Special Easter Shoe Bargains Also the greatest assortment of Runners ever Miown in this town, Dominion Rubber, Fleet Foot, Goodrich and Miner. John A. Anderson, road suix-rln-endent tor Atlin district, arrived lii the city from Anyox on the Catala tills morning for a brief visit to. departmental headquarters here. Jlc will return north un the Prince George tomorrow afternoon. i Ideal Cleaners I OPEN ,f. In New Premises Cor. McUridu & Fifth CLEANING, KEPAIUING, DYEING, ETC. SEE OUR WONDERFUL LINE OF Women's Smart Suede SHOES IVIilSliliiiHHfllHIIilllHIIIHIIIIIIIHIIiRlHHBllliHHHIH ; The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily lij Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, IJ.C. "TILLIE THE T0ILER,, IN PUMPS, TIES, DRESS AND" SPORT OXFORDS, SPECIALLY PRICED FOR EASTER. SEE OUR WINDOWS. Women's Two-Tone Sport Oxfords Itegubr $1.50 2.25 Up from v Men's anil Boys' Highest Grade Dress Roots and Oxfords CO OT Leekie make, up from . . V Children's and Misses' Patent Strap Slippers QQ up from LOCAL NEWS TO Be 1MB Flm tJAlitnm IMTTQ QT THAT rTOVT 14 , m I i men s and lioys' Highest tirade Leckies Make Shoes QO nr i up from , ?A.tJD I A great assortment of jj; iMisses' and Children's jj! Slippers bought of Leckic guaranteed 35 less than anywhere else in the city. CUT RATE SHOE STORE I Conic in and convince yourself We accept city scrip and relief orders r it mmi vxms vrvxwi i n wn sum a u-i mws m ? m i a.i srsa B-H MARINE PAINT i You can use nothing finer than Drandram-llenderson's Marine J rami. Mauc irom only the purest of materials. B-H COPPER PAINT I Brandram Render son's is the ideal copper paint for wooden hulls to protect them from the onslauahts of barnacles, vegetable ttiuwin aim inner marine animal me. m cnRnriNSHARnwARF H.ne3u ' w " t i .iv-. mcRrldi St Li FURS! FURS! To Trappers and Dealers 50,000 RATS, 5,000 BEAVER wanted to fill our orders at once, and prepared to pay you top market prices. Can also use all other IUnS at full market value. For prompt returns, honest sradlnff, a square deal, and full market value, ship all your l'UKS to us. A trial shipment will convince you. P. O. BOX 367 PAPPAS FURS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ! William Miller of the Scavlcw1 Grocery returned to the city on thci Princess Norah on Sunday from t ten-day Business trip to ver. J. R. McWHllams. formerly mi grator abpard the steamer Catala. has taken over similar duty aboard the steamer Princess Norah on Its present, voyasa and expects to be on the Alaska run henceforth. Leslie M. Scott of Vancouver has been assigned to the Catala as operator. MUSSALLEM'S SPECIALS V. C. AUSTRALIAN PINEAPPLE Sliced or Crushed, 2's Q tor tin JLvX RASPBERRIES 2's, squat OQn tier tin 501 PEAKS 2's -j rn per tin XDl PEACHES 2's 1 Qo per tin XtJL VI-TONE 1-lb. tin, Jig Saw Puzzle FREE with each tin 7 per tin OIK, rtllXJ WAY'S TEA-5 o'clock 7Qp This Is the old price per lb. CALIFORNIA RAISINS QO 2 Crown with seeds, 3 lbs. U DESSICATED COCOANUT QCn 2 lbs. ... OOl MUSSALLEM'S BUTTER QQ A-l. 3 lbs tV P. R. LOCAL EGOS QP0 3 doz. tL PILCHARDS Snowcap V2s OCT 4 tins Economy Store Where Dollars Have More Cents" 17-19 Third Avenue Writ P.O. Boi 575 Phone 18 HOVAi Does it Fit 1 tyysrs thz daily iqrKa MRS. MANDY INTERESTING 'Passion Play" Lecture Draws Crowded House to Calhtdral Over 260 people attended St. Andrew's Cathedral Hall last night to hear an exceptional lecture on 'The Passion Play at Obcrammcr-gau" by Mrs. J. T. Mandy. It was under the ausulces of Toe H. Prior to the lecture an opening hymn. "The Lord is My Shepherd was sung by the audience. This was followed by a solo, "It Was For Me," by Jolm E. Davcy. Mrs. Mandy then took her audience upon a long und eventful pilgrimage from New York across the Atlantic thence overland from Cherbourg, through Paris, across France, over the border Into Bavaria, passing through iviunicn and eventually arriving al Obcrammcr-gau, nestled amongst the Bavarian Alps. The speaker took her hearers through this quaint ola world village, describing the individual inhabitants in their everyday life and In the character each portrayed in the Passion Play.. She told of the remarkable effect the performance of this play through the centuries has had upon the natives of Ober-nmmcrgau, how it had produced an Idealistic, .simple living, clean living and truly religious people to whom all the trickeries and sharp practices of the modern business world arc unknown a truly democratic people. The impersonation of the Christus on three different oc casions by Anton Long was indeed wonderful as was the presentation of the characters of the Virgin Mary; Mary Magdalene, Peter and Judas. IIMory of I'lay In the course of her lecture Mrs, Mandy described how the Passion Play had come Into being: how It was first performed in the little village church of Obcrammcrgau to an audience of villagers in the year 1G34 and at more or less re gular intervals ever since. The three-hundredth anniversary performance will take place this year. Nobody but those born In, the village can take part In the presentation. There are no professional actors, no makc-un or anv other of the modern artifices of the stage used. Yet it Is a wonderful production, drawing people from the four quarters of the world. Seats arc booked one year In advance. Tlie lecture was accompanied bv a scries of beautiful colored lantern pictures depicting the different actors in their roles and In their everyday life; scenes of the thea tre, the village and the woodcarvlng workshops, also of the wonderful triangular-shaped mountain with its huge cross overlooking the whole village. At the close of her lecture Mrs. Mandy was given an ovation. A duet, "The Crown of Thorns," by Mrs. P. H. Llnzcy and John E. Davcy was much appreciated. A closing hymn, "In the Cross of Christ I dory," and the benediction by Dean Gibson brought to a close a most Interesting evening. very Rev. Dean J. B. Gibson was chairman. Dr. J. T. Mandy operated the lantern and Mrs. 8. A. KIcIback accompanied the singing. James It. Gaudln, superintendent engineer for steamships of the Yukon and White Pass itoulr and Mrs. Oaudln were ias.scngcrs aboard the Princess Norah Sunday afternoon golnc through to White- horse for the season after having spent the winter In Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. Adrertlse in tne Dally News White Cooks Are Installed Today Commodore Cafe All white cooks have been by James KUIas at the Commodore following his recent visit to Vancouver where he secured a French chef and very competent' Canadian assistants This will make ' a wide appeal to those who have been objecting to Oriental cooking. In addition Mr. Kllla.i. while in various Improvements in his cafe ( which will prove very attractive. The decorators will be busy directly and the whole premises will' be thoroughly renovated. Jim inspec-'ted the most up-to-date cafes In i the south and he plansto make his ; the equal of any of them. On Dress Parade! C5T2E0T. woaj cjht OUT OM THE TLOOte AXIO 7 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Armour Salvage Co.'s service boat Salvage Princess, which has been on a ten. day voyage to Vancouver. Is expected back in port tonight or early tomorrow morning. The vessel, aboard which Capt. aud Mrs W. P. Armour and Mr. and Mrs W O. Fulton made the trip to Vancou ver, took south fifty tons of logging equipment from Buckley Day and Is bringing back the well known aeivlce boat Pachena which Is to: have another engine Installed here. ! ! Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. B. Dickson, returned to port at 9 15 this morning from a regular voy- ZAM-BUK ..Soothtt Quickly Heals BURNS & SCALDS S. K. Sj- iune in lopics HIGH LIGHTS TUi:SI)AY 6: 30-"Parade of the Province. CFCN, CItCV. 7:00- .Seth Parker. KOMO. 8:15 Hollywood Looking Glass, KJIt. 0:00 Den bcrulc's Orchestra. KOMO. 0:45 Police Chief Qulnn. KOO, KPO. WKIINKSOAY 6:00 Ipana Troubadors, KOMO 7:00 Corn Cob Club. KOMO. 8:00 Andre Postelonetz. KSL. 8:45 Winning the West, KOMO. TIIIIKSDAY 6:00 Concert Itecit.il, CFCN, CItCV. -6:30 ftadlo Theatre Guild, CFCN. CItCV. 8:15 Standard Symphony, KOMO. 0:00 Under the Stars, CFCN. . nd Krmrmbfr V offer you a modern, efficient and re. liable Kadio Service Superior Radio Service Phone niue 320; 336 2nd. Ave. LOOK FOIl TIIK TOWKK I II Added Feature 8::0) A Warner Uros. Picture March " a . , , nun,,, it II MjM -J ; J 4 i ) Monday & Tuesday Two Shows 7 tt 8:20 Admission p 7 LEE TRACY Tickling Comedy "TURN BACK THE CLOCK" 7 At 9:30) With Mae Clarke. Otlo Kruecr, Georje Barbicr. A M f; m , , Would You Like to Live Your Life Over Ataint " On her regular fortnightly voyage north from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands. C. N. It. steamer Prlnec John, Capt. Edward Mabbs. left Skldegate Inlet at 5 o'clock this morning for Massett Inlet, being due at Massett at 3 ot-clock this afternoon. The vewel. which has considerable freight to discharge In Massett Inlet. Is not ixpected to arrive here before noon tomorrow. Rock Bottom RADIO Bargains Kadlo Tradr-in and l)rntonlrator "THE KEYHOLE Starring KAY FRANCIS and GKOKGK HKKvr jim mnnncr rrcpinj iom ' and raid to IVfp Wed. & Thlirs. "Charlie Chan's Greatest age to Anyox. 8tewart and other northern points and sailed at 130 this afternoon for Vancouver and waypolnts. Local Man Forms Mining Syndic! I'rmn..)... l . . .... .ri t" or nrni (g yi arm anil other DMrlft, James Kllla wr , recently, succcen ! a prospecting mi eouver-Hupcrt Cr lending out two r Phillips Arm and examine some thought xhouir? allzcd. The men week 7 Models to Clear at I'nprrrcdf nlrd ffit&T I.ow Prices Victor 117. 1032 8-tubc mantel model, complete De Forest Croaley 7-tube Uble model, complete Victor Rfl. 1032 Console model, 7 tube, prnctlr.illy a Instrument Victor V28. 1028-Table model 8 tubes, orlfliul j i $222.50. now only Hattey Sets For Out of Town Victor K07. 1033-8 tubes mantel model, complet. Evercady heavy duty batteries and 1000-hour Air t regular $113.50. special Victor R68.-6ame as H67 above but console type, bra : cabinet. Complete, ready to attach to your an. t tegular mj.ow, now iWH r t . I . r. ... ... m.uc aix- vicior iva Chassis on v w th lube nn illH l GARDEN SUPPLIES VJlJljWO ta - SPADES - LAWN MOWEItS HOC FORKS SH0VEL8 TURF EDGERS LAWN HOSE St HOSE REELS We have a complete line of Garden NecrsslUci THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. The AUCTIONEER racking Crating Wrappini & General Furniture Repaln List your goods with rat rhone Rlaek 121 fJKO. J. DAWES For Your Heallbj Chlroprarlle Ultra Violet K;i Intra Red Kji Mttiir All at Reosonable Trie" W. C. ASPINALL PC (Chiropractor) Green 2 Thonei OrffsHI Kichan( Blof -By W?stoverf 1 P&Sjg&mLto &iX lift dfeflft r-ttfc I y D D