piac rocs V,CT0 t' RADIO l vyNE mfc dial controls it all and l all '.mora world-wide broadcasts for you. -Unquestionably the most revolutionary re-' ceher' we have ever heard. Don't miss the - "opportunity of hearing it this astonishing 1 8-tube super-heterodyne that brings in regular programs, police calls and trans-teeanic broadcasts. Terms you'll like. GET A REAL REST And Change of Climate FURNISHED CABINS Also Room and Board Mrs. Birnie's Camp r Lake Kathlyn COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always fresh Using the Sllex method Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and Invigorating. Commodore Cafe COAL! COAL! Otu Famous Ed son, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaran teed to give satisfaction Try s ton of No, 1 Bulkiey Vahey. W also tell Timothy Hay. Wheat . Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co ti mooes iir VICTOR R-140 AX- fart Ricetttr mi I tlilt Tb"EtI of worlds vide woodcfl" is Come in tod opo He it yooraeiL The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily Bj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage- Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WHIFFLETS From (he Waterfront Crowded with 210 Alaska tourist passengers. 190 of whom were round-trippers. C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert. Capt. Nell McLean, arrived In port on time at 10 o'clock this morning from Vancouver Powell River and Ocean Falls and sailed at 1 o'clock this afternoon tor Skagway and other northern points whence she will return here next Monday southbound. Skipper M. M. Stephens returned to port yesterday afternoon with his power cruiser Vera S. Frye following a five-day trip to Anyox and Alice Arm. Accompanying Mr Stephens on the trip were Mr. and Mrs Frank Morris. Favored by good weather, the cruise proved very enjoyable. I Reports are current here that the big C. N. R. steamer Prince Robert which has been tied up at Vancou ver for the past year or so, Is to be brought to the local dry dock for a general overhaul prior to being commissioned this fall and winter on a new run from Vancouver to California and Mexican waters There Is no official confirmation locally of the report. The Job. if carried out. would of necessity be quite an extensive one. It is said C. N. R. steamer Prince Charles, Capt. Edward Mabbs. Is expected to You'll say BETTER FLAVOURED . or we'll give you Your Money Back Quaker Corn Flakes Tillable Oiufmn "TILL1E THE TOILER" VAIOTTA SMOVaJ- VaJ . FOUS , HER.E ACEtcr TE ATLAMTlC VJHOLE VAJOat-G OF AMD BCAVJTy Aft.E AH , VsE THE SrOTpUE4TV3 ! COMB -SOME" csurtiTtgg VAJH AlVS AT ATATLAHTIC City TW1" VVAmr rm UJE HAWS MOlFUft. &U3CC5U6, FAMCWJ CULPTOa. THCW Madame FtiANCOMIO, R.B. AUTHCKSVTy- Last, but mot LCA'ST. f. OP1 klfttS nfll IOTTA VrlE THE Mere THE OAXCT nrwri. RETURNS A SWORD Oeneral Oouraud. military gove : onel T:bin of the & venth Rf.rr. arrive in port early tomorrow morn--ng on a regular voyage from Van- v-ouver via the Queen Charlotte islands. The vessel left Queen Jharlotte City at 9 o'clock last evening for Massett Inlet where she a making her calls today. Forest Ranger J. B. SeoU, wtoo was In port the first of this week with the Forest Branch cruiser Lillian D., has been making extensive cruises on Moresby Island recently. The Lillian D. is now stationed on the Queen Charlotte Islands while the-Alpine Fir has been posted at Prince Rupert. Mr. Webster and two sons and two daughters of Los Angeles were recent visitors in Skidegate Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands. In the course of a cruise to Alaska by outside waters in their thirty-five foot raised deck power cruiser. They had made the trip along the California coast and via the West Coast of Vancouver Island. It is not often that such a small boat essays a cruise in such Open waters as those. Capt. Charlie Haan of Queen Charlotte City left Queen Charlotte with his selneboat Beatrice H. for the Massett Inlet- seining grounds on Thursday night of last week, being under charter to the Nootka Packing Co.'s cannery. The crew consists entirely of Skidegate Inlet men including Fred Atkins. Edmund Stevens, Red Morrison and Oust Skog. The launch Skidegate, Capt. O. Newberry, is taking the place of the Beatrice H. as tender for the Haida Oold Mines Ltd. at Kootenay Harbor. Olof Hanson, M. P. for Skeera, arrived in the city on last night's train from Smith ers. 1 m, iMNWHiaK" f F' which was sent to the centenaii xh.b,: -f. va C'o.-Y k v-ord .... Nrw Y TWO FILMS ON SCREEN Another Double Hill Being Pre!en-trd at Capitol Theatre at First of ThH Week The Capitol Theatre is another interesting double bill on Its screen this mid-week In "Four Frightened People." a thrilling Jungle romance with Ctaudette Colbert. Herbert Marshall. William GargWn, Mary 13 aland and Leo Car-rlllo in the leading roles, and "Kiss and Make Up." a bright and fri volous romantic comedy featuring Cary Grant. Genevieve Tobln, Helen Mack and Ed ward. Everett H or ton. Against a background of a mating Jungle scenery. "Four Frightened People" details the adventures of four highly cultured people, two men and two women, who escape to the Malays from a steamer on which ptague has broken ot Lost for months they turn to primitive manners and habits as a mult of which sonv highly novel situations arise. "Kiss and Make Up" deals with a doctor's disillusionment as to the value of beauty treatments, the atory being piquant and breezy. Cary Grant is the beauty surgeon, Mias Tobin an artificial Venus and Helen Mack an una domed little secretary. Edward Everett Morton Is, as usual, cast in a droll and amusing part. R. O. Johnston, manager of Interne cannery. saJVd yesterday afternoon on the Calais for a brief trip to KkrniUi cannery on business. Her Radio Debut 1 'i1HssrTilii i I jaUW 1 1 1 -TB'I ? mtau- i. . t... ,- t- - r 1 wm ui an XL1 Gyro Club Hears About Convention Calgary l)f legale Presents Keport I Softball Game Deferred At a business luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club in the Boston Cafe yesterday. Rev. W.'D. .Grant Holllngworth presented his I n fioi.il Hinnrt n rtflriraLff lt the recent Oyro International convention at Calgary, an Interesting and Inspiring account of the gathering and what transpired thereat being given It was decided that the Oyro-Rotary novelty softball game, originally set for this Wednesday hnuld be held Instead on August 23 during the Fair Carnival. President W. H. Tobcy was In the rhair and there was a good attendance of members. Jamr Ryan. Irtdan, for drunk-r tmcss has been fined $15. with . ption rf ten days' Imprisonment. ;:i city police court WHY NOT Think It Over We have what you want. Our prices and service will please you Princess Soap Flakes -For -f tZn fine laundering, per pkg Palmollve Soap 9Qp Ui' 6 bars for These Prices Below Cost Mussallem Coffee Fresh OCp Rice Good Quality 4 lbs White Beans 4 lbs. Dry Salt Pork per lb. Ashcroft Ketchup-- per pint bottle B.C. Sugar Granulated Q-f OP 20 lbs. pl.O New Potatoes OCn 15 lbs 7)C half sack New Onions A-1 Quality nrp 6 lbs. Freh Fruit for preferring st lowest prices. Out of town orders receive prompt attention MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where l)olln Have More Cents" P. O. Bos 575 Phone II 0W, Hebe come, mi -TllltH TOMES -THE SEST- HERB WB HB THS t S AJ3AiJ A MATTV CTOUPi? OUTFIT -iA .VOaWOiIBI-LS FOttttBTJ. I&. CtAO IM A FtAVIfcHWJ AUO A2ew'T THBY CVNJSBT AS CJlBu5 caw fee- - .,vw 1 VAJAtT T'H , WE IF A "Hit" She'd Like to Mak 19c 17c 19c 12c lonight and Thumdi, CECIL B. DeMILU Four Frightenel People - with CLAUDLTTK COLBlRt HUtlU KT MAKSIULl MAHY BOUND PLUS Cary Grant GKNKVf KVK TOBIX in Kiss & Make-Ui Time Schedule lor rrofrim Kiss ti Make t p News starts i Frightened Pr Kit it Make I p Kalum Lake Lodge Now under new r.- :jr Kate SS.5I per di; Special pri'T i bi Ideal Spot For a Restfi Holiday For nartti u i-i tr ?! It. W. HILEY. TERRA Ct If Special On GARDEN SUPPLIES Hakes, from x Hoes, from & Hamboo Lawr Ru- Grass Clipper ft 50-FL Garden II .e Hodc Nozzles Ifc & w AND We Kfi ' your lawn m- .v'r Ien it and ret-r? " t you all for W Kaien Hardware Q UK TO Phone-3 tTS A I I , if M .A .1 1 Si. sw . V.- J&k. . . . 1 kllitWssssfcMs f(i GexJsjZ VBun MfAO ' ftl I 1 MfflT 4 VI "Xi fill I I 1 1 Ii I II If ,1 bHI HI l U VI AK F frj t ti lot