'.ruber 26, 1934 Pave the way to Baby' Health with JOHNSONS Johnson's Baby Talcum . . . . J5c Johnsons Baby Soap ,25c Johnsons Baby Cream 50c LEADERS EVERYWHERE IN PURITY AND QUALITY Ilest for Baby Rent for You Ormes Lid. "Jit ft Piontcr Druqtfiat I he Retail Blor rhtnrij 81 K n VT t Anyox Chinaman. ;cj to the dty on the Ca-..f from the smtlWr c u iriv.nc on toiugnrs tram Tcronto. Pi Gumur Luge leaves on this evening's train for Montreal where hf will embark October S aboard tht steamer Duchess of Bedford for a visit to his natlrc home In Norway. THE FAMOUS Easy With the Vacuum Cups Seventy-two time a minute. -smoothly and gerOly. the three 'Human Hands" of the Easy Washer move up and down, around sd - und, flushing clean air and hot sudsy water through the ? vhc clothes. Make the EASY test In your home. See the EASY wash your : without wear of any kind. Yon can trust your most dellcat f-t . to the EA8Y. Ere the EASY splndry remove the water from your clothes squeezing and creasing. EASY Washers to suit everyone, sold on EASY terms. $84.50 to $174.00 Phone for demonstration In your home and be convinced t::ut EASY EASY IRONER, simple and efficient itcra pur EASY wash. A worthy companion w thi EA8Y Washer $124.00 MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Bedroom SuiteVanity Chiffonier anl Bed gtcad. $74.00 ttlTOL UUGS, CxO feet, H23 1x0 feet, $CQ0l VxlO'i tX, W.75. hne 775 Prince Runcrt 27 Third Avenue HAPPY THOUGHT HEATERS Jjfjf flfe boxes lined with hl8hest quality firebrick and equipped h revolving grates give these heaters remarkable hfatlng JJPaelty and low fuel consumption, while slide damper feed doors "Q swlvl draft ash pit doors assure perfect control, ll'pcs Kihnwa linniDcrs Stovebonrds THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. Dr and Mm. Joseph T. Mandy. who have been away for several week during which time Dr. Mandy has been Inspecting mineral properties in the Alice Arm and Portland Canal districts, in his -aparlty as Trsident mining entti-i neer for the northwestern mineral j survey district, returned to, the city , from the north oo trie Catala yes- j terday Announcements Elks' Dance Frioay September 23. 1 Cambral Spinsters' ber I, Presbyterian - Manse. October Spree Octo- 8. O. N. Dance, October -3th. United Church supper October 8. Thahksgivlng Missionary Moose Hall Tomorrow Nlnht Prince Rupert Lodge 1051 will meet at 8 o'clock Tea, Catholic Church Bazaar October 10 ano 11. Canadian Legion Women's Aux- lllary Bazaar October 18. Anglican Tea Mrs. W. J. Nelson's October 24. Mill 60 Young Folks' Hallowe'en Dance October 28 St. Peterl FaU Bazaar October 25 Prince Rupert Tennlt Club ani nual dance, Friday. November 2. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Novem ber 8. Daughters of Norway Danoe No vember 9. Ansllcari Fall Uazaar Nov. 29. Furnish Your Home First Read ,th.U column rd yo'U save money every time you read It. Sanger Machine, A condlUon 52b 8lxVoH Battery ftadio, Marconi MM McClary Range ti.W D, ElilQ urnlturo ExchanKt AuQtlouecr Orcen 421 Wo StlU buy fcokl Motors trMlio" Suitable for tlsh boatk also speecl boat motors $35 up Christie Truck .'"' 1630 W: 1st. Ave.. Vancouver THE 'DAILY 'NEWS w PAGE THREE u -ij -j LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash wilting far ollio!d teeth, coin, chains, watches, etc, Bui ger's. ttfl Just arrived carload ol oqd lump coal. Phone orders' (b 51 Central Hotel. 225 James KlUas returned to the city on the Catala yesterday after spending the past two or three weeks at Premier where he operates a commissary. George F. Harlrs, manager of trie B. C. Packers salmon cannery it Mill Bay, which has now close! down lor the season, was a pas senger aboard the Catala yesterday going south from the Naas River to Vancouver where he will ipend the winter. The Scottish tea and tale of ijome cooking held yesterday afternoon at the church parlors by the ladles' Aid of First Baptist Church was a very successful f-!terlar. lair. Many ja&ies aiieq w iena patronage to the function, the financial proceeds of which, were quite satisfactory. You can rent a Car at Walker's as low as $1 a day plus 7c. a mile, tf Mrs. W. H. Kinkade, who has been visiting for the past few months In Seattle and elsewhere in the south. returned to the city on the Prince George this afternoon. Dan Knoblock of Anyox arrived In the city on the Catala yesterday from the smelter town and leaves on this evening's train for Montreal where he will embark October 5 aboard the steamer Auranla for a visit to his native home in' Zagreb, Jugo-81avia. After spending the week-end here on official duties, Assistant Commissioner T. W. 8. Parsons of the provincial polWe left on Monday evening's train for Terrace. He will also vWt Smithers, and- Prince Oeorge.Teturnlngto. his headquart ers In Victoria by way of the in- Mr. and "Mrs. Thomas Wallace will sail on the Cardena Friday night for Vancouver after having I spent the summer at Sunnyslde wnrre Mr. wawace maae ms ncaa- quarters as manager of the B. C, Packers salmon canning operations on the Skeena River. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace spent a day in town at the first of the week. 1050TJTJBE3 Relieved Mr. Edward JaaW baby baS two trrtb when ! tUp three toootin old. the vritte: "H hai U NT oi I rsn truthfully T that pTUi him baby a Ud Tab-liU hile cutties tii teeth Vrpt tim fit aud well". Teethim t reetleM leireriah time lor labe tut Ux little dc tan a!w)i lulM and the fertf reduced by fivinc iwt, m Baby Own Tablet. Vrry eey to take. QO altef eSecta. Price ZSe very here. MilllLJ 1.114 Shoulder Lamb, 5 lbs. Si 1 Cauliflower Veal Chops 2 lbs Steak, 2 lbs. it 1 bunch Carrots Hamburger, lbs. at 2 lbs. Onions Pot Roast 4 lbs BolUng Beef, 3 lbs. it l bunch Carrots Stew Lamb. 3 lbs. & 1 tin Peas Prime Rib Roll. A lbs. it Cauliflower Sirloin Tip Roast per lb Leg of Veal per lb isrtxiAL Smoked Salmon per lb. , Phone 957 its JONES' Family Market 75c 35c 35c 25c 35c 25c 25c 75c 15c 15c 25c Phone 957 Wood for Sale and Wood Hauling General Transfer BILLY BAGSHAW Phone Black 195 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclll. proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOMsT tUUs II M if K Kooms, Rot it Cold. Watr Princ Rupert. UJX Phone Ul P.O. Dot 198 Mrs. J. W. McAuley, who has been on a trip to Toronto and eltewhere in the east, returned "home Via Van couver on the Prince George this afternoon. ! Charles 'Graham, 3rpectoT Tj mines, returned to the city on the Prince George this afternoon from' a trip to the ocean falls tilstrtcVon 1 official business, Mrs. M. Eld, who arrived In the city yesterday from Ahyox, leaves tm tonight's train for Halifax. She will visit with, ft sister in Nova Scotia, 1t being her first trip to her native 'province In sixteen years. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Jonns and son. David, returned home from the south on she prince Oeorge thU afternoon. Mrs. Johns and son have been visiting lor the past fev months in Toronto and were met In Vancouver by Mr. Johns. Local Oirl Guides met in St. An drew's Anglican Cathedral last evening to resume activities for the winter niter suspension following the recent annual camp at Lakelse! Lake. The -girls are planning n busy season. Want Ads FOR SALE 3-roomed dwelling, partly furnished. HQ Nlnttv Avenue East-Apply P. O. Box 693. (223) FOR SALE 80 HP. Oulowsen Orel Semi-Diesel Engine complete with Propeller and fittings. Can be Inspected at Oulowsen Orel Plant. Replaced by larger engine. Cheap for prompt sale. Suno b d'Evers Co, Seattle, Wash. FOR RENT 5 room modem house, 143 8th Av enue E. 22, FOUND FOUND Eye-glasses InMcClymon? Park. Owner may have lame by calling at Daily News and paying for this advertisement. NECKLACE found several months ago on Fifth Ave. Owner may have same by identifying and paying for this advertisement. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVLNGl Cluster Curl; "Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 1T7. Birch. JackDlne. Cedar. tf PAINTERS PAINTINO ana Paperhanglng MoHer. Thone Red 802. NOTICE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA I PKOIIATR IN THE MATTER OF THK "ADMECS. TRATION AC7T- in thi ItVTTTtn OP JXXrKS BURNS. oUitrljr known aa Janies D. Burns, TkKT. notice tht bT order ol Hi llnmrnr Jixln. W. T.. FllhW lh 10th ta Ol Septwnbcr t3 I M ppamted Adj minKtiHtc ol the Etve ol Jnwurca. ottifwue Known m juucti u. "f. dorteMd. tornwly oX Trrtc. Britten Coliunbl. who dld fct Prince Rupert. BC on h aotn dy ot wxoa. and n peroNu hvtnc ttatnu against th kl pette are hrlxy reouired to rurnUb um property er if led to me "on or belore the 10th Uy oX NovenibfC. 1531, ana tul panren innconu w . -. . -M .nh rnulTMi to DAT tjlt imniint nf their lndebtedneu to to! forthwith. . NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the lath day of. Septtjaber, 193. IN THE SOTRlAtE tXSURT OP BRITISH IN ntOIMTC in the Matter or tme -adminis TRATtQN ACT" m.nd IN THE VATTER OF THE 13TATEOP LEWIS SAN UK. USVi, TATE. Tiirr wrtnrt tht b ordrt of W Honor. W. E, ruher the 10th day of Bentembef. A.H 9H. X appointed AdnUiltratr of tt eUe o Iiel 8nde. decooeed. ata) ai; parw tlMme aaltut the UI erta ate here-y reqired Vx furuVh same. prorrly to ma on or bcoie th ISth Xerltled ay of October, A. D. !. M m parties irtfefctm to the estate are re-Jjulred to pay the aawun of their t aeWedne to me forthwith. KQRUAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Dated the Jtth day of September, AD. 18J4. Shoes! Shoes! Gigantic Sale Prices We Are Closing Out Our Immense Stock At RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES to make room for large shipments arriving daily. Out predicament too. many shoes, So to relieve the congestion out they most go regardless of cost. Hence, you benefit! ZIPPERS Women's 'Zipper Qtn 57di at per pair Woflaeh1 Zippers with dome fasteners. Smart looking & gaod fltUng. Sizes to 5. While they last Q ff p per pair Women's black and brown Zippers with dome fasteners in all sizes. Clearing at S Sl-49 Men's best quality Rubbers selling at 7Qk ' up from per pair Misses' & hCildren's Rubbers-in all sizes selling at, up 650750 Ladies' "up from, per pair 95c Ladies' best quality Rubbers, in all sizes. Selling R(ko at up from, per palr We recommend Leckle Boots for school children. They will stand wet and wear. All sizes CO QQ up from per pair Men's Work Shoes, made by Leckie; sal? QQ QC price, up from Ladies' & Mens Warm Felt Slippers In fawn camel's hair & felt In colored plaids, with leather soles. Much the style of the Jaeger slippers, tn all sizes. Mens ei in up from, per pair 1,1W You may satisfy every foot requirement here fpr less money. Cut Rate Shoe Store We Accept City Scrip Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 xtiKsuaw?K.Bsswii3"waB!iasw HEATERS! HEATERS! Make sure that you have adequate heat tn your home this winter. Drop In and inspect our stock of heaters. We carry several different models including 'Quebec brlctttaed heaters gg CA .nd.brickllned circular heaters. Ibices from v GORDON'S HARDWARE Canadian Pacific PRINCESS STEAMERS for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, Sept, 10th, ,20th, Oct. 1st. For Vancouver direct Sept. 8th, Hth, 3th, Oct 6th. For Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports, "Princess Adelaide" every Friday 10 pjn. For Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, D.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouyer T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, l:Jt Arriving Vancouver Thursday TJSA CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arrlvlhg Varjcouver, Monday AM. "Weekly Miul&sa to Port Blmpaoa. Alloe Arm. Anyet. Inrart aot Naas ttlYer poUit. LeaTe Prince Rupert Sunday. S pjn. Further Information regarding all sailings and tickets at rtUNCK BCPEBT AOENCTs Third Atenne. Phone SS i l