' M'V,h f7' mm i'iiis I Second Avenue, Hey KAIMITS KCCS Beautiful EASTER FLOWERS For the Joyous Season We are tetilng In wveral ship-menU of Mltles and a great variety of other choice cut flowers and pot plants from the trecnhoues of Vancouver and Victoria. There i no promt so greatly appreciated as floners. especially at Faster. Leave your order early because the demand Is expected to be large. Out of town orders receive special attention. D. GLENNIE H.0K1ST AM) SKKDSMAN Coal Prices MinphcaclKgg Coal $r2-;0' M'nchfad Lump Coal S12J50 IVmiiina F.rj,' Conl $12-0,) Stove Coal $lL50 Coal In Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 WHEN YOUR COAL BIN NEEDS A coall chta-ACter aso cell It's sure to REPLENISHING PHONE US 1 -17 I ... ...In uiiitnn A very q nave cais Kiddies Lookit' EASTER RASKKTS It's really up to your fathers and mothers to play the role of. Master and .Mrs. Runny, you Know. Hut H'inluht lc a good idea to remind them that Ormes Itd. is headquarters for that supply of delicious and wholesome candies oj(!fN, htitiuies, chicks!' Special Easter Candies Easter Ecus and Hunnies 5c to 25c Easier Hasket (assorted) J 5c to 35c ssorted Chocolates (in boxes) 50c, 90c, $2 Ormes Ltd. Jim Pioneer Dri4Qtt'3ts Ihr Itesall .Store rhonft: t ii K2 CHIC CAN Plmnc: fiX) for nil your retiuu-ments and at prices to suit all purses. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone CIS UNION STKAMSWjg LIMITED 8tnir lrv Trine RuiWrt for Vancouver TS S. (JATAI.A F.VF.HY TUKSBAY. 1(30 P.M. -.,....,, li-r noon. TS.S, CAHDF.NA KVEHV FIllDAY MIWN1011T Arrivlnu Vancouver, Monday AM. Wfpkl. . t. .11.. Arm. ArtVQk . itfyrr points, ,1-esvs Prlnr !iuirt 8,,nrt!''t?,.nk' . a Fup-.hpr and tUkets information reirardlnB all .lulling "IN(H ICIPKHT AII;Ki:Vl TliM Avenue. MM I r VMprzmj i iv lmm 1 F W. Onmble. who-has been re- llevini; as :-ustotns officer at Stew art during the past month while offteers tlire have been taking their annual vacations, returned to the citv from the north on the Catala this morning. Itay Wardron. formerly local manager of the Hudson's Bay Co.'s fur store, reutrped lvece yesterday from AnchocMe. Alaska., where he thad been looking over the field with a possible view to buying furs 'here. . Fallowing its .report the company decided not to enter the Jaskan fWd at present. Mr. Ray Wardrop is remaining hre until Thundy when he wlil proceed to Vancouver. Announcements Elks' dance Thursday. March 29. : Ouen Mary brldte and dance i April 2. ' ' United Eat'.er Sate, April 4. Colontal April 5. Pair Qathedral Hall Presbyterian Outer Sale April 12 C. N. R. A. Anniversary Ball, Ap ril 13. A. Y. P. A, Ten, Cathedral Hall. April M. St. Peter's Church Sale April 19. United Car,nlval April 20. Spinsters' Spree Cambrai Chapter. April 27. I Ridley Home Bazaar. May 3. Moose Hall TONIGHT Iii-ide-Whist & Dance Under nusploes of The Women of the Moose. Cards start 0 p.m. Music by .Music by Mrs. J, S. Black Refreshments Admission 25c SPECIAL LOW EASTER FARES HKTWKKN AM. FOINTS On Sal MAKCH 29 to Al'RU. 1 CANADIAN NATIONAL v-n-ii THE DAILY NEWS. 1 .1. " n-u-m-iu-M i. -j.--i-s4 LOCAL NEWS NOTES DEMEHS" are ne-Mng i clothes for Easter. We buy a'nythint In told. Premium price. Max Heilnrontf. yai ri 'i vk in m i ua w smart' Fur coat and Jacket at um-imertlme price. Pappas Furs. t( Leetcr OrlmWe. yoitng" son of; Mr. and Mrs. P. w. unmDie. from' the effects 1 1 ft .v.-- of a severely Infected, arm which resulted from a bite an. the hand by a rat when he picked the crea-tr- .in while nlaylng. It was nec essary to have another lanclns yes terday. nnrkle. formerly of this' city and for the past several years In the shipyard seivice oi uie xu-kon and Whlti Horse Route at WTiitehorse. was a passenger on; board the Princess Norah buqaay. afternoon going north for the sea- ( son's work after having spent the wlnt-T at his home in Victoria. DOMINION DAIRY . NOW OPEN At Second St, near Third Ave-Fresh Milk. Cream, flutter, Buttermilk, F.ggs and Cottage Cheese Tel. C3G. Trompt llfllvery MIIK direct from our own.herrt FltF.SH F.VFItY HAY Auction Sale OP COMl'LKTK Household Furniture . AT 308 9th AVENUE WEST, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28th Comnienclnc at 2:15 p.m. sharp i On Instructions received from the i j! owner I will sell by puoilc Auction ;the following articles: One 3plccc C41ESTFRFIPU) SUITE; Axmlnster rug; BrfaKfast suite; gtceltop range: Walnut Bed-room suite; Dresser; Chiffoneer; Drlck lined Heater and Pipes; End l Table; Congolcum Rug; 4 small iruas: Crib; Wit. cJiaJr; Hllnds; I Dishes, etc. I NOTE These goods are In first 'class condition and must be sold. G. J. Dawes THE AUCTIONEER : iMione Dlark 120; Red CSS Tonlaht's train, due from the ,EaH at 10, o'slock, was reported. ! this morning to be ort time. 1 C.C. Mills returned to the city on I . n,.4ni. nv mnrnlrMr nffcer! CharlM Graham. . lnSOCCtOf of making the round trip to Anyox ! mine, returned to the ty on th: and Stewart o business. ' r jrpri with trcsDX'wlna on property of the Canadian National j S. J. Jabour, who has been on a j rtutlways. Edward PoylaKangas was. Dusmess trip to Anyox. rtiumtu sentenced to fourteen days- lmprts-; tne city irom me smeiicr w u.. Bid vouici of CONSTIPATION INDIGESTION RHEUMATISM wiih IKlOCSt UW WMH Of WIUXWI Catala this morning ffom a trip; to Stewart on offlsial dottcs. onmi-nt by Magistrate McOlymont . tr.e uataia tnis morning, tn euy polite couri yesu. aay ami- - I w tr r T . All.. Arm i was a passenger anoiro me aiai i i today bound for Vancouver wrier-. she will attend the wedding of her son. J. D. Ferguson, official of th-1 senger aboard the Catala toda , Oranby Co. at Anyox, wa? a pxs-; going through for a trip to Van-; - couver. Patrick Fowler was fined 15 by ' G. W. Laidler. laaal manager of court J Magistrate Magistrate In in i city i, police yes-1 returned to! 1 u,w inz from a brief business trin to dOW In . Q! WUUam Lamblc, alter a visit of! ' . .,v hiiinM I Mrs. L. Henderson of Anyox was aboard the Oatala to ((turned home from the smelterla passenger to Vancouver wn with tne tocni oa"- .earn on the F. H. l'hlpp?n .he Al-uka-Junepu mtne. J E, Cunningham, who has been .Miihm with the siaff of the u.t'Lntvipir nav cannery, which has ' . . been purchased ny tne HIV . hui .t day going through where she will receive treatment (or an injured eye. . i m Rev. Arthur Bamer of Toronto Mrs l wemuvKc u j uiM " t Princess'; superintendent of Indian missions the a a nasscn-er passnBer aboard . .. . rhlir(.h nf n,,,. Norah Sunday afternoon .7-- husband is one of the officials ot:" " Saskatoon. F. D. Nealon of the Vancouver offices cf the Uninn Steamship Co Ltd. sailed by the Catala this af-l I . tprnrtnn on hi return niith iftjrl PlAhlne Co. from tne unawam - rwu . .ou.lhavins been here for the mst Bound Fisrmg three weeks while Russell M. Smith mi ea hv uy the mc vw uaiaia vnis uiwriv .v-1 lioeai aeent was on vacation. Vancouver. 1, . If You are Coini; to Clean Your House For Ea$ter Let us help you by cleaning your curtains, drapes and portiers and make them look like new. Let us clean your dress ! and suit Coldic Does it Rettcr A trial will convince you PIONEER SUNDRY LIM1TF.D and Canadian Laundry Ltd. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll. Pioprletor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME Rates J1-Q0 qp 60 Rooms. Hot ft Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Hires Dry Pf Tstal rapacity t,M BnlpbQilden an Ship Reptlrtra fr Steel and Wood Vessels Iran an Brass CaiUnf fleetrls AtetUnf Wtldlnf 11-ttB Derrick fsr Uesfy LUU BswmlU and MlnlntMsehlnery Kepalrei and Overhaaltd 0 OWE QUALITY tZB3EZ W,i.fCoprofiKNCWNADOE PREMIUM CATALOG mSwiE&l -rOU. DOUGLAS CO. (.TO. VANCOUVM .CAlCAII.WtWHa atteries Suprox Batteries are not affected by ex;reme temperatures, eauail- effective from high temperatures down to 53 degrees below zero. Suprox Batteries will tjoi freeze nor are they damaged by continuous over- chztrue SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Second Avenue James Martin. Distributors, lfincc Runert and Massett. hu Classified Ads FORSvLEM . FOR SALE 3-piece Chesterfield Suite $45. Apply 225 Second Ave Phone Green 125. FOR SALE 18-foot open gas boat, in good condition. 4 h.p. engine Phone Red 403 7 FOR RENT HOUSES to rent. Hart. VERNON Apartments housekoep-inj roomi. newly renovated, 141 2nd Avenue. Phone Red 421. . FOR RENT Three-room House with basement. 318 7th Ave. E. Choice location. Phone Red 317. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! Cluster Curl; Latest Stjles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanging Moller. Phone Red 802. CERTIFICATES or IMPROVEMENT Tiil-n.imih IVmaiua. TuNuquah Thief. Tii1niuali IUII Eajle. nnrt Tuluuali Elva Erarllon. Mineral Claims Rtt,t in tr Atlln Mining Division rof CMRtor DUtrlc. , , iuh River. -.trc vvrirv tKt ii. McN. Prsser. icJlnR s wnt tor Tiku Miwe. Coti-puny Limited. Frw Miner Certificate No 73408 D: J O. Klrkhivra. Frf Mln-. .... un Tnq n- Darl Carl- vn. Frt Mlnr Ortlfloikt No. 73413 D: Olcn A. Kmcrmra. rree Mimi vi- tlflcat' No. 73410 D: nd worge ..ohnson, Frre MlnWi Owflce No. 73413 D: Intend. sUty rtty from the WW, hereoT, to apply to the. Mlntrvg n rMnntH of Improve- mm Jot the purpose of obtaining crown urm oi ootb h...... AND further tke noMef that Mtlon. untler Section 85 of the "Miner! Act muRt tx eonunenced before the UU"ee of such Certlflcsten of Improvement. Dated thU 20th dT of February. 1934 NOTICE OF APPLICATION I Oil . CER- TltllATr. ur lurniiii.'""."" floltl Clllf No. S fractional Mineral fioM Cliff No. Mineral Claim. Marpirrt Mineral I laun. Clllf fractional Mineral Claim. Situate la the Portland Canal Mining Division. , . Where located on tne west sioxj Boar River about three miles from Btewart. BC Lawful Oatier William Dann. Number of the holders free miners certlflcate7n20-D. TAKE NOTICE that William Dann. W.T- rrnrttm Vn 7T730.-D ln- I tends, at the end of six'y days from the date nereoi. to appiy !" Recorder for a certificate of Improvements for the purpose of obtaining a l-lrnun Orant nf th SDOVe (lalnVS. I AN't) FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that D ... . ft nt ttu. "Mill. era! Aot" must be oommenceil before the issuance oi awn i-mi." w DATED 11 33l )r f, TRANSFERS GARDEN Soil $2.50 a load. Cameron's Transfer. Phone 177. tf FOUND. POUND Single Yale Junior key. Apply Daily News. NOTICK nAVID McVAY, DECEASED vimrt is HEREBY QIVEN tbt 11 oerww tttvlng clft'Jiu agsln&t the eattte jj Lwoa Aicvy iurajrrij w wk: v-.. j Hir m tne ieiTjujry ui ami., w.ix States of America, who died on 28tn 9epiember 1933. ire required on or w fore i3Ui suy to aeuvrr or cuu "j prci&Ul lejuer full parUeulu-a oi their cUw duty vextfled to THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY. Administrator urtthtn BrlUsh Columbia of the Eatate or tne aid David McVay deceased, at lt Office aaa Pender Street, Vancouver. B.C. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the iat mentioned date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the aafteta of the Deceased among the persona errutiea thereto, having regard only to the claims J which It shall then have had notice. DATED at Vancouver. B.C. this 13th of March 1934. ' day i . : ROBERTSON DOCOLAS $ 8YME3 840 Weat Pender Street. Vancouver, B.C. Solicitors for The Royal Trust Company. GOVERNMENT I.KJl'OR ACT Notice of Application fv err Licence NOTICE Is berebv elven that on the 15th day of April neit the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Cpntrol Board for a licence In reapect of premises, being part of the building known as the Havsport Hotel at Haynport, Bri tish Columbia, upon trie lanoa aescriorc as LoU 53 and 54. Block II. Townslte of Hayaport. Prince Rupert Land Kegta-tratlon DIMrlct.. tn the Province ef British Columbia, for the sale of beer by the glass or by open bottle for consumption on the premises sr by closed bottle for oonsumpUon elsewhere. DATED this 10th day of-Marclv 1034. MARIE ANN DUPOIS Applicant FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 637 COAL! COAL! Cux F&mous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Uulkley Valley. Wt also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley, tf'rlnce Rupert Feed Co. . m rhones i III ,1 .si 4 . 'i. ism ft- ' i