f KNOX HOTEL ti.Mi:ii m:v miymjcmknt Ct roonn all hIIIi Hut mill fold U'atrr, Xliimrr Hath i;xn;i.i.fcNT ihmno koom You Mill like llirKmiv IUtr: 75c. & It. American or European Plan I'U I, AllMOIIl Proprietor intensive presuming, etpcciauj ' o: .he west coast and in the Cum- wa district where the geolo-t .U conditions arc favorable. "In-l r.iiive prospecting would be pretty ure to bring results." he said. One of the promising prospects examined by Dr. Mandy on hh re-chj'. visit was that at Copper Bay vl a well known resident of this district named James Peacock. He l as located some good looking ore n he beach In which he says there are good gold values. Samples of ' :m were taken by the engineer and result of the assay will prove ln-irrr ting Peacock Is now trying to pick up the vein across the bay. Tram Building Is Continuing lointnirllou of Shipping Facilities (joat. li a ... ( ...- M .. i i or uniirii i.mpirr .mihc u reeding Steadily 0he TOKYO, Japan, May 29: The governments of Great Hritain and United States have under consideration a new naval building ratio schedule for the nations proposed by Japan under which Ja mn would be allowed increased tonnage, particularly in the cruiser class. The Japanese question and the German-French dispute will be undoubtedly the major stumbling docks at the forthcoming disarmament conference. Mining Improvement on Queen Charlottes Seen by District Engineer During Recent Visit( Plenty of Opportunities There Kor-Intensive Prospecting; Good Results Should be Obtained i T That Queen . . Charlotte Islands will eventually have at Mother Of a ail 11 a least one gold mine and perhaps more is the expectation of the resident mining engineer, Dr. J. T. Mandy, who recently visited the sections where prospecting and exploring has been iroimr on. Good nroirress has been made since his . previous . visit but he says there is plenty of opportunity i II - a ertes have been maoe ana some near Callander yester-good looking ore has been found . us iealthv and which is sale to carry commercial r . , values. This whole area Is geolo- Chirpmg, tne attenuillg ikrally favorable to intensive ive pros-T pros nnysician saui. mi a. pectlng. , At Shuttle Island the underwater dredging operations have stopped owing to mechanical difficulties but a prospector known as. Slim-' Ed-wards is making a living Ihcre pan- nlng gold. J At Atll Inlet a quarti vein wasi discovered by picking up float and tracing it to Its original location. A vein of ore six or seven feet wide Is worth doing work on. It Is bcln, sampled. ! The West Coast On the west coast of Moresby. Island some systematic proipecuns is being done by George McRne In 'trying to locate quartz vein from NORTH BAY, Ont., Mav 29: (CP) Mrs. Oliva Dionne gave birth At cumsnewa a couple of discov- t0 five girls at her home Dionne is twenty-six m 1 1 1 years 01 age anu nau previously given birth to six children. Leadership Will : XW0 DEAD Five Girls I : 1 ! I IN CRASH : Relief Camp Workers Lose Lives When Truck does Over Embankment Near Hope Last Night Other Injuries Xine Escaped Watery Grave in Coquahalla River When Tree Stopped Fall of Vehicle HOPE, May 29: CP Two men, Leonard Beatty ana James Drys-dale. both relief camp workers, suffered fatal Injuries when a motor truck in which they were driving went eighty feet down an embankment on the Hope-Princeton trail three miles cast of here a. u 1 1- a, T-l 4 .. . 1.111. J M pf SpVPIP I PSl tantly and Drydale died in ttie lomorrows 1 ides High 1:35 ajn. 22.7 ft. 14:42 p.m. 192 ft. Low 8:27 ajn. 0.7 ft. 20:28 p.m. 7.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol, XXIV.. No, 124. PRINCE RUPERT, .B.C., TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1934 PRICE: FIVE CENTS FLOWERY KINGDOM ASKS MORE STEADY IMPROVEMENT IN EMPLOYMENT NOW IN New Japanese Naval Ratio Schedule Now Under Consideration British and United States (iovcrnnients Now Givinj Attention to Fresh Quota Plan Which Has Just Been Presented Hero Pilot Saves Lives of 18 Passengers Superb airmanship or Pilot Ernest Bashan insert' saved lives or 18 occupants or this airliner when it was forced down, a- shiwn, m woods near To; '.enviUe. NY Unable to find Newark Airport owing to fog and rain after night from Chicago. Basra:-, stayed alo v until fuel ran low. Then he landed his ship so skillfully passengers escaped with slight bruises. Among the passenger; was L. B Spencer of West Welland, Ont. FOOD SHORTAGE IX ALASKA SE1UOUS The fresh food situation in Alaska Is becoming more serious as the longshoremen's strike continues to tie up shipping from Seattle, according to word brought here yesterday by the steamer Princess is practically no butter avail- able. MEASURE ADVANCED SHIPS CANADA Many More Men Work -In Dominion Than at Same Time Last Year t Increase of More Than 1 10,000 is Shown on May 1 Over r Same Date in 1933, it is Announced Today by j ' Federal Statistics Department - , OTTAWA, May 29: (CP) Government statistics continue to reveal improved conditions in Canada in regard to employment, industry and trade. Particularly gratifying is the movement of men from the ranks of the unemployed back into various lines of work. An increase of more than 140,000 is shown in the number of employed on May 1 this year as compared with the figures at the same date a year ago, it was announced today. WAS GREAT 'WARTIME CHURCHMAN. DIPLOMAT ( Archbishop McNeil Was Prominent Brand Whitlock, Former United In-'Fisht Foi Separate-Schwli And Educational Rights ! i TORONTO, May 29: CP Arch-i bishop Neil McNeil, who died at the Tasscs Away CANNES. France,-May 26: (CP Brand Whitlock, aged 63. Ameri- week-end, was the son of the late . , . 1 l ti.ftr.M T t i 1 1 1 l wit uicat iiai, uicu iicic it3fc raucoim xsicell, ui nu,WuSa, Teet He was alSQ well M Inverness, NJS.; his grandparents an author. having come from Barra, Scotland, Born at Urbana, Ohio. March 4. and Kilkenny, Ireland. He was 1869, the son of the late Rev. D. born at Hillsborough November 23. Elias D. Whitlock, deceased was 1851. and was educated at St. educated at the public schools and Norah. The shortage of fresh Francis Xavier's, Antigonlsh; Col- 7 private tuition. From 1837to fruit and vegetables as well as . lege of Propaganda. Rome, and at 189 he was a newspaper reporter meat and dairy products at 'the University of Marseilles. From ln Toled. joining the staff of the many points is reported to be the Propaganda College he received Chicago Herald ln 1890 as re- quite acute. In Juneau there ' the degrees of doctor of philosophy porter and pollUcal correspond- and divinity, the latter ln 1879. the ent ana remaining there for three same vear in which he was or-iycars- He then entered public 4 . rtilno.4 Ilo ifo nrrialnert In , I Service ' t priesthood In the BasiUca of St. John Latern, by the late Cardinal Patrlzzl. After several years of preaching and teaching in 1895 he was elevated, being consecrated Bishop or" Nicopolis and Vicar-Apostolic of St. George's on the west coast of New- Marketing Bill at Last Gets .o :ndland. a position he occupied ii in a ' . ionA inM u,. ni uitii,tmnl Kncnttoi inrougn uommiure diaee uui iwn krcvui.uus or At Ottawa J -hop of St George-, in the latter Eddie LaCasse is in the Chilli-1 Element Among American In 1910 hc U;" appointed rowerful wck hospital with shoulder and; Socialists Out Against chest injuries. , - ! OTTAWA, May 29: CP-Endlng Archbishop of Vaiitouver, where Norman Thomas RPVp'n Seven nthpr other mm men received recelvrd treat- treat. 'days days of of acrimonious acrimonious debate, debate, the for two years he labored indfatl- buslncw I visit to the city. Mr. Dann other parts of this property have rp .. p 'been warrant ex- tO bet arrived on the Calala this morning located and they Tyijlg irmn the north nnd will return vo pmrawun Stewart on the Prince George to morrow afternoon. Wheat Prices t A Vf4ttltit- tin. n a ' local exchange today Halibut Arrivals Canadian while work on aoici narDor is closed down nwaltlng further fin more intensive prospecting dc car At Lawn Toodle, 12.000, Cold fltornBC, ,0c from "r $500 nn ana Dc. Melville, 20,000, hold, j over, hren working dur session Lnaea ancing, the engineer announced; hot two other veins had been dls- Democrats Moving to Bring About covered which Indicated that more, Adjournment of Congress by work should be done there andj End of Next Week V . ' Z ' riVrt . This west coast district has WASHINGTON, D.C.. May 20 wi.. Wheat the led out out This J . , was quoted nt 7c cu prospected and npmnprntl( Democratic ,pftrip leaders in both both Sen,le Senate ibcen only partially there Is, according to me resident ana uouse oi itcprcscmiuivi'a u;ie n ornnt onuortunlty for decided to make a drive to rush bu- 'ment here for minor Injuries. government's marketing marKeting bill Din pa TERMS OF would i their :uvcr DE VALERA ! Ready to Give Britain Prefc rrnrc When Britain Shows Inclination 1 iU IUUM .. f rn1l,.. tlT ...111 kl .-rnn.. jjle winter nnd have vascn out iwu must comi-nnuus nmuvu ui ; iuuuo, v ... v. pnanu u tn rm One of these was issue -air mall contracts nnd Hock grant preferences to British goods . k nrrt Morrison nnd Andy mnrket regulations-are believed .when they are ready to-grant a V to have been laraclv comuosed. preference to ours. OUiaVtJI BODY SICIITED IX THOMPSON RIVER MAY BE OFFICER'S during means aiding gave an insight into the ability, !zeal and solicitude which endear- CANADIAN' fiOLD PRICE ;ed him to the people of Vancouver. The excellent achievements, .of MONTREAL. May 29: (CP hS Grace did not escape notice, The Canadian gold price was down and on Apru io. 1912. he was trans 3c today at $34.68 per ounce. M ERR ITT. May 29: -A body churches were built under his ad To do Likewise which was reported drifting down, the Thompson River, yes- GALWAY. Ireland. May 29: Ad- terday, it is believed, may be dressing a gathering here, President that of Provincial Constable f.,rhpr Proration. lncss through with a view to bring-1 Eamonn de Valera enunciated Irish. Percy Carr. who was murdered t.nt nrnhnm t flnn infr nnntir.,nn nn nnrnmpni ni vjuii rit't? outvc 11.11114 iui n liulc 111 11113.7 uv iiiuiaiio lao. utat Hill vii v.. .". s . J " 1 cress by June 9. Differences on tne tarnt war wim ureai urunin as here. The body was not recov- ered and senrch Is now being made for It. ; . if erred to the Important See of To ronto, made vacant by the death of the Most Rev. Fergus Patrick Mc-Evay. ' His accomplishments in Vancouver were but the shadow of his future successes ln the Archdiocese of Toronto. More than 30 new ministration nnd many beautiful schools and institutions, both of learning -nnd for the needs of the sick and distressed came Into exts tence. Many achievements were to his credit throughout his Archdiocese l but none held the limelight of the rttmH world did his fight for rcnarate schools and educational rights. as clerk ln the olfice of of the secretary of state at Springfield, Illinois, quitting that post to take up the study of law. After being admitted to the Bar of Illinois and Ohio, he practised law at Toledo from 1897 to 1905. He was elected mayor of Toledo ln 1905 and re-elected ln 1907, 1909 nd 1911, declining a fifth term. Mr. Whitlock became United 6tates nlnlster to Belgium ln 1913 and was made ambassador ln 1919. He received many honors from the Belgium government, particularly in view of his activities durinit passed sjsoly nnd with great success within the Qreat War before am DETROIT May 29 : -The leader-! George Swane. the driver, alona through committee Monday night 'he1 confines of Vancouver, and after the united States hlh of Norman Thomas In the So- escaped unscathed. the House of Commons without -nrougn mc aimo impassaDit m-,the connict. en:crea At Kootcnay Harbor on the Prince . .. . arty o( lhe united States The men were coming into Hope recorded vote. The third reading terlor of the Rockies. In church and Besides books on political and Rupert group the system of explcr- w,n bc 8CVerely tested at the foith- from Camp 210 when, durrng an will be delayed several days due to scnooi Duuaing, tne opening up oi.current and historical subjects. Mr .in,, hv rroM-cutthiK the C Vein is , nt, m, rnnvpntion of the effort to shift gears, the brakes the necessity of reprinting the bill educational facilities, providing for whitlock also contributed essavs. j ------ w ,Wil4ss wjv . ..ti I - Tramline construction from the iproceroing. u w. c ...a..u .. party ntrc. F0U0Wers oi uw .ww - tor - IZ1 the immigrants ul he United Emnlrc mine to the Bear 'time of the visit tnat me .unnci mn ; Morrls nillwult .who succeeded :ne over uie emoani.mnu. Hinenumnua miruaucea ulvrr hiohwnv it nrorrcdina stead-lonly aooui ten icci mw.v b late Eugene V. dcds as nauonai " -'- - s.8...j r..v I'J and the lower terminal " Is now fore it cut the vein. Three small chalrmallt are secklng to prevent feet down otherwise. a,l . ; . . . . . i. ',.,..1.,i.,.rnmthv the tunnel but the nvUn nf probably have gone to vjmp.eica. u is reponea oy . ""-".::--. . vph ! .. .. ' rfMh deaths in ln thP the mmi.V Dann. managing director or the cxpeciea argu " the national execuuve. B.L hn.r hAn reached. Several new veins on -uuiuuiiy. wiiu u uasti.K Coquahalla i four hundred feet below. poems ana short stories to magazines. He was a member of the American Acactemy of Arts and Letters, the "Poetry Society of America and the Authors League of America. He was married ln 1C9j to Miss Ella Brainerd of Springfield. Illinois, who survives blm Since his retirement as ambassa dor to Belgium, he had resided t Toledo and at Cannes. ACT IS-N0T APPLICABLE Female Minimum Wage Act Does Not Cover Farm Laborers and Domestic Servants VICTORIA. May. 29: (CP) The Female Minimum Wage Act Is not lppllcable to farm laborers nnd dp--Hc servants. Adam Bell, deputy 'nlster of laborr'nnnounced