PAflE FOUR I 7 Wc Accept City Scrip COMEDOWN SOMETIME Stop at Mussallem's Confectionery Order from our appetizing menu and listen to our music. Light Lunches served with any drinks. Give, the family a treat, and take home a box of ICE CREAM HtZn I Ov per quart OUH PRICKS ARE MOST ' MODERATE TURKISH DELIGHT per lb. Servic( Phone Blue 320; 336 2nd. Ave, LOOK FOR THE TOWER 35c RUM it BUTTER TOFFEE QSn per lb JELLY BEANS 9Q per lb AVls, MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY S. R. S. lune in topics HIGH LIGHTS SATURDAY 6:00 Baron Manchauson, KOMO. 7:00 Byrd Expedition, KOIN. 0:00 B. A. Rolfe Orchestra, with Ripley, Believe or Not, -..-KOMO;- 8.00 Moonlight xin,ibe, Pad.-.. f lc, CFCN. SUNDAY 5:00 Eddie Cantor with Ru-blnoff, KOMO. 0:30 Album of Favorite Music, KOMO. 7:30-Seth Parker, KOMO. 8:30 Death Valley Days, KOMO. 9:30 Tango Orch., KOMO. MONDAY 0:30 Big Show, KOIN. 7:00 Carnation Program, KOMO. 0:30 Firestone with Lawrence Tlbbei, KOMO. 8:00 Shell Show, KOIN. 9:00 NBC Drama Hour, KPO. and Remember We offer you a modern, efficient and re-' liable Radio Service Superior Radio ST SHOES No Need to Say You Have an Expensive Foot Wc have just received a large shipment of Ladies' Shoes in A widths, to fit that narrow foot. Wc offer these shoes at S pecial Cut Rate Prices. Women's Smart, Attractive Dress Oxfords in the finest grade black kid, Cuban heels CO QC A to EEE widths, reg. $5.95 QO,UO Women's 1 -Strap Shoes, very dressy in fine black kid, covered Cuban heels QO QC A to EE widths, reg. $5.95 i?0,UO Ski Boots Men's and Ladles' Ski Boots at less than 35c on the dollar, wholesale. No better values than this have ever been seen In Prince Rupert. For the Dry Dock Worker, Men's Solid Leather Work Boots, reg. $450 C9 01 up from V&UO Very Special! A genuine Leckie made Work Boot oil tan chrome tops, solid leather QO nc ' soles, reg. $4.95 tjJO.O BIG RELIEF VOTE ASKED President Franklin D. Roosevelt Estimates Half Billion Dollars Needed For Year WASHINGTON DC. January 29 President Franklin D. Roosevelt has asked Congress for $500,000, 000 to be used in direct relief diir ing the next fiscal year, .' ' v FRASERSPAN IS REJECTED Marine Department At Ottaw? Turns Thumbs Down On Lad-ner Bridge Plan OTTAWA, January 29 The plan for a new bridge across the Fraser River at Ladner was rejectee by the Department of Marine Have Order For Three Thousand MINK No change in market. Paying as high as $15.00 Interested in all furs. Don't sell your goods until you see G0LDBL00M Rubb ers Special Cut Rate Clearance prices on all rubbers Let us save you money. GUT RATE SHOE STORE CONCERT BY BOYS' BAND Splendid Entertainment Last Night Enjoyed by Large Crowd The concert staged In the Moose Hall: last night by the Prince Rupert Boys' Band, under the baton of Bandmaster Robert ureemieldwas an unqualified success, the band, wtih assisting artists, playing to a capacity house which Jook up aH available space. A variety of num bers rendered splendidly by the Band received spontaneous applause and much favorable comment was heard. The band program was augmented with vocal solos by Miss Betty Cameron, vocal quartets by Dr. and Mrs. R. O. Large, Mrs. P. C. Miller and J. S. Wilson, vocal solos by David Houston, recitations by Miss L. Hale and humorous songs by J. Melville all of which were most acceptable with encores being demanded in each case. Mrs. J. S. Black was piano accompanist. F. W. Wesch presided and, In a few well chosen words, spoke on behalf of the band, expressing appreciation to the artists for their as- i slstance. WEATHER VERY BAD Two Deaths in England Broken Electric Light Services, Foe And Frost Rive Trouble LONDON, Jan. 29: Mid-England Is recovering from the worst storm so far this winter. Over a wide area north of London disrupted electric 'ight services combined with dense fog to bring about chaotic traffic conditions. People were carrying flares In order to see their way about. Temperature below freezing further aggravated the general discomfort. Two were killed and 37 Injured. "TILLIE THE TOILER" 'SLA f. veett aoy r'.eio Sacred Concert AtKincolith Choir of Christ Church Excelled Itself at Recent Public Appearance KINCOLITH, Jan. 29: The choir of Christ Church held a sacred concert In Jubilee Hall here. Rev. Oliver Thome presided and there was a large attendance. The program, conducted by J. E. Stewart as organist, assisted by George L. Stewart. Arthur Nelson and Simon McKay, violinists, was an excellent one. being as follows: Hymn, "Nearer My God to Thee." the congregation. Anthem, "Thou Art My Lord," from "Kings Triumphant," the choir. Address by Sam Stewart, choir superintendent. Anthem, "What Are These Arrayed In White?" the choir. Address by Robert Stewart, chair man of Christ Church. Anthem, "Worthy la the Lamb" from "The Messiah." the choir. Basket Auction. Vocal solo, 'My Task," Rolf Clayton. Anthem, "Star of Bethlehem." by George L. Stewart and his children. Solo, "Dream of Home." Mrs. II. Woods. Song, "The Great Day." by chorus girls. CALAMITY IS GREAT Estimates of Mortal Toll and Pro. pcrty Damage in India's Quake Mounting CALCUTTA, Jan. 29: -Belated reports continue to come in regard-' lng" mortal toll and destruction In i the great earthquake which shook' all India two weeks ago today. It has become apparent that tho calamity was the greatest in the; modem history of the country. It Li now believed that at least 25.000 lives were lost. A report reached here yesterday of a women being still alive al though in serious condition after having been buried in debris for 13 days since the earthquake. PEOPLE NOT INTERESTED IN POLITICS So Says Alex Manson, Ominrra M. L.A., In Addresk in Vancouver VANCOUVER. January 29- The people of British Columbia are noi concerning themselves any longer with party politics. It was de clared by A. M. Manson K.C, M.L. A. for Omlncca, in an address here. Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, calm, 32. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 33. Anyox Foggy, calm, 36. Stewart Part cloudy, calm, 28. Dead Tree Point Foggy, calm; barometer, 29.90; temperature. 42; sea smooth. Triple Island Overcast, slight easterly wind; sea smooth. Langara Overcast, light southeast wind; sea moderate. City police have .received an Inquiry regatdlng a 24-ycar old woman, Jean Anderson, who has been mtoslng from her home In Varicou-ver for four years. The young woman was an accomplished violin player. It is her mother who makes the Inquiry. - (VMM 3&."2. VOL) UK'S 305T I WES T OLD STORV MOTH AND wo Trie pi.vMc,) t ylf rrr. i rr-'r TWO FILM BILL HERE Another Double Program Offered At riit of This Week At Capitol Theatre A rollicking comedy "Love, honor and Oh Baby." featuring Slim Summcrvlllc and Zasu Pitts, and a nuzlllstlc drama "The Life of ! Jimmy Dolan," with Douglxi Falr-j banks, Jr.. Allnc MacMahon and Lorctta Young In the loading roles, comprise a double feature picture bill being presented at the Caplto Theatre here at the first of thl week. In "Love. Honor and Oh Baby." Slim Summervlllc appears as m lawyer and Zasu Pitts as a filing' girl. The action is fast a,nd the1 lines funny with plenty of Laugh, climaxes. Summervllle and Pitta 'arc always a popular team anc ithls picture is said to be one 6f "The Life of Jimmy Dolan" Is the story of a left-handed prizefighter who is forced to keep out of the ring to avoid detection after becoming a fugutlve from Justice. In addition to Fairbanks, Miss MacMahon and Miss Young, the east Includes such well known stars as Lyle Talbot. Fifl Dorsay, Guy Klb-bee and others. 'Boy Scout Work j Here is Being Reorganized Toe H having been requested to reorganize Boy Scout work In Prince Rupert, a meeting was held Saturday night in Toe It Hall, with Dr. W. p. Asplnall presiding, (it which the Rangera were reorganized with the selection Of Ian Frnl-ser at' chie( ranger. . Further reorganization of -the Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs wfll-be proceeded with in -the near future. ij J r Charged with drunkenness. WaJ ter Cory appeared before Magis trate McClymont in city .police court this morning and was .tc-manded until this afternoon. Gresvig's SKI HARNESS Poles - Wax Skis Made to Order at Kaien Hardware A Satisfactory Place (o Shop PHONE: 3 FRESH MUM AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 j Where Formality Eqds MONDAY and TUESDAY TWO SHOWS 7 & 9:25 AdmlsHon 15c & 50c Alex Crawford, father of W. J. Crawford of Stewart and Barker -vllle. was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening bound from Vancouver to Stewart. Cream which ,ls about 2 '.hours nld is more satisfactory !f6r Ice cream making than fresh cream. Wfd.if.d4, & lhnrdj! THE INVISIBLE MAN" Two Goofy Love Birds In Riotous Court Tangle CI Il ClTMMPIlVlI.I.rc ruirl 7AS1T IHTro "Love, Honor and Oh Baby" ,,4J With George llarbler. Lucille (ilrason. A Can, Universal m,1ka ' Added Feature-THK LIFE OK JIMMY DOLAN'VU i J whii if, ruiruaiiKs jr . tuiri i"in. . Marnrr nron, I'lclure Rough Weather Prevents Light 1 Keepers' Return SEATTLE. Jan. 29: On account of heavy seas, the lighthouse keep-1 er of Destruction Island off the, Washington coast and his wife were unable to return until the end of ' last week to their Island home at- ', ter a trip to town to spend Christ- mas. i! For Your Health! SMOKED Chlroprsetle Ultra Violet Hj, Intra Red Kayi Mamie All at Reasonable PrVM W. C ASPINALL I).cJ (Chiropractor) (ireen 211 Phono hrm til Kichanit Rlork The AUCTIONEER Packing- Cntln Wrippiri ft Oeneral rurnlture Reptin List your foodi with ci ThiilMwRllrl Ifl I KO. J. DAWKS The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famoui "Rupert Brand" BLACK COD Prepared Dally IJj Canadian Fish & Cold Slorage Co., Lid. PRINCE KUPKItT. H.C. WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS tl ri v 1 It's sure to R jrUTylS ple&seyou ;very well. Central Hotel American and European plan Housekeeping Rooms Wc Also Sell Coal That Gives Perfect Satisfaction Phone 51 REPLENISHING PHONE US Wc Iiavo coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone f 18 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll. Propriety "A IIOMK AWAY MOM HOME" Rates 1.00 of 50 Rooms, ' Hot it Cold WiW Prince Rupert, DC . Phone 281 , i ,P.0.1pox 1" w. mm . Bjr Westovcr. Tl Ifnooo MOftuiuer, I "A . H I U . L I v:. .- J. . x '