Millions Paid To Wheat Growers Of U. S. in Benefits WASHINGTON. D.C . Nov 21 It lh . i. durlocd by the agrtcul-r.odtu bureau that nearly . i mine : . stale In bemflU during the ir Thta was about half of :.n. ate which had been made .. purpose. Today's Stocks f ufij B O JohvuH no., Vanroufr A .iKirla. JOt r. r Nk-kcL .4 Ti, ' MUwuri. il H. 15 1 Hun. 2,31. IWIonw. 12.60. n. U OAL. .07. c it x. ooii. a. .ntxMi quart, IX. y. ntimUl. .40"$. ' i rll. .ICH. 1 lula. 30. it-i ulm OuiMk .01. Mi-, ,13'i. M iKtlan. .10, M ruing SUr, .05 "4. N .'ional Silver, .03 ft. N'ibi- Five. .07 r" l Oreille, .45. r ttr Idahfy J)3W. I'rrtrtlrr. 132.' t!ard. .03. n- mo. 1.02. Silver Crrst, .Om. Kdrnon Gold. .094. T.-ivlor Bridge, .2$. W.iyside. mK. Whitewater. .94. Wiivcrly Tangier. .01. l imed Empire, .09. Oi l. ier Creek. .05. Grange. .24. Toronto C' utrnl Patricia. J4. f i tbougamau, .07 , Lee Oold. .05. Ounnda. .23. I' -t Nickel. 22 25. v' MiiPinwa. 2.30. KH. rritt Oordou, .45. N'liaiula. 3055. Risen. 2A4. Vi nturcs, 3. l-ikf Maron, .04Vfc. T, - k Hughes, 3.D8. ; Rtulbury Basin. 1.10. C'llumnrlo. .22. Rm Iter Gold. .12. r m Malartlc, .40. "'Ittle Lons; Lac, 4. CO. Astoria Itouyn. .03. R,'i'iacona, M. M'HiIc Leaf. .00 V4. I'lt kle Crow. 1.70. "" 4 Lnc Lagoon, .09. Mln it Eastern, .17 ',4. McMillan, JO. Los Angeles Woman rip iu fMmrirnil Federal Government's $10,000,000 Program Described As .Merc Drop in Bucket Would Call Bankers and Financial Men Together STAYING ON GOLD Holland Not Going Off Standard Stability of Guilder to lie .Maintained ! AMSTERDAM. Nov. 21: Holland will remain on the gold standard of currency, it is announced by Fin arwe Minister Oudc who states that the cabinet has agreed that it is absolutely necessary 10 maintain the stability of the jullder. Murder Trial Is Richard Lang Charged at West-minster Aiies With Killing Of Hans Ambrosch NEW WESTMINSTER. Nov. 21: The trial of Richard Lang, charged with the murder of Hans Ambrosch, Is proceeding at the session of the supreme Court Assises now in pro gress here. Deceased s winow icsu-! fled yelerday that Ambrosch went lout to look for his dog and she never saw him alive again. ! MACDONAI.D IIOI'I S FOR 1 DISARM AM F.NT: BRITAIN : MUST DKFENCE LONDON. Nov. 21: At the nnenlnc of Parliament yes- terdav Prime Minister J. Ram- x M.irrnnald made the etntcmcnt that oreat unuun t In Death "Cni" of Girl would go back to Geneva hope- i fi that she would be able to l ANOELES. Nov. 21:-The' persuade the nations to agree 'nuiiifn,. ..,, i4i.u nn tn disarmament. However, u f would be cwentlal 'or Great "g0 of performing an Illegal 'uuon winch rcsultca m tne un.... - wath of Florence Goodln, n young fence. Angeles girl, In February last., been set for December 3. OTTAWA, Nov. 21: (CPj-With the declaration that during the next few years Canada could wisely and economically spend more than a billion dollars in housing and commercial construction works, Hon. H. H. Stevens, for- Ilinr ministnr nf t?irlo nnrl nimmowo loct nirrVif n-ont rn iatoit8rorsof the! reconl as favoring a great building program for the Do- deral government's $40,000,000 ! . . . . building program as a mere drop in I A Kl 1 1 I I r the bucket and advocated calling a! JurlJLI VAl 1 LtU conference of bankers, loan and i iirnvniT -aim. mortgage companies and Insurance IlilllllilMAIMI' companies with a view to evolving a plan for financing a huge construction proposal. "If they fail to act promptly then Un my opinion the government of hand aa a'Knvrrnment policy. A na tion) .pcegiam -of . conUructlon Canada ought to take the matter In Hon . Is oefiH to oe nnancca oy private capital under public leadership," Mr. Steven asserted. The former minister of trade and commerce as guest speaker at a banquet of the Ottawa Junior Board of Trade. AA I AS A Vl Kill A German TUn to Give Finished Textile 1'roducU For American Cotton Protested NEW YORK. .N0T.-2I; Ihdigns? expressed- by officials of T1nitA Trrtll Workers' Union ntl the proposal of Ocrmany to ex- VANCOUVER, Nov. 21: Edward Miinro, who was originally with the Navy at Esquimau and en- age. overseas service with the Battalion, died In Vancouver lyesterdajv He was sixty years of Assizes Cancelled In Southern Towns i Supreme Court Will Not Mt in Fernle or Cranbrook Owing to There Being No Cases VICTORIA. Nov. 21: Owing to there beine no cases, fall assizes at Ipvmio nnrf nranbrook have been cancelled this year. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. Nov. 21: (CP-Wlieat was quoted at 77oC on the local metal market yesterday, advancing to 54tic today. HIRTII NOTICE A son was born at the Prince Ru-pcr't Oencral HosplUl today, November 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex McLean (nee Bcrnlcc Clay). Both doing well. ,'T0 -ADVISE i SAAR FOLK change German-finished texUIel goods for half a million bales of ! Report From Vatican City Says Pope American raw cotton. Such pur-j May I'rge Them to Remain i Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides She piinee Rupert Overcast, . ifi High 1:56 sun. 19.8 ft northerly wind; barometer. 29.6. 13:34 pjn. 22.4 t. ti-mpcrature. 48; tea smooth, Low 7:40 a.m. 8.1 ft. 20r25 pjn. 2J2 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXIV No, 71 - It. i. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1934 PRICe; FIVE CENTS STEVENS URGES BIG BUILDING PLAN INDIA COMMITTEE PRESENTS ITS REPORT TO PARLIAMENT Canada Could Wisely Expend Billion Dollars Within Few Years On Needed Construction Work Mooney Wins First Victory in Years - f ir H l&Ji; ' . aHBr,alBIIWB!WBHBII Tom Mooney left'. noted US. I .-or pinner & pictured with James B. Holden. war-Jen of Sau wjucndn prison, Calif who was ordered by the supreme ecu fa ate2 in 40 cays as to why Mooney should net be aliorad :u fUt a petition of habeas corpus. The action is a preliminary step and the first legal victory In the 18-year fight Ust freedom. Mooney was sentenced to life Imprisonment on charges o complicity In the San Francisco iTepareaness parade bomb ng of 1916. EXECUTED Dictator Stalin Determined to Put Down Cotton Revolt in Russia Cia vi iiiiiMirn muic ptuuuiia u.i . .(ricrmv Knv .rvrp.Mnn nf : would United States work-, deprive peasants fiTe more is reported here i ers of . large amount o fair -ages. VATICAN CITY 211 . U ; n the Russlan cot. The American Federation of U- reported here that Pope Pius XIII rhnrtrM, ,,,,. bor. through 1U president. William may urge the people of the Saar. at; " , ' of Oreen, intimates Ut Congress will ! the plebiscite to be held in January. SSf?dSSl2f be urged to pass leglslaUon at the i to remain as at present under the, ?tbk forthcoming session which would ' League of Nations irtead of voUng " ouinrea. make such a transaction as this Former Sailor And ; Soldier Succumbs L'dward Munro, Who Served Both In .Navy and Army, Dies In Vancouver v Royal itoyai na Pi. roceedingiSowWor (47th. France. Such a message from His, Holiness would bear much weight Catholics. HAK SILVCK NEW YORK, Nov. 21: iCP) Bar I as it Is esUmated that two-thirds of silver closed at 54c per ounce on the (the people of the Saar are Roman local exchange yesterday, advanc- ing to 77ic today. "Liberalism is Great Need Of Today But Party Has to Make Good," Declares Ian IVTKenzie VICTORIA, Nov. 21: "111111 r JjHrH k. wjBP' H HON. IAN MACKENZIE CP) "Liberalism is the great need of the day. We are the progressive party of the centre. The Liberal party will soon have its greatest opportunity and, f it fails to enact legislation for the benefit of the great masses of the people, then, in my opinion, it will have lost its last opportunity." So declared Hon. Ian Mackenzie, Vancouver Centre Member of Parliament, in addressing the Liberal nominating convention here at which C. J. Dowell was chosen Liberal candidate for Victoria in the next federal election. "We are going through a social and economic revolution. Liberalism must change with the times and go ahead," declared Capt. Mackenzie. Present at the nominating convention was Capt. William Ellis, who has returned to the Liberal party after having run as a C. C. F. candidate in the last provincial election. Capt. Ellis voted at the A nJian Federation Of Autonomous Units Is Recommendation Long-Awaited Document is Made Public Today and Will Be Taken Into Consideration by Government In Drafting New Legislation 1 LONDON, Nov. 21: (CP) An All Indian Federation comprised of self-governing units was advocated in the long awaited report of the select joint Parliamentary committee on Indian reform which was made public this afternoon. The report is to be considered by the government in connection with proposed new constitutional legislation for India. HORRIBLE IS NAMED DISCOVERY GOVERNOR Bodies of Three Infants Found in Trunk Which Had Been Checked. ForOrer Two Years NEW YORK. Nov. 21: (CP) Discovery of the bodies of three ' infanUi in a trunk which had been checked in a Brooklyn ware-I house on July 15, 1932, was dis- I a i 1 1 ciosra loaay oj puuee wnu announced that Ruby Clark. 36-year old former Vermont school teacher and recently bookkeeper for various banks, had been arrested. Condition of the bodies prevented immediate determination of age or sex. Miss Clark claimed that she was married sixteen years ago to a man named Mahood who died in 19I8. She said she checked the trunk in the warehouse but at that time it contained an accumulation of miscellaneous ar ticles only. KILLER OF SONS DIES Mrs. Haxel O'Brien Succumbs To Effects of Self-inflicted Bullet Wounds LOS ANGELES, Nov. 21: Police have revealed that Mrs. Hazel O'- I Brlen. who was under a charge of i murder in connection with the con fessed slaying of her two small sons, hit', died in a sanitarium at Glen- ' t In fwm tho .iff f c rvf tnliirlec In. U.i iv. V. iv. ciivvw ut u.ju.iva ... flicted when she shot herself after killing the boys as they lay in bed. In her confession, Mrs. O'Brien gave is her reason for the act that her sons were sulfering from an incur able disease. ULM LANDS IN CANADA QUEBEC. Nov. 21: (CP Capt- IChrles T. P. Ulm arrived here ; from England and mechanics went I to work at once assembling the I plane which he will fly from hero to Vancouver and thence across the Pacific Ocean to Australia via San Francisco, Honolulu and Suva. Yesterday Cant. Ulm flew to Montreal where he was to have full I load tests prior to hopping off for Vancouver, possibly today. !W. J. Tupper K.C. New Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba OTTAWA. Nov. 21: CPI W. 3, Tupper K.C. of Winnipeg, prominent figure in Manitoba political a no legal affairs, has been appointed Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba, it is announced. He succeeds Hon. James D. McArthur. TRIP TO CALGARY i Premier Bennett Leaves Ottawa For West Two Cabinet Meetings Held OTTAWA, Nov. 21vCP) Premier ; R. B. Bennett left Ottawa List night for a visit to his home city of Calgary on private affairs. He expects to be away from the Capital nine days. Before the Premier's departure, two cabinet meetings were held yesterday. Following them Mri Bennett had no announcement tuf I make other than that a good dear of routine business had been a! tended to. Paderewski Being Asked to Return To Public Life: WARSAW. Poland. Nov 21: A definite movement Is on foot with a view to bringing' back to the public life of Poland Ignace Paderewski, pianist, patriot and former Prime Minister. ! TLOT FOR FASCIST DICTATORSHIP IN STATES REVEALED WASHINQTQN, DC. Nov. 21: -A so-called plot to set up a Fascist (iictatotshlD In the - United States was revca!sd yesterday by General Smedley who told a congressional com- mittee that he had refused an invitation to lead a march up- on Washington and forcibly seize the government. ;