PAGE FOUR Times arc still bad but they will be better soon. As long as conditions remain like they are today we shall continue to sell our footwear at away down bargain prices. We have just received a large shipment of Leckie's Boys', Misses' and Children's Boots in oil tan chrome leather tops, solid leather soles. Every pair guaranteed and stamped by Leckie. Also men's work boots, solid leather soles, oil tanned chrome leather tops, absolutely waterproof. We also have a big assortment of handmade logging boots made by Storey & Campbell and Paris. Men's, boys,' youths,' women's, misses' and children's rubbers guaranteed. 35 LESS THAN ANYWHERE IN THE CITY Come in and inspect our stock. All rubbers are bought from Goodrich and Miner Ski Boots Men's and Ladies' Ski Boots at less than 35c on the dollar, wholesale. No better values than this have ever been seen in Prince Rupert. CUT RATE SHOE ECONOMY SPECIALS PRUNES 30-40 ,2 lbs i KL1M 7iC 1-lb, tin Mtic;TARn'Clal HAPPYVALE SWEET " oi PICKLES ZiVlC VK per quart INSTANT POSTUM 49c large, per tin GRATED PINEAPPLE 2's 25c (a real buy), 2 tins PILOT BREAD 49c 3 lbs TOASTED CHEESE THINS 13c per pkg MINUTE TAPIOCA 13c per pkg CORN STARCH l's 19c 2 pkgs. MANYFLOWERS SOAP 25c '4 for TOILET TISSUE Large 32c Reg. 15c, 3 for FELS NAPTHA SOAP 73c per carton MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents' 17-19 Third Avenue West P.O; Box 575 Phone IS Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD vpva m aai iui V Total eajaclt, tni Shlphallden n4 Ship Repairer far Bteel and Wood Vessels Iroa and Brass Casting tltetrle and Acetylene Welding ll-Ua Derrick lor Ileaiy Llf U lawmlll and Mining Machinery Repaired and Orerbanled the best makers in Canada. WOMEN'S Overshoes Special, Women's Rubber Overshoes, a clearing line QQp vVK, regular 51.95, at Revival Campaign Brought to Close Special Services at Salvation Army Citadel Well Attended ! On Saturday night Staff Captdln JOSPnh Artnn rffv.dnn.i ! der of the Salvation Army for Nor- tnern Bc- and Alaska, gave a spe - magic lantern iHustrated lec- the l0al citadel on "Native Work In Alaska." R,,nH nioh rw on "Youth and True Religion ", than lt has been tor years- the Staff Captain Acton conducted a,nouse c0"1"". Robert Gordon, , holiness meeting In the morning ' chalrman. reported at the regular ; There were large gatherings at monthly meetln8 ot tne hospital the week-end meetings which i board last n,ght' 1 brought a special week's revival! campaign to a close. j ' Ad rertlse In tne Dally News , "TILLIE THE T KAlUPf?cs Mvr U I I' 1 -r.. , ,e 'J sSlft Zippers Special, Women's Black and Brown highest grade Cash mere Zippers $1.95 regular $2.95 at STORE Hospital Interior In Good Shape As Result of Repairs ' AS' a result nf rprpntlv cnmnlotuf ", "i , , , . renovation ork in various parts ot tne institution Including the mccica,i surgical and children's wards, operating room etc., the in-' terior of the Prince Rupert General' ; ., , , . . . .4 A J HosPltal b ln bett hape today Mlss Jean Harrison R.N.. lady 'superintendent, stated that the Institution was ln better condition than at any time ln the elgnt yea: she had been here. TOILER" t THINK Ufa ( VMHAT lJ HIS OFFICE I GUV Heita MAMEO MAC i - J j I ja v For vou im .mi Ay hvAT oppicelr. UM-wk .TH2S DAILT MEWS Sf yl' ? .z!ll COMMITTEES NEED FOR MONDAY mid TULSDAY Wednesday & Thlmd TWO SHOWS 7 tc 9 ARENAMED HOSPITAL "Penthouse1 Admission 13c & 50c Those Who Will Lead in Affairs of Chamber of Commerce This Year Standing committees of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce fof the year 1934 are as follows: Civic W. M. Dlackstock, R. E. Moore, W. J. Alder. Entertainment O. P. Tinker, C. V. EvlU, J. Boddle. Finance F. A. MacCallum, F, E. Robertson, W. M. Dlackstock. Fisheries--J. V Nicholls. W. E. Drake, J. L. Lee, O. W. Nlckerson. Freight Rates O. W. Nlckerson, was the report given to the M. Smith, P. Lakie. D. O. Stew- pltal board at Its meeting last art. Grain M. P. McCaffery, C. II. Orme, O. W. Nlckerson. Highway S. E. Parker. V. S. Moore. V. O. Fulton, C. H. Orme. Legislative W. O. Fulton. C. V. Evltt, J. T Harvey. H. F Pullen Labor F. Dibb, H. A. Brcen, Stan Smith. Lumber W. R. McAfee, P. Lor- enzen, S. Darton. ;mier who had offered to put the Membership-P. Armour. W. O. services of the architectural staff Fulton, C. V Evitt. Geo. Bryant, jof the provincial government at! Mining -M. Hellbroner, R. E.'the disposal of the board at any' Moore. Alex McRae. time In connection with the pre-' Navigation and Railways W. H. Tobey. Geo. Woodland. W. L. Coates. Port P. M. Ray. J. II. Pillsbury, C. H. Orme. P. Armour. I Public Works T. H. Johnson. J. W. Currle. P Lorenzen. Peace River Pacific Outlet H. F. Pullen. C. H. Orme, W. H. Tobey, G. W. Nlckerson. F. Dibb, Theo. Col-lart. Publicity -C. H. Orme. G. P, Tinker. O. W. Laldler, M. M. McLach-lan. ., Real Estate and Insurance S. p. ; Johnston, Theo. Coilarjt, T. McClyr ' ! mont. . , ! Hetall Trades P.- Ht Llnzey. P. Dibb. O. Bryant,. C. C. Minns. TradCahd Comrri,erceJ. H. PilkburyTG. Hill. T.N, LePage, G. W Laldler, W. E. Drake. ' Arthur Fritz, sort of Capt. una Mrs George Fritz. Called this afternoon, on the CaUla for Vancouver. Ends a Cold SOONER 3 AUG j T l VOu Mvwc, r - IS i MAr A- yS The Right of Way OM. NOTHIkAfi Accidents Will Happen mow i Pbomk6 njot to'l 6711 Bill Keeognizeri by Premier Pattullo Hut Possibility of Government , . A I assistance nucriain Need of a new hospital building1 In this city was spontaneously re-j cognized by Premier T. D. Pattullo during his recent visit here but whether or not It will be possible for the provincial government to give assistance In providing one depen- j ded entirely on the success of the mission to Ottawa with a view to obtaining help from the federal government for a public works pro- 'gram In British Columbia. Such night by W. M. Brown, chairman of the executive committee, who. with : Frank Dibb, chairman of the board, Robert Oordon and Managing Secretary H. W. Birch, Interviewed the Premier on the subject of a new hospital building. Mr. Brown reported that the de legation had been given a most 'sympathetic hearing by the Pre- paratlon of plans. I Mr. Brown inquired from City . Commissioner W. J. Alder as to Iwhat assistance, if any, might be; .expected from the city in the event i of It being found possible to pro-1 cecd with the erection of a new hospital building. Mr. Alder replied that this was a difficult question to answer. From the looks of things now. the city would not have much money to spare. There appeared to bc no prospect of getting assistance from the bank. Certainly the city would help If lt could. CROONER"" ' ON SPOT Numerous Indiscretions Are Alleged Against Itudy .Vallee by Ills Wife in Maintenance Suit I LOS ANGELES, January 23 -Op cnlng her suk here for separate maintenance against Rudy Vallee. Ithe well known screen and raolo j crooner. Fay Webb Valtec last w e ck alleged numerous Indiscretions on , the part of Vallee with Alice Fayc j his former singing partner, as well ;as other women between August 1932 and April 1933. Such indiscretions had taken place In no less i than twelve cities. Mrs. Vallee 1 chimed. It was reported at last night's meeting of the hospital board that Mr Claus. one of the orderlies' jhad been off lately on account of Illness, it being uncertain as to when he would be well enough to return to his regular duties. MB VajOkvaJOOD USPHCTS VOU OP HAviKfcj Some Papers) ipp mis , THE MYSTERY MAN OF THE SCREEN AT HIS REST Ronald Colman in "Masquerader" With Our Own EI.tSSA I.ANDI. A United Artist lleleai (7 10 .. Musical Comedy "SEASONI Cartoon "HUIIIIY'S DAY OUT" The regular monthly meeting of Alaer; the board of director. of the Prince Tinker, NED OREETINfiS Rupert Oeneral Hospital was held son. W. M Hrown and P ;Sr present were Frank Dibb chair. son rj;., lady suwrta'4 . man; City Commissioner w J II w Birch. manaKlr.3 Wluit iva Hee-tt-i-i Wlijivictteti f BISMUTH Ifi a a FURS Trappers, We want your Mink. Ottet and ail your othci prices can not be beaten. John Clones - P. O. lax 367 TJiird WHEN YOUR w cell very PHILPOTT, AMD W VOO He aiHattsi btrST Does' NAJOiiM-Jjf UP 7 KMONAl rate. 1 " - i V4WV do MB vou I Novelty "I'ltKClSKtv r F iv r.. uenson. a, V w ,w re;- Ac'd IndigfwUon indicate too n h m thr Stomach Tlntrr 'i tr. 'try will vaniih peerMy f , take a tittle uMrafrrf Magnesia if) . moth n Magneia) after eatmr. U Improve the over-acid condition of th tomach. . . . ThU i ln-tter than rt'j. (ng on habit-forming Laxative At all Drug Store in potcdf' form, or in tabtttt for handy carrying, MAGNESIA IN MAGNESIA j Protective Hcutnlizer-NOT Weakening Laxative in WANTED Ranchers and Collectors Martm Fishers. Wolven Lyitx. All F t furi to fill In our orders at r A trial shipment will eonvir- , Prince Rupert, B.C. hit. Ate. ft 8iitti St. Phone S3 COAL BIN NEEDS REPLENISHING I PHONE US wwy Ve have coals suitable for all your requirements and at prices to suit all purses. EVITT & CO. LTD. I'hone GI8 By Westover. t'M TRvims TO OO rot i l -tfV. jt I A TALL - MR