f'AQR TWO. inn jj jar1 'Walkings The Thing ... and Fashionable Too! Third Avenue LIMITED Brog ues That make your walks a pleasure. "ONYX-Styled" Brown Calf with detachable Scotty Tongues, combining appearance and durability Q MEN! Keep your ankles warm with Handy Spats Q-l & Priced at ?1.D a pair of $1.95 The Family Shoe Store Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Wednesday, Nov. 21, 1934 SINCLAIR WRITING BOOK Upton Sinclair, who was Democratic candidate for governor of California at the recent election is now writing a On New Congoleum This Week Size 6x9 Price Size 7V2-9 Price Size 9x9 Price Size 9x10V- Price D.ELI0 $5.45 $6.95 $8.25 $9.50 Furniture Exchange CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME Why send fuel money away when nature gave the Bulkley Valley Highest Grade Coal mined in the west. If not satisfactory at first try again, it may not be the coal. Your dealer can supply you. Buy Bulkley Valley COAL EXAMINE MONSTER Body of Creature Foomt on Islet Near Porclier Island Attracts Interest of Officials Not Identified i Thirty-One Feet Long and May I Have Been Laager Stranger: I To These Parts I Pending more- positive cheeking to be missing. It Is believed to have been there for some six weeks or two months and the advanced state of decomposition has further handicapped the identification of the creature. Sea gulls have also been feeding upon It and about ail that is left Is a decomposed gummy mass, the Hesh having practically disappeared, leaving skin, sinews, hair and quills and an elevated backbone with what Is- believed to a book telling his own inside history of the election. Among I have been a head of somewhat U -11 i r .1 r 1 . 1 1 111.- umei uiuifc iie win give ms opinion 01 wny me rresuienr, deserted him and how the big money power of the state was used to put his opponent in office. He says he started writing the book four days after the election was over. In the first chapter he tells how he was induced to accept the Democratic nomination. He said to himself : "Fifty percent of the people are going to vote a certain ticket because their grandfathers voted that ticket. In order to get anywhere it is necessary to have a party which has grandfathers. That seemed to point to the Democratic party, the oldest in the country, a party of grandfathers and of great-grandfathers. Mv own ereat-P-randfather had been one of its founders Commodore Arthur Sin clair, wno commanded the tirst frigate built by our nation, the, Congress, in 1802." Doubtless the book will be interesting for Sinclair "wields a wicked pen" or "taps a tempestuous typewriter." ( The proceeds of the book will go toward paying the expenses of his campaign. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarellL Pioprletor "A HOME AWAY FROM nOME" Rates 11.00 up 60 Rooms, Hot & CcJd Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box 199 SPECIALS horse-like appearance The skin resembles sandpaper somewhat, being rougher that that of a dogfish or shark. The upper part of the remains are covered with hah- and the lower part with spines. Except for the backbone there are believed to have been no other bones such as ribs The advanced state of decomposition made it difficult to tell yesterday whether the creature in life had been round or flat or as to what Its diameter might have been. While It is believed to have been a deepsea dweller. It has not yet been established whe ther it was fish or mammal. As to external appendages, the only evidence of what might have been limbs are four fins or flapper flapper-like appendages. 0. like projections about four feet long composed,of,:artIlagenfus material. One of these was found about four feet ack" IrwMhe. head and. an other about twenty feet back. They are believed to have been In pairs although only the two were still attached. If the whole body cannot be brought In today, it Is planned to at least obtain the head, tall and the The body Is lying on the beach Just below high water mark. The creature is believed to have been : left stranded in the Inlet, possibly having been trapped by rocks at the mouth when the tide went down. How It came to be there cannot be explained as yet, at least. One theory Is that It may have been pursued there or that It may have gone In to die of old age. The fisheries patrol boat had con siderable difficulty in getting Into the inlet owing to rocks. Indeed, It did have slight contact with one rpek. The creature was first re .ported having been seen by H. isundstrum, fisherman. .Might Be "Serpent" Local mariners have on several occasions In the past reported having seen "sea serpents" of large dimension in northern waters. Whether or not this body may at one time have been seen in life Is a subject for speculation. Daily News Want-Ads. always bring quick results'. Hockey Scores National League Toronto 3, St. Louis 2. Montreal 3; New York Americans'. Detroit 0, Boston 1. j t International League 1 London 3. Detroit 2 (overtime), j Canadian American League Boston 6, New Haven 2. ' Moose Ladies' Bridge-Dance I up In regard to identity, officials; i of the Biological Board of Canada Aa enjoyable .bridge party and and Dominion Fisheries depart-. dance was held last night by the Iment, who went oat yesterday to Women of the Moose in the Moose! 'Henry Island, an uninhabited Islet Hall. 'porthwest of Porcher Island about There were fifteen tables of cards 1 three miles from Surf Point mine, and prize winners were ladies' first, are inclined to believe that the Mrs. Owen: second. Mrs. Len Weav-, badly decomposed body of a marine er; men's first, E. Fltzpatrick; se-, 1 creature which was found there a cond, P. Smith. few days ago may be that of a In the drawing of a door prize the ; giant ray. whose normal habitat is winning number was 32. I deep in the ocean in tropical waters. After cards, refreshments were The officials, who were able to served and a mock auction of do-make only a cursory Inspection of nated goods was held with B. J. Bathe body yesterday, are out again con acting aa auctioneer, today and may bring the remains or For dancing which followed piano part of them here for reconstruc- music was provided by Mrs. J. S. tion. , Black. Ole Stegavtg was master of , If not entirely new In northern ceremonies. waters, the creature Is at least a Tne comramee in cnarge const- stranger locally. ' td Mr- Petr Winfham, Mrs. i The party which went out yester- -Charles Edwards, Mrs. Riehard day afternoon on a fisheries patrol. LoS and Mrs. A, Dickens. I cruiser to examine the body con--l Mrs, D: C Schubert and Mrs. tsisted of James Boyd, supervisor of Jat Preece presided at the door. I fisheries. A. Mclver, fisheries in-; spctiw, ii . ncu leader, luicciur iu w the Prince Rupert Fisheries Expert-! Lutheran LfllirCh y-,. SUBSCRIPTION RATES uicm auwi, t-c ouuuciwub. fMtv dpllvprv hv mail nr merrier voorin n.HnH in nn I01 Ine scienmie siau ox me station. For lesser !and u- r; McLeod wno went aInS periods, paid in advance, per week .10 By mail to all parte of British Columbia, the British Empire and ! to Phsrapks- None were able United States, paid in advance, per year .. 3.00 !" hand to lAenUir the creature. By mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 j Description of Body ADVERTISING RATES ! Describing; the body this morning. Local readers, per insertion, per line .25 iDr- Carter stated that it was 31 feet Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion ....i. .02 !lonB ai"J. when alive, was probably Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.40 lon8er as 801116 01 tne tail appeared Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone .. 8G Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Concert Enjoyed Good Attendance at Entertainment By Choir and Young- A delightful concert was held last night by the choir and young (people's society of St. Paul's Lu- I theran Church. There was a good (attendance, ThJ' program was as follows: ; 3uv u ' ..- Invocation and prayer, led by the field pastor. Rev. A. O. Aasen. Piano duet. Miss Luth and Peter Lien. Oroup of songs. Varden Singers. Recitation. Mi.Ze.Ida Hale. Vocal solo, Master David Houston. Reading, Mrs-. Hans Underdahl. Vocal solos, Inge Valen. Group of songs, Varden Singers. Address. Pastor A. O. Aasen. Doxology and Benediction. After the concert, refreshments were served. James Martin of Mat sett and his daughter, Mrs. Pongs, after spend ing a few days iiTTerrace as guests 3f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nash, re- turned to the city on last night's here Retires Hon Murray MacLarcn who has left ; abtnet of Pit icr R B, Bennett H. wa foir.:t : iy minister of pensions anc n.iitonai health. Women's Canadian Club Hears Talk Rambles Along the Coast Range" Subject of Interesting Address Uy Dr. Neai Carter An interesting address Illustrated with motion picture scenes was given by Dr. Keal Carter, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Expert-mental Station, at a meeting of the Women's Canadian Club last night m the auditorium of Booth Memorial School. Dr. Carter's subject was Rambles Aloug the Coast Range." He described a mountaineering, ex- oedition in the Garibaldi Park and Mount Waddlngton area on the lower mainland. Mrs. A. E. Paxlow, president of the woraen-'s Canadian Club, was in the chair. A vote of thanks was tendered Dr. Carter on moUon of Ml&s Jessie Rothwell and Mrs. F. A. MacCallum. Natural Causes In Mali Ring Doon Had Been Resident Of British Columbia For Over Fifty Yean Tile death of Mah Bine Doon, 'better known as Jim Mar. Chinese) cook, who was found dead In his bed at King Tal's premises on Ful- ton Street Monday evening, was found yesterday afternoon by Cor oner Norman A. Watt to have been j due to natural causes. Deceased was i seventy-one years of age. he had, ' been In Canada since 18S3 and came i from Victoria twenty-five' train and will sail Friday night by years ago. The funeral will be held I the Prince Joha on their return to tomorrow under auspices of the the Islands. Chinese Free Masons. DEATH OF PAT DALY Veteran Mining Man of 1'oiIUimI Canal District Drop Dead In Montreal Hotel i Pat Daly, well known throughout ' British Columbia as one of the most colorful miners of the old school, dropping dead at the first of this week in the Windsor Hotel at Montreal, according to word received here He was formerly prominently identified with mining in the Portland Canal district and was well known Ui P(Uk Rupert although ; it is ome year since he was List here. Medal For Bravery In Life Saving Is Presented to Girl hAMILTON. Nov. 21 - Miss Jjitle McDoug&il of Mount Olie. a.a hA been awarded the Royal Janadian Humane Society's bronze1, jasdl tor her bravery on June 1. 1934. in saving the lives, of a thir teen-year ow gUI and a nine-year old boy after an automobile had plunged over a bank Into the Thompson River. Miss McDougall swam ashoie with the Wo children and then carried the boy a mile ikwig a road before a passing car picked him up and took him to a doctor after which she fainted. Alexander Quayle of Ladysmlth, DC. is awarded the medal for rescuing George Hutchinson from drowning In Jackman's Creek July 32, 1934. Plunging into the water fully clothed Quaylc swam around till he located the spot where Hut chinson went down. Then by duck diving, he brought the lad to the surface. Hutchinson was revived after 30 minutes first aid treatment uivmg 33 teei irom wt top ox a deckload of lumber on June 9. 1934 David Hunter of Victoria, B.C.. who also receives a medal, brought up Grcrge E. Lancaster, a fellow rx y r i .worqman who tripped and fell Lninaman s Ueatn!overboard Honur wom un- casier in the water for 35 minutes while a stretcher was brought, the latter having sustained Injuries from which he died Later. G0LDBL00M Has Larrjc Orders For All Varieties of FURS Don't sell until you see the old reliable who always pays more than anybody else. II II BURNETT'S This ndvertlwnt Is not nubljshod or lUplwOiOtfJJByiKfip.nirpl Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia Wadaoday, NoniaW 21 , ,3, Van's Bakery Quality Breads Made with Mi!fc Wh, Whale viw.ti I'.d. 2 for J5c t'Mwr :ir(J 1 for 2,c Heultn Drrad per !. ,,f i0c RYYKAK -Syruii- in ,0f Rye Pumparnydtr! 3 ). ;5r At All Grovel Our bread! Is all labelled 11 bottom as a jroarantro .1 quality. Phone 190 CHECK YOUR TUNING DIAL Stations heard on tonight's reception, not on correct dial setting, will indicate that your radio need adjusting. Phone Blue 320 for particulars. SUPERIOR RADIO-EUCCTRIC Silent Pianos Is your piano one 'h.i: seldom heard the.e u - Why not cnj'oy the liest music in the world in your leisure hours, with RADIO? "There is nothing finer than a Stromberg-Carli We will take your pluno nnJ make you a liberal aliowai.,-.-In trade, on a rad: WALKER'S MUSIC STORE COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day or Nifrht Always fresh Using the Sllex method Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor Healthful and Invigorating. Commodore Cafe FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone G57 Electric STAND LAMPS Artistic Bridge Lamps, wf " good quality parchment shade Smart Tnblo Lamps complex $1.95 10 $6.95 Attractive Twin Light Floor Standard Lamps CJ QJ priced from Ideal Christmas GUIs Kaien Hardware Phone 3