52 VTU Oar Wrsi a Bright Star DAILY EDITION With sincerity and gratitude we express our appreciation and best Yuletide wishes for the health and happiness of your household. The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue LIMITED Where Service and Quality Excels THE DAILY NEWS. fRINCE RtrERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA f hone 33 Start the New Year Right! Use Bulkley Valley Coal and keep your fuel dollar in this district Your dealer will supply you HOTTER CLEANER . LASTS LONGER i i 1 E 9 nwrm iu 1 imvu -niu ; ji r n ra ru rm im -n-n namij Published Every. Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H, F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES nuH j A 1 1 n ... i.' n 4 - i ui i i i i T iiaa oil ucufcijr, ujr uiaii ui utnict, jcauy peuuu, puu iu auYauic jatji For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week . .10: By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year - ; 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year .. - 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES local readers, per Insertion, per line .25 Classified advertising, per word, per insertion L JB2 Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion : 1.40 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News. Department Telephone 86 Member e! Audit Bureau of Circulations - Thursday. Dee. Zl. 1934 POLITICAL PURGINGS "Sooner or later there is going to be a grand political purging, a painful sorting out of the lefts and rights, a real reparation of the radicals from the conservatives, whatever names they may go under now," states Bruce Hutchison in a Christmas letter from Victoria to the Vancouver Province. He says that with the present momentum of politics which grows both at Victoria and Ottawa every day "this disagreeable but essential process can not be long delayed." He, prophesies that the Christmas-lights next year will illuminate an entirely new political scene j Mr. Hutchison reviews the Victoria and Ottawa political situation where, he says, Premier' Bennett is ready to provide for the control of business but Mackenzie King is said to be ready to provide the purchasing power. At Victoria, according to Mr. Hutchison, the government is made up of comparatively Conservative and radical elements, one striving to carry on and solve the pro Thursday, December 27 iv One of Canada's Oldest and Largest Advertising Agencies Enlarges Organization ppiHBpHB IHIRlHI HRP"9RB vi jllji ' B vFsssssssssssssssssssssssssl bssssssssssssssssssbstbsssssssssssssssssssh ssssssssu bssssssssssssssssss bsssssssssssssssssk still outstanding. J. . McConnzll SPORT CHAT Toronto Maple Leafs last Satur the Chicago Black Hawks on this occasion. Both teams had put up a great struggle and, one minute and 49 seconds before the end of the third and last period, "Busher" Jackson, after a Maple Leaf power play, raced In to score the one and only goal of the game. Again It was a tough game for the losers to drop, the Black Hawks having had Just as many scoring chances as the Leafs. A capacity jtiuwu ui n,uu pacKCQ vne jviapie ;flf Oardens, Toronto boys and girls having been admitted free as a treat by the management. j Montreal Canadlens struck their i stride at the week-end by winning ,both Saturday and Sunday over the ;St. Louis Eagles and Chicago Black 'Hawks respectively to move into third place ahead of the New York Americans who were defeated by i tne Detroit Red Wings Sunday night. Tonight's train, due from the East at 10:15, was reported thl morning to "be on time. James McC Baxtcs 'SPORT' Grotto Is Still Leading Legion George Cripps Defeated Bert Mor-32 in Fifth Game of Billiard League Fixture In the fifth game from last ,."' V"".-' rCJriZ ."l Thursday evening's Billiard League " J " f"" Jl .. . . . .. . . Tp- Terrace He wju be awav over Nov fixture between uanacuan legion ; year s vincial problems in the old wav and the others insisting Grotto, George cripps won for that there must bd a new system of financing. The lat- f LeglnJ"'!t,h a i 2f? ? ter group he evidently thinks includes the Premier. TthfaZ situation does not mean that the about to i government is to 1132 with one game of Alex Har-1 mean, uu uut iimv jl js a uuverninunL ui compromise, asivey, wgion, vs. can Batt. orouo. are post governments and Mr. Hutchison wonders what will be the outcome. . tougle this review of Mr. Hutchison s with the reports fff the proceedings of the National Liberal Federation rer cently at Ottawa where the radical trend of the west made - .t i..,"i'tinr it ji: n ... . a in uiuuiHi jinwreision on ine policies 01 ine party ana where the voUmr men of the nartv forced their vi'pwr nm the older party politicians and won what may be consid-! ered a great victory in matters of policy, There was a dis- KTy day ,n'Bni night won 'on another , , of 1 their ,e,r tinct forward movement, it is said, and some even go dgZX League victories at tne expense xar as 10 declare mat tne leader 01 tne party who is looked upon as Canada's next Premier, will favor a policy somewhat in line with that advocated by Premier .Pattullo. If he does this he is likely to Ipse some adherents and supporters but he will also make corresponding gains of support from men of the calibre 6f Hon. H. H. Stephens who are not conservative although they have been members of the Conservative party. HUSH SWEKISTAivE TO HE BANNED TIS STATED IN DUBLIN DUBLIN, Dec. 27: It U reported here that the Irish HosDltal swren. , Morgan Eastman McConnell, Baxter & Eastman Limited to succeed McConnefl 8C Fergusson Limited, known as business leader in Canada for over thirty years. The. now firmly established improretnent and confidence in the outlook of the Dominion over the "long pull" is recognized today by the announcement of McConnell & Fergussoo Limited, one of Canada's oldest and leading advertising agencies, of the enlargement of their organization under the name of McConnell, Baxter & Eastman Limited. J. E. McConnell, President of the firm is well-known in Canadian business and financial circles. He is nominated for election as a Director of Tr Bank of Canada, is Vice-President of Canada. Gypsum, Lime & Alabastine (Canada) Limited and a Director of Canada Trust Company, the Northern Life, Brantford Roofing and other businesses. The firm is looked upon as a leader, their monthly chart of Business Conditions appearing regularly in the press across Canada. ' The new set-up includes the name of two writ-known Canadian advertising men. Major "Jim" Baxter a member of the' firm for the past ten years and senior vice-president is immediate past -president of the Empire Club of Canada and a prominent and popular figure in business and national affairs. A former rewspaperrean, Major Baxter, became Advertising Manaerr of Ford Motor Co. of Canada after four years service overseas, joining McConnell & Fergusson as Manager of their Toronto Office. He now goes to Montreal to take over the management of McConnell, Baxter and Eastman at that city, L. J. Benison, formerly Vice-President and Manager at Montreal, having resigned. Morgan Eastman succeeds Major Baxter as Vice-President in charge of Toronto Omce. Before joining McConnell & Fergusson come years ago, Mr. Eastman mas head of his own agency in Vancouver, and is well-known in Western Canada. As a Kotarian he served as Governor of Rotary International for the Pacific North? west. As organizer of Tourist Publicity and sales' and advertising director for a consolidated group of tumticr miHs on the Pacific Coast, he is known as a lwi(ieM organizer of exceptional ability-. Morgan KaMiMM has rarmffy forged ahead in the East as Chairman of the lWn and Merchandising Board of the Company. I le Km juat returned from a business trip which took him frasa Halifax to Vancouver where he addressed Ummmm meetings and met leading executives. Mr. Eastman is recormmf as a foremost authority on advertisiag ami merchawtewng. He becomes a Vire-FYwiilent of ihe rx-w organ iaat ion. These two executives, with Mr. McConnell. form the Pkn and Merchandising Board of the agency. Beta Major Baxter and Mr. Eastman as vire-presklentt of the agency will be actively engaged in the- interests of their clients in both Montreal and Toronto. "The constantly changing trend in merchandising necessitate providing business with the very best hi advertising ability awl service," stated Mr. McConnell in making the announcement today. "Not only are we aggressively meeting the challenge of highly competitive business changes, but we have already made provision for the continued expansion of Empire Trade by the establishment of an office in London. England, in charge of Major VY. D. MofTatt. who is to be elected a tirector of the Company. e look forward with con &dnre to the steady improvement in conditions throughout the Dominion. The daily and monthly reports from our offices at Vancouver. Winnipeg, London, Montreal and Toronto have for some time past reflected the improved purchasing power of Canadians in all parti of the Dominion. Advertisers we serve plan courageously for the future. I believe 1935 and ensuing years wifl jostify their faith and that we can anticipate neatly increased expendri ures in newspaper and ot her forms of advertising. " Hockey Scores Tuesday Night Toronto 8, Canadians 2. Montreal 5. Boston 3. Chicago 2 Detroit 1 New York. Rangers 3. New York Americans 1 Hockey Standings Toronto Maroons stake lottery may be banned after CanaJien the 1935 Derby In June. Americans I iSt. LouU Chicago Boston Detroit Rangers International Division W. D. L F 14 8 5 5 3 A. P. 2 M 32 29 6 40 30 17 7 29 3 13 ft 30 41 12! 13 23 51 8 American Divhlon 10 1 5 35 25 21 9 0 7 41 3 18 7 2 8 0 0 lfi oz. $1.75 25 z. $2.65 a f -J "inwt. ija i jrt vn ir kr sUmiiiiiiKitswsiim t " ? t ?.jsiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM BllllflsSBlllllSlllllllflBBllVBSlrSlCfilVBW&IBlSS HIRAM WALKER bONb limiiuj BOWLING STANDING Junior Elks . C. N. R Lambie it Stone P. Burns Ltd. . . Twtrlers Old Empress Moose Senior Elks Waterfront Rats Pioneer Laundry 49 34 18 Watts Grocery 10 41 57 10 'Canadian Legion Holiday - Week Prices At the B.C. CLOTHIERS LTD. STILL THE SHOPPING CENTRE For Mens, Ladies' and Boys' Apparel Silk Ties-- Fine pattern OCn Black Rubber Coats Off ft f? now Aols noW $DUO Hand Made Silk In plain and striped OQ0 Men's Assorted Overcoats P-flOCA pattern, reg. 75c. now . . Ovl' now J1aDU . y Men Dress Sox Fine patterns OQ Blue Melton Overcoats 04 0Ar- now Aoy now All Wool Men's Dress Sox- Men s Fine Dress Suits ' Q1trf nw $14.50 to tlbsOU Heavy Silk White Scarfs-Reg. $1.75 QCn Boys' Long Pants- " 04 OP nw tl4D per pair MDressaloves-Lined $1.25 Boys' Blue Lumbcriacks-A wool jj gg Broadcloth Shirts-In whiU. cream C ftft Boys' All Wool Tweeds-Reg. $3 00? Ol nn and grey, now : ?X,JJ now Stanfield's Combinations- Boys' Towers Slicker Coats- CO Of? VMVy OD noy.' Oreb Boots-Solid leather fijo 7Q Oold Fleece Underwear-ln all sizes, buy now! 249 to Mens Fawrt Trench Coats- c; W.VV Qn Men's Felt and Leather Slippers- C ftff Reg $70, how Uom l25 to Jl,y5 Phone: Mack 321 Next Door to Frizzed Market UTAIUtHtO MM this advertisement Is not puollxtiitl or dlspUyed oy the Llquot Control Board or by the Government ot British Columbia. The Ieg(ie standing to date Is as follows: I II O. PtA. At. S 2 2374 1187 3 369 1188 1 11:3 1128 2 2211 1108,15 3 3122 1041 a 2 2073 1037 2 2038 1019 2 " 2 2092 1048 2 1981 991 5 3 2827 942" 2 1748 874 2 1125 863 i 1 i I'I'Ill'ltl II SKATES You Wait a . a a we nave the enu nmcm ii i ii to do a good job jj Tule Skate and Outfits Hockey Sticks Boot i i Kaien Hardware Phone 3 i '.it 7i !.u ? t m m rmrm tm FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone G57 CHECK YOUR TUNING DIAL Stations heard on tonight's reception, not on correct dial setting, will indicate that your radio needs adjusting. Phone Blue 320 for particulars. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC k U