SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid in advance For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year , By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Local readers, per 'insertion, per line Classified advertising, per word, per insertion , Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion Contract rates on application. Member ot Audit Buiean oi Circulations DAILY . EDITION THE FASTER BOAT HELP THROUGH THE WINTER FRY IS.0G ,1C 3.00 8.00 . .25 sa Wednesday, Sept. 26, 1934 Evidently the British had the faster boat in the yacht race for the America's Cup yesterday but owing to' poor seamanship of an amateur crew the cup was retained on this side. The result caused great disappointment here and doubtless the same was true in all parts of the British Empire. The interest in the boat race yesterday exceeded that taken in the five eastern by-elections and seemed to be even greater than that in the local work and wages program of the provincial government. It is one of the world's greatest sporting events and it seems a pity that it should have been lost through what seemed like The work about to proceed on the highway and other public works in the north will be a great help in putting us tnrougn the winter in audition to its improvement value in the various communities affected. It will mean that Prinpe Rupert people will be able to drive that much farther from, the city connecting up with a valuable district. It will mean that in other districts the highway will be improved and extended. It is an important part of the work and wages scheme which theLpeople were led to expect at the time Of the election.' BURNS LAKE LOSES ' Burns Lake is losing two excellent citizens in Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Godwin who are leaving there for Vancouver Island. Mr. Godwin was for years editor of the Burns Lake Observer. He also was clerk of the village of Burns Lake, and as a hobby he raised flowers. He was to the fore in all movements for the betterment of the town and Mrs. Godwin was equally enthusiastic. At the last election they both strongly supported the C. C. F. candidate and that alienated some of the support whichthe newspaper had formerly received. However, both political friends and opponents have come to realize that they are losing excellent vipoma awu uwi me ui&trici, ui uinineca win not re tne same without them. They are taking up nursery farming at Sandwick in the Comox district of Vancouver Island but it seems hardly likely that the call of the land will be able to hold these two long. Mr. Godwin as a newspaperman and Mrs. Godwin as an educationalist are pretty sure to bo heard from airain before long. Shenton s Sheet Metal Works FOR YOUR FURNACE, OIL TANK, FOR YOUR ROOFING JOB Prompt In Service, Low in OoU and a Good Job Done Third Ave. E. Phone 53 Prince Rupert, B.C. which is now held by Anyox. Baseball Scores American Leajrue St. Louis 3, Cleveland 0. New York 5. Philadelphia 0. Washington 0-3, Boston 1-0. National League Philadelphia 4, New York 0. Boston 6, Brooklyn 6. Cincinnati 0, Chicago 1. Pittsburg 2, St. Louis 3. SOP)VITH WITHDRAWS PROTEST SO CUP IS AWARDED TO RAINBOW NEWPORT. R.I.. Sept. 26: (CP) The America's Cud automatically went to the VanderblU had crowded him before crossing the line. The British skipper announced he was leaving Immediately for home. in not taking over entire responsibility ior the care and maintenance, of the blind of whom there weir acme seven thousand In Canada. If this were done, the taxation of the learning to carry on useful work, ; the blind were enabled to main?, tarn their self-respect -which, -was a , very Important thing. J "The speaker" told "his listeners at 1 other work carried on under 1he auspices af the Canadian Institute rtf the Blind. The bilnd -were taught ' the Bralle and Moone systems of , reading and -writing by which, they , mlghi -commnnlcate among them-. selves. They were assisted In r-stab-1 '"Dining themselves In 'business. There wat also the very important work of prevention and, In some cases, cure of blindness. The Cans- ; !rilin Tn.HMi. fnr tVin nlln'nl.n' provided street car tickets and ad-: mission tlcketSto theatres' once a week for thebhjid. . , i I Tn rarrvnr.ffipSirirV int (h IntH. I .. w.v tute, it was obvious that financial s port was necessary and Major ft Ktts appealed for this support not amy on the grounds of sympathy Rainbow. American defender. for the blind bat on the arourids of late yesterday afternoon when icommonsense and good economics. T. O. M. Sopwith, owner and !lu InviUng Investment in the work skipper of the British chal- he promised dividends In the way lenger. withdrew the protest 1 of satisfaction and gratification for he had made soon after the those who had given when they saw start of yesterday's race which j the results of the work which they was won by the Rainbow. After j assisted. ' deciding to drop his protest, A, the close of his address. Major ; Sqpwlth definitely announced , Watts gave some practical demon-! that he would not challenge . stratlons of the Bralle system of again for the America's Cup. The protest was on the same ground as that of last Satur- dav. SoDwith claiming that reading and writing. On her annual trip north for the purpose of attending to heivler re quirements of aids to navigation In north coast waters, the lighthouse tender Esteven, Capt. Harry Bllton.i has arrived at Digby Island from : Victoria. The vessel came over to! this side from Dlubv Island vester I day afternoon. NEW POLICIES FOR OLD If you are approached with the Idea of buying a new Life Insurance by surrendering your present Life Insurance or ! borrowing on it, think of the following: ' ' 1. Your present policy cannot be replaced for the sam.e price, because you were younger whenyply bpughj It. 2. Your old policy Is a valuable document.. It has a cash value. It takes three years for a new one to have such a value. ' 3. You do not mortgage your home to buy new insurance, why mortgage your policy? 4. A new policy has no reserve to keep it alive If you were . unable to pa,y the second premium. An old one has. This applies to all your Insurance whether taken with1 the Sun Life or any other company. S. J. JABOUR NortUern B. C. NpresentHve Sun Life Assurance Co. of Caiiada MH I bla. The new appointment is effec tlve October 1 and Mr. Oottfred succeeds W. J. Rooney. former superintendent, who retired a short ' time ago on account of ill health. Mr. Oottfred, who leases the "post of Winnipeg manager, has been In ' telegraphic service since 1913, 'commencing as an entry clerk. He Is country would be greatly Increased jw nown in local athletic circles r . v - , .i vii-j nnri trmlc n krpn interest In bawling. ana me incentive uj wc umm mr --:t - .-- j. look ;after themselves would be to j ' m a large extent removed. As It was. j wlth tWQ carload Qf frozen hall- M the blind, through the lnstrumen- but Jor trans-shloment cast over tallty of the Canadian Institute of l0anadian-Natlonal Railways, North-the Blind, were assisted by those, Hni Tranmortatlon Co.'a motor- people wno were m abominate enr,snjp yotCQ arrVC(i jn port ough position to sice help Instead qf day ttterrioan tram Ketchikan and. I being maintained by taxation Jrp- fter"ilschaTging. jailed for SeatUe. The executive will Include repre- plying toipoor as vellns rich, sentatives from each of the senior' Major Watte tqld of one cj the I .- teams and one delegate from 'each important functions of the Cana-of the intermediate, ladles' and dlan Institutes of fhe Blind n junior leagues. ttralnlng the blind to take part in Harry Menzle was chosen trustee industry by teaching them, such for the cup which was put up last trades as baskftrx making of winter by s. J. Jabour for Northern leather -goods, catpentry. jnanufae-British Columbia championship and ture of chairs, cscrtework, etc. By FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Wednesday, September 2j -i"vj THE DAILY ircV73 mu& 1S24 JUST ARRIVED . . A New Shipment FOR MEN They're Better Than Ever . . , Several New Styles and Leathers See Our Scotch Grain Oxford, just the shoe for fall wear. The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS. FRINGE BO PERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PUT J, TEN Manarlns-Edltcr 1 Prospects Good For Basketball In Prince Rupert This Winter; Annual Meeting is Enthusiastic Considerable enthusiasm for the basketball sport in Prince Rupert this winter was displayed last night tit tho annual meetinir of the Prince Rupert Basketball Associa New Telegraph Head For West 0, fiflttf red -Named to Succeed W. J. Rocnry as Superintendent tion. There was a good attendance and indications are that promotion of o. oottfred thava will ntrnin "hp fniir Ipnmips in nnorntinn this spjisnn i superintendent of district Senior, with three teams; Intermediate, with three teams ties In SS'SSffcSS Alberta and British Colum Ladles, two or three teams, anarr Junior, three teams. Next Tuesday night there will be another meeting to receive entries and further organize for the season. The playing venue, it is expected, will again be the Moose Hall. The election of officers resulted as follows: Honorary President, Ex-Mayor C. H. Orme. Honorary Vice-Presidents, Col. S. D. Johnston, B. D. Macdonald and W. H. Tobey. President, F. A. Rogers Vice-President. Jack Campbell i (re-electedi. Secretary - Treasurer, Johnson (re-elected). MAJOR WATTS IS SPEAKER (Continued from Page 1) WJNNiPEq. Sept. 26: An-nouncement 1s made today by Canadian National Telegraphs of the to be No. 5 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Fam I Help , Yottr Boy To WIN! I .JIVEIiim a fighting chance t,o win ht greatest race the contest which starts the moment he enters the busineit world. It 'will he a tough race, with dion. sands of compciitorn. And the odds j are against your hoy, unless you see to l tunc that he will he thoroughly . trained that he will have every 4T opportunity to succeed. Life asNo your: w Insurance GUARD! Aft OF CANADIAN Simply hy putting aside savings in Life Insurance which will provide for hit complete education. Then, whether or not you are hero to share hU future, ambitions, there will he sufficient money guaranteed to give him the chance he deserve. Talk It over wilh a Life Insurance representative now and get complete Information on how you can help. ' jlow can you help your hoy to WIN? your lioy to WIN. HIM QUS "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Dully By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. .FOR FIRST CLASS Shoe Repairing Sec SIMPSON Fifth Avenue and MclSrlde One of Sf rlei of MMifiSponorfl If Life Iiiionn CompanUl