Fkox TWO 0 THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCK KLPKKT BltlTlSH COLUMH1A Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday., by Prlne? Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue B. F. PULLEN - - - ManaglngBdltor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery; by mall or carrier, yearly perlod4 paid In advance . For lesser periods, paid In advance, per wees By mall to Jill parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year - By mail to all trther countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lncht per Insertion Local readers, -per insertion, per line Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Contract rates on Application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations A REAL SPRING DAY 86 98 Wins Squash Racquets Title 15.00 JO 3.00 9.00 1.40 .25 .02 Monday, Jan. 29, 1934 BRITISH COLUMBIA'S CLAIM When Premier Pattullo was getting ready to go to Ottawa to ask for financial aid in his work and wages and interest reduction schemes, he investigated the amount ol money collected by the Federal Government in the province and the total expenditures and he found that durinp the past five years the Dominion had collected twenty million dollars more than it had expended in the province.; The money had been expended in public works in the east This was one of the great arguments for British Colum bia in asking for consideration. In view of the situation British Columbia can ask foi what she needs without appearing in the .aspect of a mendicant. Some, newspapers in the east criticized the western provinces recently for trying to make raids on thr federal treasury, when as a matter of fact the east ha.c been levying tribute on the west regularly for five years Yesterday, January 28, was it real spring day. Practically very person in the city was out enjoying the sun shine and it was so warm that an overcoat was an incum brance. A number of parties were picnicking on the -beaches and a few had their boats out on the harbor for "the-first-time. - - - - It-wag, noted that a number of the spring bulbs are coming through the ground. Crocuses, snowdrops, daffodil? and narcissi are pushing their buds through the soil and even tulips' are seen in favored spots. The pussv willows are out, many of the perennials are growing and gardeners were put looking over their plots to see what the frost had left them. It is .expected that there will be more winter yet, but tbf frost will not injure the bulbs. Perennials are more likelv to et a bad setback If the frost is severe and If it should come without snow. So far the snow has heen a great protection to the, gardens. That is why today the lawns arr all green, ana everything has a spring-like appearance. Mrs. William F. Howe. Jr.. of Boston, gained distinction as the leading women's squash recqusM player of the country toy winning the VS. National championship for -the third time. Photo shows Miss Anne Page and Mrs William F. Howe, Jr . at the Ju-nlon League Clubhouse, New York, finalists, before -final game. """aaaMBMaMBiianawaiiawi Daily News Want Ads Bring Results RANGERS IN ! LEAD AGAIN Defeated Boston Bruins Last Night; Black Hawks Also Win and Detroit Has Draw I NEW YORK, Jan. 29: (CP) As a result of a victory over the lowly Boston Bruins here last night, the New York .Rangers regained exclu- slve possession of first place In the' American Division of the National' Hockey League. The Detroit Red Wings, who played a draw with the, Canadians at Detroit, are in second place while the Chicago Black Hawks, who blanked the Toronto Maple Leafs at the Windy City, regained in .third position. The Canadlens, by ylrtue of the draw with the Red Wings, crept back into second place in the international Division with a scant one point lead over the Montreal Maroons who have been going exceptionally strong of late. Week-end scores were as follows: .Saturday Snores Detroit 2, Toronto 2. New York Americans J. Montreal 2. Sunday Scores .Canadlens 3, Detroit 3. Toronto 0, nChlcago 2. .Boston .2, Jfew York Rangers A. Hockey Standings International Division W. D. L. P. A. P Toronto 18 J 7 312 66 -43 Canadlens 12 13 0 03 -29 SCOTTISH LEAGUE FIUST DIVISION Alrdrleonians 3, Kilmarnock 1. Ayr 1, Falkirk a. Celtic 0, St. Johnstone 0. Ccwdenbeath 1, Hearts 5, Dundee 0, Rangers 0. Hibernians 3, Aberdeen 2. Motherwell 3, Queen's Park . 1 Montreal 10 12 453 Zl 28'! Americans 9 7 34 C4 5 25 j Ottawa 5 16 5 35 21 American 4iWttfon Rangers 15 6 9 9 G3 .36 Detroit 14 7 10 458 "70 35 Cliicago 13 ,8 1 a 43 34 Boston 9 3 18 "58 79 21 Old Country Soccer FOUUTU ltOCXI) NGUSU CLT. MillwaU 3, Leicester -City 6. Tottenham Hot Spurs 4, West-ham 1. Liverpool 3, Tranmere 1. Workington 1, Preston 2. Hull 2, Manchester City 2. Portsmouth 2, Grimsby 0. Arsenal 7, Crystal Palace 0. Birmingham 1, Charlton 0. Derby County 3, Wolverhamp ton 0. Bury 1, Swansea 1. Aston Villa 7. Sunderland 2. Hucdersfleld 0, Northampton 2. Chelsea 1, Notts Forest 1. Stoke 3, Blackpool 0. Brighton 1, Bolton 1. Oldham 1, Sheffield Wednesday 1. ENGLISH J.EAGUE I-IUST DIVISION Nefcastle 1, West Bromwlch Albion 2. Partlck Thistle 1, Queen of Scuth 1. fit. Mirren 2, Clyde 0. Third Lanark 1. Hamilton 1. Today s Stocks (C iuHt 3. D. Johnston On.) Vancouver B. H. X. Gold, .59. Bralorne, 11.10, Big Missouri, .35. B. C. Nickel, .75. Bridge niver Con., 41,i. Caribou Gold Quartz, 2.40. Dunwell, 34V2. Georgia River, .02 14. Indian, '.01 V2. ' Mlnto, ,24. Meridian, .23. Morning Star. .27. Native Son, .10. V National Sliver. .04T8. Noble Five, .12V4. Pend Oreille, .93, - Porter. Idaho, .11. Premier, 1.06. Reeves Macdonald, .17. Reward, .13. Reno, 1.05. Silver Crest, 023A. Whitewater, 07. Wayside, .42. Waverly Tangier, .024, OUs Home, 1x77, C. it E 1.07. Fabyan, .0034. Freehold, .15',. Sterling Pacific, .67. ,THJ .DAILY NEWS g'Lu ' 1 "'ix'-i lii. 1 wj i BILLIARDS Many Countries UP TO DATE Are Entered In Defrrred Games J'lajed Grotto i Brown, Orotto, M. JJ. McLaciilan ts. 'arl' Batt. M. E. Young vs. George Howe Je,ie PrKchard ;vs. John Mav W: E. WHliscroft s Bert Morgan. London meeting .Now Jn Second Place . LONDON, Jan. 29: Women representing twenty-six countries -at With the playine of deferred u,e vor wm participate In the matches at the week-end. last World's Wome n's Games to be iheld week's two Billiard League fixtures eK jn August this year. Jt Is an-were clearied up and Empress and '-noued. Orotto will meet .tomorrow evening In the next match. in one "of last week's fixtures. I Grotto defeated Elks by the decisive aggregate score of 1172 to 1030, George ilowe of the Gtotto winning over William Stuart . of the Elks 300 to 171 In '.the final deferred game. Jrt the fixture irom Thursday night of last week. Canadian Le- BASKETBALL February 1- Kalens vs. Grotlo: '.Merchants vs. 'Warriors; nigh School vs. Comets: Scythians vs. ' Scouts. February 8-Orottn vs. C.N.R.A.; Urnrlniii .tie llto.ll .&ilull .nAfrtlll. n.won over Empress !098 to 1033, comets; ScouU v,'. Hashes. wiv- trauiis 01 iwo uejcriea games ibclng as follows: Alex Murray. Canadian Legion, 200; W. E. Wllllscroft. Empress. 180. Line-ims fur tomorrow nlnht aro donald. Ft'bruary t2 Orotto vs. Kalens: Warriors vs. Merchants: Comets vs. High School; Trojans vs. Scouts. M. M. Lamb, 151; J. Sutherland, 200. Frank Aldridge vs. S. D. Mac- announced .as follows: ; The secimd diaW tailiii? to date A! Douald, .Empress, vs. Don is as 'follows: G. Canadian Legion 3 Orotto 3 Empress 3 Elks 3 Ttl. Ave. 3303 1123 3310 1105 3242 1081 3307 1009 O. Ttl. Ave. S. D.-M.icdonaW iaX ,C00 200 J. 8utherlunil F.m 0 11U9 103 P. Prltchard Em 9 1772 107 D. Brown (G) 9 1756 195 C. P. Balagno Elkst 0 1736 193 C. Baptle CL) 9 1734 193 "Roy Fo g HiH :2 380 193 fj. P. Tinker -CL :S) 1739 102- J. May Gl 0 1712 100 J. Judge (CD 3 563 180 E. Batt OI . J) 1070 188 0. Howe 0 8 1483 185 J. Doherty lElki) 7 1278 183 M. M. Lamb CL 7 1273 182 W. WlUlscrftft (Em 1 7 1274 J82 F. Aldridge (Em) 8 1450 181 t. McLaehtan Em 3 511 180 & Morris 4 Elks) . 2 3C0 180 W. Stuart (Elksi 9 1C03 178! J. Bulger Elksi 9 1C05 178 C. Youngman CLl 7 1245 178 A. Donald tin 15C2 174 W. E. Ilutson (Ol 1038 173 W. Ranee CL) 1 172 172, . Morgan 0 9 1529 170 J. Saunders (Elks) 7 1218 1G9 M E. YftWMC 'Em 0 1490 ICG'j a. Murray CI.i 8 1327 1C, L. Kaabc (Emp.) 1 ICS ICS A Harvey (CD Z 1301 163 ' II Mentlc 1 Elks 1 9 1410 157! A. Beale Emp) 2 305 163 W Lrimble 'Elksi 2 287 144 A Zadan.skl Gi 1 138 138 Monday, January 29, uj4 Billiard Averages MATCH IS ARRANGED Toronto Maple Leah to I'lay of League for Benefit o tt Bailey TOIIONTO, January 13 ica; dian Pressi-The National H0. League Announces tfca: a ber.r gane will ho played In Toro: :j :-tween the Maple Leafs and star team Tvprrsentlnjr f.he rr the League -fdr Ace Bailey Tore player, who suffered duriu monh ag,o la a game af Bo; a.arekull of which he w,;i be Awr.ta. play again for .wo yr and nolbly nwer It isest.' receipts from the ran:: amount to at least $20,000 Hunters! Sportsmen! Have your trophies mounted by an expert Bear rugs mounted In any tyle. flame hnii a specialty. All work guaranteed first class. FURS MADE UP Write For Prion E. I)ix, Taxidermist Terrace, DC A Leading National Advertiser .1 1 1 ;. of a World-famous Food Product writes "We. have always relied on newspapers for our main sales results, believing that the newspaper, with its influence on home life and its powerful and enduring hold on the consideration of readers, is the ideal advertising medium for Nestles Evaporated Milk and Nestles Condensed Milk. So at a vtime like this, when Canada is on the road to recovery, we feel justified in announcing, a 100 increase in Nestle s Advertising Expen-ditures for 1934." (Signed) BRADFORD ELLISON J "ft-If , I Vice-JVcsidcnt and flaicriil ' AlnnMBcr, -t f NckiVh Milk I'nnlugls ((insula) Ud. ; t NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING always pays the consistent advertiser THE DAILY NEWS