.5 1' J . PAOZ FOUR .THS OAILT HEWS tuesday, January is, i . i urn, i ! i i f hii.iiii i i I'.ummagwa Workingmen's Furnishings I Spring work is opening up and a good many men arc needing clothes and fur- nishinirs. Wc have a full line of working men's clothes that will resist wear and the weather at prices 25 less that will appeal to them in times like these. Particularly we invite attention to our line of underwear by the best makers at ridiculously low prices. MEN'S WORKING OVERALLS SHIRTS ' The kind that wear Regular price, $1.25 95c. pr. at 85c. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaammmmimmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmm Men's Footwear We have also a good line of Men's Rubbers, Rubber Boots & Heavy Work Roots at prices away below those usually paid. aCCept City Scrip MONTREAL IMPORTERS 1934 It's Time to Replace the Hard Worked TUBES In Your Radio Don't Take Our Word For It See Them Tested At No Cost to You Kaien Hardware A Satisfactory Place to Shop PHONE: 3 FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM nOME" Rates $1.00 up SO Rooms, Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert', B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Kayi Intra Red Rayi Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. A SPIN ALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 241 Phones Green 541 Ezchante Block JUDGMENT REVERSED Appeal of I.W.C. Solloway, Involving tliniinn tllnuorl Hv PriJv Council I LONDON, January 16 (Canadian Press) The Judicial committee of the Privy Council yesterday reversed a judgment of the Supreme Court of British Columbia and allowed an appeal of I. W. C. Solloway of Montreal against an order to pay about $130,000 to W T. K. Johnson, trustee in banksuptcy of Frontier & Co, of Kamloops. "No loss or damage attributable to fraud is proved," declared the Judgment. It Is believed the decision may affect similar actions against Solloway in Ontario. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront The local halibut bot Margaret I, Capt. George Fritz,' which has been on a trip to Ketchikan and New Metlakatla, Alaska, with the Kltkatla choir, which has been on :a concert tour, arrived in port last night' from the north and will proceed to Kltkatla from here, taking the party home, tomorrow if weather permits. A splendid reception was given the choir at Metlakatla where they, were the guests of the Alaskans for four or five days and were feasted and banqueted. They gave two concerts at that place and one at "TILLIE THE TOILER" A. I iaiF n ween t J OM. DOM-1 I MISSING ON HONEYMOON MOOSONEE, Ont.. Jan. 16 (Can adlan Press) It's a far cry fromi the green hills of Newfoundland to) the snow-white wastes surround-, Ing Povunghltuk, in the sub-Arc- tic. but it spelt romance lor Mrs. Robert C. Stewart, now missing with hei1 husband on an almlane was born at Ungava, on Hudson Strait where her father for many For drying garments at home a folding rack mounted on an electric heater has been Invented. VBS, AMO 1 1 VAJEUU, VOO NEEDW't WANT TO I E ITHEfi VCO 6eT WiARM VOO J IfeXOTEpJ U. T such I . I . VTc, c HS iWCi ) (-JWEUUTV X ,9 jj HIGH PRICES FOR PELTS Sir. and Mrs. Robert C. Stewart rrince Itupert Now Good Market Used to Hardships of North For Raw Furs of All Kinds With Four Keen lluyers If the present Interest In marketing furs continues. Prince Ru-I pert will soon be known as a fur buying centre of great Importance. This Is largely the result of Increased competition In the city. i Today there are four firms buy- I flight north ifrom here. With her;,nS furs here and theV Pa the I husband, the young bride was en-!very highest prices. As one of them ; route from Saint John to her newjremarked tne other day: "Prices ihome. 900 miles north of here, higher here than in any other : high up on the east coast of Hud- part of the world today." The re-'son Bay. They have not been re-'mart is borne out by figures ob-ported since December 20 anaitalned from other centres, i grave anlxety Is felt for them. j It is not only the furs that are The flight was made from here taken In the Immediate vicinity to avoid a trail honeymoon from that are sold at Prince Rupert but here to their destination whlcn they come from many interior would have occupied tour weeics points and from the far north. All by dog team. But hazards of nor- find a ready market in the city them travel would provide no newi thrill for the young couple. Botn I LOTTERY MAN FINED have spent many years m tne sar- ren lands. WINDSOR, England. January 16: The former Miss Elizabeth ForC (Canadian Pr'essi Magistrates im- posed C. B. a fine of 10 and costs on Whittaker for organizing a years was a lur trader. Stewart; Christmas lottery draw for has seen service at many posts in j benefit of the local hospital, the far north, including Repulse! Bay where he traded before coming outside" to meet his bride Unlike th? brides of the city , there would be no round of teas, . receptions and bridge parties to ! occupy Mrs. .Stewart's spare time when she arrives home. There would not be another white wo-i man within 600 miles. "But I shall I have so many things to occupy myi time,'" she said before leaving here ! "TheTe Is always the radio and. of course, the dances to look forward to." Eskimos and trappers for miles around attend these social Rath- 'erings. "tVe dance to he strains of j tne acorcjan and vlonn. we don ti use the radio," Mrs. Stewart explained, "because the dances do not last .lone enough for the Es- kimo3,TVey delight in dancing for at IeaJ20 minutes without stop ping:" fv The wily edible grown up norm beyond jihe tree line-is the humble potato. Tnere is so little decay. Mr Stewarl said, that there Isn't muc soil. Tha .'frost seldom leaves the 4"! i !. ' gtouna or more man two or three feet deep. For provisions we figure two years ahead and take these in with us. Asked If she would miss the city, Mrs. Stewart said: "No. I'm a northern girl and I Jove the north and the silence of It. I may miss some of the pleasures, but I haven't the hazards of the city to worry about. Then again," she added with a mis chievous smile, "I won't have to worry where my husband is in the evening." TERRACE APPLES Mc. Red, 6 lbs. box SWEET POTATOES 4 lbs. -TlLUtE TAKE CARE V T VBAH. VOO'l BETTER WATCH Just One Word-And She Said It! the MUSSALLfM'S SPECIALS All Good Values 25c $1.25 BLUE RIBBON BAKINO POWDER J 73c S1.15 BULK CCKifaA-JRownU-cA's OQf PUFFED WHEAT ' per pkg. . DIN AMITE CEREAL per. pkg. .. ? TABLE FIOS per lb MIXED NUTS No peanuts XOK 1 Op nor 1V SPRATTS DOO BISCUITS per sack WHOLE GREEN PEAS- 4 lbs. 13c 19c 17c 25c 27c 19c MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents 517-19 Third Avenue Wet P.O. Box 575 fhone IX The Last Resort MONDAY and TUESDAY TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 Admission 15c & 50c I VA)OISMVMOOO"H LAiT (ALL t-Ott . IP VJOIST CA1f eh: mi please youi very vrella Wednesday lhurd,, "MOONLKJHT & PRETZELS FUNNIER THAN THE OLD FAMILY ALIIUM Claudette Colbert, Richard Arlcn, Mary Roland in "Three Cornered Moon" With A Family Musical th Stroll Strong Cast. Cast. A Paramount Picture. (7:40 & 9 10) ly (lolnr 'Round In Circles and Wondering: Why They Are Dim "USE YOUR IMAGINATION" SCREEN SOUVKNIrI Silly aynipnony iii.iii iw.if win tyiuurj WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS chMjxter It's sure to REPLENISHING PHONE US We have coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PHILP0TT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. Phone 618 TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD - Spared lij Canadian Fish & Cold Slorage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. Coal Prices Minchead Egg Coal $12.50 Minehcacl Lump Coal 12.50 Pembina Egg Coal $12.00 Stove Coal $11.50 Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 If vnu lose anything, try a classified ad. By Westover. -lD bvew MAfetv Mac fitT t VBS. HP. VJOKHVJOOO. .o3jfJ OVi(VT-S III ( WOVJ VOO AMD I UtERv's f ! t " "THAT'S I Jfi fe!