THE DAILY NEW8 .PAGE THREE J jiii.u i mm Always Buy the Best ALADA" TEA "Fresh from trie Gardens Candy Specials S (lair Rich Creamy Toffee per pound r. . . St C lair Licorice Nougat per pound Ormes Lid. TTite. Pioneer Druqgists Ine lleill Star f bones? II & UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 40c 40c Jasmine Specials J ; une Face Lotion and Skin Freshener and Jasmine Shaving Cream 5 5 C both for Jasmine Face Powder (large size) and Jasmine fvET? 51.00 8teamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Ts-8. CATAI.A EVERY TUESDAY, 1:J0 P-M Arriving Vancouver Thursday T8. CAHDKNA KVF.If,Y FRIO AY' .MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AW. . M M wk!l MUlng, u, Port Blmpaoo. Alio Arm. Anyoi. Btewart and N fwv R."r Points. lve Vrince Kupert Sunday. P-' rther Information regarding all sailings and tickets at- '"INCE Hlir.KT AOr.NCTl Third Afnu. ',,on M" For Your Health Cblrspractle D'tra Violet Kays Intra IUa Rays Massage at Reasonable Prices , w- C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) ur,MU rhones Ureen SIS Kxthanie Block i l-.B.BTm:!aiii-i5"-:"i1B:li'i,-',l BETTER VALUES i a our store yu are assured of belter values in quality merchandise r;: z In Builders and Household Hardware It Pi,' Varnishes. Muresoo and Linoleum GORDON'S HARDWARE to TRIANGLE TOUR Ji Mil at J ! Inla a4 Uil Boat VANCOUVER r'rom IVIiire l(iiwtt. oiling at Ocean Kails. Po-cll Hlcr. MO.MIAY s ,-M SA1i;ilH4Y I'.M. and Phone all McHrlde St farms Sail South on I'lKIXCIS ships MM M I'll MKVH K I W AN VOX ati.l .4HT, Irailti Print llnr ""J HIIIUY st 3 p.n. W'liMlMiliM3TfTH For Information. Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE 52 Srd Ave. Prince Ituperi, ill. VHM The AUCTIONEER Packtrig-Cratirig-Wrapplni St Ocneral Furniture Vepalri List your goods with me Phone Blsck Ml GEO. J. DAWES We are Bulger's. g away LOCAL NEWS NOTES stilt buying old Good News fold, ait Ml Mary Dowther has left tor Vancouver, having bwn transfer-1 red to the office of Williams, Man-son and Taylor there! We pay a premium on gold coins and old gold, teeth, chains, watches, etc. Phone Black 324. B. C. Clothiers Limited. tf. Miss Jewle Moffatt of the local school teaching staff has left for her home at Summerland In the Okanagan district where she will pend the summer vacation. Sisters Mary Bernard and Ttom- aslna Roman Catholic Church nun from Fairbanks, were here a few days ago going through to Victoria where they will pay a visit J C Brady, district engineer for mission ticket to the Capitol Theatre to the Horticultural So- nety to be used a prizes at the ulscretton of the executive at the forthcoming flower show. Sec retary Evltt has thanked the donor on behalf of the organisation. To every one of you, The depression over therefore get a new start in economy In your home you nave some furniture that Is probably in your way Somebody needs what you do not want and may be ready to buy it. Get In touch with the Elio Furniture Exchange and Auction Mart, opposite Thrift Store and they will do the rest. Phone Orcen 421. 160 Announcements Olrl Ouldes tea, July 7. Eagles picnic. Orassy Bay. July 22. 1MOOSEJIALL RENTAL RATES Concerts ..$25.00 Dances - 20 00 Public Meetings 1500 A room suitable for smaller meetings is now available on the ground floor, rental rate, $3.00. For engagements phone the Club Steward, 640 or Red 412. The Commodore Cafe Has converted the Cabaret into n dining-room for Afternoon Teas Catering to bridge parties both afternoons and evenings, supplying cards and score cards free of charge. Don't Forget the 50c Sunday Chicken Dinner You can rent a Car at Walker's as low as tl a day plui 1c. a mile. Notice Picnic Hems Pints, per doz. Jars Perfect Seal per doz Certo per bottle Rubber Jar Rings per doz Economy Jar Caps per doz. CATSUP Ashcroft per 26-oz. bottle SPINACH-Royal City, 2's tall, per tin TOMATOES Orchard O rove, 2's, tall, 3 tins BACONSwlffs Diamond "A,M per lb. ORAPENUTS FLAKES per pkg. tf Enjoy all the tomiort? of horn; with the freedom of a hotel. liases most reasonable. The Knox Hotel. tx. Arthur Sutton of the teaching staff of King Edward High School has left for Vancouver to spend the summer vacation. Miss W. McLellan, who" teaches school at Kltwanga, has left for her home in Victoria where she will spend the summer vacation. Harold Johns of King Edward High School teaching staff has lef t for his lome at Victoria where he will spend the summer vacation. Miss E. P. Grassle of Booth Memorall School teaching staff has left for Victoria enroute to the nrovwiai department of nub-i her home on Vancouver Island, lie works, has returned to the dty where she will spend the summer; from a trip to Telegraph Creek and vacation. elsewhere in the Stlkine River area: on official dutle. Mrs. C. A. Edgecumbe and (daughter, Miss Joyce Edgcumbe. of Mrs. H L. Frank, after a -brief iWootn Memorial acnooj teacninj visit to the city, returned on Tues- have left for a vacation trip day evening's train on her return to Vancouver. They will be met to Terrace She will be leaving m Vancouver by Miss Betty Edg-Terrare tomorrow night for a trip Mrs. Edgsumbe's other i Hih nir Alhprta. ! daughter, who teaches school In Manager Dave Borland has do nated five collars worth of ad tne vnnee ueorge aisinct. Notice is hereby given that any dog found running at large with out a Licence Tag within the City limits will be impounded without further notice, and destroyed. W R ROBB, Mrs James Campbell is feeling j 156 Pound Keeper very badly over the loss of two I flowers which had been stolen. They were chrysanthemums In bloom She hao cared for them durirur. the winter and put them out in the spring so that all pas-jsenby might share her Joy In them, i During the night some person nulled them up and carried them 'aUBsls tUiaU!. -BUI J THRIFT Offers These Bargains For the Week-End SOUP Campbell's Tomato, per tin STARCH Com or Laundry per pkg CORN FLAKES Quaker per pkg SALMON Choice Pink per 1-lb. tin COFFEE Nabob per lb. EQ OS Fresh Seconds per doz. IT 8c 9c 7c 10c 39c 21c Kraft Cheese, per V,-lb. pkg 15c C. tt B. Chicken, per Vlb. tin J7c Helmet Corned Beef. X-lb. tin 10c Best Foods Mayonnaise 8-oz Jar 21c Helm Pickles, Roman Jars, each 27c B. C. Crabmeat. 2-lb. tin 21c i Chief Ready Dinner, per tin 13c FELS NAPTHA SOAP per bar TOILET SOAP Lux 2 bars SHAKER SALT Iodized or plain, per ctn. TEA Salada Brown Label per lb. Home Canning Items 7c 13c 10c 47c Jars Perfect Seal Q1 O.9. S1.49 30c 5c 35c 20c 13c 25c 10c Thrift Cash & Carry Phone 179 201 Third At. "CAURT AND SAVE" Mali Orders lla?e Our rrompt Attention gj-jaj Look! Look! Look! We are Holding a Few Days of Genuine Bargain Giving Unsurpassed in the History of the City MBSsMBMBsWSjMaBJMHBMMMHM JUST A FEW OF OUR MANY BARGAINS Men's Shoes Men's Brown Elk Boots. Uskide soles, reg. $4.00. A 9 95 real working boot Men's Brown and Fawn Sports Oxfords, up to the minute in 8tyl 83.25 reg. $450 FOR SALE TRANSFERS FOR SALE Dlnlngroom set, oea- room set, stoves, chairs, etc. 616 Sixth Ave. near Fulton. tf. SUMMER Cabin and grouna at Lake Kathlyn. Good water frontage. Apply J. R. Mclntyre. Smlth-ers, B.C. 156 FOR SALE On account oi mov ing, furnished house and shack with three lots In the waterfront: 1 boat-shop; 2 boat-sheds: blacksmlthshop, smoke-house, steam-bath, woodshed, tool-house, float for two boats, nets and net-lines. troUln?-gears, etc Walter Nleml, Box 3, Port Es-slngton, B.C. 159 FOR RENT FOR RENT Comfortable cabin .at Rait Lakes. Phone 440. 155 FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing suite Phone Red 444. 158 FOR RENT Modem 6-ioom house. 644 Taylor Street. Best view In city. 162 WORK WANTED WOMAN wants work. 213, Dally News. Apply Box 159 CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 1T7 nirch. JackDlne. Cedar. ti COAL! COAL! Our Famous Ed son. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to glTe satisfaction. Try ton of No. 1 Bullley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay. Wheat OaU and Barley. 28C Prince Rupert Feed Co. U rhsme 111 FRESn ailLK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Running Shoes the Finest Makes Child's Sizes, 4 to i0V2 .sc Misses.' 11 to 2 .... 89c Youth's 11 to A5c Boys', 1 to 5 95c Ladles,' 3 to 8 :9c Men's, 6 to 11 . 99c HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING I Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE PAINTERS PAINTING and Papertanglng . Moller, Phone Bed 802. ! MIKERAL ACT ; CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE River Fractwital Mineral Claim, Ht-uate In the AUln Mining Division of Owl ar District Located on left bank of the Tulse-lush RJver. TAKE NOTICE that H. McN. Praser soUnz as LlmUed. Pree Miner's Certificate No. TS- lOSd. mtend, 60 daya from cuie hereof. u apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Imnrovwnents for the ourpuee of obtaining a Crown Grant of ! the above claim. And further take notice that action, under section S3, must be commenced wfore the luuance of such CertUlcate of Improvements. Dated this 36th day of April. 1934. H. McN. rraser. Agent "(lOVEKNMENT LKJl'OK ACT N'QTICE OF APPLICATION FOB A n.l Tl LICENCE NOTICE la hereby given on the ilratlcxi of this advertisement the un dersigned Prase r Social Club intends to pply to the uquor uonuxu iwara ur duo licence in respeoi oi premiss situate co Uieeast side of Klnsway Hyder, B.C. upon lands described as Lot 40. Block 6, Plan 1231. Subdivision of Dlrttrlot Lot 4044. Casslar District Prince Rupert Land Registration Dis trict In the Province of British Colum bia, to entitle each member of the ssld club to keep on the p remixes a erason-able quantity of liquor for personal conaumrtlon on the nremlses In ac cordance with the provisions of the 'Oevernmeat Uauor Art" and the re gulations promulgated thereunder. dateu at liyaer, umun uoiuiuuib, this 28th day of May, 1834. FRASER SOCIAL CLUB, By A. A. Frazer. 4w Secretary and Manager LAN'n ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leai I ad In Prince Rupert Land Recording m.trle.t of Prlncs Runert B.C. and sit uate In QUwdwet Bay located at the N.W. end of etepbens Island. Kant o, Take notice that John Clausen or Prtrvn Rinwrt. B.C. oecuDauoti Fish Packer. Intends to apply for a lease of the fiilknrlne described fureshort: OommepcUw puet planted at the S. W. oorn of a small Island hnnt a riains a. E. of Avery Island thence 8.W.I. Chain: tbnc Weaterly S chains: thence NX. 8 chains more or less to high water mark on tne n.s. mint r Uind: thence B. K. dtrc Uon e chains more or lew faUowing hlgh water mark to point of commsnrs mn ' JOHN CLAUSEN. Dated AptU 18. 19J4. Ladies' Shoes We have just received a shipment of Ladies' White Kid Pumps and Ties with high Cuban heels, CO ff snappy styles Ladies' White Canvas Ties and Strap, Cuban heels latest styles C-l 75 up from ... vlil We Accept City Scrip CUT RATE SHOE STORE Classified Ads FOR SALE Easy wasting chine Phone 950. LAMJ act Notice of Intention to apply to Pnrrhavr land I In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Range tour Cot District, md alttute tbout tlte mUcs from tttt I mouth of the Khutze River on the Em! fork. I Take notice that I. Frederick SbeilJ. : of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation mine operator. Intends to apply for permls-mlsslon to purchase the following de-iacrtbed lands: j Commencing at a poat planted one foot distance from the witness poet on the West aide of Lot 173. thence West- erlj 60 chains; thence Southerly 30 chains; thence Easterly 60 chains; thence Northerly 20 chains and containing 100 acre, more or leas. FREDERICK IC SHELLY. Dated 10th day of Uay. 1934. UMI ACT Notice of Intuition to spply ts Lease Land In Prince Rupert Land Reoordlzuc District of Prince Rupert, BG, and situate in Qlawdzeet Bay located at the N.W. end of Stephens Island. Range 5. Coast District Take notice that John Clausen of Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation Fish Packer, Intends to apply for a leas of the following described lands - Commencing at a post planted . at the S. W. comer of a small Island about 8 chains S. E. of Avery Island thence Nr. thence westerly, southerly and easterly, following high watermark o point of commencement, and coc- AgH ait ifor rnr Tn Taku Mines uin. Com- cxm. tauum; 2 sctw more or less, ana uj- ictlng as Asenl for Taku Mines Company I eluding the entire- area of the said ls- Una. Dated Aert! IS. JOHN CLAUSEN. 191. New Discovery In Antennas A Greater signal to noise level Is now possible with the 1931 aerial; This antenna is specially designed (or the new short wave receivers and will work on all waves. Estimates given on your particular requirements. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Second Avenue & Third Street When Coming to Terrace or Lakelse Hot Springs Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Greet You We meet all trains. Freight 4s service anywhere, Eassenger akclse Lake and Lodge, new boat (II. A. S.) now In service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, on adult, 13.00; SUO per head additionaL No. crowd too big. No Job too snialL PICNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY TlS&Sa i "will .'. t V m !- m i,