mob tour I M I SSfef I TwTERIOR. CREAMERY "OTKE r-i PRINCE GEORGE. B.C. - ' ' -ZyeggljjgE, The Seasons Greetings Yoiir company takes this opportunity to extend to all, its . best wishes for the hoiday season and for the coming year. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited John L. Kask cf the International Fisheries Commission sclen-tlflc staff arrived In the "city on the Prince Oeorge yesterday from Siattle. COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Timw of Day or Night Always fresh Using the Sllex mothod Doing away wholi with metal taste, stale f1avn Healthful .and, lnvigoraiiit. Commodore Cafe 8 8 8 8. ft 8 a tasr ki nmn n Mimam mx t wz m:m: i.s mi i as i t i n Make :Our Store Your Headquarters For Winter Sportinjj Goods Skates--C.C.M, Tube Skates & Boots Skis All Sizes Harness, Ski Wax and Ski Poles. and Sledges Steering; Sleighs S GORDON'S HARDWARE umtm McBrlde St Phone 311 scbxiiv rmaxaia iimat i:i imu smtm zu nrwariii i The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD I'reptred Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 1 "TILL1E THE TOILER" OUT VAjHETHEfi PftPsMt-H AU3WE: mm Try Prince George and Riverside Brand Butter For Sale at HULKLEY MARKET At Attractive Prices iMany Entertained innsimas. winner line Hundred and Fifty Persons Guests of Mah lion Quen at King: Tai's Restaurant .One hundred and fifty guests vere entertained at Christmas dln-icr at King Tai's- restaurant, the host for the occasion being Mah Bon uen. of the Sunrise Grocery. The ooks, Sam and Lem, had been busy 'or the jjast two weeks in preparing 'or the event to which" all present Uq full justice. There was splendid easonal fare. In the evening a children's party tis held with about fifty young-ters present. Hospital Has Its Christmas 'uletide Season Duly Celebrated at Institution For Patients and Nurses As Usual, the Christmas season vas observed In a festive manner at the Prince Rupert General Hospital. "n Christmas Eve the members or the, nursing stiff had a Christmas Tree In the Nurses.' Home when many gifts were- distributed. On Christmas Day there were Christmas trees In the wards. BETWEEN Christmas and New Year 'we sometimes fdrret someone who. didn't jet any greetings. Let us suggest these for holiday boxes BESTOFALL PEAS per tin RQYAL CITY CORN 2 s tall. 2 tins SLICED PINEAPPLE 3 tins JELLY POWDERS Empress, per pkg. ALBERTA BUTTER 3 lbs SLICED BACON per lb. B.C. EGGS Pullet Extras, 3 doz. . LETTUCE California 3 for CELERY-i- each j for SAVOY CABBAGE ach SYyEET POTATOES . 4 lbs. HpLLY Fresh stock While they last, per lb. CUOTHES -'Mrs w.tmJ VMTH H H 10c 23c 27c 5c 70 c 35c 73c 25c lOc 25c 10c 25c 40c Candies, Nuts, Fresh Fruits and ' Vegetables at reduced prices MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE WO OUT T1EB DAILY KltfM Thursday. Dwtmtye !7, WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront International Fisheries Commission Scientific-Boat Calls Prince Rupert Overhaul Jolt Starting Soon Harry Scott in Town. Under charter to the Interna-.klnal Fisheries Commission foi xlentlflc . research work on tlu banks during the close season, the Seattle halibut schooner Paragon, belonging to Ncsland and Jacobson, Arrived at Prince Rupert on Christmas Eve 'from the west coast of Queen Charlotte Islands where she had been engaged in collecting halibut eggs. It was the first trip out for the Paragon since she was recently chartered by the commission. After taking on supplies, she left last night for Cape. St. James waters to continue her work. Richard Van Cleve. who has been In charge of the scientific party on the Paragon left the vessel nt Prince Rupert and will return to Seattle on the Prince Oeorge tonight, Jphn L. Kask having come north yesterday from Seattle to Join the vessel and take charge in place of Mr. Van Cleve. Other members of the scientific party on the Paragon are W. E. Hamilton, Allan DcLacy and Olof Erickson. Northland Transportation Co.'s motorship Northland. Capt. Lcn Williams, arrived In port at 7 o'clock !ast evening from Ketchikan and! iftcr discharging three carloads of frozen fish for trans-shipment i east over the Canadian National J Pa tlu'S t'C Call) of in In Ann- . tlnuatlon Seattle. of a regular voyage to This is truly a seaport city. There were some splendid navigators observed on the streets Christmas Eve. Although with cargo shilling occasionally, they were steering a pretty gcod course. Purser Norman McLean of the steamer Prince George Is taking the present week off at his home In Vancouver. Assistant Purser Arnold Evans. Is In charge of the office of the steamer on the present voyage now. Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug Salvage Princess, with Capt. Reg Green in command. Is due back any time , now following a trip to Stewart whence she delivered a scowload of lour hundred tons of ore froni. the-Dunwell mine for the Oranby smelter at Anjox. The Alaskan cannery tender Sla-vln, which was wrecked last fall in Grenvllle Channel, later being taken over by the Armour Salvage Co., has" now been converted to Canadian registry and Is being renamed the Daly after W. H. Daly of Dntmheller, Alta., father of Mrs. Armour. Mr. Daly arrived pn Satur day night's train from Alberta to spend the winter here and In the course of the. next few days will duly christen the vessel which has been named In his honor. John, Dybhavn, member of the Biological Board of Canada, and Dr. Neal Carter, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, left on Wednesday evening's train for Ottawa to attend the annual meeting of the Biological Board of Canada. Mr. Dybhavn will also visit other eastern centres on private business. Annual overhaul of the Canadian j National steamer Prince RuDcrt. ! which has been tied up for the "Where Dollars Have More Cents" i winter at the local dry dock, will P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 commence In about two weeks, the l'g2JJ!Z"I"!lllBBB'B,T,Sf'W1 I work occupying some six or seven ' weeks' time. On completion of the REGAL SHOP We take this opportunity to thank our numerous customers for their kind support and wish one and all a very happy and prosjwrous New Year. The correct number of peas In the Jar was 2333. Winners were: GIRLS 1st, Betty Ilarradlno 2nd, Mary Astoria 3rd, Mrs. R. E. Hogan .. 4th.S. Mork r 5th, Mrs. II. T. Cross 6th, Owcndy Jcnncr uovs 1st. Mrs. S. C. Thomson 2nd, Irene Boulter . 3rd, Buddy Harr.idlnc 4th, Jackie Webber 5th, Jack Davis 6th, Don Saunders .2345 2356 2300 2441 .2222 2222 .2333 2302 2365 2303 2300 2234 Unemployed War Veterans Given Christmas Party Some thirty unemployed ex-service men were the guests of the local branch of the Canadian Legion at an enjoyable Christmas dinner in the Knox Hotel. President Jack Precce was In the chair nnd he extended to all present the compliments of the season and best wishes for a merry Christmas Charles Chapman moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Precce and the Legion. Fred Murphy. Russell Barr nnd George Murray also spoke briefly but appropriately. overhaul, the Prince Rupert will be recommls&loned In service between here' and Vancouver and the Prince George will be taken off the run for her overhaul at the yard here. The change of steamers will take place about the end of February. With a light list of patenters, C. N. R. steamer Prince Oeorge, Copt. H. E. Nedden. arrived In port at 10:30 yesterday morning from Van-coucr, Powell River and Ocean Falls and sailed at 4 p.m. for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here this evening southbound. Chief Engineer W. E. Balllie is making his last trip aboard the steamer Prince George this week before leaving the ship at Vancou ver for a couple of weeks" holidays before coming north to superintend annual overhaul of his regular shin. Harry Scott, well known Grenvllle Channel hand Jogger. Is In port with his power boat Llla to spend the Christmas holiday season He arrived last Thursday afternoon and will be here for a week or so. It is Harry's first visit In town since the "sea serpent" was found and. naturally, he is much Interested In Jt. About all he can suggest so far Is the Illuminating comment that It must have been a baby because It had no teeth. Attention, all you scientists! NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Pioprletor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates S1.C0 af 50 Rooms, Hot ti Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 2B1 P.O. Box 189 Her Future Comes First r ci t tin ? TO A. VJU DO THAT rujiM f OUft MBS5 Large Crowd At Xmas Tree Of Moose Lodges There were 200 children In attendance at the annual Christmas Tree Sunday afternoon of the Moose Lodge and Moose Ladles, the affair being one of much Jollity and Interest for all. After selections had been played by Mrs. J. 8. Black's Orchestra, Santa Clnus arrived on the scene and distributed toys, candy and fruit to all the kiddle. Richard Long was chairman of the , 'Christmas Tree committee width' ,also consisted of Mrs Olc Stcgavlg, Mrs. Richard Glske. Mrs. V.KJrlms-i son, Mrs. Richard Long. Mrs. D. C. Schubert. Buster Rutsell. Ted Ror-! vlk, James Taylor and OUlIs Royer. W. B. McCallum spoke briefly. O. P. Connelly acted as Santa Claus. Mrs. H. B, KochesUr and daugh-' ter. Janet, left on Monday eve- nlng's tram for Port Eulngton to' spend Christmas with Mrs. Rochester's mother. Mrs. James E Brown. ciaang LAST SHOWINGS TOX(;llT It's show tlut'rt been tn-Joyed everywhere . i, tnjt" ter your age joull rujoy ft "BABY TAKE A BOW" - with Shirley Temple J unit's Dunn Clnirc Trevor At 7:50 it 0 5;, ADDED Colored Mum- mi "limine li a Pleaure ANDY CLYDi: In "III Vek Moment Coming Friday ANNA MAY WONG IN "JAVA lli:.I" I NEW YEAR'S CARPS . 5 We have a large stock for you to choose from. N m Year and Thank Yml Card NEW YEAR FAVORS Halloons, Nofrvmaker, ! Serpentine. Ktc Kntl th.- mi Year with a celebration 1 1935 DIARIES 2 For the Office, the Home and for Personal use Pick 5 out thy niojjt suitable from our very reproKntu'ivt stock. Enjoy Some Good Book USREAT -SCQTT, TtUHE . nOM-r rary. leMaeMvs.Md in. A SATISFIED CUSTOMER In ourcoal youll is the best acIvcrtiM" find the boat, ment any firm can have. I n AT Will tn A Urt yoar home We do our best I o sijpply complete .V' with the most miii 4 aoie coal lor your rc- y, fj n i rem en Is. When in doubt piny 4iHTkSErsaii mi inns. Phone Us 651, - 652 PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. If vour iianer rtno nut arrive, teteuhnno the"officf , I wVI i IM 'HAT TE.ltrtPA.K- b. 3 qyjsmtrtss i 0 liG TUP I'M TV4U1W. llMS QPMV QtT MOVl- NttlHT. ill 121 By Westoyer I 3 the Prince Rupert, tit the local dry I real VOlirself to n xuWimtwin tn nii- t?..n I K 3 florlc Chief PnolnHr aIm irxnrn. ! I - , l . IUU1I4UV who has been on the Prince John recently, will be baek again on the Prince George next week.