THE DAILY KEV73 Friday. June 22. 1934 ii DRAW GAME LAWN BOWL WHITE SHOES OF SOCCER ltegiment and Legion Score Three Way to (iet Under Way Som in in C. X. It. Club Goals Each Cup Match for SUMMER DAILY EDITION Comfort, Coolness and Style New Lines Just Received All White Sandal, Cutout effect, Dress Cuban Heel, Bend GO Qff Outsole ... d.5Je White Punched 3-eye Ties Dress Cuban Heel Bend Outsole . . THE DAILY NEWS. PKLNCE KCPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA $3.95 Have you visited our Bargain Dep't ? It will pay you. The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue. LIMITED Phone 357 Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. r. PULLEN - - - Managlnc -Editor Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Friday, June 22, 1934 THE ELECTIONS There were doubtless many disappointed people Tuesday night when they heard the election news from Ontario and Saskatchewan. Premier Bennett and his supporters would be disappointed because the results do not bode well for the forthcoming federal election. No matter whether the federal election is held this fall or next summer, the only lesson to read from the provincial contests is that the present Ottawa administration will probably have to rive place to one that is more progressive. Nobody knows that today better than the Prime Minister. It is the political trend and it seems as if nobody and no set of circumstances can stop.that trend. Other disappointed people were the members and sup-! porters of the Canadian Commonwealth Federation, bet-j seats contested all it could muster in its maternal home was five. Its activities did not seem to injure the Liberals in the least for 49 Liberals were elected and not a single Conservative. In Ontario the situation from the C. C. F. standpoint was even worse. Only one of the candidates made the grade out of 'a total number of eighty members. The total collapse there was probably due to dissension over the communistic tendencies of many of the members of the party and the split between the labor and frrmer factions. The present defeat of the C. C. F., together with the crushing defeat in Nova Scotia at the provincial election, indicates that it has made little inroads on the two old noli- tical parties. In British Columbia it made a better showing because the Conservative party was broken up by the unwise policy of the former leader who clung to office months after he had nubliclv ad hired his own nartv. ; We have spoken of thdse who were disappointed. Naturally the Liberals were elated. They could not be otherwise. The victory was tremendous, probably too great. A more even division of the parties might have been preferable. It is to be hoped that the turnover in federal politics will not be as great. A good workiner maioritv is nreferable tn a Parliament made up almost wholly of members of one party. Insist on "GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE" Tht Orlln.i rot at Vodor. or "llroct from " Ord.r Dpt." IX,. 'T Cunlnl Boar4, M7 Baattr Slmi, Vancmm, B.C. ITS AGED AND RICH HIGHLAND MALT CONFIRM ITS GOOD NAME; BEST PROCURABLE MB This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or the Government of British Columbii. The second game of the Dominion Day Football Cup series played last evening between the Regiment and i the Canadian Legion resulted In a j draw of three goals each. Play In the first half was fairly even, going from end to end rapidly. Norrington opened the score for the Regiment. Morgan saved well and then Wilson added a second for the Regiment with a well placed shot. Mitchell and Edgcumbe were snrfttiers is m communication prominent for the Regiment with :th i0 al bartU authorities Webster and Gomez showing up a ytew having a Prime well for the Legion. Norrington re-1 Rlnert diamond squad vtot the trieved the ball off the goal line i int-Hnr raiiwnv mwn to take Dart and Wilson made it three forthe Regiment. Hlake and Oomez headed well A but t, iu i.,i u. i e -l 1 u i.i ..l r mm inuuyiiL il iiau jis ciuei sirongnoiu mere. UUl 01 04 1 miskicked dangerously at times. Webster, Currie and Oreer wre re liable. Baptie. Murray and Smith SOFTBALL POSTPONED Owing to rain. Softball game scheduled nesday night between Royal Can adian Naval Volunteer Reserve and "ter Orotto was postponed SPORT CHAT in a Dominion series of games. Day c el 3 ration With a view to The second half was interrupted . Mning uo pocsaibiHtles of a team by a rainstorm but play was re-1 being sent, Bill Lambie is at pres- sumed. John Murray scored a fine lent taking names of local player euai iui lur itkiuii wuu.ii was uu- , wno miMl fx SLlm lu uc wit ing most of the pressing. McMeekln trip. crossed a ball that the Regiment claimed was over the line before Blake cleared. Gomez, from a long way out, found the net with a lucky shot and, with only one goal between the teams, play became faster. Morgan saved well and Nor rington. Mitchell and Wilson all went close. Weak back play gave the Legion a chance and Munay came into centre to head a fine goal to tie the score. Mitchell ai:d Armstrong made headway but Blake cleared and then Wilson was bundled off when close in. Alex Harvey made his first ap pearance as referee and George Dawes and Harry Dyer were Regiment Herb Morgan: W. Murray, A. Davies: S. Veitch. P Edgcumbe. O. Wlngham; McMeekln, Alex Mitchell, J, 8. Wilson. H. Arm strong, J. Norrington. Legion McGrelsh: Blake. D. Go mez: Greer. Webster. Currie: Mc- were the best forwards. Baseball Scores National League Boston 4-8, Pittsburg 1-7. Philadelphia 1. Cincinnati 4. New York 0, Chicago 4. Brooklyn 2, St. Louis 9. v American League Chicago 3-4, Boston 6-1. St. Louis 7-2. Philadelphia 5-6. Cleveland 9. New York 5. Detroit 6. Washington 8. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Having on board A. L. Hater I president of the company. R. R. Glashan, Baptie. Chrlstcnsen.i . - ' , Smith, J. Murray. For the Regiment Morgan kept a ' splendid goal. W. Murray made a very successful appearance in his first game and Davies was very re-liable except when the last goal was scored. Edgcumbe was very good as was Wingham. Mitchell was the pick of the forward line with Norrington, Wilson and Arm-j strong all good. i , w B " I sales department. Canadian Fish-1 Ing Co.'s power cruiser Canflsco. Capt. William Taylor, arrived in port during the night in the course of a cruise to company canneries and fishing operations along the coast and, continued this morning to Ketchikan. LADIES' SOFTBALL LEAGUE June 22 Annette's vs. Grotto. TiMinit ham: x 8BAI.ED TENDERS will be I by tbe District Ftorntcr. Prlnre Ruvert : not later rhtn noon on the 1Kb day of i Jury. 1934. for Uve puroiM of Licence ; X 18924. n-ar Colltn Baf . Oardorr Ca- tne City League 6pru;e. Oar Hn!?ok and Balaam. for Wed- ne 5",r allowed for removal T 111X1 DPT Further par-:rular of the Cbtef For- Vi-.t-.ii-. B.C. the DUitrtrt Port-tter Prin- RuDer B.C. Ratvrer PeUJey o Rupert BC ANOTHER REAL BARGAIN TWO BURNER HOT PLATE (CoDiplfte with cord) $2.99 The ideal electric appliance for light cooking On Sale June 23rd to June 30th Get yours while they last Northern B. C. Power Co. Ltd. ROSE, COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Erasers Higgin's Ink Hotchkiss Staples" Indexes Inks (Writing) Inks (Showcard) Ink Wells Lead Refills Loose Leaf Ledgers Legal Seals Loose Leaf Rooks Lumber Crayons Manuscript Covers Marking Ink Mimeograph Paper Ledger Sheets Mucilage Notepaper Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 The Canadian National Recru- ion Association Lawn Bowling Ciub ajjue schedule for the season ins been arranged wtth penta games as follow: First Half June 36-N0. 1 . o. tj Jo. S us. ' No. 4. . June 27 Na, 5 . : m. ' w i No. 8. June 29 No. 8 vs. Wo. No. 1 vs No. 3. 1'ersonell f flinks Personell of risks for the ataian is as follows: No. 1 -J. J. Little, R. E. Benson H. T. Cross, G. Woodland. No. 2 T. McClymont. Steve King. J. M. Campbell. F. B. Walton. No. 3 L. S. Arroll, J. Byd. T. Mc Meekln. J. S. Irvine. No. 4 W. II. Wilson-Murray. F Vickers. A. R. Niche J. Frw No. 5F. A. Ho. E. O. Aves, F. Dibb, R. Gammon. No. 6 E. Deikman, J. Preeoe, D. Crerar. O. P. Tinker. No. 7-H. Birch, A. J. Webber, W II. Tobey. A. Mac Donald. No. 8-D. A. MaePhee J. W. Mc- Auley. J. Wa4m. Q. 1110. No. 9 S. Painter. R. E. Jmm F. A. MacCallum. D. O. Borland. Skips will be selected by Uu rinks later. C. C SinWh came north from Vancouver to New Maatett on thi week's voyage of the steamei Prince John to pay a visit with h brother. Charles Smith, who Is rtj glneer of the Nootka Packing Co salmon cannery JONES' Family Market IMione 957 IMionc 957 No. 1 Steer Reef Good Corn Heel 6 lbs Boneless Stew Ilef 3 lbs Hamberger 3 lbs. Short Rib 3 lbs Pot Roast Beel lbs Prime Rib Roll 4 lbs Leg of Pork per lb Leg of Lamb per lb Leg of Veal per lb. Shoulder Veal per lb. Shoulder Lamb per lb. Lamb Chops per lb Veal Chops 3 lbs. Spare Ribs per lb. Sunnybrook Butter per lb. 35c 25c 25c 25c 50c 75c 18c 25c 15c 10c 15c 25c 50c 10c 25c fit! Ill'l . :B VB ' B 1 r a B Ladies! Here's Something You Have Wanted Curtain Stretcher $1.05 each Strawberry Hullers l l()c each i Lawn Mowers Sharpened $1.25 Phone 3 We will rail for II Kaien Hardware Write for copy of our NEW PREMIUM CATALOGUE Miss ;-vV;t Kwi ron. who : training lar a njrse at the :toya! Columbian Hoapltal. New ' Weaunlmter. arrived at Maatett on the, steamer Prince Jonn '.hi week to spent, j Va aUou vu4Un there with her mother. Mrs. David Rutten. For your Week-end Picnic or Outing take a case of LSENER Cooling Refreshing Appetizing LAGER A -I' I.UY IT BY TUB CARTON VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED Also Brewers and Bottlers of: DUTCH OIK!, AND II. It. C. IIOIII-MIAS UI.MtS AND CltKAM STOUT itifc advertisement Is not publlsned or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard nr bv thn (Jovernment of llrltlnh Columbia We buy anything and sell everything in household goods at THE B ;0N Phone Green 698 Bf'tw-n 5 und 10 p.m. Van's Bakery Opposite Moiton Cafe Quality Breads 4 for 25c At All Hrorrrs Labelled on Bottom For Your Protection Phone 190 CLOTHES DRYING RACKS Ceiling Hacks with pulleys $1.50 Floor Racks , $3.75 Folding Ironing Boards '.' $1.75 Clothes Baskets $2.00 Clothes Hampers $1.00 THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. 2.V5 Third Avrnue 1'lionei 101 For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Kayi Intra Krd Itayi Mantare All at KeaHonable Price- W. C. ASI'INALL D.C. (Chiropractor) fcreen 211 I'honei (ireen 54) Kicbante Block nmr rrm rr m urn amm ITie AUCTIONEER Packlng-Cratlng-Wrapplnf it Qeneral Turnlture Hepalfi LUt your goodi with mi Phone nlaek Itl C.EO. J. DAWES