Ml. . i. S 1 Today's Mher Tomorrow's Tides She mmm prince ttupcrt-I j. light High 3:45 a.m. 19.1 ft. .routhrast wind; ba. 3j '21; 15:38 pjn. 20.7 ft. Low 3:39 7.1 ft. temperature. 51; sea sm a.m. .. 22:26 p.m. 4.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER - fa Vol. XXIV No, 224. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1934 PH1CK: FIVE CENTS GIANT NEW CURNARDER IS REDUCED AUTO Queen Mary Officiates As Giant Namesake Ship Slips Into Water Today Launching of "Queen Mary" Was Perfect- King George Made Brief Speech Prince of Wales and Other Notahles Present GLASGOW. Sent. 26; (CP) ed the giant new Cunard-White Star liner "534" the "Queen Mary" as the great ship started down the ways to the water from John Brown's yard here. The new ship, which it Is believed will be the new Queen of the Seas, slid down successfully in a perfect launching. The clioice of - .he name of the living queen for the Today's Stocks I Court t O John Oo l be Vancouver M'xandrla, -OlVfe-Bayvlew. JB2t, li, t Nickel. .69. Dig Mt&Kniri. .33. IlradUn. 2 00. nralornv. 1430- D. II Cons, .10. 1J R X.. .67. C ariboo Quartz. 1.23. Drntunta. .47. Dun ell. .18. Urorgla Illvcr. .01. O.'l'-onda. 20. ' lit milm. .034. I lian 014. i Mmlo. .194. j Meridian. .12. ! Morning Star. .13. National Silver, .03. Noble Five, MVi. Tend Oreille, 30. Pnrter Idaho, .08. Premier. IJO. Inward, .OSVi. Iff-no. .83. fiver Crct. .01 Vi. Salmon Oold. .21. Taylor Urldge, JO. Wayside. .09. Whitewater. .05. United Empire. Jl. j Montreal II C Power A, 21. C P R.. .13. Ftrd A. 20i. Imperial Oil, .15. Loblaw A. .104. Con. Smelters, 130. Toronto Ontral Patricia. 1.00. Chlbougamau, .12ft. Lee Oold, .11. Oranada. 33. Inter. Nickel, 24.10. Macassn, 2.67. Noranda. 38.75. Bherrltt Oordon, .422 8lsco, 2.50. Thompson Cadillac, .48. Ventures. .07. Lake Marbn, .05,i Teck Hughes, 4.10. Sudbury Dasln, 1.42. Culumarlq.- .24. Smelter Gold, .28. Can, Maiartlc, .69. Little Long Lac, 6.55. Astoria Rouyh, .063V. ' Statlacona, .0, Maple Lcdf, .22. Tickle Crow, 1.71. ng Liic Lagoon, JO. Manitoba it Eastern, .30. Oils A P. Con., 08i. Amalgamated, .07. c E.. .70. Calmont, .05. &alhonac, -.25. yan, .00! i, freehold, .07, Mcrland, 21. , M Jon, .10. Unlcd, .04, The Queen today christen christening was most unusual and tight up to the launching was undisclosed, many, believing It would named either Britannia or Vic toria. The launching was followed by a I short speech by King Oeorge. The , Princes of Wales and a mulUtude of other notables were present. THREE SEPARATE FIRES AM) CXrLOSION AUOAUI) STEAMER MORRO CASTLK NEW VORK. Sept. 26: -A nlghtwatchman, testifying yes- terday at the federal grand Jury InvesUgatlon into the Morro Castle disaster, testified Uiat three separate fires had broken out simultaneously on board the great holiday ship. The nlghtwatchman also beef llcved that the ship had been bombed as there was an cx- plosion. PLANTA TO VISIT HERE Champion For Prince Rupert as Peace River Outlet Due Friday Night Clive Planta, Independenl-Non Parllun member of the legislative assembly for Peace River and advocate of Prince Rupert as the logical ouljet for the Peace Klver, left Vancouver last night aboard the Union steamer Cardena and Is due to arrive In the city Friday evening. He Is coming here at the InvWIon of the Prince Rupert riiimhrr of Commerce and will proceed from this city, It Is ex nected. to the Peace River by rail. Found Guilty Of False Pretences Fred darner Obtained Relief From City Fraudulently Being Sentenced Today Found guilty yesterday afternoon In County Court by Judge w. Fisher on a charge of obtaining re lief serin for goods on false pre tenccs from the city. Fred Garner Is appearing again before Ills Honor this afternoon for sentence, L. W. Pnimnrn nrosecutcd the cnSv and R. L. McLennan acted for the de fence. William Goldbloom returned to i .it.. n t)i rata n vesterrtav tut- Hi . from a hrlflf business inn lOOlCW- art. RATES FROM HERE TO INTERIOR Constables Attend Dionne Hospital Opening With Hon David A. Croll, minis ??r of welfare ai. guest of honor and chief speaker the Dofoe hospital for the Dionne qulntrlplets was opened officially last week The aistingixished gathering Is here presented beginning Inspection of the building. EVIDENCE - COMPLETE ' Heady lo Proceed Against Hauptmann ' Further Itevelations I Yesterday 1 NEW YORK. Sept. 26: The I authorities last night announced as compieie uic swims tu u --dence against Bruno Richard ; Hauptmann In connection with the kldnaDDlne and murder over two years ago of Charles Augustus Lindbergh Jr. Hauptmann has al-1 ready been formally Indicted ror extorUon In the State of New York. The State of New Jersey will charge him with kidnapping and murder. It Is expected. The latest revelations In tne chain of evidence yesterday were that a piece of note paper on which one of the ransom notes was written was similar to paper found In Hauptmann's home, that anotner , slip of paper found Concealed in Hauptmann's residence bore the private telephone number of Dr. J. F. (Jatslcl Condon, who acted as Col. Lindbergh's Intermediary In ransom ncgotlaUons. Uiat foot prints found under the window of the Lindbergh home at Hopeweu, N.J., after the kidnapping resembled HauDtmann's and that nails similar to, those used in me ladder, found below the window were similar toothers round in , Hauptmann's premises. It wars also revealed yesterday that Hauptmann and his wife were camped near Savannah, Oa.. in the spring of 1932 following tne kio- napping and while the international search for the Lindbergh baby or his captors was in progress. Noted American Sonjr n ' Comnoser Dies in Southl ' LOS ANGELES. Sept. 26:-IIcnry Lemalrc, noted American son? com- j poser, died here yesterday at the age of 69. One of his best known ajid nibst popular compositions was "Moonlight and Roses," BAR SILVER NEW. YORK, Sept. 26:. (CP) Bar silver ciosca iu p uumc ., ,,,. ..lirrtn UIC litem lllimi "'"" jw.v. dropping to 49ic today. Sinclair Epic, .t$i SILVERS "anAdopted Democrats of California Almost . Unanimously Behind Program Of Former Socialist ana SAN 1 FRANCISCO. ivnnoiov-vj. Sept. oepv. 26: A 1 luaniornia staie uemocrauc con I vention by a vote of 113 to 4 adop- hc pan of-Upton slncla,r ! former Socialist, who Is the party's : candidate for the office of Governor. ' I I MAJ. WATTS I j IS SPEAKER ! in order to obtain the amount of Gyro Club Hears Address and Music! slw Presidfnt K00Sevelt Is re-By One Who Lost His Sight ircd , Durchase under the Sil- During Great War Appealing to his listeners to play j tnelr part either by monetary do- , hv hPlr moral simnort i in tnc work of -bringing the lumln- oslty oj human kindness into the darkness of twenty-four hours." Major W. H. Watts of Vancouver, field secretary for the Canadian In-sUtute of the Blind, who himself lost his sight on service In the Great War, was an Impressive speaker be fore the Prince Rupert Gyro Club Rt regular weekly luncheon yes (terday .In addition to giving an ad dress, Major Watts 'entertained Uae Gyros with piano selections, his playing being of nn excellence Whlch It was difficult to realize , 'might be present In one suffering j the disability of total blindness. The luncheon was presided over by William Crulckshank, past president of the club, and there was a good attendance ot members. In opening, Major Watts approv rH nf fho nnllrv nf iVitt irnvornment Kd.i; Halibut Arrivals American Kodlak. 35,000, Cold Storage,- 8c and 5c. Norland, 22,000, Royal, 8.8c and 5c. Oceanic. 11.000. Atlln, 8.1c and 5c. Lumen, 7,000. Atlln, 8.3c and 5c. Canadian Capella I, 20,000, Cold Storage. 7c nnd 5.5c. PREDICTED Price Will Have to Exceed This If-United States Demand to Be Met, Says Pitman SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 26: (CP) Senator Key Pittman of Nevada asserted in a speech here before the Western Division of the American Mining Congress that he believed the price of sil- ver would be raised to $1.29 per j ounce by gradual process and that gold would go to $11.3! per ounce. His prediction. Senator Pittman said, was based on the belief that the price would have to be bid up ver Act of 1931. WllAV rflQI" In " wwv Fairbanks Now Famous American Aviator Will Proceed From There to Western Alaska JUNEAU. Sept. 26: Wiley Post, famous American world flyer, who arrived here a few days ago from Seattle, left on Monday by airplane with Joe Crosson for Fairbanks. The pair will spend a while there and will then proceed to Western Alaska in quest of brown bear, Convicts Quarrel In Checker Came; Stabbing is Fatal NEW YORK. Sept. 26: . (CP- t rm.ur. IC""eM!y'..m 1 In Hart's Island federal penitcn- tlary near here, and Abraham Ito-i senberg. another convict, quarrelled 1 while playing cnccKers ana ttosen berg Is alleged to have stabbed Keen to death with a huge butcher knife Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. Sent. 26: (CP wheat was ouoted at 83Jkc on tho local exchange yesterday, dropping to 79c today. LAUNCHED Chamber of Commerce Wins Out In Its Long Fight For Concession Recommendation Made by Legal Department of Canadian National Railways to Commission $25 to Hazclton and $15 to Terrace In response to persistent agitation by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce which has been going on for a number of years culminating inan appeal to the Board of Railway Commissioners recently, the legal department of the Canadian National Railways is recommending that next summer from June 1 to September 30 inclusive rc- jccu experimental rates, be estab-S , lished for carrying cars and accom-J . JkTXT y jt-itn pmytng passengers between Prince Jyl ANY I )l T I I The autos will be handled on flat cars and would have to be loaded j and unloaded by the owner and carried at his risk. They would bel carried on the mixed trains only! and would have to be accompanied i Latest Casualty List For Japanese storm Shows 2500 Lives Lost class' r "by one person buying a first -mh .... . .... . ,J. -The ralesTO'and from Prince Rn-I pert and Hazelldn are to be J25 for small cars. $30 on medium sized cars nn i9. r Rates to and from Terrace andl Hazelton or Terrace and Prince Ru- pert are $15 for small or medium sized cars and $17J0 for large cars. Details of the rates proportionate to those given by the Canadian Pacific Railway between Revelstoke and Golden are as follows: Prince Rupert and Hazelton, 177 miles. $25. $30. $35. Prince Rupert and New Hazelton, 181 miles. $25, $30. $35. Prince Rupert and Terrace, 95 imlies. $15. $15. $1730. Terrace and New Hazelton, 86 miles, $15, $15. $1730. Terrace and Hazelton, 83 miles, $15, $15, $1730. RAIL FARES LOWEST YET Coach Rates From Pacific Coast to Chicago Cut to $3130 VANCOUVER. Sept. 26: A further reduction In coach fares from Pacific Northwest points to Chicago effective October 1 was announced yesterday by representaUves of the western railways. The new fare of $34.50 from Vancouver, Victoria and other northwest coast points to rhiian hrinirs the cost of rail tra- huntlnR;veltotheccntralslates to the low- est price ever offered. Present coach service on these transcontinental ' routes have added greaUy to the comfort and convenience of this mode ot travel. Officials ot these railways expect that this new reduction In fares will serve to stimulate further travel between the Pacific Northwest and eastern points. EXCURSION CANCELLED Owing to lnsufllclent .... bookings, t tne excursion wnicn 11 was pianneu to run this week-end from here to Ketchikan with the steamer Prince Rupert has been cancelled. The ! Prince Rupert will arrive on Friday morning from the south on regular ! schedule, make the trip that night to Stewart and, on her return from the north Sunday evening, will bo withdrawn from service and tied up at the local dry dock lor me winter POINTS IN TYPHOON ,T V " ,, 1 ? ' -.- 7 J l to 'oMowtag last Frl- " ur""cZs 7 Idead. 8400 Injured and 600 missing. e pearl cultute station a tToba Hf'red "rious damage. 100000 . T "1V"V $300,000, being lost. TeXtile Workers Refused Jobs On Return to Work NEW YORK, Sept. 26: Frank Gorman, leader In the recent textile workers' strike, charged yes terday that thousands of strikers had been refused re-employment on ' going back to the mills at the first of this week following the calling off of the strike on President Roosevelt's mediation agreement. Discrimination against the strikers it 13 claimed. Is most evident In the south and Is said to be such that some of the workers are advocating new walk-out. General O'Duffy Quits Leadership Chief of Irish Blue Shirts Reported To Have Resigned Owing to 7 Disagreement DUBLIN, Ire., Sept. 26: It was reported here yesterday that Gen eral O'Duffy had resigned as head of the Irish Blue Shirts owing to disagreement with other chiefs of the party. GENERAL JOHNSON RESIGNS POST AS 4- N. It. A. CHIEFTAIN HYDE PARK. New York, Sept. 26: (CP) The long-ex- 4 pected resignation 6f General Hugh S. Johnson as admlnl- -.strator of the National Recov- "ery Act came yesterday and was accepted Immediately by President Franklin D. Roose- velt. It Is expected that Gen- eral Johnson's duties will be taken over by an adminlstra- V tlon board. '"It -4 . ti 'ili li- 11 1 X