1 ?ao2 Tv7g "nnrm THE DAILY NEWS The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue DAILY EDITION LIMITED Penman's Full-Fashioned Silk Hose We carry the newest color trend in Hosiery Tones for all occasions. Pine Silk, Picot Tops, Cradle Sole, Reinforced Heel and Toes, Semi-Service or Chiffon Priced at wrmni $1.00 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE KUPEBT - BRITISH COLUMBIA KEEPING HAPPY PHONE: 636 FRESH MILK and CREAM Whipping Cream 20c l,7 pint Whipping Cream "Jt:-1 oac pint Dominion Dairy Phone 357 Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Bupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - MaaKln-EdJtor City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid In advance or leaser periods, paid In advance, per week By mall to all parte of British Columbia, the British Empire and ' united States, paid In advance, per year L By mall to all other countries, per year . ADVERTISING RATES Local readers, per Insertion, per line Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion , , Transient display advertising, per men. per Insertion Contract rates on application. $5.00 10 3.00 9D0 21 1.4 Thursday, July 5, 1934 The greatest thing in the world, so far as the human race is concerned, is keeping happy. Anything that will niake people happy will keep them healthy and well. Good cheer is real wealth. In the old days the preachers tried to make people miserable in order to make them repent of their sins and thus I save them for a life of joy in the world to come. Now we know that heaven is here, if we only realize it. Of the hereof ter we have little information but we know a .great deal about this life and we could know more if we were only in the right frame of mind. The mind and the body react on each other. While bodily infirmity often has a deleterious effect on the mind, the mind is greater than the body and can control it. As we think so we are. If we think happy thoughts and try to make others happy, we become happy ourselves. All de pends upon the mental attitude. People who are happy radiate happiness and tend to make those around them happy. People who are sad ra diate sadness and tend to make those around them miser able. Misery breeds sickness. Joy breeds health. The best doctor-is he who can inspire his patients with the iov of living. The patients feel thev want to live and they just 1 naturally begin to get well. Happiness is the natural condition. All a doctor can do is to make adjustments so that nature can do trfe liealing. When he makes the patient happy he has made the most imnprtanl; ..a(jutnignt( Na ture asFerts her power and health follows. Keep the body fit so that the mind may work freely and control it and bring that happiness which is heaven. Van's Bakery Opposite Boston Cafe Quality Breads 4 for 25c At All Grocers Labelled on Bottom For Your Protection Phone 190 Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 WUO TEETH iC t . v-jj-u,- Isn't that Funny v n Ys. but It", tnif lilt' why your Cnry eU Grf I to rinJ iatt. dittibl condition, Brk Urawl i tht tuna hvd invtl uhnl, Krrrnfd nd sinilwa. Cktnl lw nsrnlicl ft your kWl cl m1 tr , ud for cut MBiuiioa. c-1 J BROCKS GRAVEL TENNIS IS IN FINALS C. X. K. A. Honors to be Decided Toni(ht ami Sunday The Canadian National Recrea- ition Association's tennis tourna i ment is now In the finals. Games! leading up to the finals resulted as follows: Men's Doubles J. H. Horton and P. McltnJsh ' beat F. M. Davis and T. Wilding -i 6-3, 6-4. Mixed Doubles Miss B. Berner and J. H. Horton beat Mrs. Montgomery and J. Miss E., Davis and Miss B. Berner vs. Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. Miller. 11:30 a jn. Mixed doubles, Miss B. Berner and J. H. Horton vs. Mrs. Gardner and R. Morrison. Ladies' singles, Mrs. J. H. Horton vs. Miss E. Davis. Men's singles J. H. Horton vs. P. Mcintosh. Baseball Scores American Leaeue Cleveland 8-2, Detroit -5. New York 5-10, Boston 8-4. St. Louis, 4-2, Chicago 0-3. Philadelphia 10-6, Washington 9-3. National League Boston 1-0, New York 9-15. CInclnnaU 1-4, Pittsburg 5-3. Brooklyn 8-2, Philadelphia 5-11. Chicago 2-6, St. Louis 6-2. International League Rochester 11, Toronto 1. Newark 12, Syracuse 6. Albany 14, Baltimore 5. Buffalo 7. Montreal 6. American Association Columbus 3, Toledo 0. Indianapolis 6, Louisville 4. SENATORS BEAT A'S Washington Senators defeated Philadelphia Athletics 12 to 6 in an j American League baseball game; the score of which was omitted! from the Big League results of Tuesday published yesterday. LEGION LINE-UP Canadian Legion line-up for to-nlght'&.Stuart Benefit Shield foot-bal lgame against Regiment will be is follows: Pearce; Blake and Oo-mez; Bussanlch, S. Currie and Oreer: Fong. Baptle. Christlson, Smith and Palmer: reserves, Anton-elll, Currie, R. Cameron and REGIMENT LINE-UP The Regiment team for this eve- j nlng's Stuart Benefit Shield foot-, ball game will be as follows: j Morgan; W. Murray and Davles: i Veltch, Edgcumbe and Wlngham; Lindsay. A. Mitchell, Wilson, Campbell, Armstrong. Spare, Naylor. For drunkenness, Frank Jenkins, Walter Pappenberger, Nick Ivonlk and Joe Seguin were each fined $25, with option of ten days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont In city police court. FOOTBALL! Tonight REGIMENT vs. LEGION Acropolis, 6.30 p.m., Adm. 25c. LOCAL NEWS Master Ted Halvarson sailed on the Catala Tuesday afternoon lor a trip to Vancouver. Little Miss Nora Dougherty has left for Vancouver where she will spend the summer vacation. Dr. H. L. Alexander Is returning home tomorrow from a business trip to 'Vancouver and Victoria. Mrs. A. H. Hill-Tout and daughter sailed on the Catala Tuesday afternoon for a visit to Vancouver. Harry Robb sailed on the Oatah Tuesday for Namu where he will join the cannery staff for the summer. Miss Catherine McMeekin. who has been attending srnool In Van couver, returned from the south on the Prince Rupert yesterday. Inspector J. A. Fraser, provin cial police, left at the first of the week for -Telegraph Creek and 1 elsewhere in the SUklne River i area on official duties. Comadma 6-2 6-4. Miss MirgarctMuUem.daub ruuus ,u u pi u uer of Mr xrn5 N Mussallem. Jowph'8 , T ''fturnfd home yesterday from w w - jm n i i I ; K0" and llclnsh vs" (Vancouver where she has been at-H. IL Hodgson and J. Comadlna tfndl ounuay. iv a.m. uiuirs iiuuuirs, Mrs. H. F. Wearmouth and son Jack, are returning to the city at the end of this week from a month's vacation trip to Miss Phyllis Mooney R. N., oper atlng room supervisor of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, has re turned to the city from a month's jholiday trip to Vancouver. For his harge of Cook has option of second offence on a drunkenness, Thomas been fined $50, with seven days' imprison ment, In, city pohce court. Owing to many members being bu.sy on aocounV:Of the post-holiday rush, the regular weekly lun cheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro uiud, seneauiea ior ruesaay, was cancelled. - Allan Kergln, son of Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Kergln. left this weefc for Ketchikan wjiere he will pay a visit as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Stepp.- formerly of this city. Misses M. Conroy and B. Conroy. who have been studying at St. Convent here, iwve left , oeed to his home at Blrtle few weeks with her d-attfhtr, Mrs. O. W. Laidler, sailed by the Catala Tuesday afternoon on her return south. Owlwr to other aettvltiets of members, the regular monUrty meeting of the Junior SeeUon of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce was canceled Tuesday nljht. Victor Miller left at the first of the week for Stiklne whore he will pay a visit with his brother. Duncan Miller, who U Canadian Customs officer at that point for the season. Mrs. Bert Smith of Premier and her father. D. Watt, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert Saturday evening from the north and proceeded Monday evening by train from here to Lakelse Lake. Mr. Watt, after a week there, will pro- INSIST on the BEST Kellogg's Corn Flakes are the standard of quality every where by far the world' largest-celling ready-to-eat cereaL Their flavor and crispnest can1! be copied. Always oven-freth in the Iteat-teulrd WAXTITE bag, Inside the Eaay-Open red-nd-grecn package. Sold with the personal guarantee of W. K. Kellogg. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. I Illllll Iill ) Mfl I I. Ill lllll III! mil HIIIIIIIIII i.i...... .................... . a1HMli,MM ... ....... II. I. .... ...... .MMiiM-w TZlHflaH ' MM. !.iH i..........................Mty ......... . ......... 4. ....iW Z-1 BiAA... .. ..!. . . ....M..............f W 1....... ..........a. ...' OBHL.. ......... i. i. ........ .. rllllHIW. ....... . .......a............ W. h. .lllllH.. . . . . lj.;;:;.S;:!:..SS.!S:.l'K .fc'BM v --."ItS ! I J f a jfjgflFil fe" EjErAwawm !! !Sf LM&J "rWiJkatplir k9J 4M Mrdt F Jt&JAKI NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarellL Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates $1.00 op CO Rooms, Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box IBs OR QUALITY NOW OPEN Palm Coffee Shop Pleasant surroundings and Service with a Smile Call and see us Across from the Power Co., Third Avenue Man lor their home at Atlin where for a visit. they wtil sperm the summer vaca-i .... Uon. I Alex Rix of the ImiMrtal Oil Co. - I has returned to the city from a trip Mrs. Munro of Vancouver, who . w Sroithers on company business , has oeen visiting nere ir me pan Robvrt Oosse, who has been pay -; int a brief vVtit to the Ocean Can- iters salmon cannery at Oceanic Smith Island, hat returned to! Vancouver. j Mrs. M. Manning of Premier pad through the city a few days ago going through to Vancouver i esiroute to the Nelson district where she will Join her huiband. formerly one of the well known Premier Co. field men at Premier. i who recently took charge of opera- Uons on the Relief-Arlington mine for the company Beautiful Tlell Fly Fishing 8ea Bathing Hunting Tennis Badminton Auto Trips on Marine Highway Picnics --Sandy Beachen Modern Conveniences Milk from Oovcmment TiJ. Tested Cows No Flies No Mosquitoes. $17.50 per Week Children Under 12, Half Hate The Dunes MADAME RAJAUT TlelL Queen Charlotte Mauds If You Have Used Furniture TO SKLL Get Jn touch with D. Elio 3rd, Ave . opposite Moose Hall He buys and sells everyUUng Thumdajr, July 5, 1934 OGDEN 5 -Olh well lhal Smoked Well " lUONPt IF THf Rt 1 Better FtSMIM V. 1, EVER SINCE WE 6 AT. OOWN , .OVER HERE A WW ,' I cither v, I CATCM I -t4--' CflWNlN run VX jT ABOurj w MAve f VE JUST FILL "THE OLD PIPE WITH O G D E N'S AND THE FISHIN' WILL TAKE CARE OF ITS SELF.' " 9 X-TS always oft u &Wy?(2) s'"ONi i.7 'now BOVS.SlT St DOWN ONE ON I EACH S'Dl OP ME AND HL TELLE 1 jKt uii itncAf V THE bfcCHtl V- riT www-.. ("nuTCWTMPNT CONTENTMENT iO GDENS CUT PLUG MlM Edna Virkrrv Mite M.!iy Deluiey and MWw Marjorle Sai are among local tearhen wi y lure ft ror Vancouver u ipotui .he summer vacation ii Hie south CAMP SUPPLIES Tents, from $4.75 Pack Sacks 95c Stoves $3.75 Lamps 75c Flashlights 65c Axes 75c Water Cans, 5-gal. $1.75 FISIUXC TACKLE Lines, from 5c Hods 95c Heels 25c Kaien Hardware Phone a HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on tbe Famous Grahntn Island North Bench lulling. IlilhlRt. IU.IimIb.vi., lien In. hrmlr Urlr, !hoi-li( In I lie SfiMiit. H'nt a lull) urntlir4 MHIaff at Hmi(in ItUrr. For fuil nr.. u)r uppj MRS. DUNN Msuett. U.C. GET A REAL REST And Chance of Climate FURNI8HED CABINS Also Room and Board .Mrs. Mimic's Camp Lake Kathlyn When in Need of Lumber and Shingles Phone 618 PH1LP0TT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. Wc Carry a Stock of Spruce and Cedar