rxat pour YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES But you can get satisfactory glasses from GEO. F. DAVEY, Registered Optometrist, who, for the past six years, has been giving a real personal service In the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner Tl,c r1'" SLADfcicOOKINC CANADA STARCH OOUtBtd.yyY faff Beautiful Tlell . . . Fly Fishing Sea Bathing Hunting Tennis Badminton Auto Trips on Marine Highway Picnics Sandy Beaches Modem Conveniences Milk from. Government T.B. Tested Cows No Hies No Mosquitoes. $17.50 Per Week; Children Under 12, Half Kate MADAME RAJAUT THE DUNES FRESII MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 NOW OPEN Palm Coffee Shop Pleasant surroundings and Service with a Smile Call and see us Across from the Power Co., Third Avenue Tlell, Queen Charlotte Island TheFish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Preptred Dtily Bj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. When in Need of V. Lumber and Shingles Phone 48 PHILPOTT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. We Carry a Stock of Spruce and Cedar CONVENT RECITAL Gathering Last Night Entertained With Delightful Program 1 Piano pupils of St. Joseph's Aca demy were in closing recital last night at the Convent before a good sized gathering of parents and friends. The program of piano selections was interspersed with choruses, recitations and songs as well as a tap dancing number and the whole entertainment proved delightful to all present. A feature of the proceedings was the preeenta-1 tion of certificates of proficiency to pupils who had earned them by Charles P. Balagno, assisted by Miss ; Mary Helen Orme. The program was as follows: The Tiny Ear Valsc" A. GUUi, Glenna Moore. "Airy Fairies" (Spauldlngi. Wil- ma Watson. I "Narcissus" (D. Slater) Alastalr Crerar. 'Song Without Words" (Johnson ; "Broomstick Parade" ( Preston t. Yvonne Riffou. RecltaUon, "Trials of a Boy," Napoleon Letoumeau. "Woodland Frolic" (Valdemar). Yudy Nishikaze. "March of the Toys" (A. GeibeJ). Emily Yamanaka. "Frolic of the Clowns" (Johnson), Betty Brown. "Pride of the Regiment" Cram-mo nd. Leone Whlffin. Song. 'The Toymaker's Dream." Kindergarten Class. "Intermezzo Caprice" 'Duval . Mary Pustak. "Dance of the Bears" (C Helns. Quality Service "TILLIE THE TOILER" yr vt city vrvus r 1 a. M THE DAILT SEW& Xrlday, Jur. 2:, uj, Are You Sluggish ? To Throw Off Eoer CT-Stnliog Impurities, enjoy a gUia or two each wek of I Energizing, Effervescent I In TINS ISc and Ot DEMERS' CLEARING SALE Hats, going at - - $1.00 Dresses, regular $19.50, for $5.00 Knitted Suits, $5.00 to $12.50 Saturday's DIAMOND T SPECIALS! No. 1 Steer Beef Rib Roast Beef, lb. . .18c Rolled Rp. Roast Beef, lb. 20c eer Butchorn Est. 1910 a Thelma Sk.g "Gavotte Intcrmenso" 'P. Per-riert, Freda Mussallem. Adele Mussallem. Dance. Betty Brown. "In the Gypsy Camp" lAshford). Charlotte Balagno. "Elfta Dance" (Jensen). Mart Amadlo. "Fireflies" Hurter), Matsfe Cameron. "Hungarian Danse" (C. Baton). Franc Moore. Reeitation. "Lil Pup," Dorothy Kergin. "A La Blen Aimee" (Scrmtt). June Hankinson. "Vatse Aerienne" iLeibetz), Chlea Nishikaze. "Irish Tune From County Derry" R. Grainger). Venetia Feero. Song. "Sleepy Town Express," Kindergarten Class. "Rush Hour In Hong Kong" (Chasms i. Mary Orme. "Impromptu" H. Retnholdi Margaret Christensen. . Song, "Blanket Bay." Yvonne Riffou. "Waltz In C Sharp" (Chopin1 Audrey Parkin. "Shooting Stars" Rolfe. Margaret Christensen. Venetla Feero. "O Canada." "Ood. Save the King." 'Pot Roast Beef, lb. .12c j Brisket Beef, lb 10c i Hearts, lb 12c ; Extra Specials Shld. Roast Lamb, lb. 20c 'Trimmed Breast Lamb, lb. . . . 12c Loin Roast Lamb, lb. 25c Legs Lamb, lb 28c Ayrshire Bacon, Sliced, per lb 25c Shld. Roast Veal, lb. 12Jc Loin Roast Veal, lb. .20c PICNIC SPECIALS OF COOKED MEATS Boiled Ham, sliced, lb. 45c Meat Loaf with Cheese, lb. 25c Wel"m- ,b' "c Baked Ham, sliced, lb 45c Garlic Sausage, ,w lb. 20c Nut Meat Loaf, lb. 25c Liver Sausage, lb. 25c Phone ne Pion IS REPLETE WITHSTARS Notable Cast Assembled for "Dinner At Eight" This Week-End at Capitol Theatre With a cast of prominent stars such at been seldom assembled for one picture. "Dinner at Eight." satd to be one of the greatest pieces of ! motion picture entertainment of all time, come to the Capitol Theatre . here as the week-end feature. The least includes Marie Dressier. John Barry more. Wallace Beery. Jean i Harlow. Lionel Barrymore. Lee Tracy. Edmund Lowe. Blllie Burke. Madge Evans. Jean Hersrholt. Karen Mortey. Louts Ctoaser Hnlr. Phillips Holmes and May Robson all of whom are stars of first magnitude in their own rtght. The episodic narrative is said to offer each of the celebrities in th? cast a meaty role. The story hps enough ptots and sub-plots to furnish separate narraUves which are cleverly interwoven unUl one great climax is reached In which the ii A Discard! TOQ LCSlg rf n i majority of the characters aie brought together. Lionel Barrymore plays the part of a shipbuilding magnate BIT U,STIFFNESS r W. StM lit. w. pn FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS, 2 lbs. Mmm wJWK OF PA13 Are You Getting Your Share of these bargains or doesn't it matter? Cherk your cost with these prices and see what a difference iliere Is. Look for our ad. dally. HELMET CORNED BEEF "f On I s. per Un XUK, GROUND COFFEE Bulk 97r. per lb UlK, 3 80c FIZZ Orange Flavor 1 Hp per pkg. The only carbonated tablet on the market PASTRY FLOUR Featherlite, 7-lb. sack t.B.C. FAMILY SODAS per pkg. 21c 26c PURITY OATS-Chlnaware Oltt per pkg. . C. & B. MALT VINEOAR 0n Ov per quart 21c I.B.C. HONEY GRAHAM WAFERS. 2 Dkgs. ItlU GOOD HEAD 5c Extra lime allowed for out-of-town customers. We accept CITY SCRIP MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More Genii 317-319 Third Avenue West P. O. Box 575 IMione 18 Burke Is his wife, Madge Evans, his daughter. Marie Dressier appears J as a retired trouper, John Barrymore as a "has been" movie star. Lee Tracy, his scheming agent, Jean Herscholt, an affluent theatrical producer. Wallace Beery, a business racketeer. Jean Harlow, his young wife, and Edmund Lowe, a philandering physician. Porter Singer, a former resident of Maaseit and now located at Vancouver, came north on the Prince John this week to Maasctt to pay a visit there with his brother. Wesley Singer. McLEOD'S Shoe Store New Location 3rd Ave., op. Besner Bk. Ktl'AIUINO Phone: Blue U09 ICAPITOLj TONIGHT and SATt'ltllAY MATINEE SAf,2.u Biggest Cast of Stars in Amusement's History! MARIE DKESSLIU WALI.ACK H1:kkY LIONEL HAItKYMOHt JOHN KAKItYMOKL IlILLIE IIUHKE JEAN II.MtLOW EDMUND LOWE LEE TUACY in "DINNER AT 8" t Vlth MADC.i; EVANS Nightly at 1( k 9 Added - "Man tin the Flyinij Trapeze" World's News Event Why an Easy? Seres of dlffeient washers are on the market. Scores of others Ime come and gone. Not one employs the same principle they used ten years ago- Easy excepted Cylinder. Oscillator. Dolly Agitator are all obsolete today The Easy Co has used and developed the vacuum cup prtn-i tpie or 57 years. All others fonre the riotlie.i through the water Easy forces the water through the clothes. There's a difference. A factory representative will be with us during the week. Easy Washers and Easy Ironers will be demonstrated. Call for demonstration. Your presence will 1m? appreciated. eMoMvsMd mi m.1 -su U..UZ mrms mi m.t KzazKun srr wUmx ms i B-H ENGLISH PAINT It pay to use good paint One gallon of B-H Enjrlish Vl , cover approximately twice as much surface as cheap pair a? - give you years more protection Good paint cuts your pair 1 1 in half. For best paint values and sound advice consu j GORDON'S HARDWARE SSSi j i rs1rilJlJirirslt.,I. :: Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 By Westover "ll- 3l!IHiOH.-Tu.iE.n PhevI - -V