASSURED OF PROPER SUSTENANCE AND NO EXCUSES LEFT FOR SOWING DF DISCORD IN MINDS OF PEOPLE. VICTORIA, .March 17: (CP) The government has risked the legislature to grant it complete power to act as it sees fit on matters of an economic nature and within Silt JOHN SIMON NOW FOR TAUIFF Johr. VANCOUVER, March 17: (CP) y iry in the National Oovern- 68'ic today jncnt. has definitely completed s renunciation of his life- T lo,,8 nee trade creed with the T Pcn confession hn. Iii. h. 4.1 SII.VKK (U'OTATION the jurisdiction of the province. ( This power is provided for in a measure designated as the "Special Powers Act" which was introduced in the Legislature last night by Premier T. I). Pattullo. It would Ih? effective between the time the present session of the legislature closes and the prorogation of next session. It would override all other legislation on the statute books with regard to the matters it concerns. It would give the government authority to act to the full extent to which the powers of the legislature extend, notwithstanding any other public or private act of the Legislature. Mntlers outlined in the bill over which the government would have complete power include reservation, preservation, management, development, sale and disposition of natural resources, Iwrrowing of money on the hole credit of the province, lending of money to industries and municipalities, provincial public works and property and civil rights in the province. The government'? request for these powers, the Premier explained, is part of its program for carrying out its "work and wages" policy concerning which the Prime Minister declared: "We propose to maintain the integrity of our institutions, sec that none of our people arc allowed to suffer for want of proper sustenance and leave no excuse for sinister influences to sow discord in the minds of the people, particularly having regard to the inculcation in the minds of the youth of our country ideas that are subversive of constitutional government and individual liberty and freedom." Tjic Premier said that the recent Ottawa conference had agreed "that a works program and co-operation with industry were essential to reduce the number now on relief." For some time the province had been dependent upon advances from the Dominion government to take care of Unemployment. "We do not know what the ultimate policy of the Dominion government may be and we must fortify our-H'lves against all contingencies." Wheat Prices I.riNnnM i u m. a. irk,n urai niinipd At 603iC On thC Slmnn Pnr.ion r. .lnpnl exchanue yesterday ana at tcrn definitely converted to 1 NEW YORK. March 17: (CP) the the tni-lff tariff. t ' ! n n i a at 45M,c AlLn nor per nunrn ounce 4 n;ir silver closed 4 Ion the local metal market yesterday J being up to 45ic today. mon for the ssason which Is ex pected to send 6.000 glll-netters and purse seiners from Washington, Oregon, British Columbia and Alaska out to the fishing grounds shortly was reached here yesterday. The agreed price, as a minimum to dealers, is fifteen cents per pound for large red and eight cents for small red springs- until May 1 and 14c. for large red after that date. The season price on white salmon Is set at 7C. ana stivers at 8c. The convention also adopted a resolution by which the fishermen agreed that no one would sell to any dealer who refused to sign the I agreement. No vessels will move '.. All . 1. - I... t. . signed. The delegates are. meeting today to .discuss the agreement further The prices quoted arc-for dress ed troll fish. Right off the bcut and lnf j the m ..due of a st'lke was the unusual step that marked the arrlv-f in New York of Miss Jennie Lee, former Labor member of the Bn ah parliament who Is shown In the midst of a group of striking waiten who picketed the Waldorf-Astoria. Over 30.000 waiters downed napkins and struck for more money, shorter hours and union recognition. SET PRICE ON SALMON Agreement Reached at Seattle Expected To Kesult In Six Thous and Fishermen Starting Work Shortly SEATTLE. March 17 (Canadian 1AMY FOR POLITICS Famous BrilMi Aviatrix May Be Conservative Candidate In North Hammersmith By-EIection LONDON. March 17 (Canadian Presst Price agreement on sal-!rreM Mrs- AmV Johnson Molll- son, famous British aviatrix. who urith hpr hii&hnnrt flour lh iilnJ wouers. tlr Qccan ,ast year, is understood! to be seeking a seat In the House' of Commons. She would run asj Conservative candidate for North! Hammersmith seat made vacant! through the death a few days ago of Hon. Mary Ada'Plckford. LARGEST AM) MOST I'OWr.KFUL CKU1SKH LAUNCHED BY JAPS t TOKYO. Japan, March 17: Launching took place amid great rejoicing of the latest addition to the Japanese naval ncei a new battle cruiser ! which It Is declared will be the largest and most powerful on Ihe high seas. v t NORTHERN AND CENTRAL RjUTISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SjTURDAY, MARCH 17, 1934 CHANGE OF STEAMERS Prince George to Take. Run Next Week When Prince Rupert Will Go on Dry Dock Canadian National official announce that the steamer Prince George, which has Just completed repairs and annual" overhaul at the local dry dock. Mill resume coastwise service from the Prince Kupert by sailing from here on Thursday evening of next week for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Powell River following the ariival of the steamer Prince Rupert from a regular voyage to Anjox and Stewart The Prince Kupert will dry dock for annual oveihaal immediately after the Prince George takes over the run-Late yesterday afternoon the Prince George, which moved out of the dry dock on Wednesday, moved down to the ocean dock where the will lie until being re-commissioned in service. ' 4 ' .' t LAtJLhZIC- ll't.'ClllintlliU.. - ' ' - -..... T un&ties power nif' nnnrtfr ii . ..... . ..v.r.jq :icencc fee on plants maintained' DOUBLE PREVIOUS YEAR for tho n.,mo. r Today's Stocks I Courtesy S. D. Joluuton Co.) Vancouver Alexandria, .07 1-4. Bayvlew, .02. B.C. Nickel, .73 Big Missouri, .39. Bralorne. 12.25 B.R. Cons, .41 B.R.X. Gold. .76. Dentonla, .67. DunweU. 21 Cariboo Quartz. 2.33. Butte 1X1 .29 'Georgia River. .03Ji. Oolconda, .50. Hercules Cons., .05. Indian, .03. Mlnto, .33"j. Meredian, .1934. Morning Star, .43. Native Sons; .06. National Silver. .03 Noble Five. .14Vj. Pend Oreille. 1.20. Porter Idaho. .13 tj. Premier Gold. 1.55. Reeves McDonald, .17 Reward, 09. Reno. 1.11. Silver Crest. .02. Salmon Gold, .28'$. Taylor Bridge, .81. Wayside. .40. Whitewater. .07'i Waveily Tangier. .2. United Empire. .20 , Toronto Chibougamau, .10. Granada, .83. Int. Nickel. 26.00. Lake Maron, M3,. Lee Gold, .19 tj. Macassa, 2.36. Noranda, 37.75. Shcrrltt Gordon, 1.13. Slscoe Gold, 2.06. Sudbury Basin, 1,73. Teck, 6.80. Thompson Cadillac, ,47, Ventures, 1.03. Columarlo, .84 j. CAMBRIDGE WINS RACE Cantab .Made New Time Record For Aquatic Classic Today With Easy Win Over Oxford LONDON, March 17: (CD In record time of eighteen minutes, tnree seconds. Cambridge today easily defeated Oxford in the eighty-sixth renewal of the classic boat race over the four and a quarter mile course at Putney-on ' -Thames. Oxford led at the start but the Cantabs soon overtook and held the lead, finishing four and a quarter lengths in front Russian Plane Forced Down High 2:48 am. 22.1 ft. 15:20 pjti. 19.8 ftw Low 9:19 ajn. 2.7 It 21:22 p.m. 5.6 ft.--" PRICE: FIVE CENTS PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT PLANS NEW FISH REGULATIONS Complete Government Authority In Matters of Economic Nature Sought By Premier From House WOULD GIVE ADMINISTRATION CONTROL FROM END OF PRESENT SESSION UNTIL NEXT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, RORROWING AND LENDING OF MONEY AND PROPERTY AND CIVIL RIGHTS. Jennie Didn't Waste Any Time Licence Fee For Traps Being Raised But Cut For Seines-Gill Nets Fisheries Committee of Legislature Meets to Consider Measures to be Submitted to House For Approval Regarding Industry VICTORIA, March 17: Important amendments to the Fisheries Act will be brought down presently it was indicated when the fisheries committee of the Legislature met yesterday. Licence fees for traps will be increased from $25 to $100. Fees for salmon seines will be reduced from $50 to $25 while gill net licences will be $2.50 instead of $3. Herring reduction plants . . Tuture will be compelled to take out . L " i.etnoes. Shellfish, dogfish and fUh DM A DT IC ffal plants will also pay fees pre- DJrxllJ lO :rfbed by regulaUons Instead of a ; $1 tax. Buyers of fresh fish, except ; canners. salters. etc. will also cornel under, this provision, I Another clause ln"thF proposed 'iil!3i50 gives the CQnunlssloner.xjia!h-Jil r 16 HnsTrclmJeVr fSWeH ILLEGAL Knell of Okanagan servicing and storing gillnets or T SAN FRANCISCO, March 17: wnlch are used for the purpose 0, VANCOUVER. March 17 CP-The Alaska Juneau boarding or lodeine of fisherman d&n Press-Death knell " ' - A m . -r Uo.a umng uj. reporw net r durlng tne weeWy close seasons of $1,500,000 for 1933 which Is almost double the earnings In 1932. Additional. production Is expected with the completion of the new train shaft by July In the mine near Juneau. Judgment Fruit urtaninusn !ouna- ed As Result of Court (Cana-of the Okanagan stabilization ooarc was apparently sounded following i judgment handed down by Mr. Justice Denis Murphy in Supreme Court In dismissing with costs ths claim of Major M. V. McGuire of Vernon, pool ageit for the boartl,-to recover $10,157 levies' from the Crestland Fruit Co. of PentlctonT His Lordship found that the stabilization board was lliega; 'n,a that actions of pool, members wef tainted with Illegality that th-court must refuse totleal with con-S tracts in any way at the sultjaf any party thereto. SILVER IS DISCUSSED Speaker Rainey Thinks House Will Reject Morgenthau rian of No Change in Policy WASHINGTON. D.C.. March 17: Criticizing the stand taken by .Secretary of the Treasury Henry Mongenthau against any change In Nothing Overt in Regard to incident sllyer at thu Ume fi In Manchukuo. Soviet (Jov- iRalney yesterday pred,cted passage eminent Declares, of the Dles Bm provldng fot r 1 valuation of silver by a two-thlfds MOSCOW. March 17:-Sovie maJorIty. He leM conflden t government officials announce thatiCVer of tne pagage of the nesln2- a Russian airplane which camelB111 whlch b morp. down tnis week in Mancnusuo was merely making a forced landing and that there was nothing overt In the Incident which, according to some reports, the Japanese government had been inclined to view more seriously. NO HALIBUT SALE There was no sale of halibut on the local Fish Exchange this morning. The only boats In were the American Eureka, with 12.500 pounds, and the Canadian Covenant, with 14.000. which are hoiding over until Monday. 38, 35. TODAY'S WEATHER Terrace Raining, south wind. 8- Alyansh Light rain, calm, 36. Anyox Heavy wet snow, calm, Stewart Rain to snow, calm, 33. Tonight's train, due from the east at 10 o'clock, was reported this morning to be on time. T I T IRELAND WOULD MAKE 4f ENGLISH DEAD TOM1UIT DUBLIN. March 17: (CP If the Irish Free State govern mcnt has its way. the English; language may be dead In west and south Ireland within the next generation or so. The gov- ernment Is considering a plan whereby an annual bonus of. $10 would be given for each child under 16 years of age In families where the use of the t English language Is completely prohibited. 4 4 -9 5 1 Urn u i" 4 a.