PAdE 8EC TBS CA5LY CTJWS - 3E? JO-Ui LIU. it. US COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberto and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. Wr also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley, Prince Rupert Feed Co. II rhones III This Sale IMPORTERS Cut Loose with a Big Clearing Sale Starting Friday Morning at 9 Sharp STORE CLOSED ALL DAY THURSDAY TO PREPARE STOCK FOR FAST SELLING. Watch Tomorrow's Paper For Price Comparison "TILL1E THE TOILER" mi uTTiii r . i- ' I 2 5?l3 r,oRny( "5V I-riuuE. but J-jjy r RADIO Interference Sometimes originates In the chassis or tubes. To make a simple test, remove aerial and ground with the set turned on to full volume. If noise continues undiminished Phone Blue 320 and have an exact check made of your set's trouble. -SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC M. T. LEE THE TAILOR has moved to the store formerly occupied by the Elm-trie Bakery, Third Avenue New Samples of Fall Clothes Just in. Prices reasonable Cleaning and Pressing. Harry Kameda of Port Esslng- Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Currle, who ton, after having spent the sum- have been spending the past few mer vacation at his home on the weeks In Vancouver, returned to Skeena River, left HayxDort on thp rltv from tho tmitti nn thn Monday evening's train for Toronto Prince Oeorge this afternoon. Mr where he will resume his studiej Currle underwent surgical treat- me university of Toronto. ment while in the south. Your Opportunity We offer for remainder of this week, good quality potatoes. 100 lbs. for 90c 50 lbs, for 50c 20 lbs. for 25c Delivered Arrived today, Mcintosh Apples at very reasonable prices Sunrise Grocery Co. COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always fresh Using the SUex method Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and invigorating. Commodore Cafe ., -fit . It pays to "Roll Your Own" with TURRET FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO V. XKOMiid "CHASTTCLtX" or TOGt'E- Girtit Pi?r You Have Been Waiting for I Moose Ladies Have Bridge and Dance Enjoyable Affair Held Last Night With Good Attendance Wlngham, Mrs. A. Dickens, Mrs. V Orlmsson and Mrs. Richard Long. Presiding at the door were .Mrs. Hugh .Smith and Mrs. D. C. Monday evening's reeular fort- I nightly session of the local branch jof the British Israel Society was devoted to Bible study. J. D, Allen 'was In the chair In the absence of i the president. J. O. Johns. GAME IN SEASON Ducks and Geese Eastern District Deer, Rear, Blue Grouse Western District Oct your hunting supplies at Kalen Hardware. Most hunters dol Western and Dominion Ammunition at the right price SPECIAL IS Manluker Rifle Z4 0 Kh 7 shot, at V1D Kaien Hardware A satisfactory place to shop. Try It! OLD DRAMA ONSCREEN Thf Witrlilnc Hour" Offered At Capitol With HollickJiiK Comedy "Many Happy Returns" The poignant drama, "The Witch ing Hour." lone a favorite on the legitimate stage, has been brought to the screen and Is presented as one of the features on a mid-week double bill at the Capitol Theatre here with Sir Ouy Standing. John Halllday. Judith Allen. Tom Drown nd William Frawley in the leading yles. One of the strangest, yet host tender and romantic plots ver conceived, 'The Witching lour" tells the story of an old love omlng to life to save and streng-hen a newly born romance and In-ludes In Its exciting events a mur- 'er committed under hypnotic spell nd a thrilling courtroom vlndlca-ion. The other end of the double bill oresenU Oeorge Burns and Oracle Allen in "Many Happy Returns. ' one of their madly, hysterical come dies with which, however, there Is a pleasing romance played by Ray Mllland and John Marsh. Other Important members of the cast are Oeorge Barblcr and Franklin Pang-born. Ouy Lombardo nd his Roya! Canadians play melodious music and Veloz and Yolanda. well known dance team. Is also presented, , I The tlltr Faith ..!.. I. I. I - " - niuvn VII- A very enjoyable ... bnagc party . and , i napA in w dance was held last night in the charlotte Islands to the Powell Moose Hall by the Women of the River naper mUl, was In port yester- MfC' - . , . , - . dav afternoon for supplies, leaving There were twelve tables of bridge a Dav.s ra(t of loK, ouUlde and prize winners were: men's first, Oscar Olske: second. Jack Judge; tu Queen arrived in port laldes' first, Mrs. Sam liougan; sc- yesterday afternoon from Vancou-cond, Mrs. A. Dickens. Mrs. Oscar vcr- bringing a scow laden with fuel Olske was the winner of a special supplies for 'the Home Oil Dlstri-prtze for being the holder of a butors Ltd. local tanks, lucky number Motorshlp w , RefreshmenU were served after last evcnlng ,rom Ketchllcan wUh a which dancing was en oyed with ; shlpment of lcUed fUh ( t .music by Mr,. J. S. Black's orches- shipment east over the Canadkfn 'National Railways. . Richard v. J Lone was master of . ceremonies. The committee lh charge consisted of Mrs, Peter i We Sell At Reasonable Prices Because we buy right and paw on these advantages to our many customers. We offer you greater bargains. EMPRESS TEA Indo- dP Ceylon, while they last, lb. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 4n Highest quality, per lb. WESTON'S PANTRY SHELF QQn SODAS, nor tin tJC EMPRESS PURE JAMS it JELLIES All varieties oer 4lb. tin AYLMER PORK it BEANS Talis, 3 tins JELLO Real flavor per pkg 4 for REMO CABBAGE 6 lbs. The Boss is Fighting Mad I TXs (iTj men vu4, ll ICOMroUMD IT "sl 25c 7c 25c 25c Fruit & Vegetables Cauliflower, large, each 19c Cucumbers, large, each 5c Oreen Tomatoes, good St firm, lb. 4c Oreen Peppers, per lb " 12C Red Cabbage, 4 lbs. 23c Canteloupcs, for preserving or table use, each ioc Concord Grapes, 7-lb. basket 63c Arriving WednesdayLeave your order now! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P, O. Box 575 Phone 18 ' Hotel Arrivals Prime Itupcit Joe Stein, H. L. Oray, L. J. Thor-burn, J. N. Taylor and K. Douglas, Vancouver; O. A. Yardlcy and Q. E. Norrls, Victoria. Central Julian Pcderscn, Mrs. James Drysdale, Cora Campbell. Henry Larson and O. Magnusson, city; Edward Haiuon and J. F. Smith. Edmonton; Charles P. Ross, Edson; L. Hanson, Anyox. Knox J. Anderson, Oeorge town; 0. Ort-qulst. Lewis Island. Itoyal Mrs. A. Hlndle. city. fir 5 0 SHOT FROM GUNS ptcktgtt. You orc titled luchdtiS- ori...iutitutt. btktd Cflip otu, it ihci crunch yiorued mortcli of nourithlng Puffed Rlftind Puffed Whetc mm TONIGHT & TIIVustaT ExcitinRly Drarrtatic! Augustus Thomas play "THE WITCHING HOUR" He made a murderer of the? boy who wa in niitrrv run daughter! then pr wiih a defen c ax the crime r from memonr- f U: a; - with Sir Ouy Standlnj Judith Altrn Turn Brsun At 8 07 & in iv. H, plus p Funny and Musical! Their first si art.. Ceorte ' Burns (rarle Allen liV "MANY H4PPI RETURNS" A tnuslr 'cotnetv l (. marry, mam mr ; June Wi'.tl Uuy l-omhirdo and Ha Itoyal CanadUm 'At 7 00 St 9 IT'S ONE SWKET SHOW! ' 16iiostais flHHQH Ol RAOIO ' wmm DICK rowm Vffu A oincii loom CVH iiomoiiios 4 r )) I lM fAT O SHIM 1 Starts FMDAY CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME Wliy send fuel money away when nature gave the' Bulkley Valley Highest Grade Coal mined in the west. If not satisfactory at first try again, it may not be the coal. Your dealer can supply: you. ; Buy Bulkley Valley COAL If vour Dniwr (low not arrive telephone (he olfri "Att6 UA. L1AU1 t IK L.IH -ByWestover VIII 1U ji,m ,r tit 4 J- r . cyWKCT TO T3RU. AJiVTMlOfi OnCBHrU.' HIT -5 jv-ni'