TXOt SDH DRY SHAVER Is a wonderful new advance in shaving science. A new principle of shearing the hairs rather than cutting. Improves the condition of the skin. Drop in and let us demonstrate this wonderful DRY SHAVER. NO BLADES, NO SOAP, NO POWDER. Impossible to cut your face. An Ideal Christmas Gift But we advise you placing your order immediately so as not to be disappointed. Our Store Has Become a Gift Shop At Christmas Time i Prices are a surprise. They are reasonable. For everv member of the family. Gifts of beauty and practical worth. There is a holiday spirit in our store. IT IS CHRISTMAS GIFT TIME. MAX HE1LBR0NER - Diamond Specialist I I WHIFPI PTQ When Wint Com es Let us condition your car for carefree winter motoring. Proper lubricants as recommended by the manufacturers, batteries checked up, radiator and all connections checked, and a high grade antifreeze installed will lessen your transportation worries this winter. Ask about our improved accessories of car heaters, windshield defrosters and auto radios, etc. We wish also to announce that Mr. Walter Wright has. taken charge of our mechanical department and your service problems however large or small will be efficiently attended to. KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Chevrolet - Pontiac - Oldsmobilc - liuick Dealers Phone 52 BILLM0R SHINGLES Manufactured by a local mill, by local labor, from 1 WJUOTpe.. Sold at prices lower than ever before offered in Prince Rupert. All No. 1 Cedar Shingles 3-X, per thousand $3.00 5-X, per thousand $1.00 PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 618 WANTED 100 Permanent Waves at $3.00 Nelson's Beauty Shop Phone 855 w w am a JUU A U From thc Watcrfrnt Cy COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley, We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat, Oats and Barley, Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 rhones 558 Alter a good passage north which was favored by excellent weather, C. N. R. steamer Prince John, Capt Sdward Mabbs, arrived In port at 1 o'clock this morning from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte islands with a full list of passengers is well as mall and freicht. Thc passengers Included a number of loggers from Queen Charlotte Isl and camps which are now tapering .ff H i - r-mi ' n rna v. . uivii uts iur a moiim or so out which will be running again at full blast soon after the first of the year. The Prince John will sail Frl day night on her return south over the same route. Capt. David Ritchie and Oeorge Anderson returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from Seattle where they attended a recent conference with the intr. national Fisheries Commission in regard to suggested regulations for (he coming year. The dLwuxxinnc nave already been referred to in press dispatches, no definite decisions having yeet been arrlvpd at Capt. Ritchie represented the Ca nadian Halibut Vessel Owner' i.. soclation and Mr. Anderson, the local Deep Sea Fishermen's Union. C. N. R. steamer Prinr nonrm Capt. H. E. Nedden, arrived In port on time at 10 o'clock this morning from Vancouver. Powell Rivpr h Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock inis anernocn for Anyox and Stew art whence she will return here to morrow evening southbound. Today's Weath er Terrace Cloudy, north wind, 29, Anyox-CIcar, calm, 32. Stewart Part cloudy, calm, So, Ilazelton Cloudy, calm, 27. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, frosty. Burns Lake Part clear, wind, 17. THE DAJLT KVWS YEAR OF WETNESS United States iias Consumed Fifty Million Gallons of Hard Liquor And nillion of Itrrr WASIMNOTON, D.C., Nov. 20: With nearly a year having elapsed since United States abandoned Dro- hlbltlon, the government Is begln-, nlng to survey what changes there have been since the country went ; wet three weeks less than a twelvemonth ago. i According to statistics, the government has collected more than $29,000,000 In liquor duties In the first nine months of legalized II- iquor sale Fifty million gallons of hard liquor has been consumed In ; addition to a billion gallons of beer j There Is declared to have been I less drunkenness In the country man there was under nrohlbltlon. Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas are the only states of the Union still re manning bone dry. District News Port Simpson The Hudson's Bay Co. has for mally taken over the business here of Geo. P. McColl, with Mr 1 r.nli . i mcvAiu remaining m cnargc as the local manager being Joined ry vern Hawkln .from the com pany s store at Hazclton. It Is over twenty years since the Hud son Bay Co. left here. A. B. Cum mmgs, the district manager from Vancouver, ana W. Black of thi Fur Trades Commissioner's office irom Winnipeg arc here in con nection with thc transfer of thc Dullness. Construction of the new United Church building here will soon be under way. Last mall took with it tnc order for all thc material. It will be. when completed, a verv hand some building. Thc Port Simpson Council Is busy getting under way thc fall public works Tor the improvements of all thc roads, waterworks, etc.. under the direction of thc Chief Council lor, E. F. Dudoward. Genevieve Tobin And Mother Hurt sustained Serious Injuries When Auto Skidded Into Palm Trfe Near Ventura VENTURA, Cal.. Nov. 20;-Ocnc vieve Tobin, well known screen ac tress, and her mother. Mrs. Oene. vieve Tobin, were scriouslv lnlurrrt when their automobile skidded near here Sunday and struck a palm tree. The actress, among other In Juries, suffered a dislocated shoul der. O. McKenzie. well known Queen Charlotte City hotel nro prietor. Is a visitor in the cltv. MUSTARD -the Good Old-Time REMEDY , BwtrtifCuthsandCldiI Tike a mustard Fool Diih (1 Ubleipoonful COLMAN'S in a pail of HOT water). iu-M the poisons out I Mustard Plasteri haerelieed coughs, colds, rheumatic achea and paina and bronchitis for many year. A cold Toda v-Muiurd Tonight O.K. T0moowI is.f. MUSTAIIII "' ALL Part MMiUrJ" Weight Guessing Competition Prize-l Hind-quarter of the Famous BULKLEY VALLEY BEEF on display all this week at BULKLEY MARKET MUSICAL MYSTERY "Murder at Vanities," at Capitol Tliis Wcck-End, is Novel Picture An exciting combination of music and mystery is "Murder at thc Vanities," mid-week feature offer ing -on thc screen of thc Capitol Theatre here. The story deals with the opening night of Earl Carroll's "Vanities" in New York. First, an unknown, mysterious woman Is found dead. Then one of the urln- clpals of the show Is murdered on the stage during a number. Victor McLaglcn, as a police lieutenant. eventually finds a unique solution lor tnc dual killing. Frinclpal members of the cast are Jack Oakie, ,ns a press agent; McLaglcn, as the police lieutenant. Carl Brlsson, popular English singer: Kitty Carlisle. Gertrude Michael Gall Patrick, and Dorothy Stlckney There are a number of song hits In the picture including "Cocktails For Two" and "Marahuana." chorus numbers are very effective Duke Ellington and his famous orchestra furnish thc musical ac companiment. Local Gyro Club Justified Itself So Judges Decide After Humorous Debate at Luncheon on Tuesday The affirmative side was declared winner In a debate at thc regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club yesterday on th subject "Resolved that thc Oyro Club of Prince Ruper has Justified Its existence " The debate was essentially along humorous line. S. J. Jabour and Rev. W. D. Orant Hol- llngworth upholding the affirmative side while Dr. R. O. Laree and H. N. Brocklesby spoke In the ncga- uve. Tne judge were William Crulckshank, D. O. Borland and Frank Dibb. Past-President T. W Brown was In the chair In the ab sence of President W. H. Tobev. J O. Williamson was a guest. Allan M. DaVlCS. Whd hat hern nn a trip south in connection with hi office as Orand Master of the Loyal uranse Lodge for British Columbia, returned to the city from Vancouver on thc Prince Oeorge this morning. LET US HELP YOU Cut Down Your Grocery Hills. Wc Can Do It! Try Our Courteous Service HERRINGS In Tomato Sausc, l's. 2 tins 8IIOE POLISH 2 in 1 Black, per tin SANI-FLUSH-Rcg. tin per tin B.C. BROWN BEANS No, 1 3 lbs. CHRISTIE'S ROYAL SODAS OCn 25c 2 1-lb. nkgs. . 4tV PRUNES-Frcsh Stock 3 lbs This is real value 25-lb. box. QUICK QUAKER OATS Chlnaware, per nkir. QUICK QUAKER OAT8- Non-Prcmlum. ncr nka MUFFETS 2 pkgs. PUFFED RICE 2 pkgs PUFFED WHEAT 2 pkgs. TOILET ROLLS 4-oz, 0 for 8WEDISH HEALTH BREAD 2 lbs. 25c 10c 25c 25c 25c $1.95 29c 20c 25c 31c 25c MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have Morn Cents' P. O. Itnx 675 hon Dl Motors 23c 29c Heavy Duty Truck Motors Suitable for fish boats also speed boat motors $35 up Christie Truck & Car Paris 1830 W. 1st. Ave., Vancouver Wednesday, NoTtah,r, TWO SHOWS INONeI A Broadway Musical Show Plus a Thrilli,,,, i . . i Story! " "jaicryi Thc Perfect Combination of Knlerla 1 i in men it ADDED ANDV CLYDE In -Super Stupid" Fitipatrlrk Travelogue; "Ollmpxe of Erin" WORLD'S NEWS EVENTS TONIGHT k Tlliushiy "SHAKE HANDS with tho Cross Oceans with tho now VICTOR Globe Trotter" RADIO VIrtnr MmM 221 MsVfl llin wholo worltJ vour radio neighbor on n singlo dial. Vou mn tin it with tlwe new Victor Srlerlirr-U'mc receivers. Diilnnrcs tlNnmcftr . . . hroaiirats, ImiIH ir ntul fonf-ttvre ...ovrrwa ami North American hort-wavo reT- lion by daylight! "".ZJXtJ."2 1 wn mr Klrln . . .two ffl)M prices, luisytrnn. fpit Ml LAMP SHADES! Drop In and Inspect, our stock of lamp shades Wc 1 1,r;' variety in all the latest designs, both stik nnd pmchnK s1 ' ard lamp sluides. bridge lamp shades, table lamp shudi n "i.i b"1 lamp shades nt very reasonable prices A small deposit will hold any of these shades till Cii'W;,s GORDON'S HARDWARE B2W Coal Prices Jasper Kgg.Cual vi; Jasper Lump Coal $12';'" Pembina Egg Coal JJfJJ Stove Coal S& Ntit Coal SU-00 Coal in Dry Slied and i)elivcrel Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE