i STORE OPEN A ! FEW DAYS YET Many Bargains Left . 3- C ! '.'. U-aV fctliaUJI aWaVia'aUaUIJ i Come in and Look Around a January 18, 1934 4fM 5 f! , SmM GEO. C. ARSENEAU Men's Wear ne n!ad 11 1 Second Avenue 6 - Special Offers - 6 For This Week Roxbury HOT WATER UOTTLK Kemilnr $l.y), at 75c Gardenia FACE POWDER & Vanishing CI 1 ft ( ream, both for Copper Stein With UnRlni SHAVING CIIF3AM nt Propelling Pencil With TAHLKT WRITING PAPER gg ?ca7 nUONCHIALSVUUP & MKLLOIDS C Ap For throat cage,, both for A. S. A. Tablets I Brand of Aspirin) FREE With each CAp Uottlc VAPUItK Ormes ltd. Jiie Pioneer Druqgists The Retail Store rhonea: XI & 82 UNION STEA.MSIIII'S I.IMTKD f .wniera leave Trlnfe RirT frir V'l'c-.iiver T S.S. ( ATAI- KVKRY TUKSDAV,, 1 :3ft- P-M. " rII ana Wkypoint rrvi Vau.vr Thumlal anermnn. TS.S, VI.NT11RI; liVKRV FRIDAY, JIIRNKHU. Aniving Vancouver, Monday A.M. .-v v s.ilii)Ka to Port HUnpaon Alrr Arm. Anvox. Wewart arm Naa Rlvrr puliit. tarft l"rHw nujiert SvjnOay. !- SI'I CIAI. WINTER BXCL'RSIOM RATK. ROUNH TRIP, PRINCi: Rt'l'tRT TO VANCOUVER, S.W. (Mal ad Ucilh liioludril,) On 8ale Nov 10 to Feb. 28, return limit March 31. 1934. in;, rm-iii. ,n rnrdlnf. all aatlnRa antt tekeu it l"ltlN t: It! rntT ACIbNCV: Tlilrtl Avenue, ll'ne The concentrated goodness of prime beef is in BOVRIL Awarded over 140 (old medals and diplomas m 5. j Romance of the Rockies." "'don 25c. ! 0. E. OullcH, local manage ofcj 'the Swift Canadian to the city on M cer George DIbb, wlro Is fli the em- tploy of the Oranby Co. at Anyox. arrived In the elty on the Oatal i ' this morning to paj a week's visit B' t or- with hVs parent; Mr. and " jjMrs. Frank Dlbb. He will return to Anyo on the Catala next Sunday rvenlnv. I M ! On a ryilr fortnlnhtly' vog' ifrom Vaneouver via aie Queen) H Charlotte Islands, O. N. ni temer Ptinc Jotn. CapL Dan iUKinnon ; is cxpirted In port some time io-' i morrow morning. The veseJ was in ; : Maut-tt Inlet this morning making i hduled calls. J w. McAu!y. who U relieving :i divisional master mechanic of ;ho Canadian National Railways, arrived in the city from Prince George Saturday evening for a tarn f visit to his home here. He rc- ; turtuH) to the Interior ou yesterday Everywhere In the south there ire signs of .improvement In butl-mvtt conditions and optimism as to ihe future, according to George W. Laldler. local manaecr of W. H' Malkin Co. Ltdh who returned Sunday from a visit In the south. He went as far ns Tin Juana In Mexico . , . . . . i . ii.. .I una was in w aiiki-js-s ut uic nine of the floods. In Los Angeles about. six thousand men had been put to work clearing up the debris left by the flood and as many more at other points. In Vancouver Mr. Laldler was closely In touch with the business interests and he says conditions have improved and everyone Is ex-txcting greater improvement In the very near future. Mr. and Mrs. Laldler travelled by bus from Vancouver to Tia Juana and back, making the run by easy sap,cs U ' i::.sn a& an K. at :r SUMMIT ME AT MARKET Moved, from 6th. Ayq. Near Knllon SI. to. the Pre mises Formerly Used Hy Mussallem's (Jrocery Fifth Ave. East Full Line of Meats and Vegetables Leg of Pork per lb. Leg of Veal per lb. Rump Roast of. Beef per lb pot Roast per lb. Pork Sausage 2 lbs. Liver. 1 1U. and Dncon, 1 lb, 18c 18c 15c 10c 25c 30c ma daily iron LOCAL NEWS NOTES Wne-n,'s Canadian Club; Lant- , rn lecture Wednesday at 3:30 p.m ! In Commodore Cafe by W. o Hodgson ot Banff, Alta. Wanted piano box. Phone 950. 13 YOUNG MOTHERS Don't experiment with children' coldi... Treat tbem, u your own mother did xttmtJIy, Nodo ingl Just rob throat and cheat with . . '4 CuL J. II. Parks, official of the Board of Railway Com mission ers i from Calgary, returned east on last i 'evening's train after a brief visit! i here in the oource of a western tour 1 on official business. i Union steamer Hntnla Cant. jCeorte UWIer Says Spirit of Op-: James nnA&yt returned to port at unmrurrevauvuterjvincroin U: 30 this momlng from Anyox, South Uotli In R.C. and. U.S. atewart and other northern points and sailed at 1:30. this afternoon for Vancouver and waypolnts. Merely routine business was dealt with today at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rut pert Gyro Club, preparatory arrangements being made for the In stallation or otneers tor tne year 1934 which will take place onTues-day ot next week. President T. W. Brown was in Uic chair and there was a good attendance of members. C.N. R. Trains "or the East Mondays. Wednesdays and Frl aays . , -. 5:sa p.m. From the East. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur Announcements Burns' Banquet, Presbyterian rhurch Hall, January 25. Elks" Dance, Friday, January 26. United Choir Concert, Jan, 26. Scotch Dance Seal Cove Parlsn Hall. January 20. Prince Rupert Badminton Club cance. Elks' Home, Friday, February 2. Annual St. Valentine tUnco. Cambral Chapter. I.O.D.E., Feb. 14, MOOSE HALL Wed. 17th Mocwe Lodge meets. Election of officers. Frl.. 19th Moose Dance. Tues.. 30th Moose Brlclge Whist and Dance, Feb. 5th Boxing matches. Basketball every Monday and Thursday evening. Scotch Dance every Saturday evening Boost Prince Rupert Sport OFFICERS ARE NAMED C. C. Mills returned to the city Mrs. McCoskrle Elected President of Sublecti on the Catala. todav after makinu! St. Andrew! Cathedral Admls- the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on business. Woman's Auxiliary At thp nnnii'il mHn nf t.h Duplicate automobUe licence kU'womarrt Auxiliary of St. Andrew's "'"JiAHKlican Cathedral yesterday af the ChCala this at the office of the .gov?ndnt i . fu ... ' , . . .i . . .... . . I ' uiiiccta iuii icai ncii ' wiaU 4Vtw 1 ,.mIm. -tin. nit rnnnn mmiil 14 ,w.M v.. t - "Itrin to Anyox and Stewart on comfiicc. 1 pany builneM. announced by tho paY . ! W: Hi Tobey. C. N. It: divisional A. Burbank, divisional engin- j ipet4ntedtit; resumed to the for. the Canadian National city Saturday night from a trip tpi elected as follows Honorary- President, Pork Chops 3 lbs aUau53? Phone O'u Veal Chopit-. Ma. a. a. Rlx. Honorary First Vice-President, Mrs. J D. Gibson, nbnoran' Second Vice-President. a , itaiiways, returned to me cuy oa- me interior as lar as smithers on Mr, R l. Mcintosh m i mruuy evening irpin n'l' omi- uuiriui uu.Miirs.f thers and other Interior points on official duties. afternoon's train. Ronald MrLeod appeared In city police court before Magistrate Mc-Clymout yesterday morning charged with contributing to the dciin quency of luvenllc by provtdlna , threo young boys, with a sawed -off! j22 rine which they were using, I around the city. McLeod was rc-I tpanded for elRht days. CONDITIONS IMPROVING Tciuth' - train, dun from the east at 10 p.m repotted this mornlut to be on time Mrs. D. L. Mclntomlncy of Anyox was a passenger aboard the Catal.i today going through for a trip to Vancouver. R. E. Moore, local manager of P. BurnsCo. Ltd., returned to the city ou the Gaula this motnlng from a brief business trip Stewart. to Anyox and President. Mrs. McCoskrle. I First Vice-President. Mrs. Thomas Andrew. ' Second' Vice - President, Mrs. George Rorle. Secretary. Mrs. G. H, Arnold. ' Treasurer. Mrs. F. A. MacCallum. Dorca Secretary,. Mrs, 3. VI Cox. Girls' Secretary, Mrs, A. H- Wad-dlngton. Juniors' Secretary. Mrs. a V. Ev- , itt. ; Little Helpers' Secretary. Mrs. E. ; W Tucker. Envelope Secretary, Mrs. J. P. i Cade. : United Thank Offering Stcretary, , Mrs. A. Tt.Parlln. ! Living Message Secretary. Mrs. H. G. Kennedy. Boys' League Secretary. Mrs. Fred McLeod and Mrs. C. W. Cripps. j Delegates Mrs. S. V. Cox and . Mrs. YV. E. Colllson. alternates. Mrs. C. Ellison and Mrs. Smeeton. Before trip business session, there was a service by Dean Gibson. Hotel Arrivals, Royal Louis L. Starr and Mark Bolton; Port Essington; A. Benson and VY Anderson, Vancouver: R. a Peters, Victoria. , .JiUliJI ! Jones Family MEAT MARKET Phone 957, Shoulder Pork, 4 lbs. , Apples, 3 lbs Leg of Pork per lb. 3 lbs. . Round Steak 3 lbs. Rump Roast ot Beeffr per lb T-Bone Roast per lb Pot Roast per lb. , Boiling Beef 3 lbs Leg of Veal per lb. .1.. ... Boned and Rolled. Shoulder of Lamb, per lb. Leg of Lamb per lb. tTomato Sausages per lh. Pork. Sausages 2 lbs. 60c 18c 50c 50c 40c 15c 18d 10c 25c 15cj 20c) 20c) lOcj 25c' Central Hotel American and European plan Housekeeping Rooms We Also Sell Coal That Gives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping. & General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me Phone Black 121 GEO. J. DAWES CG3' TSZ3K atfBsVflHHHaMHHHHEHi for sale Third Ave. & Sixth St BABY Buggy. Singer Sewing Ma-! chine, nearly new. Snap. Reri 720 ; 'tf i FOR SALE Hot Air furnace, perfect condition. Phone Green 252. 14 SPECIAL Roller Canaries. Singers and females, $4 and $5 pair. Ship any distance. W. Huston,-Rand Block. i FOR SALE Large circulating heater, store and window electric lighting fixtures and two showcases. Rose. Cowan & Latta. (tf FOR RENT VERNON Apartments housekeeping rooms, newly renovated. 141 2nd Avenue. Phone Red 421. AGENTS; WANTED THE Crown Life Insurance Company requires man of ability as General Agent for Prince Rupert and dlstrlcv Good contract to right man. Apply 822 Rogers Bldg.. Vancouver. B.C. HAIRDRESSER PERMANKNT WAVING! Custer. Curl: Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPB TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Dry birch, cedar, Jackplne. Furniture moving, tf IN 1'itnitm: tii the supreme Court of Hrllltti Columbia In the matter of Ilia '".Viliiiliilttntlmi Art" and In the mutter ( the Mtutr ul Milnru TaWiim.i) lwnl. Intet.it TAKE NOTICE that by 6rer of lUa louor W. B. Ftaher. the Sth day of Jauuary. A.D. 1034. I waa appointed AdimiWatrator ol tlte eafe oi oninzo rakiuiuv, dwraavtL aiul all partlea haying clahna afraluat the aald mtate art hereby required, io furnish aame. pro-Deri t verified, to rrva on or before tti 8th day of rebruary, A. D. 1934, and all pjirtlea Indebted to the et'ate ara reriuired to pay tha amount ot their, mdebtedneat to me forthwl" m j NOJtMAN A WATT. Offl :al Admli'la"Htoe Prince Rupert, H.C , Dated Uil (tn day of January A D. 1934 Give Your Radio Tubes a Real Test Noisy, weak, distorted reception may be due to a single tube. Bring in all your tubes for testing; Witch the testing Instrument and see for-yourself. Tabes far alfemakesiof radios listed. There , is no charge. FURS WANTED Trappers, Ranchers and Collectors We want your Mink, Marten, Fishers, Wolves. Lynx. All Foxes, Otter and all your o.the$ furs to till' in our orders at once. Ouc prices can not be beaten. A trial shipment will convince you. John Clones Prince Rupert, B.C. V: . Ux 367 FOUND Phone 532 i I Classified Ads i FOUND- Keys in casa Owner may have same by calling at Daily News and paying lor this PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanglng Holler, Phone Red 802 TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & I.atta Phone 231 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and BulkJey Valley Coals, are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1: Bulkley Valley. We abm- sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Fced Co, S Phones S&8 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Oycrating. threa Dry. Dks Total cayaelty M.IW Uu ' BhlubnUders and- &hla Relrera for Steel and. Wood Vessels Iron and Brasa, Casting Cleetrle and Acetylene Welilag it-Utt Derrick (or Heavy lift. Sawmill and Mmlng Machtaerj Beaalred and Overhaaled