1 Annettes Saturday Specials COATS- 8 Coats, Fur Trimmed and Untrimmed; Sizes from 14 to 44; Saturday Special jjjlj QQ gJj " SWAGGER SUITS- 4 Only Swagger Suits, Regular Values to $22.50; Saturday Special- $7.95 each SKIRTS- Skirts In White and All New Fall Shades; Saturday Special- $1.95 each HOSE- Debutante Hose, All New Fall Shades, Chiffon and Semi-Service; Saturday Special 69c each- BLOUSES- Organdies, Voiles, Flat I: Clear; Saturday Special- I Annette Ladies' Wear Co. THE STORE OF THE BETTER DRESSED FOR LESS HSHHHHHIHHHflHHHlHMHIilHHHtf , The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED -BLACK COD- ill Prepared j-' Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. : PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SUITS! Don't Buy a Suit Only, Buy Personal Appearance and Attractiveness 1 HOUSE OF STONE and HOUSE OF HOBBERLlN Best Clothes Makers of Canada . All the finest materials and latest fashions. Each t House gives good prices from $20.50 to $39.00. Measurements taken and a guaranteed fit by us Come in and see our selection K CLOTHES MADE IN OUR SHOP PRICE From $35.00 and up ; LING, THE TAILOR Second' Avenue. 'Corner "across "from Post Office If your paper does not arrive, telephone the office PRIZE LIST OF FLOWERS Arrangements Made For the Show To Be Held August 21 There was a Joint meeting last night of the- flower show committee md the finance committee of the Fair Board for the purpose of arranging a prize list for the flower show and also planning for the advertising for the big event the week after next. Owing to the financial condition it was found necessary to curtail the number of classes for flowers and to cut down the amount given n prizes. In all cases but two the first prize will be two dollars for first prize and one dollar for second. The exceptions are for the 5est display of garden cut flowers for which one only prize of $10 will e given and the best collection of rweet peas for which the prizes will be $3.00 and $2.00. As no printed prize lists are to be Issued flower growers are asked to save this one: Prire List 1 Three pots flowering plants. , 2 Three pots foliage plants. 3 One pot fuchsia plant 4 One pot geranium. 5 Best flowering plant. 6 Best foliage plant. 7 Nine stalks calendula. 8 Best collection sweet peas, six varieUes, six spikes of each In six receptacles. 9 Six dahlias. 10 Best dahlia in show. 11 Collection six asters. 12 Best rose in show, any variety or color. 13 Collection six roses. 14 Best bowl of roses, more than six. 15 Three spikes gladioli. 16 Best gladioli In show. 17 Best bowl of pansies. 18 Nine stalks shasta daisies. 19 Six stalks snap dragon. 20 Best bouquet of flowers, mixed. 21 Best bouquet one variety. 22 Best display of garden cut flowers grown by exhibitor, space, 6 by 6. Flowers must be in place by midnight Monday, August 20 and be removed by noon on Wednesday, August 22. Same rules and regulations as ap plied In other years. M. M. McLachlan is saillnz this afternoon on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Stewart and Premier. 7-TUBE USED TABLE MODEL RADIO SPECIAL $25.00 Tubes Tested Free Kaien Hardware A Satisfactory Place to Shop. Try It! To Our Out of Town Friends Don't Forget These Dates August 21 to 21 EXHIBITION WEEK Forget your cares for a few days. We are doing everything to make your stay a pleasant one. bfoppco mu f DlDT VOU v" Till i V8AB IT Ticto. 1 : I TEU- H THE DAILY NEWS - REGAINED APPETITE AND WEIGHT WITH KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN Cereal Relieved His Constipation If you are a sufferer from headaches, loss of appetite and energy, sleeplessness, or any other of the frequent effects of constipation, read this enthusiastic letter from Mr. Mclntyre: "For a long time my system was not In very good working order. But since eating Kellogg's All-BtAN, I have regained roy appetite and my lost weight. And my system is in good working order. Kellogg's All-Bran sure does the trick." Mr. J. A. Mclntyre (address furnished upon request). Tests show Kellogg's All-Bran provides the "bulk" needed to relieve ordinary constipation. It also contains vitamin B and iron for the blood. You'll enjoy this delicious and healthful readyto-eat cereal. Serve it with milk or cream or use often In cooking. Just eat two Ublespoonfuli daily. Chronic cases, with each meal. If not relieved this way, see your doctor. Kellogg's All-Bran Is all bran with only necessary flavoring added. It contains much more needed "bulk" than part-bran product. Made by Kellogg In London, Ont LOCAL NEWS Mrs. James Sneddon and child will sail on the Prince Rupert tomorrow evening for a two-weeks' trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Joseph Slaggard will sail tomorrow evening on the Prince Rupert for a two-weeks' holiday trip to Vancouver. Miss Dalsv Sharn and her little niece. Miss Irene Foote. will snil tomorrow evening on the Prince Rupert for a two-weeks- visit in Vancouver. S ELVIG'S PECIALS Nabob Coffee o-f nn 5-lb. tin OX.UU Red Arrow Crackers non per pkg. iuf Weston's Plcadilly English QQ Biscuits, per pkg uuv Buckerfield's Golden Corn -f Cp Meal, per pkg. XDt Tapioca ()( 3 lbs. for Small White Beans 9 Co 4 lbs. for Butter- 3 lbs. for 03t Swift's Empire Bacon Otn per lb wit Orade A Eggs Large, Q 1 - in cartons OAt L.eg oi veal 1 Co per lb XDt Veal Chops 0T 2 lbs. ODt Pot Roast tt Hamburger Cn 3 lbs Dt Brisket & Corn Beef per lb. Ot FREE DELIVERY Phone 765 303 3rd. Ave. Dally News Want-Ads satisfy. OBSERVING LABOR DAY "b". W. Laldler. local manager of the Malkin Co. Ltd. is sailing this afternoon on the Prince Rupert lot a business rip to Anyox and Stewart He win return' to tne city on the Catala next Tuesday. COAL! COAL! Out Famous Edson, Alberta and Bult'ey Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. Wt also Mil Timothy Hay; Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co, ' .', M rheaee III Crepes and Pique; to Dally By SUITS! "TILLIE THE TOILER" , SBtfit;$:T axv vuu - prrvarr pcee out i -i No "Tick!" Baseball Series Between Smithers And rrince Rupert Will Feature Celebration Program Organization for the annual Labor Day celebration In Prince Rupert was set In motion at a meeting of the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council last evening with President S. D. Macdonald In the chair. The principal attraction of, the celebration this year will be a series of baseball games between Smithers and Prince Rupert, the Council having decided to co-operate with the Prince Rupert Baseball Association in bringing the Interior team here. The following committee for the celebraUon were named, the first-mentioned In each case being chairman: Finance S. D. Macdonald, James Black and Frank Deny. Sports J. Campbell, James Black. J. J. OlllU. Ben Dalgamo. J. S. Wilson. S. A. Bird. J. Pottlnger. E. F. Saunders and Alex Murray. Program Thomas Elliott, F. W. Stamp-Vincent, J. S. Black, S. B. Marshall and Red Hodson. O rounds T. B. Black, A. A. Mc-Ewen. P. J. McCormlck, J. Bond, Joseph Davidson and James Foreman. Dance James Simpson. Other business before the council included a communication from the Association of the Blind In Vancouver asking for a donation, this being laid on the table until after Labor Day. A committee of the council is working on a questlonalre which will be presented shortly to Premier T. D. Pattullo. Miss Edna Bagahaw Is sailing this afternoon on the I'rince Rupert for Premier where she will take up residence. FREE! FREE! Demonstrations For NESTLES' MILK On Saturday, Monday and Tuesday You are cordially Invited to try this product and jet acquainted with the demonstrator, .Mrs. Bolln, and secure the latest recipes. For your benefit we offer the following specials: Nestles' Milk Q 19 per doz. 5XXO Nestles' Milk on np per V, case V&&0 Nestles' Milk Baby stze CZ'Jn Ot per doz Nestles' Milk Condensed Oflo per tin 4Ut We also Invite you to sample our fresh ground Coffee which will be demonstrated to you. The price of Our Coffee during the Demonstration will be 0'7r per lb. All 80c 3 lbs. for It Is ground while you wait fresh every minute of the day. j You arc all welcome j MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 rhone 18 WILD LIFE out 'OllL wjav mao. I'M tfoiNo r-7 vs cjolT MR sT-v;-' ( "She whats J Hakims- II i i 1NI Ti T' i 1 ' Y 0 I me klOKP FILM HERE ;xploits of Frank Buck on Jungle Expedition Depicted This Week- j End on Screen j Another exciting delineation of wild life In the Asiatic Jungles comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this week-end In "Wild Cargo,'- faturlng thrilling exploits of Frank Buck on one of his expeditions for the purpose of capturing wild animals alive to execute orders from zoos. Two photographers with still and motion picture cameras followed Buck's every move and succeeded In recording scenes depleting the hazards which attended him as he sought his prey. Buck had two narrow escapes from death, both times with snakes. Once a thirty foot python wound about his right arm and on the other occasion he was cornered by a huge cobra. Only his experience enabled him to cope with the situations. Ingenious methods employed in the capturing of the beasts alive and uninjured are depicted. J Buck himself narrates the story with the fflm. C. N. TRAINS for the IU it-Mondays, Tuesdays. Wednes- , days and Fridays 6 pjn From the Kait Mondays and Saturdays 2 15 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays. 10:20 pm. Vnxiclcf THE U CANADA STARCH Co Umltid Friday. August 10, ljjj Confidence Is the Name and Chief Characteristic of Our New Automatic Tuhe Tester One hundred and forty-six different types of Radio Tubes of all makes can be accurately tested. See for yourself. In plain English whether your Radio Tubes are "Oood," -Bad" or ' Should be Replaced." Bring In all your tubes and get positive proof of their efficiency, know whether you arc getting full time reception from your set Tuhe Testing on our New Confidence Automatic is FREE. No obligation. If your radio Is over one year old, your tubes should all be tested and weak or worn out tubes replaced. Tube prices are now lower than when you bought your last set. Bring back the -Newness' to your radio with new tubes. -1 A. B or C $1.20 -28 $1.25 -35A : ftM -47 $tM -80 SU0 Have New Tubes ( NOAJ LOOVC.Vnn -YLin.,, nvuer Mice vajvtch ovrr tmc Fs --1 vauwdovai Atao Jfel "4Tl. NOVM LOOK.'J '71 H TONIGHT and SATURDAY MATINEE SAT. 2. JO J The Wilds of Malaya Unfold, Its World of Mystery to the I Man Who Is Its Lord! S Frank Buck's rwiid Cargo' A Living Thrill Record of (he Strangest Trade a Man Lm Worked at! (Start 7 30 it 9 35 PLUS - - Walt Disney' Latest Technicolor Cartoon "FUNNY LITTLE BUNNIES" Isham Jones and Hand WORLD'S NEWS EVENTS M Ui in No other Oil is quite so Pood u ml Economical -24 A $110 27 A $1.30 $IJS 71 A U0 Tested and Dated By Westover