Monday January 29, 1934 i A ?r F:. r Ormes Ltd. "3fie. Pioneer DrtiQcjiste 0'k in town. jc East. Apply Ml 4th 25 IAL Roller Canaries, filng-.ii .d females. $4 and U pah. p .;s.y W. Hutton. i Work . FOR RENT VERNON Apartments housekeep- mv n-wly renovated. 141 2j d Avenue Phone Rod 421. HAIRDRESSER FIRMAMENT WAVINOl Outer Curt; latest Rtjh-s NEUSON'S BFAUTY RHOPPf TRANSFERS HID your basement of old bottles. PAINTING and Paperrunglng Mailer. Phone ReC UU TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & 1'honr 234 I.atta Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Oatrattng three Dry Dm ToUl capacity tl,M Im BhtpbatMcra and Shit KcMilrcrs 8ee and VTtU Yettelt Iron and Brass Casting tltctrle aid Acetylene rVelttni "tst Derrick fer neaty tUU wmlll and Mining Machinery Krtatred tnd Uverbtale Thonn; 81 It l Mi 31 Antiseptic Mi 31 Shaving Cream Mi 31 Tooth Paste Large These 3 at a special, 82c Roll-Up Rule With Lavender Shaving Cream Special at 63c For Your Dog AkU for Noma Worm Capsules. Get a Descriptive Jiooklet If You Are Taking Yat Try the Brewer's Yeast Flakes In 40c or 75c Sizes A debltlrrlml and non-fallmlng form of rat tonic) Sea Sun Chocolate Bars, 5c The New Vitamin Har Classified Ads FOR SALE Y'M KALE Sebaatfan Pollet DogJ LOST jrntly lady; wro.nrd the money $17 In bill. Finder kindly return to Dally Newt, tf FOUND FOUND Keys In case. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this WANTED WANTFJJ 1 bat hull, abaut 3-feet. Mutt be sound and cheap SUite price. Box 199. Dally News. ;ovi.umi-.nt l.i'H ok i 2t NOTirr n bitr siw thi on thr ttnii .ur nt IMu-uarr Tint tlx UlMter .1., iniMuk n noli to the lAlUnr C 'ii'rol IMwrtl lor of pirmtM txtUif n OI in uuuauiK knon u Ittrntoc Haul. Hut a tb i nih nrf nalinubiii Strrrt avhl for lr doz Cameron s U)un Um. uii dmrrtri m tot No is , sf,T Ul rk No 10 SUp No 81SA. lYtnap Ru- P tf' Iam1 tuwMMlou UltrH. In PiovIik or nrttuk ooiuinou. tor U bT th ta4 bv - lltlVTPDO I All I t'A i il K,r oiwumpuon on Uie pmnimf or ti.i. MimI da if Jtnuftrv. 1B34 MA1IMOT HOTE1 OOUPANY UUnTI oer n"amr I. UJMtoiMOil. MlrT l iitimxit: m -me s!?iw.ur. rotiiiTOPnnrri8ii wiium in TI1K MAITTR OF THE ADMINISTRATION ACT" IN THE MSTT1W OP THE raTATE OF I TAKE KOTICK Ut T ortk-r cil till mliXrWH' -of hr of Jscob Aduiu vii.b.. Mmm1 Atui III inrvnn iim rlw whim miX fut re M-rrby twiulrr.1 o turnW wurie. pro-' ixTly wlflfd. t m on or before tn liliwl fly f Frbrusry. AD. 1B34. nd partlM inofbtfd lo Uie eiiute are ' irotiiriiu lo Jr the mount of their ! ...i.. in mi- fnrlliwUli " JCOllUAN A. WATT, OFFICIAL ADUINIBTRATOR. Pruire nurt. n o. Dfttiyl the aand rlwT ot Jnimrr. A D 1M4 Steamship Sailings VICKS VapoRub MLs V Thompson -of the Pon Simpson Hospital nursing staff -was j Miss Joan Woodward of SmHhers. i who has been on a trip to Portland , u receive treatment at the Shrine, hospital tor crippled children, armed in the oily on the Venture A. E. Dickson, arrived In port at 7:30 last evening from the south and sailed a couple 6f hours later for Anyox. Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning and sail at 1:30 pjn. for Vancouver. This Is the last trip of the Catala before being withdrawn from ser vJce for anuual overhaul, the as. Osrdena to be relief ship on thr-Van couvcj -Prince Riyjert-Anyox-Stewart route during her absence. Announcements Prince Rupert Badminton Club .. . . i i. . . oanre. EIKs ueme, rruiay, riwu-ary 2. C. N. JL A. February C. hridgc Eagles' Hall Annual St. Valentine Camlrrai Chapter, I.O D.E.. dance Feb. 14 Pioneer's Banquet March 9. 'j'or Vancouvei I oi. riurirs a oiw vu"iii i Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m. March 17. Thurs. ss. IT mipcri p. Frlday-s. Pfln- Adelaide 10 p.n. Ss. Cardcna midnigh! From Vancouvei Suuday ss. Catalt Pm Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert - " Frlday-M. Prm. Aoeiaac Ss. Cardena For Anyox and Stewart Sundny ss. Cutala Wed. -as. Pr Ruiwrt 4 pan pm .8 p.m 4 p.m Frin Anyox and Stewart Tuesday-s. Catala ....11:10 Thurs, ss, Tr Rupert 8 p.m for Ntas lUver ana Tort Mmpion-Sunday ss. Catala 8 Pm From Naas Klver Si Port Simpson .'Tuosday-sk datah - 11:30 ajn TOMOKItOW NIGHT Bridge, Whist and Dance In The MtMM Hall Cards, 9 p.m. Dancing, 11 P-m. Admission, 35c Includes: Refreshments Good Prizes Mrs. J, S. Black's Orchestra Everybody Weltfome TSM DAILY RXWB LOCAL NEWS NOTES Basketball tonight 1 o'clock. Miss Peters, skier of Sid Peters of Anyox, and her friend, 'Miss ;8trannlx. were -passengers aboard the Catala last evening bound from Vancouver to the smelter town. Annual meeting f Prince Kii-jicrt Llbrral Association -will be held In Metrojwde Hail, Tonight, January 29 at l.m. Business Election of officers. All Liberal forillaily invited to attend. 21 "William II. Fettman of Premier. who "has been on a -vacation trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south, was a passenger aboard the j Island. ! Catala last evening returning! ' north V, est Colds T-1..A 11 mf i iuu wcu uvci fit . throat and chest We buy anything In told. Premium prices. Max lleillironer. i Mrs. Neal Carter. 335 Fifth Av-j enue East, will be at llame Thurs-j day, February 1, from A to G pjn. ! Moving pictures of "Seeing Ca-! nada" series and comedy will be! shown In C.LD.L.' Hall Teusday at 8 pm. All unemployed and families Invited. Mrs. H. Oakcsand Mrs. M. John-ion of Surf Point, who have been on ;i trip to Vancouver, returned to the city on the Venture Saturday afternoon on their way back to Porcher Rev. F. A. Anf leld. principal of ' the Indian Industrial school at Al-, ert Bay, who has been on a business trip to Bella Coola. was a passenger; aboard the Venture Saturday after-. noon returning to Alert Bay. , William SplHer, former inspector of provincial police here and at Prince George, who was superannuated last year, is now farming on Salt Spring Island in the 'Gulf .Islands where he Is reported to be . . . . . . 'rfolnff vftrv well a jMuenter aooara me vauua lasi - tfnltf -rl it ml nw nnrth of i or fi ! vacation trip to Vancouver. Divisional headquarters of the provincial' police nktt 1iave been W M Blackstock, manager of the J aavuea inai noDcrv urangy was hranhir thp ffonartisn nnk ;een sentenced to two years lm of Comerce. -has accepted an Invitation to address the Prince Rupert Oyro Club tomorrow. He will speak prtsenment with hard labor in New Westminster Penitentiary at Prince George by Judge II. A. Robertson ! on the subject of a Central Bank breaking and entering the Sln- ; for Canada. ctalr Mills store. Additional sen tences t six months each have been imposed upon the same iman for theft of effects from the dwelling of a man named Sandeand for theft of tools from the Forest Branch. A boy of Juvenfle age who Saturday afternoon on her way j was associated with Blangy In thef oack to her Jiomc in tnc interior, roooenes was sentenced to three She went south under the auspices j of the local Shrine Club. Constable A. J. Pomeroy of the city detachment -of the pmrinetel police here and Constable Malcolm Martin of -Sruitaors, both of whom hve been south on escort duty, returned from Vancouver on the Catala last evening. Constable Martin will proceed to the Interior ty the first train. Many local friends wHl regret to leam that Walter S. Fisher, formerly of this city and for the past' several years stationed at Victor In the provincial government taxation department service, as been a patient recently in hospital at the Capital suffering from a ner vous breakdown. Latest reports areJ that he lias been getting along fa vorably. With a fair-sized list of nassen- Unlon steamer Catala. Capt. years In the Industrial school at Corrultlam. NOTICE Fresh Side Fork per lb. Shoulder of Pork 4 lbs Pink Chops 2 lbs Sirloin Steak- 2 lbs Iamb Chops 2 lbs Round Steak- ieb; Ilaiaberger Steak 3 lbs Pot Roast of Bief- per lb Boiling Beef 3 lbs Fresh Killed Chicken per lb. .... Lamb Btow per lb .... Tomato Sausage- per lb. Pork Sausage 2 lbs. I .Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of the members of the Prince Rupert Central Hospital Association will be held at the -City Hall m Tuesday. January 30, 1934 at 8 p.m. Business: To receive balance sheet for 1933. To receive general and auditor's .t port s. To elect five members of th-Board of Management To appoint an auditor. II. W. BIRCH. Jan. 20 & 29 Secretarj Hotel Arrivals r Uoyal P. Wieks, Vancouver. Central J. Hauland. Oona River. Prince Rupert Miss Joan Woodward and Malcolm Martin. Smlthers; Claranc Martin, Mnssctt: David A. Tlrown. Prince Rupert. Artrprtlse in Th Dallv News : (. .Bti!.BBsatatji iitt i Jones' Family MEAT MARKET IMione !)57 Phone 957 r50c! Try a "Hospital-Tested" Remedy Normal health and energy are possible only when the haemoglobin content of the blood Is normal. That is because It is the haemoglobin that distributes vital oxygen from the lungs and nutriment from the digestive organs to build body cells -and clear the system of poisons. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills long recognized as an efficient l)lood-builder were recently put to another authoritative test of their power to increase haemoglobin In the blood-streams of run-down;, nervous people. Forty thin-blooded, "tired -out" students were 'blood tested ' before and after a five weeks' treatment at a leading Canadian hospital. The authentic records of the test proved that these Pills are -remarkably valuable in restoring strength and vigor. Almost without- exception the patients male and female studentsshowed notable Increases in haemoglobin, ranging as high as 72 per cent. They declared that they felt greatly improved in energy and vitality. The doctor In charge of the clinic was surprised by the extent of the improvement In so short a time Many thousands of benefitted users have Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to thank for restoring them to normal health. The same happy experience can be yours. Try a month's treatment. Chil-dretn and young women In marry j -cases need this "test proven" Te-i medy as much as adults do. Your , Druggttt -can supply you 50 cents a nackage. 'Individual reports on these 40 patients, certified by the hospital I pathologist, are on file. Rushed by Plane j To San Diego; His Mother is Better Having made a speedy trip from; here to San Diego and back In 12 days. Clarence Martin of Massett arrived in the city on the Catala last, evening from the souh and is i now awaiting transportation, to his) home on the Queen Charlotte Islands by gasboat. He left here on1 January 16, having been called south on account of the serious ill-! ness of his mother. Mrs. James Mar- j tin, who has been In California for ; some time on account of her health. From Seattle Mr. Martin jr. travel-: led by airplane to San Diego and found on arrival there that his mother was much Improved. She will be unable, however, to resume residence in the north this year. Mr Martin sr., well known Massett pioneer merchant. Is In San Diego with her. C. N. R. Trains Kor the Fast-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 5:30 pjn. From the East-Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays 10 pan. Vital "Build B.C. Payrolls" Vitamins iM i l The vitamin content of milk very largely determines Its food value. That is why vacuum packing Is such a long stride ahead such an j important Improvement. The old; canning methods, still In general; use. lose a large percentage of the i ital elements. Vacuum packing '.etalns them. We mlgnt add that' Pacific Is the only vacuum packed 35C m'11C in Canada. 35c Pacific Milk - ' 100 K. C. Owned and Controlled OuC PLANT AT AIWUTSFORI) t 15c 25c IAp A. 25C COAL! COAL! O?0; Our Famous Edson, Alberta and vli iinikiov Vniiev Coals are guaran- t : teed teed to to elve give satisfaction. satisfaction. Try Try a 10c i25c ton of No. 1 Uulkley VaUey. We also seU Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. B8 rhonea 151 Magazine Stands - 75c. SPECIAL SALE of - - - - Unpainted Furniture We have a limited quantity of useful articles for the home that is "being cleared out at sacrifice prices. See our window and take advantage of some real bargains in unpainted furniture. Coal Prices Minehead Egg Coal $12.50 Minehead Lump Coal $12.50 Pembina Egg Coal 12.00 Stove Coal 11.50 Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 i THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED lluiufacturen of IKUI riKITI.!! COLl.Mltn ELEPHANT lira nd rilCMICAL IEICTILIF.I() Producers & B 'Intra ot TADANAC tlrsnd ELECTROLYTIC AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-BISMUTU UNION STEAMSHIPS Special Vinter Excursion Rates TO VANCOUVER $32.00 FROM PRINCE RUPERT RETURN 35.35 FROM PORT SIMPSON RETURN All Meals and Berth Included Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from lnteraedtatelnti Special Tickets on Sale Between November 10 and February Ztii 1934 Inclusive linod to Return Up to March 31. mi. - Children Half Fare STEAMERS LEAVE TIUNCE RUPERT ARR. VANCOUVER S.S. CATAI.A TUESllAV. 1:39 P.M. THURSDAY. P-M. S.S. VENWRE FRIIJAY, 12 MOT. MONDAY, A-M. Ticket.- and All Information From Prince Rupert Ajent, U. M. SMITH. Third Ave, Thone 5CS or Pursers S.S. Catala and S.S. Venture Acid Indijrestion Indicates too much aria in tht Stomach. . . . The resultant misery will vanish speedily If you take a Urtle Piiurated Magnesia (Uis-routh in Magnesia) after eating, to Improve the over-acid condition of tha stomach. . . . This is better than rely, lng on habit-forming Laxatives. . . . At all Drug Storesin powder tana. ,,,, . . . or in tabUt for handy carrying ,..r. ; , 1 BISMUTH IN MAGNESIA 7 It's a Protective Neutralizer-NOT a Weakening Laxative If you loso anything, try a classified ad. I