YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES But you can get satisfactory glasses from GEO. F. DAVEY, Registered Optometrist, who, for the past six years, has been giving a real personal service in the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner T,vc piZcnZdrclcr When in Need of Lumber and Shingles MADAME ItAJAUT HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on the Famous. Graham Island North Beach IMilnr. lutlihif, Ifctdmlntuii, ricnlrit, Krenlr llrltr, Slmot-I ii It III tlir Mfumiii. Kent a fully f urn Mini ottaje at KiniRaii Khrr. Tor full particulars apply MRS. DUNN Massett, B.C. GET A REAL REST And Change of Climate FURNISHED CABINS Also Room and Board Mrs. Hirnic's Camp Lake Katlilyn NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. ZarellL Pioprletor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rate I1.M nil 60 Rooms. Hot U Cold Watei Prlnte Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box 106 Phone 618 PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. We Carry a Stock of Spruce and Cedar The Fish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Beautiful Tlell . . . Fly Fishing Sea Bathing Hunting Tennis Badminton Auto Trips on Marine Highway Picnics Sandy Beaches Modern Conveniences Milk from Government T.B. Tested Cows No Flics No Mosquitoes. $17.50 Per Week; Children Under 12, Half Rate THE DUNES Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands TILLIE THE TOILER" flFOre MISS 70MES VMS THE - I'LL GET you, VOO 1MPUDEWT, THAT Guy V- i-" wiTE(15 To WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Having come olf the pontoons last Saturday after having been out of the water for about three weeks. C. N. R. steamer Prince Charles is now tied up alongside the pier at the local dry dock where Ihe Job of j giving the vessel a general overhaul is being completed. The Prince I Charles is expected to go on the- run between here and Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands next week, replacing the steamer Prince John which is to have overhaul and repairs carried out after, two years of steady service with practically no" Interruption. Delayed by having had extra freights to discharge at northern points. Union-steamer Catala. Capt! A. E. Dickson, returned here last evening at 5:15 from Anyox. Stewart and other northern Dolnta and sailed about an hour later for Vancouver and wayports. Halibut prices continue steady here with such variation as there may be on the weak side. Takin? the season as a whole, however, seldom, if ever, before have prices been known to have been so con- slstcnUy steady. American boats with 26.500 pounds in all yesterday received 7c and 5c and 8c and 5c and Canadian boats 5.2c and 5c for 17,500 pounds. On account of the resumntlnn nf the tie-up of shipping from Seattle to Alaska in connection with the longshoremen's strike. C. P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide. Capt. S. K. dray, will make another special voyage from here to Ketchikan at the end of this week. Due Fridav afternoon from Vancouver, the Princess Adelaide will sail after' discharging freight for the "First City" and is due back here at 7 o'clock Saturday momlne. about an hour later on her return ' south. I Frank Bray came north from Vancouver on the Prjnce George! today to take over his duties as chief steward on the steamer. Prince : Charles which Is to b recbrnnls- : sioned next week In service to "the Queen Charlotte Island! lie brought riorth a number it m1n withhlm '' Taking ver John Dybhavn, who will spend the season at the can nery at Old Massett, the JUassett Canners cannery tender Jedway, Capt. Johnny Hartlln, sailed yesterday morning for the Qllppn Charlotte Islands. Mr. Dybhavn was accompanied by his son, George. Mrs. Dybhavn and daughter u-nt ho 'leaving later for Massptt. tn I wpvim the summer. A charge against John iranhti r .trading m furs without a licence was up m police court on Monday. wuig sojourned for eight days. THE DAILT 5KWa BANISH COMMON CONSTIPATION WITH DELICIOUS CEREAL Kellogg's All-Bran Brings Relief Look out for hradaehts. Ion of appatita and tntrgf, tallow complexions, sleeplessness. Frequently, these ar warning signs of common constipation. If neglected, your health may be impaired. Today, you can rid yourself of common constipation by eating a tempting cereal. Laboratory tests show that Kellogg'a Aix-Bran furnishes "bulk" nd vitamin B to aid regular habits. All-Bran is alio rich in iron for the blood. Tho "bulk" In All-Bran Is much Iiict that found In leafy vegetables. Within the body, it forms a soft mass. Gently, this clears out tha intestinal wastes. Hew much better this is than taking patent medicines! Two tablespoonf uls of All-Bran daily will usually overcome most types of common constipation. Chronic cases, with each nval. If seriously ill, see your doctor. AlX-Bran makes no claim to be a "cure-all." Serve All-Bran as a cereal, or use in cooking. At all grocers. In the red-and-green package. Mad by Kellogg in London, Ontario. STORY IS DRAMATIC ".Men in White" Poses Question: Does a Doctor Have Time For Romance? "Men in White," which opens tonight at the Capitol Theatre, brings not only a romantic new emotional team to the screen but also a most dramatic story. The dramatic background of the story is a modern hocoital. An ac tual operation scene is pictured In detail. Clark Gable and Myrna Loy are teamed In the leading roles. He Is a doctor, in love with his profession, but also in love with an heiress an heiress who can't understand the inhuman demands of his profession. This leads to a momentary breach and he enters into a liaison with the; nurse. Barbara, the role enacted by Elizabeth Allan, who undergoes an illegal operation at the hands of a "quaek" doctor. The result of this is peritonitis and death. The play ends on a high note of hope and expectation, the characters having been deeply affected by the ordeal of their lives. As an added attraction on the same program a three-act dance revue featuring acrobatic ballet and tap dancing numbers by Misses Joyce Oawthorne. Joyce Moran. Betty Brown, Clara Dahl and Eileen Malr is being presented twice nightly KAISER NOT RETURNING Former Emperor Denies Report That He .May Resume llesl-deuce in Germany DOORN, Holland. June 27:For-mer Kaiser Wllhelm has issued a categorical denial of the report printed In English newspapers, that he plans returning to Germany In September. 'Daddy' Browning Dying in New York Cerebral Hemorrhage Expected to Trove Fatal to Principal' In Teaclie- Case NEW YORK, June 28:-Ed. E. "Daddy") Browning, principal In the "Peachea" Browning episode, is reported to be dying In hospital here of a cerebral hemorrhage. xr ir t .. i. , I ji , i.u jias oecii on a trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the s. . Prince George this morning. ; Are You Getting ! Your Share Of These Bargains? If not, why not? Start today!! PANTRY SHELF SODAS 100 per Un 10L r ) , : j OLD DUTCH CLEANSER, per tin FRY'S COCOA Vj-ib. tin AYLMER PORK & BEANS i Talis, 3 tin 'SLAWSO.VS CHEESE-Creamy and Spready - I H-lb. pkg. XOl AYLMER ORANGE nn ; MARMALADE. 32-oz. bot. V." Mb. tin LOCAL RHUBARB 1 i 5 lbs ' CAULIFLOWER AM size, each .,. BERMUDA ONION&-i per lb. BANANAS- Real Oood 2 lbs. 10c 22c 23c ' WESSON OIL For cooking and Salads 'm a 14c 10c 8c 25c MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY Where Dollar Have More Cents 317-319 Third Avinue West P. O. ttox 515 Phone 18 i ,.i Fighting Words Prescribes Trip , To Honolulu As Valuable Tonic To any person who Is suffering from bodily Illness, weariness of heart or such complaints a trip to the colorful and sunny islands of Hawaii was recommended by O. P Tinker in an interesting Informal talk before the Prince Rupert Oyro Club at Us luncheon yesterday. The J delights of the place are such as to make adequate description Impos-jslble, said Mr. Tinker One has to ) experience them personally In or-jder to really appreciate them Mr. Tinker told the Oyros some I of his experiences and Impressions as a result of a recent visit to Honolulu and. after he had concluded, (was accorded a vote of thanks by Past President William Crulck-, shank who was In the chair. ' A. W Dawe. New Westminster .shipbuilder and Illustrious potentate of Olsch Temple ' Victoria i or I the Andent and Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrtn. arrived In Ow elty on hwt night's tniln after attending an Imperial Shrine cere monial in Minneapolis and will sail Saturday evening on the i Prince Rupert for the south Tomorrow ntght he will pay a vUlt to the local Shrine Club. Mr Dawe is accompanied by hU wife JUL. I 1 lv -cit-.. i ' I " " .r i TalsU ru-r it CK ' r J ) ) Fl II fv-ZTjL Bfi iTT 1 1 L out rr UC7-'U l n i i ii ii m w&miMVb . 01 II wmm& m LMmmm yooMe sot you i 1 NO j5 Ikl A Winning Figure (.KT YOITU Wdatsiy jnj, , Tonight and Thurify On the Screen' At 7:45 & 9 ia Together for the Iiri lnt, "MEN IN WHITE" The Year's ltifet Su ' till II Ivaivv-ts THE rioTJ w 5B -rraooTH. n.r) X SivW I A. Si aj(TM . J T ""'"inrs a Strttj actuation With EI.I.AllDTII ,LUx ALSO NEWS and CO AUDI Colored Noulty TINE IKATHtns- On the State Twice Nigiv . JOYCE OAUTHOltM Acrnbatle Dancer JOYCE .MOK.VV Rupert's Tlnlel rth Dancer HETTY. CLAttA . LlLX The "Black k White Tii Dancer Pupils of Ml T e Dominion Day Requirements at McRAE BROS, Picnic Supplies Wax Paper r Paper Napkins - Paper Plate -Santj Pails Hats Halls Sail Hoah Kodaks and Film t . CIitc Kotfuks Kfrlnk AtUibhmtnt Urini&'our ' films to us for expert fihishimr r Rent t a Good Book: From our Rental Library. Many new Ipoks added for summer reading. New Siazenger Tennis Halls and Supplies If your paper ilm not arrive, telephone the oMct By Westover T-tj mv . ynT -TyvAJKOTgn tv5ki"T rTcrr uvea tM at, fflKS 51 !J