6 BIG DOINGS AT SWANSON BAY Company Gunns Plant Have Spent Large Sums on New Machinery—Going to Start Again in Big Way—Pulp Mill to be Worked Again. For some time past there has not been any great rush at the lumber mill and pulp works down at Swanson Bay, but things have altered. The company row own- ing the plant there are making preparations for big business. New machinery, costing several thou- sand of dollars has been instalied, new buildings have beer erected and in a few days everything will be in shape for handling big quantities of lumber and pulp. This information was learned by a member of the staff of the Daily News who was at Swanson Bay. Last Sunday night two of the company’s foremen left for Van- couver to get two crews of men, one crew to work in the saw mills and one crew to run the pulp mill. Gangs of men are already cut- ting timber in the company’s own limits, quite near to the works. It is understood that most of the lumber will be shipped to Great Britain and Australia, while the manufactured pulp will find a ready market in the United States. Industrially Swanson Bay will be good for some long time to come, CUT ABOUT THE HEAD Peter Popaz, Montenegrin La- borer, Fell Foul of Derrick At Mcinnis and Kelly’s First avenue grading contract yesterday afternoon a Montenegrin laborer named Peter Popaz got entangled in a falling derrick which gave way under a heavy rock lift. Only the chains dragged him down or his injuries might have been ser- ious. As it was he was cut about the forehead over the eye, and suffered a severe scalp wound. The injured man was hurried along to Dr. Kergin’s where his wounds were dressed. He was able to be around this afternoon. Robbing the Hen Roost In the small hours last night a flutter in his chicken ranch near his Centre street residence aroused Arthur Little. Robed in his night attire, he sallied forth armed with a long piece of pipe to beat off the mauraders. Alas, he was a second late. Down the hill the darkness the dark figures of a man and boy sped like the wind, and today the roost mourns an absent one, a sturdy cockerel, the pride of the poultry farm. Police too in hen —-- a THE DAILY NEWS ECHOES INSTEAD OF COMPASS! Lost Steamer Baicarres Wreck- ed in Agammemnon Channel was Navigated by Noise. Re- vealed at Investigation To- day. (Canadian Press Despatch) Vancouver, Aug. 19.—A marine investigation into the loss of the steamer Balcarres formerly owned by the Sechelt Navigation Comp- any and which was wrecked in Agammemnon Channel on Sep- tember 17 last, was held here today. Evidence adduced showed that the vessel was navigated chiefly by means of echoes from the constant blasts of the whistle instead of by the compass. The instrument was aspirit compass of Ritchie pattern and was sluggish in acting. A new one was pro- vided but as it would not fit the binnacle it was laid away. Captain Fulton testified there was no light on the float this was in his opinion what caused the disaster which occurred at} four a.m. in the midst of fog and} heavy smoke. PREMIER'S PEOPLE Party of Ladies Making the Round Trip by S.S. Prince George. Several ladies arrived in Prince Rupert by the G. T. P. S.S. Prince George this morning, the party including relatives of Premier Mc- Bride. The ladies are making the round trip on the Prince George. Useful Wireless Notified by wireless that a deck passenger on the Prince George had missed his blankets, and fan- cied they had been stolen, Chief Owens of the Provincial Police, met the boat. On investigation, however, he came to the con- clusion that the blankets had been lost, not stolen Weather and Shipping While clear weather is reported from the Islands and has prevailed for days past in Prince Rupert district, wireless reports from down below points tell of clouds and fog. For the most part smooth seas prevail. The S.S. Prince Rupert was spoken last night passing Bella Bella southbound. Worth Seeing No one should miss the really} excellent fire hibited in lifelike moving pictures | at the Empress Theatre last night, | and to be repeated tonight. See the famous fire scene. It is vividly realistic. brigade drama ex- on the job. NOT BUSINESS (Signed ) ICE! that | at | Dempsey’s Camp as usual and that NT —= “The News” Classified Ads. ==(ne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL LOOKING OVER— % ¥ Phone 150 The Insurance People Fire Life Marine Accident Plate Glass Employer's Liability Contractors’ and Personal Bonds |] Policies Prepared While You Wait. Mack Realty & Insurance | COMPANY. P.S.— Houses and Rentals, BOYS Two Five Dollar bills to be given away to bright boys. See Mr. Munroe at the News office. Lost and Satin | Pichia tin stasis sienee ener Lost—A Ladies’ Gold Watch. ! | Reward ” oy re- turning to News Office. } } | | | | t-1R0 | pcre Money to Loan potncraisspineetasetinseeertnsrmmertecemne — | | Money to Loan on Prince Rupert Real Estate. Agreements of sale bought. P.O. Box 958 tf-181. | | | | Situations Wanted oe ee ak | ~ Wanted—Office work by young girl. Typist, some knowlege of stencarahy. Apply P.O. box 27. 186-187 tt Oe os A Help mented —> Wanted—Servant girl, apply Mrs. J. M. Lynch, Summit avenue. iss-t Wanted—Good sized boy to help in kitchen and > ica Nall ced BURIED TODAY George MacDonald of Stewart, Buried Today George MacDonald of Stewart, who was unfortunately drowned on Thursday at Goose Bay buried today over in Garden Is- land. Rev. Father Hartmann con- ducted the services and the funeral arrangements were in charge of Hayner Brothers. was Prisoners Going South Provincial Chief Owers will go south tomorrow on the S.S. Camo- sun with four prisoners. Three are Indians committed for trial on a serious charge and the other is James McCull who was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary for using a rifle at the Windsor hotel. Let 'Em All Come The S.S. Prince George brought in over ninety first class passen- gers today from the south and a number of second class, lot of freight. besides a She leaves jor Stewart on the morning at eight o'clock ard for the south on Monday at eight o'clock, Sixty Days bus y, A. G., Robert Doyle a man who was| mixed up without being able to jaccount very clearly for his po- sition with the man Weaver re- cently sentenced for theft appeared ing on a vag charge and was sent down for sixty days. The Chance of a Lifetime the great sale at Schreiber's store on Centre street today. Positively everything will be sold to the highest bidder. Don’t forget auction Comox-Atlin Liberal Convention is fixed for SATURDAY, AUGUST 19TH at Nanaimo, B.C. All delegates throughout the constituency will please endeavor to be present —Selection of a candidate to contest seat in Dominion Par liament for Comox-Atlin H. C. Brewster, M.L.A., Chairman He buys Lots Hazelton, where he held court. He came back on the steamer Inlander. | REAL ESTATE He sells Buildings He has Houses to Rent. List Your Properties with Jeremiah H. Kugler Sales at 8 and 2 p.m. See add on back page. Good Today All kinds of fresh fruit and vegetables today at Ideal Provision House, Phone 190? CITY GLEANINGS Judge Young has reiurned from Magistrate Carss is back from make himself generally useful. Apply James Hotel, 3rd Ave., corner of 8th Street. tt Wanted woman to take care of two children. Ap- ply at Cer.tral Hotel 186-tf For Rent Be TES OT Newly furnished large outside rooms. Good location, near business section. Everything homelike. Hot and cold water, bath and tele- phone. Call and see them. Phone 179. e Digby Rooms. 185-190 Furnished rooms with bath the week. Talbot House. | Neatly Furnished rooms, gentlemen preferred.— Apply Mrs. Mullin, over Majestic Theatre. tf McIntyre Hall, for concerts, entertainments, dances, etc. Apply J, H. Rogers, phone 116 Nice Furnished Rooms, Mrs. Greenwood, Alder Block; Third Ave. 178-tf New five room house, cor. 4th Ave. and Bowser street, $25 a month. Phone § or P.O, box 852, 180-tf | For Rent—Sons of England Hall, 2nd Ave., for Dances, Fraternal Societies, Socials, ete. Apply 186-tf Special rates by 165-tf Frank A Ellis, Box 869 or phone 68. } em. et For Sale , Wicker Baby Carriage poe household furniture. 2-186 Frenk Evans. Phone 256 Cooking Range and Kitchen Furniture. Apply Cor. 8th and Cotton Streets. 180-4t ' For Sale—Chicken Ranch. 2 Storey house, house- hold goods. Near Prince Rupert. A snap if taken atonce. Address Box 368 tf For Sale—Owner will sell four good lots Nos. 23, 24, 25 and 26, Block 27, Section 5, Taylor street, size 41 x 25 x 100, at $700 each, on reasonable terms. Apply et P.O., Prince Rupert. 76-1 Insurance | es es rs es os es ee | OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just settlements. We write every known class of Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. | > Good money in Moving Pictures Wanted-A party to start moving picture show in Prince Write me for particulars H. Davis, 137-wi | ] Business Chances emcee ces sess semsemermes Rupert. Watertown, Wis. | before Magistrate Carss this morn- | : : USEFUL PRESENTS For all occasions can be purchased from our up- to-date stock of eee Watches, Souvenirs Jewellery and oeeoe R. W. Cameron & Co. G.T.P. Official Watch Inspector. Cor. 6th St. and Second Avenue, PHONE 82 OOKXKXXKKKAKKRRKKKE For row boats and launches telephone 320 green. Davis’ Boat House. The next acquaintance you make a trip up river, INVESTMENTS JEREMIAH H. through answering a want os may be a very valuable one to you. Do away with this. Patronize a white | laundry. White labor only at Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 | i j i | | | } | | | | ‘Fresh FLOWERS On 8.5. Prince George, this morning ARCTIC STUDIO, fii.Ar siti’. | ‘FOR SALE Steam Tug ‘‘Nagasaki.” Length 50 ft., 6 in., 8 H.P. engine. seasons, now in use as © annery tender. May be seen at Port Nelson Cannery, Naas river. For further particulars apply to W. Lord, Port Nelson, or H. Bell-Irving & Co., Vancouver, B.C. 184-189 beam 9 ft., 000-019 000 000000 000000 000 000 200009000 COO CeO eoO CO O~COS draft 4 ft. | Boiler used three | RGR KODAK KODAK WITH YOU { | Vacation pleasures are all-the- ] sae pleasures when your Kodak t keeps the record. Our educa- tional department is at your service, Bring your Kodak troubles to us. Ask for a free | copy of the Kodak catalogue. } McRAE Bros., Ltd. Everything for the Office. te tt et ert mt in eres | ForSale Lot Block Section Price 65 34 8 $325.00 8 and 4 14 8 650.00 7 and 8 36 7 2,000 Come in and see our list of buys in other parts of the city G.R. NADEN COMPANY KUGLER Limited, om tt i th ~* a + + oe ” be, Beene hase SORERMMEE CI ENE ET os 1. oJ ; ar eee ry .o GROUND | Floor Space for Renj in the Hart building, corn er of Second Ave. and Sixth & The Best Business Corner in Pies Rupert Pe OC Coe Apply Jeremiah H. sl Lid, ESRESSESSESSERESSESSESSES CESSES HE The who “THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME.” Gents’ F urnishings Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Rubber Goods, Under. wear, Fixtures and Fittings, Travelling Bags, ete Balance of Stock of C. B. Schreit are relinquishing business, to be AU Soid Without Reserve by PUBLIC CTION at Schreiber’s Store Centre Street, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19th, at 2 and 8 pm Prince Ruper FRANK A. ELLIS AUCTIONEER C5 eet ns tet ere ree rere terete ; j The Best Engine for 6é ° | / Northern B.C. waters is The Frisco Standard | / a | } | j / j | { ' | | AG | | i} Rupert Marine Ironw orks G Supply Co,| Office Phone: Blue P.O. Box 51 if Well Equipped Repair Shop { ) pm oetoe-ce-encentaree-tnter tao 0-t-0+te 9s estas estan y—tat9 orto es 1? terse ‘GameLaws of Western Canada $50 | A neat little booklet compiled for our customers and made to fit the vest pocket, containing a. * game laws of Manitoba, Saskat- | : chewan, Alberta, British Col- Lot are Ess umbia and Ontario, also other aan we useful information to the sports- eee Nice man, This booklet will be glad- parts ly mailed with our compliments For | nee to any desiring same, LARGE . 2 handsome fully illustrated Fire Sate in Fort ; ash Arms catalogue, Post FREE. nn he | ee me The Canadian Arms & Sporting Goods Co., | ann n Pot Winnipeg, Manitoba. G Second Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C, He sells Contracts He builds Homes Kitselas Lands Hazelton District Lands Kispiox Valley Lands Special Bargains in Francois Lake Lands Lakelse Bulkley Valley Lands Porcher Island Lands Kitsumkalum Lands, Sand, Gravel and Marble Deposits He buys Leases Lands He sells Houses HARMLESS BUT HELPFUL No Injuriou If your dealer does not k 4 a box (18 powders) on receipt of 25 cents. J.MATHIEU Co.,Props., Sherbrooke, P.O s Drugs. eep them we will mail ~a MATE NERVINE, POWDERS ” For Keadache, and Neurelga.\ 11U'S onmee REAL ESTATE He loans Money He has Farms For Sale He rents Stores Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. scent ESREDREDEEDEESREREERIERCDU CORED EER EEDREDTED SEES G21 OO the Grand H at once to! Grand Hotel « 183-tf eae k JOHN DYBHAVN Change of Ownership.