The Family Shoe Slore Third Avenue. 41 Scratch Pads Sealing Wax Seccotine Second Sheets Serpentine Shelf Paper Shipping Tags Show Card Board Show Card Colors Sponge Bowls LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS. FKINCE KUFKKT BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 33 EASTER FOOTWEAR Nev values offered in Women's Smartly Styled Shoes for Easter, featuring suede and kid Ties in brown or grey . . . and many other styles that are pleasing. See these! They're new. Priced at $3.95 . $4.50 Our New Stock of Running Shoes are Here. Every Pair Guaranteed and Made to Wear Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prtnee P.uprt Dally News. Limited. Third Aveous R. F. PULLEN - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by maU or carrier, yearly period paid in advance For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year , By mall to all other countries, per year . ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per tach per insertion , Member of Audit Bureau l Circulations DAILY EDITION 83.00 JO Sponges Stamp Pads Stamp Pad Ink Staplers and Staples Stick Files String Tags Thumb Tacks Time Books Tissue Paper Twines 3.00 9.00 Tuesday. March 27, 1934 Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 LIONS BEAT EMPRESS I GOVERNMENT ENDORSED The fascist government of Italy has been endorsed by the electors almost unanimously. The election was not like ours. It was the first held under the new plan for a real Fascist administration. As a matter of fact the trial of Fascism commences now for since the Black Shirts seized the power in Italy the country has been in a state of transition with Mussolini as dictator most of the time. During that period the Duce has been laying his plans for the perpetuation of the new system and the election this week was the consummation of the arrangement whereby the old parliamnt has been abolished and the new initiated. The whole world will watch the working of the new Italian system for today the world is looking for something new in thematfer of administration, the old having proved unsatisfactory. That is why people are interested in the! Russian experiment, the Italian experiment, the Austrian; situation, the plans of the C. C. F. and the Douglas system. ; They feel that Fomething will be done soon and they are, anxious that any move made shall be in the right direction, j GETTING RESULTS Already the Pattullo policy is achieving results. Pre-: mier Bennett has recognized the seriousness of the situa- j tion and, as announced in this paper yesterday, has asked, i the western premiers to meet him" in conference nexti ween, rremier rauuuo win go and, nouDtiess, ne will take with him the authority which he has asked the Legislature tn rivn Vl!m ill AanMnrr ll'Wti tVin ntfntva r( ftifi IT,. hand will be strengthened a hundred times by the know-! ledge that any action he takes is final and cannot be nul-lified or modified. He will be the only man in the group who will be in a position to take immediate action nlthough there is no reason to believe the federal parliament would refuse to back Up Mr. Bennett in any action he may take. I It should now be possible to talk frankly with the aim of 1 getting results, ! ROSE, COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers THE TIGERS IN FINAL Vancouver Tie With Calgary in Defeats Musketeers For Right to Fne Game Hockey Seiies , .Meet Grotto in Cribbase-Bridge , Last Niiht League. rUy-Off j VANCOUVER. Mitch W The' Empress defeated Musketeers I Vancouver Lions dfeajc ue gar- last night by a score of 18 to $ in ; jtan- Tigers two goals to one iatt the Cribbate Lmiate fhial for the night tylnt the fl game series right to meet Grotto. Brlrttc League ' ; hockey league championship, winner, in the tntar-teague p&y-otf Four games htve -jfin pjive.1 between the Ciibbage and Bnrtfje with each team w:nn:ng iw,- League teams for the Tip Top Tail- sjame 0ra Cup. New Queen of Silver Blades ML j SZi.i.5 Da - of Bcs.;oa, .1 h. A. i. . '.. U '-" ship u. '- cor -. .an 0. m . ,v..-a..v v 9 n.r -n.v. ing cha.ap;oi.3;.ip- at iie arcua in Pa, BLUE SKIRTS WINNERS OF PUCK GAME Fort William Took Championship By Beating Kimborley Five To Nothing TOUT WILLIAM, March 27: The Fort William Blue Shirts last night won the Western Canada hockey championship by defeating; Kimbcrly Dynamiters by a score of five goals to nothing and thus taking- the round by eight goals lo three. Fort William will now play the eastern champions for the Allan Cup, emblematic of the amateur championship of Canada, BALAGN0 IN FINAL Eliminated Young Last Night and Will Defend City Billiard Title Against Brown In the second bracket of the semi-finals last night for the city Individual billiard championship. C. P. Balagno, the present title-holder, had an easy 500 to 366 victory over M. E. Young, thus qualifying1 to meet Don Brown in the final which commences tonight. The final will be played in two 500-polnt blocks, the first this evening and the second tomorrow night. Jack Judge wlfl be the referee. Balagno and Brown are old rivals for individual honors and an interesting contest between them is expected. In last night's semi-final Balag-no's average per session at the table was 5.35 points and Young's, four. NEW YORK. March 27: CP Bar silver wa.s quoted at, 45-'j.' on the local metal market yesterday SOFTBALL .sni- IS PLAYED I Match Between Select Teams On 1 Sunday For Benefit of i Library Book Fund j I Softball teams captained by Ernie Ratchford and Bill Stone engaged t in a well-contested exhibition game 'before a nood-s!erl crowd of fans in the sunshine at the Canadian National Recreation Association grounds Sunday afternoon in aid o( the Prince Rupert Public Llbraty new book fund, the Stone nonctte vanquishing the Ratchford crew 5 to 3. The losers did all their sooi iiv. in the last stanza but could not stretch the spurt far enough to catch up with the victor who had scored two run In each of the third ;and sixth frames and one in the eighth. j The teams were. as follows: Ratch ford's team Armstrong c. Pitcher p.. Ratchford lb.. Cameron 2b.. Howe ss.. Comadlna 3b.. Nelson rf.. Bury cf., Poitolo If. Stone's lanir-Tobey c, Raabe p.. iComadlna lb.. Palmer 2b., Johnson ss.. Steffensrud 3b.. Mcintosh rf.. I Stone cf.. Smith If. Toronto Slavs In Hockey Play-offs Defeated Detroit Lat Night Three Goals To One and Must Win Two More fiames DETROIT. Mrr.h 27 Toronto Staved In hn MnHnnal tfnnlinu League playoffs by defeating Detroit three jjoals lo one last night UNDER AHItTST AT BREMEN BREMEN. March 27: Forty-1 eight Socialists, charged with sym pathies subversive to the Nazi rov-eimment, have been arrested 4n Bremen j Special Bargains in Ladies' and Children's BATTLE FOR HOOP TITLE Y. P. E. A. Defeats P. S. A. C. By Nairuw Margin in I'laydoMiis At Port Simpson i PORT SIMPSON. March 27 -As ' a result of two fast and closely contested tames with the Port Simpson Athletic Club, the Young People's Endeavour Association, former champions of Northern Brl- , ".sh Columbia, won the right to represent Port Simpson in finoj pbiy with Anyox for the NorUiern British Columbia basketball title. Y 1 P. E. A. won on the aggregate of the two games by the scant margin of two points. 30 to 34. having captured the first same by a score of 21 to 19 while the second was tied 15 all. Roughness of play featured the first, game at the end of the first period of which P. S. A. C, was ahead 15 to 0. Y. P. E. A. redeemed Itself in the second half by scoring twelve point to its opponents four, making the final score 21 to 19, Individual scoring was as follows: Port Simmon Athletic Club MO) - J. Whlto i8i. Alexcee 4. n. Ma-thr Mi. a. Whito U. C. Ross 2. Y. P. E. A i31-R. Sankev J. Art Wesley U. J. Brcntzen 18). W. Johnson 2. R. Knott, I'.. Bryant 2. Andy Talt. Referees were P. Price and Alf Wesley. Second Game Play was more orderly In the rc- CASH FOR OLD GOLD Bring Us Your Old Cold! 5 I We will pay you the JilRhest possible price. We can use some of it rlijht here In our business. If you have some nokl articles lying around uselessly better turn them In now while the. premium Is at its highest. Also there is always the chance of them being lost or foruotten. n't . ft JoiiHgui Jewellers HIE STOPE WITH THE CLOCK Chlldrni.- ci,. !c V' Nu. :, ivild 1I;iuihIc welt end t?ie n r. r.. -M the first und the tame u. was much nioi' interesting Indt vldual scoring was as follows Y P E A. '15. W. Rom i4i. E. Cecil. Jack Dudoward 4t. Tom Morses 4i. Dob -Cooper. Carl lirc4it- SHOES These Shoes have Just Arrived for the Spring, It will pay you to come in and inspect our new stock of footwear. Some of these Shoes are worth as high as $0.00 per pair Special price ouomnunaMai Hilhtnu'g Cta-vtic Kill P.tlflll . C.ill .it S2.25 L.r.uv Clusslc Strap Velour S3.95 $3.75 $2.25 rite t Foot ltunnro liave Just come in for tiie hiii fair. i: .my alC .UKl I'.t of uyUs to tiick from. K; jit Suede Grey O.Xf'MU S3.95 Two-Tone Kiort Oxf rd.s very nea;oe 3375 00 Pair of libek und Uroww Pumps, low heel QCJ Clavslr S). School on these to be - your mo n, pr S4.25 v; 1- -j 1 84.50 Dr Vetner s Vi K Shoe In '"E" tt rr Ri:iJ artn. Hundreds ot p.. Ctasle in S' ford to put i: I .tin s Wi Idre Stocking w iditst silk Crei- B. C. CLOTHIERS LTD. : 85c $1.25 Plionc Black 321 Jun n Tl IT Af result 1 hird 1 roop ut Boy Scouts Anil Cubs Revivd m '3. Eli Talt. P. S. A. C. 15--0. Moody 6I, A. 8wanm 4. Oeorge Johnson' Ul. On Saturday rvr D. Musjrave. Ed. Henry i2. , home Of Toe 1! Intermediate Oimr - meeting was im l In an Intermediate game Y. P E RupVn Trooi, ji'Jj J . v-" 1 Wolf Cubs u i rtn ,,5tf?ie0; P ?f " S10.". Jack wHt Dr W "JLll!r etoirman oi th. s rn.doward. E. Cetll .0.. Tom Monies. lllrwlwmi j M,t m TUH . I11, ike to the b.n- WJZ A '"ff" iUK maftmtM from n Oeor,e 13.. Joe Moody Moraes. A. n B,dt,n P Faithful .4. Dave Mumv. Bl- MStMtlh Mtirri dle nenr' , 8H,tnter r C . ! ! r I,.a.m.e Cubmaster H. I t In ,u the Junior division the two bjjy team, started off very tronly In a&mr uen ,,. ISTk . 1 'ndlntn: flm W' ctwful mating w..s with a tie. the score bettw 28-28 and . ,c)ott h mri In the next game in the Club Hall. UttxUw wUI the Club boys came on with a ren- dtty, ' rer Cu5s a: J iieanre nnrt nf fh flnl n.t,i.ii . ... ....... .... , yj P. S. A. C. boys were at the lon end of a 62-19 score. Chai. Green handled the whistle. Trojans Win Over The line-ups: I Ci,,fl in Itasc P 8. A. C.-Sonnv Beynon. 8, LOS.ANOELES. M Soence. Wm. Cooner. Harold nyatfi vertlty of Southnr, r R. Cooper. J. Wesley. Jans defeated at . ; The nesrwrate score was p. 8 A. of 3 to 2 In ; 12 C 90. Y p E A. 47 aame here on i r Y P. E. A. Tom MaeKajr, M.i ' t Snttirdaf , j . vi i.i a utiHi, s. Aioraos. Ed Scott. T. Alexeee ' t r i t t SPECIAL CLUBBING OFFER Pictorial Review and the National Home Monthly at a very low rate. By sending In jonr subscription n' f,,hff new or renewal, yon receive: (Delivered in the City) The Daily News, one year $5.00 Pictorial Review, one year 1.00 National Home Monthly, one year LOO Total value $7.00 All Three for $5.50 (By Mail to Points Outside Prince KupcrO The Daily New, one year $300 Pictorial Review, one year L00 National Home Monthly, one year 1.00 Total value $3.00 AH Three for $3.50 Tie Daily News, Phone 98