Single Kmployees Of State in Italy I'RICi: OF WHEAT VANcnnvirn t,.-t. Dominion Todays Weather She Tomorrow's Tides High 11:52 an. 19.2 ft. nrm Rupert-Part cloudy. f northwest wind; barometer. 5. Low 5:56 a.m. 12 ft. ,,mDerature, 48; sea smooth. . l 18:14 pjn. 4.8 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER e Vci XXIV No. 73. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1934 PRICE; FIVE CENTS MACKENZIE KING GOES ON WARPATH SPECIAL POWERS ACT SURVIVES HOT COMMITTEE SESSION Systematic Looting of Federal Treasury by Provinces In Guise Of Relief Condemned by Leade Hours of Work Bill Given Its Second Reading Federal Liberal Chief Discusses Auditor-General's Allegations Regarding Irregularities by Municipalities And Provinces Pays His Respects to British Columbia's S. P. A. OTTAWA, March 27: (CP) Systematic looting of the' Victoria March zi: -Man- federal treasury by the provinces and municipalities un-j of work are cut fromder the guises of unemployment relief has been flourish-' i i, ji - a wee under the new ,njr for the past four years, it was charged yesterday in i w .rk Btu given its second i tne nous,c 0f Commons by Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, me wTRwiavure broadens ,r- the Leaicr of tne Opposition. Flourishing in his hand a report T rr.ra.sure alto : t regulations to Indudi u'ti industries and occu Chiropractors Will Regulate Own Profession VIfTE!A, MarU 27 After ?. ' ran of fighting to se- h to regulate their r: ri5ion along certain pre-1 ar success appeared he rhlrepractors of Brl- C mbla after the Chlroprac-! I. rr rived lis second readln? r t.,-. orr.y of 29 to 13 In the; U yesterday. by the Auditor-General renecung. . grave IrregularlUes by the munl- ( ciDalltles and provinces, Mr. King 'demanded deUtled audits of un Ln.nlnor.ianl fiin4 At tVlA llmt nf Cll.)J ...v m . uu . ------ - Mr. King's remarks, the government's bill to extend the Relief Act was up for second reading. Following were some of the Instance, of IrregularlUes enumerated in the auditor-general s report, none of which were localized: The Dominion was charged with maintenance costs on highways, administrate costs and salaries of pennanent officials. Excessive rentals have been charged for machinery, Trucks have been billed as hand labor. Oas taxes paid to the provinces have been submitted In accounts for federal contribution. Cltle have charged the Dominion for strecUmalntenance. Civic salaries have been paid by To Be Discharged the Dominion. One municipality submitted the ROME March 27 Premier Be- same pay list twice. ' Mi ollnl announces that' Equipment for a university cost- -. lia.s been Issued that all ing $18,000 was charged against me of the state who are still ii ;M a year hence will be dls-r1 from their positions. NO FISH SALES A' ioa-h three Canadian boats i with catches, there was no tl halibut on the local Fish 1 this morning. The boats u re Viking I.. 13.500 rounds; 0- ik, tiid Relief 17.500. are ' ; over for sale tomorrow. Today's Weather Terrace clear, cast wind, 38. Anjox Clear, calm, 35. Etra-rf Clear, calm, 25. Helton Cloudy, calm, 34. Emitter cloudy, calm, cool. Burn: Lake Bright, calm, 25. Pays Respects to S. P. A. The example of the Dominion oovemment had been sucn as to occasion the provincial governments to follow it. Mr. King stated in re ference to the proposed Special Powers Act of British Columbia while continuing his protest against the powers given the government in Domtnlon unemployment relief legislation. Mr. King referred to a telearam he had received from Very Rev. Dean C. 8. Qualnton following r mass meeting In Victoria. The time to have called these mass t.i. meetings to protest ngainsi wis kind of thing was when the Liberal Onnosltlon in the House of Com mons had sought to arouse public onlnlon on that particular form of divesting Parliament of its powers in i-Mneet to nubile monies lour vrars nao. Mr. King said. The Leader of the Opposition In Dominion Parliament had no auth- (CPi orlty whatever to Intervene In any and as far as he matter Pnce of wheat was quoted here provincial Liberalism, ""My at 657c. SILVER PRICE NEW YORK March 27:-Sllver ' quoted here today at 45c. Alton " was true to traditions of he would allow the provinces to manage their own affairs, Mr. King stated, Owner of Quesnel rynn of Anyox Mine has T D fn m the city for nearly a week I . NeWSDaPCr T aSSCS 1 1 r V V n operation on his eye. A piece ' - ii i v steel lodged In ' the left II '"IU lit WIC It Ik UJI- j 'c and it has been found difficult! lohn O. Hutchcroft. Publisher lOCXlrnnt I,.. : 'ynn is accompany- Mm nnd they are staying nt tha ' Elmo. Roth expect . to return Thn . xl 8unf'y on the Catala '""r ' vouniT yoiino . tnn n m.. i , i Cariboo Observer. Sucriunns To Lengthy Illness PATTULLO of QUESNEL, March 27: (CP)-Johti ....i.i nno m nu'nor nnd flt ' 1 arrivea in tne 1 u. uuicnciun,, nru - - frln . c Cntn,a th,s morning) editor of the Cariboo Observer. Uie In 10 be w,th lhcm during; weekly newspaper. Is dead here foi-rcmalnder of their stay here, lowing a long Illness. IN DOUBT ! Will Not Go To Ottawa L'ntll le. Hear. What Ottawa Ha In Mind VICTORIA. .Match 57 Premier rattullo said last night that he had received an invitation from rrlme .Minister Bennett to at-tend a conference in Ottawa April 5 but had wired for further particulars before deciding to leave. The British Columbia position it not comparable to that of the prairie provinces and we desire to secure some Idea of what Ottawa has In mind," Mr. rattullo said. Woman Physician Starts Long Term Dr. Alice Wynekoop Loses Appeal For New Trial So Has to Enter Penitentiary CHICAOO, March 27: Motion on her behalf for a new trial having been denied on Saturday, the elderly Dr. Alice Wynekoop, who was convicted recently of the murder of her daughter-in-law. Mrs. Rhcta Wynekoop, and sentenced to 25 years' Imprisonment, will enter II-j llnols State Penitentiary this week to commence serving of the term. William Curtis Sampson Was Old VtfrmnTA Mnrrh 27- Horn In retired chartered accountant, who died here late last week, was cdu- "The Prince Was A Commoner Begging Hard For Money" REGULATE ''gllllilHlllillllllllll The pa-"phrasH.ot IIjr cui-nory rhyme-'scribes thli)icture, which shows ar commoner putting's" contribution m o a u up iie d by a pr.m:e The royal gentleman Is Prince August Whilhelm, 4th son of the former k . sr at d . drop in mendi-ant-y was a gesture of help to the committee In charge f :he w,; ..v'.ief f md In Bcriin Ak a group commander of Nazi supreme storm troops the pnoce took hu . wiui tue iittle tin cup on a street corner, as did all his brother commander- Colli ci. oas wore t xl while the prince was serving. Important Legislation At Victoria Is Ready For Third Reading j Forty Amendments Discussed During hive Hours Heated DebatePremier Pattulo Assures House That No Drastically Contentious Action is Planned of VICTORIA, March 27: (CP) The Special Powers Act was ready for its third reading today after having wea thered one of the hardest fought battles m committee stage that has ever faced a piece of legislation in British Columbia. During five hours of continuous debate, the bill, which has beeit the centre of heated controversy ever i since It was Introduced a week ago' last Friday, ran the gamut of forty tIiral rps0urces. He had in mind amendments, coming chiefly from drllllng for natUral oil and gas, if O. O. McOeer and the Co-operative feaslbie. and o Diacine men on re-1 Commonwealth Federation mem- ,lef on tne iand or in placer mining. !Lost bers. Two minor amendments were 1 I accepted by the government from' the Opposition and three which the lll lVUccip On Government Itself sponsored were 111! o. lTlClOOlC VIl i. k t.nt - t rjn f H passed umerwise uic am remain- j limCr 01 I rOVinCe,etl ssenttally asthe government: had drawn It up. One amendment makes it clear, the Special Powers Act does South Molton, South Devon, EnC-!that not Rive the province the power to land, November 5, 1580. the late William Curtis Sampson, pioneer n c lc M" ,Vi , ... Constitution Act. catcd In his home town. He camel Another amenamem manes me . . ' a tl 411 Pannrta onH rmraDerl SUCCiai fOWeiS flCl Cliccwve . UIHU i Lnnni m In 1RB1 iaai mm w un is u lhki'u iuiai - " - - - Trip to Europe Kormer vtne or cnuea aiaies ,avai Officer Sailed From New York Saturday NEW YORK. March 27: Mrs. Massle. who recently was awarded a divorce decree at Reno from id . . , Investigating I Essington Fire Provincial Constable Robert Gibson j Dispatched to keena River ) Village Provincial Constable Robert Gib son was dispatched from here this morning on the police boat P. M. L. 8 to Port Essington to Investigate the circumstances of the fire on Sunday afternoon which destroyed the new and old United Church buildings there and the minister's residence. Pending his expected return tonight, no further particulars are available of the fire which destroy- e-l the three frame buildings there. Twenty Japanese MARKETING Powers in Connection With Country's Trade to be Given to Dominion Gov't Fishing Included 4 bo Products of Forests and Farms Bat Not of .Mines OTTAWA, March 27: (CP) New legislation known as the National ProducU Marketing Act was Introduced in Parliament yesterday. Under the legislation the government will be empowered to limit by order-ln-council the export of products at any time and control J interprovinclal trade and will also I be clothed with authority to recompense exporters for losses Incurred through obeying orders bt the board and also for losses due to fluctuation In exchange rates when resulting from orders of the board. Authority will also be given to Investigate and regulate price spreads, -can a.i-j Commodfilesovered by the new-act include products of the sea, forests and farms but not of the mines. Any group of producers of any of these products may peUUon the government to have the marketing of their products regulated under the provisions of the Act. Asked his morning to comment upon the new federal National Pro ducts Marketing Act, both T. H. Johnson, general manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. and John Dybhavn. president of . the Royal Fish Co. and the Mas- ett Canners. Intimated that they would like to have further partic ulars of the proposed leglslaUon before making such comment. Funeral of Late George White is Held Here Today Many friends from pioneer dayg In the city were in attendance thlar afternoon at the chapel of Hayno? Bros., undertakers, to pay final, tributes of respect to the memory ol yi .i -v line laie ueorge a. wnue, who Vlllldren UrOWn !passed away suddenly last saturi jday afternoon. The funeral scr; 'vice was conducted by Rev. W. D ineir Lives unen neasure 0raiU Holllngworth, pastor o TOKYO. March 27: Twenty children were drowried and 25 were rescued when a pleasure boat In which they were riding capsized a few yards from shore on Sunday. Thirty-Three Are Killed in Train Wreck in Japan TOKYO. March 27: Thirty- three persons i were killed and more ... . . . a . . . . a .. In tURS In rtrltUh Columbia He while anotner proviqes mai me ' . " ireigm trams at me wecK-ena . .k. ... , . .).. -nvpmment must reodrt on Its ac-!Roma for a six months trip to WCilfc W Hit" AUIVU1I li "4i Gold Rush and returned from the tions under the act within ten days north to Victoria where he had re- alter the next session opens Instead sided since. ;f 'l"een' Mr. Samnson was married In 1P0P The government had not the to Miss Harriet Susan Pcmbcrton faintest intention of disposing of sister of F. D. rcmbcrton. Mrs. the Pacific Great Eastern Railway Sampson, who Is, provincial secre- without reference to the Legislature tary of the Imperial Order. Dauah- rs the last government nact planned tcrs of the Empire, survives her lodo.therremlcrsald,. It had ho In-husband., tentlon of making 4rtstle, changes Golf and fishing were Mr. Samp- In connection with timber disposal son's recreations. or of making large grahts of na- Europe. Lieut, and Mrs. Male figured' prominently In a sensational native killing case In Hawaii a couple of years ago. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, March 27: CPI Wheat was quoted at cac.on thp local exchange yesterday, MADE PROFIT LAST SEASON LONDON. March 27- In contrast wtth the deficits of we pre f uw.wp.ruiiiunj. nrst Presbyterian cnurcn. ant Charles P. Balagno presided at the organ for the hymns which were Nearer My God to Thee" anc Lead Kindly Light." Following the service. Interment was made In Falrvlew Cemetery. Pallbearers were H. K. Zumker, William Sloan, William Richard. . T. Miller. 0. C. Woodward audi Oeorge Eckerman. NURSE IS FRIEND OF RUPERT GIRL n connection with Canadian Pad-1 the beginning of the next session of j eut inomas ii. Massio. uumu than seventy injured in the col-' Miss Jean Robertson, young Van-flc Railway construction, moving the Legislature Instead of the end, States Navy, sailed from here on!llslon ot japanese passenger and couver nurse, who was reported In i i i Tiirnau n rrr m run irn n l iiii-r t a ai i j press aispaicnes w me uany wews last week to have been seriously In jured In the collision of an automobile and a truck in California on Wednesday. Is a friend of Miss Hilda Wilson-Murray of the Prince Ru-i pert General Hospital nursing J.'.taff. Miss Robertson had Just graduated from the Vancouver Oen-loral Hospital training school for vious three years the Hudson's nurses and was to have been hom4 Day Company reportca a net pro- from her trip to California to write fit ot Hons. $144,000 on its 1933 opera her Registered Nurses" Uons next month, examlna-