WEEK-END SPECIALS 1 Pair Heavy Duty Insulated Hardened Steel IMiers and 50c size Langlois Lavender Mentholated Shaving Cream ft Or both for BE ECONOMICAL And still look your lHst with Jonteel Superfine Face Powder, shades natural and Rachel and Jonteel Liquid Iirilliantine DOt- both for f AMTIY QPFfTAI BUTTER ROLLS Made with fresh OAt dairy butter, per lb uv" Ormes Ltd. 3it Pioneer Druqefists The Kexall Store fhones; II it tt Saturday Phone 62 i.i:c.s ib. shoulder lb. STEW Ib. L A M R Specials SHAMROCK ECV.S, Grade A 25c l)oz. Phone 63 31bs. STERLING BUTTER 75c STEER REEK ExisKtrr 8c ib. rUTKOAST 12c lb. HUME Kill JSc Ib. 28c 20c 10c SWIFT'S .?krn(rPv SWIFTS Cottage Rolls iroimA 1Mcnic HA'Vo ft. 22c Q'IMmB lb 18c fi r'-'-' ti y jj jJ P O R K BITT f)r IH'KNS MUMPS fiC III 10 lbs. NEW POTATOES 25c NEW ROYAL HOTEL 1, Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates $1.00 op to Rooms, Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.O, 'hone 281 P.O. Box 108 The Westholme Rooms Close to Depot And Harbor View. Single and Double Rooms, by Day, Week or Month. Located at CM Second Ave. Prince Rupert UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver's. CAT A I, A EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 VM Arriving Vancouver Thursday T-S.S. (JARHENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AM. M tlm. to I'ort Blm,on. Attc Ann. Anroi, Btewart and Nui Hlvt nolnt. Iv IHnc imprt Sunday. B pjn. fc "urthi.r nVn-J J3in. all salllncs and tlckfU at- 'KlNCE HlirritT AdENCVI Third Atenu. rhon MS Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It docs pay to buy those adiertlsed, as low as$l a day plus 7c. a mile. tf A boy of Juvenile age, charged with operating a motorvehlcle without a driver's licence, was fined $5 by Magistrate McClymont In city police court. Mrs. A. R. Nichols and daughter, Patricia, will be leaving on this evening's train for the Muskoka district of Ontario where they will fpend the summer. Mrs. Robert Scharffe returned to Skidegate on the steamer Prince John this week after having spent a couple of months in Vancouver for the benefit of her health. THAT DEPRESSED FEELING IS LARGELY LIYER Wtke up your liver Bile Without Calomel Toy art flix punk" umplr Imum yimf rmr imu'l puurifaf iu U4y In puuixlj U ImoJ Ui4 into yum UrwsU. Uif iiom mh! atisiitAUoa bvi Liurl, smI ywf tyiua M tH&( n.i m,m&. y Ml 1 II w tUnaUst. humm Uin(UitM ImtirUiiinilB, ouBtlMr. d. UuU v essdy of ttwu4 g jb or ftmshtf ) k,. k wcljr IU..T U boi isnuns lb rtI wbf tQubW, ywj llvaff. 1 U Cinw'i' Utile Liwr T"ill. Puralr UM. Ndbntlool(iamuri'l- Mt Him. lor A, m kr b&M. HtlaM suLdiWU at U LlsU. U A. B. Aiken, western sales manager of the Easy Washing Machine Co.. is a business visitor in the city and wiU be at McRae Bros.' store for the rest of the week. Mr. Al ien is a member of the Vancouver Rotary Olub. A. M. DaTles has returned to 'the city after making a trip through Southern British Columbia to pay official visits to Loyal Orange Lodges. Mr. Davles is Grand Master of the Orange Lodge of British Columbia. Notice City of Prince Rupert All Dcrsons are notified that the City of Prince Rupert has acquired UUe to all that unsubdlvlded por-Uon of the townslte lying between ! Mount Oldfleld and the lane south i of Ninth Avenue, and to the west jof McClymont Park: and that the erection of shacks or the cutting of green Umber on the above de-j scribed area Is strictly forbidden. Signed: W. J. ALDER, Commissioner. ! June 21. 1934. VACATION TOURS VANCOUVER ISIAHO WASHINGTON n R. E G O n CALIFORNIA Tren Vanewivw to Vtrton Ssorrk. ton-bnd. San Francaoa or Lm AikhIm. br biA w.ih 3povt vi uctol mi tnt Sm4 TfV rmdm 30M Uua4 TrtfkU AmaU 40" Duc routing t you wtah ttw World'! Tott. Chtaogo. br (Sm bm. Round Vip Iron Vanceur. I tlisa oood be 60 day trroM. ttrtn. Information boa, PACIFIC STAG ltd. W bus rmmu. trkcoottji i c, 0 OB USE THIS COUPON pflCITlC STftGES. VflNCOOVER. B. C PIoom Mnd mo doioil ol rour vacation Inp. Nam ' 1 -"- - AddlM - Cry or Town PARENTS School will soon be out. Your son must look to the future. Diesel Engineering offers wonderful opportunities, alveyour boy a chance. Our summer class commences JULY 1ST Special low fees. Class limited. CALL OR WRITE iir.Mrmu- diesel ENGINEERING SCHOOL 1043 V. l'ender Doug. 136 Vancouver, B.C. Mrs. Don Yelf and family cam north from Vancouver to Massett this week on the steamer Prince John. They wfll spend the sum mer at Massett. Mrs. Herbert Coilison of Queen Charlotte City returned to her home on the Queen Charlotte Islands aboard the steamer Prince John on this week's voyage north after a trip to Vancouver. No bidders being on hand, the sheriff's sale of the once famous Engineer mine in the AtUn district, scheduled for Wednesday, was further postponed until the afternoon of July 5. Already there have been several adjournments of the sale but, so far, no one has shown any interest in acquiring the property. Follow the crowd and have a good time! All boats leave for Digby on Sunday. June 24. Canadian gion picnic, the real thing, sports swimming, dancing, games. Boys' Band attending. Everybody come young and old. Bring the kiddis and enjoy yourselves. Boats leave Cow Bay floats from 10:20 ajn. until 1:00 p.m. Tea and coffee free Adults, 50c. Children accompanrd by parents free. U4C' Announcements Canadian Legion. B. E. S. picnic, June 24, Digby Island. Eastern Star tea June 28. Catholic Ladies' Tea at Home of Mrs. Ward, Atlin Avenue. Thurs day. June 28. Eagles' picnic, Orassy Bay. July 22 MOOSE nALL DANCE Tonight Welle's Orchestra 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Admission 25c HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on the Famous Graham Island North Reach ll'lilng, lUthhu. Iliiilinlntnn, I'lnilo. x-mlc lirlr, Mmoi.-liiR In h srawn. lUnt fully fimiMird rUa at Mingaii Ithrr. For full ptrJcuUrx apply MRS. DUNN Massett, B.C. COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always fresh- -Using the Sllex method- Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and Invigorating, Commodore Cafe When Coining to Terrace or Lakelse Hot Springs Make Arrangements With Swains Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, R.C. To Greet You We meet all trains. Freight tz passenger service anywhere. Lakelse Lake and Lodge, new boat (H. A. S.) now In service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult, $3.00; $1.50 per head additional. No. crowd too big. No Job too small. PICNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY I SA Mnn'e III! ds tup The Commodore Cafe Has converted the Cabaret into a dining-room for Afternoon Teas Catering to bridge parties both afternoons and evenings, supplying cards and score cards free of charge. Don't Forget the 50c Sunday Chicken Dinner SHORT WAVE Time is Here You can listen to these stations on your present set W8XK rittsburc W3XAL Boundsbrook, NJ. VE9DK Winnipeg. W2XAF Schenectady, N.Y. Enquire at the SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC for this information Second ATenue St Third Street PHONE: 636 FRESH MILK and CREAM Whipping Cream pint Whipping Cream 1 pint 20c 35c Dominion Dairy MINERAL ACT CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE River Fractional Mineral Claim, alt-tiate In the Atlin Mining Division of iCmtar Duitrlot Located on left bank of the Tuise- quah River. take; riuiijs uui n. ic. r-t act Ins as Aeett for Taku Mine Cotn- actlng as Agent for Taku Mines Company Limited. Free Miners ceruiioave no. is-40(W, Intend, 60 dsya from date hereof, to -apply to the Mining Recorder for a Crrtlttoate ol linprovwnenta for the purpoK of obtaining a Crown a rant of the above claim. And further take notice that aation, under section 83, must be commenced before the tvmance of such Certificate of Improvement. Dated this 36 to day of April, 1934. U. McN. rraar. Agent. r .L r:i, ,, ;u;i, 11. 1034 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Cool and refreshing! LOCAL NEWS NOTES We are still buying old Hulier'. You can rent a Car at Walker's told, t Enjoy all toe comfort of rxme (tf f Iwlth the freedom of a hotel. Rates imost reasonable. The Knox Hotel. at Low Prices Bargains going every day which appeal to men, women, children and young ladies. All lines of footwear selling at such low prices that anyone can buy. We have eliminated the era of high shoe prices and still lead the way in giving best values in the city. Look over these prices and then call and see the shoes. Good assortment of Valentin's, Leckie's and other leading makes, included at these prices. Ladies' Shoes at 1.95 AND UP Children's Straps at S3c AND UP Clearing Out Summer Lines We are clearing out our stock of running shoes and summer shoes. The holidays are approaching and all young people will want runners or beach shoes. We have made the prices on these very low. Try on a pair and see how you like them. We Accept City Scrip CUT RATE SHOE STORE Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR RENT Modern 6-room house. 644 Taylor Street. Best view In city. . 148 Vn RFVT tnHpm fi-rnnm housr?. PAIN'TING and Paperhangins Moller. Phone Red 802. IN ritOBATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN Tim MATTER OF THE "ADMIKIS. TRATION ACT" IN THE MATTER OF THE F.STATE OF MICHAEL J. O KELLY. DECEASED, INTESTATE, TAKE NOTICE tht by order of Hta Honor W E. Plsher. the ltth day of May. AX). 1934, I was appointed Administrator o( Uve rotate of Michael J. O'Kfl- ly. who died on the 29th day of December. AO. 1933, and all partlea hav- rng elalma against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, pro perly verified, to me on or Deiore ins 31st day of June. AD. 1934. and aU parties Indebted to the esUte are required to pay th amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 14th day of May. AX). 1934. "OOVERNMENT LIQl'OR ACT" NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A C1.VI1 LICENCE NOTICE Is hereby given on the ex-pi ration of this advertisement the undersigned Frasrr Social Club Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a club licence in respect or premise situate on the east side of Klnsway Hyder. DC, upon lands described as Lot 40. Elork 6, Plan 1331. Subdivision of Dlitrtct Lot 4044, Casslar District, Prince Rupert Land Registration Dis trict in the Province of British Oolunv bla. to entitle each member of the said club to keep on the premise a erason- able quantity oi liquor iot personal consumption on the premises In ac cordance wltn the provisions ox tnt "Government Liquor Act" and tht re gulations promulgated thereunder. DATED at Hyder, British Columbia, this 38th day of May. 1934. PHASER SOCIAL CLUB. By A. A. Pracer, w . . . , 8ecrtary iaa Mausgtr SALESMAN WANTED GILLNETTING or trolling boat for , SELL Nursery Stock on commls-sale. 5 horsepower Yale engine.! -sion. Good prospect for reliable $250.00 cash. Apply Seal Cove men. Write for particulars, H. M. Post Of ttce. ti. EDDIE It SONS. Ltd., Sardts, B.C. OFFICE DESK, chair, typewriter i desk, filing cabinet, dining table, chairs, dressers, cupboard, etc. Mrs. McMordie. 145 FOR SALE 1 large Gurney Elec-! trie Range. Also coal or wood' Jacket heater. Apply D. G. Borland, Capitol Theatre. 147 i FOR RENT EXCELLENT opportunity for exT life insurance salesman or experienced with intangibles. Representative here next Monday. Leave name Box 212 or call Daily News Monday ; morning for Interview. 145 HAIRDRESSER ? ' PERMANENT WAVING! Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPX TRANSFERS 1 CAMERON'S Transfer Phone 177 644 Taylor Stmt. Best view in 14g Birch, Jackpine. Cedar. U FOR RENT FLAT, good view, central, 4 bedrooms. Mrs. McMordie. 146 PAINTERS UM ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Purchase Land ' , In Prince Rupert Land Recordtnjr, District of Range four Coast District. and situate about me mues from um mouth of the Khutze River on the Eatt fork. Take notice that I, Frederick Shelly, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation mice operator. Intends to apply for permls-mlsslon to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted one foot distance from the witness post on the West side of Lot 1T2, thence Westerly 60 chains; thence Southerly 30 chamt: thence Easterly 00 chains; thence Northerly 30 chains and con taining 100 acre, more or less. FREDERICK K. SHELLY. Dated 10th day of Mar. 1934 LAND ACT Notice of Intention t apply ts Lease Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording DMMct of Prince Rupert, B.C, and sltr uate In Qlawdwet Bay located at thi N.W. end of Stephens Island. Range S, Coast District. Take notice that John Clausen bt Prince Rupert, BO., occupation PUh Packer. Intends to apply for a leas of the following described foreshor: Commencing at a poit planted at the S. W. comer of a small Island about 8 chains S. E. of Avery Island thence S.W.1. Chain: thence Westerly S chains: thence NX. 8 chains more or lees to high water mark on the NX point of the Island: thence S. I. direction 8 chains more or law following high water mark to point of cotnmenc-. ment. Dated Anrtl 18. 1934. JOHN CLAUSEN. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply ts Lease Land In Prince Rupert Land Recordisa District of Prince Rupert, B.O, and situate in Qlawdzwet Hay located at tb N.W. end of Stephens Island, Rang 8, Coast District, Take notice that John Clausen of. Prlace Rupert, BC, occupation FUn Packer, Intend to apply for a leas of the following described lands) Commencing at a port planted at the 8. W. corner of a small Island about 8 chslns 8. E. of Avery Island thence HZ., thence westerly, southerly and easterly, following high watermark to point of commencement, and sustaining 3 acres more or less, and including the entire area of the said island. JOHN CLAUSSf, Dated April . 18, XSM. ,