Tuesday. January 23, 1034, 54.98 INCREASE 9n Western Canada Salada Tea sold 54.98 more tea in 1933 than in 1932 ALADA TEA "Fresh from the Gardens" Ormes IM, TIttr. Ptontcr Druqejiats The Kesall Store Phones: 81 & X Writing Pad and Envelopes Special at 25c Mi 31 Dental Powder and Klen.o Tooth Brush Special at 49c Jasmine Face Powder nncl Jasmine Perfume (New Size) Special at 59c Sea Sun Chocolate Bars, 5c Each This new Uar contains the vitamin equal to one teaspoonsful of COD LIVER OIL Get This Antiseptic Special Mi 31 Mouth Wash, regular 40c Mi III Tooth Paste, regular 50c Mi 31 Shaving Cream, regular . ... . . .2Tc The Three For 82c Coal Prices Minehcad Egg Coal $l2-")0 Minchcad Lump Coal 512.50 lmbina Egff Coal $12.00 Stove Coal S11.50 Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave. Prince Rupert for Vnncotiver T.S S, CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 IM. , via Ocrn Putin and Wajpolnta, arrtvln Vancouver Thuraday T.s.s. vr.NTimi: every fiiuiay. midnioht. Arriving Vancouver, Monday A.M. Weekly aalllnga to Poet Blmpwn. Allr Arm. Anjros. Btewart and Nana River polnu, Iav ITlnca Rupert Bundsy. pm. SU CIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATE, HOUND TRIP. PRINCE IIL'PI-kt, TO VANCOUVER, $31. (Meals nml He rih Inclu'l'd ) Knr-h-.", iUe Nov 0 to Feb. 28, return limit Marcn ji. i.ifiv!"Jo!mtl0n Nuardlne all aMlngn and Ju lll'l-niT (l;N(!Vr Third Avenue. rimne win I I Mr. and Mrs. Hd. Pctlersen. who wwe married reeently, the bride1 having formerly been Mfcrt Detty; Arrtey. are receiving a hearty wel- i come tome from many f rtnd following their return Bmf. ay evening from a honeymoon of several weeks to Vancouver. Seattle and elwehere in the south. Tby : arc talcing up residence here. j Pur Blar-k. son of Mrs. Petr! Hkuic. now attached to the state1 t MeOil! University, has perleMfd new srlentific instrument m; which manufacturers l.av become t interested according to word re-1 ' ived by his mother. Peter. Jr.. re- j rently refused a sekentlfic appointment at Halifax to remain at Me-' Olll but there is a possibility tt' may come wect to Nanaimo. i There was no. luncheon of the I Prince Rupert Gyro Club todav ' a. a a l. ... Finance Statement I The financial I Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital for) turkeys j the year 1933 was perused by the (board of directors at the regular i monthly meeting last evening and ordered presented to the annual ! meeting of the Prince Rupert Oen- Im-il tlncriltnl nprt u-prlc Contlrfpr- 1 5iTiS3?ff5i5! Phone 9."7 Pot Roast of Beef per lb Boiling Bcef-3 lbs Prime Rib Rolled-per lb Lamb Chops 3 lbs Pork Chops 3 lbs 8tcw Lamb per lb .. Leg of Lamb per lb Shoulder of Lamb- - per lb Stew Beef, 2 lbs. Kidney, s lb. Liver. 1 lbs. Kidney. 1 lb Leg of Pork per lb Shoulder of Tork 4 lbs. -at i Jones' Family MEAT MARKET Phone 957 10c 25c 18c 50c 50c 10c 20c 14c 25c 25c 18c 50c ft vmmt u mi rm tm km rm ira :1 .TUB DAILY NZWI AOI nzsiai LOCAL NEWS NOTES We buy anything In gold. Premium prim. Mas llellbroner. i Toe H bridge 'mystery prize. tonight. Win the BRONCHITIS BANISHED AFTER 30 YEARS TORTURE The a marine caw of Mr. Tbonu GulL Hamilton, Ont, is the talk o( everyune ho know him. lib complrte relief almost ovrrnifht from Rrondrith of thirty year Handing b retarded a nothing short of a rnirwk by friends and neighbours. Read what Mr. Gull : "From the time 1 was a Mnall boy until the ae of thirty-two, I wm never fret from a hatkinc couth nicht and day. Doctor loid rae 1 was tuferinc from rhrnnic brochiti that there was no prmaaent rrfcf. One day I hw an avertiseraent for BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE. The word broefhitb arTeMed my attention. I purchased a buttle. It cave me rrtirf. I boucht two more, and my couh left me rompMHy . That happened yean aav, aad the cotstb hat never rrluraed " BUCKLEVS MIXTURE win give you the name infant refiet from the stranding torture of Drofubitw. and it art fike a flati on couch. cokt. or 'flu. Why not cH a bottle today? BurMry's h aoM mrywbere. Refiae niUMituiet. Staff Captain Joseph Acton, di visional commander of the Salra- ouv mawaa mere wui dc a specuu, tton Army for Northern B. C. and "tag amner tnis evening in con iiiection with the installation of ' 1034 - ofIlccr who., wsrevjecently alerted as follows: president. V. H Tobey: secretary. C. W. Daw- on; treasurer. C D. Fyfe; firs S J Jabour. William Crulck-hinlc Frank nibb and IV. M Waits Alaska, returned to the city on the Oatala this morning Afbllowing a brJf- vlUtwio-PorU ttmpson and will proceed to Hazelton. Olen Vo-well and other Interior points on tomorrrw afternoon's train. He witl return here on Saturday of next week enroute back to his headquarters in WrangeU. Donations as follows at the Christmas season for the Prince Rupert General Hospital were ac- Is Considered By ttX meeting of the hospital board Hospital Directors last .. lU . I... u I . J ...... lt I . Miss Jean Harrison R.N.; Rupert I Bakery, cake: Watts' Grocery, two j boxes of Jap oranges; Chrlss' Mill statement of the , Bakery, cake; Bulkely Market, two Canon W. F. Suihbrook. two boxes of Jap oranges; Me- Meekin's Northern Brokerage, box of apples; Delist Chapter. Order ol the Eastern Star. Jap orange, smokes and MacLean's Magazine; P. M. Ray, case of Jamaica grapefruit; FrlxEell's Limited, ham; P Burns Co Lld two turkes ling - general conditions, the hospital' I made quite a good showing financially during the year with a de-i flclt of only $1100. Tills was in spite of reduced grants and the fact that : considerable repairs had been car-i rled out during the year. Expenses J for the year were down $2600. Announcements Bums' Banquet. Presbyterian Church Hall, January 25. I Elks' Dance, Friday, January 20. United Choir Concert, Jan. 20. Scotch Dance Seal Cove Parlsn Hall, January 26. Varden Play January 20. Prince Rupert Badminton Club oance. Elks' Home, Friday, Febru ary 2. Annual St. Valentine dance. Cambral Chapter, I.O.D.E, Feb. 14 Pioneer's Banquet March 9. St Patrick's Supper and Concert March 17. Moose Hall Brldge-WhUt and Dance on Tuesday, 30th. Admn. 35c, lnclu'ies refreshments. Everybody welcome. Feb. 14th, St. Valentine Dance. Scotch dance every Saturday evening Admn. 25c and 10c. Basketball every Monday and Thursday. Admn. 25c & 10c. Support Prime Rupert's Only Organized Sport Dr. W. T. Kergln, newly appointed representative of trie Prince Rupert Medical Association was seated as a director at, the regular monthly meeting; of the board bf directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital last night. It being his first meeting since Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. Matt Vldeek was discharged yes- being appointed, he was duly wel- E, Diskson. returned to Dort at.terday from the Prince Rwjert!cmed by the chairman. Frank 10:45 this morning from Anyox. General Hosmial where he hasDlbb. JHowart and other northern points been receiving treatment for """ 1 ami sailed at 1:30 this afternoon time but it will be some time, it lsi for Vancouver and wayports. (expected, before te wiU be able to j resume his work. j Ground was broken yesterday at! I the southeast corner of Fifth Av-j Ambulance service was discus- ; tenue and MeBride Street for a'sed kut night at the regular FOR SAl F Ujtht frame building to b built by monthly meeting of the board otj j I Mitchell tt Currle. contractors, fori directors ol the Prince Rupert inr, " " " " j jDr. W. T. Kerglri. The structure ! Oentral Hopitai. As' it is believed 8PECIAL- Rol er Canaries. Sing-1 will be occupied by the Ideal Dry that Mitt VicecSc, owit to con- and femf M Cleaners. tinned illnP will he timM. tn, z. uwu-. work of the InUltutlon was going ooard along smootrly. One of six p-o-bationera who entered the training 's.'hc-.! la t fgf! had rvied. the , ether five conUnuIng on as student nuisM. carry on operation of the ambu- mim Jean Harrison R.N.. lady lance, it is expected to have ap-sruerlntendent, reported to the plications in for a succwor at , hospital board lost night that the the Fcbrauary meeting of the Want Ads FOR SALE Thoroughbred Newfoundland pups. Ideal pet far children or sleigh dog. Apply Gordon L, Little, Terrace; B.C. YOU RENT FURNISHED apartment for Phone Red 444. I WANTED TRANSFERS 23; rent. 20 VERNON Apartment!; log ruorrts. nswiy renovated, 141 2nd Avenue. Pbone Red 421. FOR RENT Newly renovated flat. central. 3 large rooms and bath.i I private entrance. Including n,! hot water, electric range. Phoni 459. la' WANTED 1 boat hull, about 3o feet. Must be sound and cheap, j State price. Box 199, Daily News. I 24!' FOUND FOUND Keys In case. Owner may have same by calling at Daily News and paying for this advertisement. HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT W.WLNO! Cluster Curl: Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE RID your basement of old bottles, bought for 15c. doz. Cameron's Transfer. PAINTERS PAINTINQ and Paperhanglng Moller, Phone Reffi 802 Court of Revision Prince Rupert Assessment District NOTICE IS HEUEBT OIVES that a; Court or Revision and Appeal under the prv!" oris of the Taxation Art and I Amendment thereof and "Public; Sohoola Act" respecting the assess-1 mem roll fcr the Prince Rupert Aa-J m'nt Dt'trtot for the year IB34, will . te beld at the Caurt House. Prince Ru pert BC. en Wednesday, the lUh day of February. 1934. at HO o'clock In the forenoon. . J. C. JlrLENNAN, Judige of the Ccurt of Revtelon and Appe:il Dated t Prlivae Rupert. January nth. 1934 B.C. in riumvri: IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT' and IN THE MATTER Or THE ESTATE OF JACOn ADAM KtlCKER DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hla Honor, W. K. Planer, the 174h day of l.mnnr ATI 1934 I &a uuxlnted Ad- mlnlrtrator of the eUte of Jacrb Adun Ktleker. dereawd. and all partse having claim against the aald estate are hereby required to furnish aame. properly verined, to me on or before the 23 nd day of February. AX). 1934, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pny the amount of their lndebtednem to me forthwith. NORMAN A WATT. OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR, Pruvce Rupert. B.O D.i ted the aind day of Juiuary. A D. 1934 iv ritonm: n the Supreme Court f nrltlh ( olii in blu In I he mutter of the "AdinliiMratlnn Art" and In Hie mattrr f the IMate of Milno Tiikuni.l. Ireeaeil. Iiitrktiite TAKE NOTICK that by order of Hla tenor VV. E. FUher. the 5th day -of January. A.D. 1934, I was appointed Administrator Ji the eatnte of Shlnra Takutna. deeeed. and nil partlea hay. lng claims against the aald wtate are hereby required to furnish aame, pro- verified, to me on or before, the rerly th day of February. A. D. 1934, and all partlea Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount f their lndebtednk to, fa fortitUv ,- c i 1T "NORMAN -A, W.TrT.Vl ' OfHciiii Adminla'-tntor. ITr.ice RUDert. DC Dited'tB th my oT January, AJJ. 1934 WHAT ! CVVwdi Out? BRI Acc THAT'S one expense of using cheap, nameless LuIIis they burn out' too , quickly. Be economical and choose Edison Mazda lamps ttl to give t long and satisfactory service. ,' EDISON MAZDA LAMPS l;r"(, t MAC! IN CANADA DGE essones 1-13 CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO, LIMITED Tally Cards, Score Pads, Playing Cards, Card Tables, Serviettes, Prizes Make your bridge parties yield doable pleasure with colorful ' equipage. Special reductions on novelties for bridge prizes. Sec our window. New 1934 Culbertson Contract booklet now on sale. Price only 35a The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. The AUCTIONEER PackingCrating- Wrapping & Oeneral Furniture Repairs List your goods with me rhone niack 1! GEO. J. DAWES ML For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Kays Intra Ited Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green. 241 Thones Green 441 Exchange Block