a 'nnmr fotnpany had recently rii n) -ed employer who were sup i f the C.C.r. and Uut the rr'v h.ifi taken UiU as a ehal t' i ii wlilcl. they would rctal- SinuUr complaint ngalnct thr I- mnMHy Iwve been recently n. ulr by Finest Hakewell of Ocean i ''1' C C F. member for Macken- CUTTING ACREAGE laiuila ti Itrilurc Amount of land In Wheal by Knur Million Acres flTAWA, January 23-The led-era) govwnment Is now consider c plans for a reduction of wheat nfrruiic on Uie prairies by four million acres under the Interna ''''nil agreement reached at the W'irlo economic conference la. vi-,r. OFFICE IS ABOLISHED Or. (iaitilr Krsign Colonisation L'oiuntUsloner and Will Not lie Replaced VICTORIA. Jan. 23: (CP-Dr. W U. Qnddcs, colonization commissioner for the provincial government, has resigned and his of fice win be abolished. Von Hindenburg Is Recovering Agfil rrfsldciit of (lermany (Jetting Reltcr (hilrkly Tollowlng Severe Cold nrcrtl.W. Jnn. 23: President pnul von Hindenburg Is continuing o inako rapid recovery following a 'icavy cold which threatened a few lays aga to havo serious She extent and nature of distribution! of this program Ontario and Que-1 ore arc already showing a tendency to demand the lion's share j BUILDING TO START SOON Improvement in Weather Awaiuu Iicforc Construction of refold Storage Commences .noatinir nf ih a nrnicct. Meantime. WASHINGTON. January 23 President Franklin D. Uooscver: has asked Congress for a vote of $1,160,000. 00 with which to carry on the program ot federal rellcl work nuUl June 30. Charged with theft of lead from a boat on the watcrrroiu. Ivor w TOKYO. Jan. 23: CP General Sadeo Arakl. leader of the military ! nationalist movement In Japan. Construction of the new cold .ubmiued his resignation yesterday storage plant to be erected in con-. aj minister of war owing to IT. icctlon with the Ice-making plant , h.-ith. Oeneral Hayashl. It Is ex- whlch has been recently established may be Arakl's successor, here by Albert & McCaffery will) not be started until weather Is more !usplclous which may be a few weeks yet It was Intimated this morning by M. P. McCaffery in WASHINOTON. D.C.. Jan. 23 Development In the Orient and raclflc are being watched with keen Interest following the resigna- as already announced, financing wi u' " arrangements have been completed' panese minister of war. Moscow. Paris and Washington are partl- h un, or, now heinr nrenared. Uulldlng of the plant. Mr. Mccaf fery stated, will give work to some six or eight men while the permanent staff will consist of about ten. Today's Weather Terrace -Clear, calm. 9. Anyox -CIear. calm. 18. Stewart Clear, calm. cold. Haiclton -Cloudy, calm, zero. Smlthers Clear, calm. mild. Uurns Lake IJrlght. calm, 8. ROOSEVELT ASKS VOTE cularly Interested and In many quarters repercussions are expected. It Is feared the Russo-Japanese situation may become more acute. DEATH CALLS ISLAND MAN John Turner of Skidegate. One of Pioneers of Mining, Passes at Vancouver Hospital Vancouver papers tell of the death In the Vancouver Oeneral Hospital Sunday of O. D. P. Turner I of 8kldegate, one of the pioneer residents of the Islands. Mr.Truner who was 63 years of age went to the -- - I Islands about 1894 and has always ! President og United S ates Re- ufcen R Rreat lnlerMt ln the mln. quests over "" ng possibilities there. He was one Carry On Relief 1 rogram , of Qf tnp skldcgate Sun. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Jan. 23: (CPI-- ii nnniarpd in city police court Wheat was quoted at 65?ic on the today before Magistrate McClymont local exchange yesterday and rose and was remanded for eight days. Vc to C5ic today. Plebiscite in I'enticton on Saturday Fails to Record Majority Required PENTICTON. Jan. 23: CP A plebiscite on sale of beer by the VERMONT IS REPUBLICAN O.O.P. Stronghold In New Kngland State Remains Unshaken in Senatorial Ily-EIcctlon MONTPEILER. Vermont. January 23 The Republican strong-held in Vermont remained unshaken In a senatorial by-election when Prntit nihsnn rptntnprt th Ufa Collections Exceeded Expenditures lly Slight Amount, Report of Committee Shows Collections of the Prince Rupert General Hospital for the month ot December totalled $3493.73 while Today's Weathu Tomorrow's Tides Vo. v wmm Prince nupert Cloudy, tu t High 8:25 a.m. 18.4 ft. 21:50 p.m. 15.1 i 1IT llrjlAL HI1IU. Ufai Ulllt. H 1 A. if .UU -T " ' ww9 V Low 1:32 am. 10.4 ft. 15:20 pm. 7.4 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL HRITISLI COLUMHIA'S NEWSPAPER V ) XXV . No. 19, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 193-1 PltlCE: FIVE CENT8 PREPARING FOR SESSION AT OTTAWA NEWFOUNDLAND MINISTER ARRESTED; LARCENY CHARGE Parliament To Convene ; Ll HU""j. Stamp Scandal Still. On Thursday and Will Continue Into Summer Expected to Ik; Htwy and Important Sitting With Private Members Particularly Active in Presenting j legislation ! OTTAWA, Jan. 23: (CP) Preparations are now fully under way for the formal opening on Thursday of what is evpmeu lo oe a ousy and important session oi i hi iiuiiiuhu. The usual pie-sessional activity is now apparent with the advance guard of members already here while more are arri'.ine- daily. The sitting, it is expected, will extend well . mnto uie summer. An excepuonany large number of private bills are y-vw C I r 1 1 N cxPccled 10 makc lnelr apparance v Vl i j on the order paper. j ww nrif f A far as the government is con- W A K i A I Hi ccn,d-p1" for atannt with to unemployment problem will again " j be a matter of outstanding Interest incrimination diaries Are Made The administration ha commltUd Again! a Lumber Company by Itself to a program Of public works fttlrralfen. Leader. , In U pat men to work until they can be all absorbed by VICTORIA. Jan. 23: CP Iter. th,e Industrial revival which is corn-It bat Cotmell, C. C. F. leader, dclmenclng but there has been little Mn an wkltM iMtnteht that definite Indication yet as to the Mechanics and members of "-he museum staff assembling the plan used by Col and Mrs". Charles A. lindbergh on their recent 30.000-mile flight that tok them over the North and South Atlantic and Into 21 countries as they prepare Vx place tt4fl exTitoltlori at lie Museum or Natural History. New York. The plane was recenUy presented to the museum for exhibition by Col. and Mrs. Llrid-bergh along with the equipment they useo on their long air Jaunt. MINISTER HAS 0UIT Leader of Military Nationalist Movement In Japan Resigns From Cabinet Beer By Glass SENATOR j Is Turned Down ft DEAD; Hon. Lieut. Col. John Stanfield, Passes Away at Home In Truro, N.S. TRURO. NJS, Jim. 23: CP Se- glass failed here on Saturday to nator j0hn Stanlleld. vice-presi- secure the majority required. dent of the woolfcn mills bearing his name and member of the Upper House since February 17. 1921, died j here Monday night at the age of 66 years. Born at Charlottetown, P.E.I-.' May 18. 1868, of English parentage, the late Hon. Lieut. Col. Stanfield was educated at Truro and entered the woollen manufacturing business at an early age with Stan-fields Limited. A lieutenant-colonel 'of the Colchester and Hants Rifle Corps Reserve, he raised a battalion during the World War and proceeded overseas with It. He entered public life at a by- elccUon held In 1907 when he was for the Grand Old Party by de- he Ho"se ,f SSpW,v for Colchester and was reflected -. t, rviM.,. ,,. rv,m. 1H ft Garbo and Director Back in Hollywood Provides Sensations As Probe Continues Half of Government's $120,000 Collection of Philatelic Relics is Missing Other Arrests Arc Expected to be Made ST. JOHN'S, Nfld., Jan. 23: (CP) The arrest yesterday of Hon. W. J. Walsh, minister of agricuture and mines on a charge of larceny, his release on bail of $4000 and acceptance of his resignation from the Newfoundland cabinet continued to provide sensations as the Department of Justice continued its searching investigation into tle Lheft of stamps from the govem-nrirpri t-i vr-iwrrp Iments $120JW0 collection. The miil-Sr I II IVI I lister was charged with appropriat-iJLi P P l 1 1 LiLilf lJLil 1 1 j m; three bound volumes of unused fn nmniTPn stamps valued at between $5,000 i ih KlirNand JG00 Uom lhc cIosed Kcw- Latest President of Cuba Endeavouring to Bring About Industrial Order in Republic U. S. Recognition WASHINGTON, D.&, January 23 (Canadian Press) President Franklin D. Roosevelt intimated yesterday that recognition ml?ht be extended to the new Cuban government of President Mfn-dieta by the United States by Wednesday, HAVANA, Cuba, January 23 Dr. Carlos Mendleta, the new Nationalists president of Mexico, who succeeded Carlos Hevla, whose regime tasted only two or three days lasj week, has set about to bring about settlements In many strikes whici. have'been paralyzing the Islana republic and Is meeUng with marked success. Already he has been successful in getting the capital's electric and power service restored and Is working on other in dustrial problems. crat opponent. Latest returns show 6enweral elecon,s ot l9? and selection as president a majority of over 8000 for the Re-' 1"4- "c Y ; ,u Vi f 1 wWely acclalmea- publican. Hospital Finances During December sitting of the 12th. Parliament In 1911. Ten years later he was summoned to the Senate. In 1902 Senator Stanfield was married to Sadie Yorston of Truro. He was a member of the Church of England. His life-long home was here. Premier Road Is Still Blockaded Heavy Snow Ties Up Traffic Between Stewart and Mining Camp Road communication between Premier and Stewart, which, has been blocked for the past few weeks on account of heavy snow, was still days, according to word orougni to man of the finance committee. G ' HOLLYWOOD. Jan. 23:--"You; the city from the norm oy tne V. Wilkinson. There was a total of can say definitely that we are not ' steamer Catala this morning. j 1614 hospital days during the month at a per diem cost of $3.27. HA It SILVER NEW YORK. Jan. 23: (CP)-Bar silver closed at 448cper ounce on the local metal market yesterday and dropped to 44t'4c today married." declared Reuben Mamou-1 The people of Premier are happy . Un. noted film director, on his re- and comfortable, however, the corn-turn here with Oreta Garbo, celc-!munlty being quite self-contained, brated Swedish screen actren,, fol- j There Is telephonic communication lowing a motor trip to Grand Can-1 with the outside world and all ne-yon, Ariz- which gave rise to per- cessary supplies can be taken in on sistent reports same building as his department as well as with taking stamps from the post. office. Total losses from the museum and-the St John's-post office are estimated at about JGO.OOO and other arrests arc expected. , Collected by governments of the island for over half a century, the philatelic relics had been stored in the two buildings for safe keeping. KIDNAPPING TRIAL ON Hearing of Roger Tuohy and I'onr Others Charged With Abduction of John Factor Proceeding In Chicago CHICAGO. January 23 Em- panelment of a lury to hear the. trial of Roger Tuohy and three-other defendants charged with the kidanpping of John Factor (Jake the Barber! has been completed following considerable difficulty Dr. Mendleta, a 52-year old phy-iatter which the hearing comlneh-" siclan. is Cuba's fourth president I red ana is now proceeding, within five months and the first As a precaution against possible Nationalist to head the Cuban gov-j disorders such as have attended a ernment. He was one of the mostnumb ot sensational trials here bitter opponents of the exiled Pres- recently, the presiding Judge. Mlc-ident Machado during whose re- Felnbexg. ruled that noife glme he was In exile, and has ta-!shull be allowed in the courtroom ken a prominent part in Cuban, cepi mose navmg aeiinnc oust-. ever since 1917 when he "ess. As a result, the public sec- Nationalist rebellion. His ons na en oareiy naii-uucu.-i is being BIG SUIT LAUNCHED R. O. Sweety Claims $33,000 Frens, Sifton Estate In Connection With Reauharnois MONTREAL. Jan. 23: CP--Sulf for $53,000 "for professional serT vices rendered" ln obtaining Dominion government approval ol Beauharnols development wat disbursements amounted to $5273.70 Reuben Mamoulln Announces That tied up yesterday but an impending Jaunchcd ,n court ycsterday affain3t It was reported at the regular; ne and Screen Star Were Not icold snap gave promise that traffic R Q Swmy by the executors of .... . . ill. -!... il. i i -. mlnVit mnv. apaln within A fpv monthly meeting of the board of rise mine and of a great many pros- dlrcclors last nlght b the chalS pects. In the death of Mr. Turner Graham Island loses a good friend. .Married on Recent Trip I "- " . the estate of C Ifford W. B. Bifton Alliance IJctwcen Baltic Countries Ilcinu Negotiated HELSINGFORS, Finland, Jan. 23 -An alliance between the four among the screen the aerial tram the use of which for Baltic countries of Ukranla. Latvia. colony that matrimony waf the! passenger carrying, however, Is not Esthonla and Finland la being ne-object. ' permitted. gotlated. 4 :