?AQf JOUJt YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES But you can get satisfactory glasses from GEO. F. DAVEY, Registered Optometrist, who, for the past six years, has been giving a real personal service in the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner Beautiful Tkll . . . M. M O'Brien, chief field engineer for the Consolidated Mining St Smelting Co.. was a passenger aboard the Prince (ieorge Thursday night returning south after a week'e vlrtt to the Big Missouri and other mining properties In the Portland Canal district tn which his company Is interested, I IT Y II " ' SNAP J M H IN t OWDER CttANS.W POtlSHtS WNOOS. MIMODS. IA!H IUS ,.4 AtH IMINl CANNOT CIAICH The Pioneer Jeweler rhone 26f McLeod's Shoe Store New Location Third Avenue, opposite IJesncr JJlock Repairing inc: nine ooo For Marine Automotive Lighting SITHOX IIATTEKIES will not shed, buckle, sulphate or otherwise disintegrate but improve with age if kept In active use. JAMES MARTIN ?lassf tt, n.C. P.O. Box 77, Prince Kunc rt. B.C. Fly Fishing Sea Bathing Hunting Tennis Badminton Auto Trips on Marine Highway Picnics Sandy Beaches Modern Conveniences Milk from Government T.B. Tested Cows No Flies ' No Mosquitoes. ; $17.50 Per yeek; Children Under 12, Half Rate , THE DUNES MADAME RAJAUT Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands BAPC0LITE VAKNISH AND ENAMEL A finish that will not only resist every destroying element but will actually retain its beautiful lustre twice as long as other exterior varnishes and enamels made by older processes. For marine and all exterior purposes. THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. 255 Third Avenue Phone: 101 Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the 1934 season up to and Including yesterday had total! ea 6.615.065 rounds as com lridusfry. '-rThursay' night's : train PHONE: 636 Fresh Milk and Cream Whipping Cream 'i pint Whipping Cream 1 Pint "T1LLIE THE TOILER" 20c 35c Strawberries 3 boxes 25c Dominion Dairv .1 TSX DAILY NEWS. WATERFRONT WHIFFS Alaska Fishermen on Strike Halibut Landings Here Opening of Salmon Canning Season Alaska salmon fishermen, following receipt of a communication signed jointly by the principal fish buying companies announcing a reduction to 5c per pound in the minimum price to be paid for white chinook and silver salmon effective June 17, have decided to go on strike, all boats fishing to be put on the unfair list The Alaska Packers' Association has decided to operate by refusing to handle non- of about four hundred feet from union fish. Report was received! the vicinity of the Royal Fish Co. from a committee at Ketchikan plant eastward to the cold storage which had Interviewed company representatives who announced they had no authority in the Dlant and other adjuncts of the Northern Fishermen's Co-opcratlve establishment. It will ensure adequate fire protection for this valuable new local waterfront property as well as providing necessary water supply for the industry. Reverting to regular schedule on pared with 6,190,600 pounds at a i local route between Vancouver v 'u,iuii,0 uatv Idj, Jia,. " " .... . . W ....... 1 mmo nadian landings for this year had and other coast points, after hav- reaciiea a loiai oi JI.1D1.IK); pounds "S i"- ipwmi vujragea vo AiasKH in comparison with last year's 2.- during ,nc Pt two weeks, CPU. 736,800 pounds while the Amerl- steamer Prince Adelaide. Capt. S can total was 3,464,000 pounds as K- Omy. arrived in port at 5 against. 3,453,800 pounds In 1933. o'clock yesterday afternoon from For the week ending yesterday tne south and salleo at 10 p.m. landings amounted to 403.000 on return to Vancouver and pounds of which 198.000 pound wapolnts. was from seventeen Canadian boats and 205.000 pounds from thirteen Late again on account of having American vessels. Prices during the henvy freight to discharge at iweek were inclined to the weak cannery points along the coast. side with the top price for Cana- Union steamer Oardcna. Capt. Hlan fish Q mri RrilMt (iMOMnn irrlvuf In tmr - . . w.vw. . rv. niuvii uiv ; o -- ---... , 1 Kalen .was paid for 13.000 pounds at 6:30 th morning from the and' tr,e"low'5c.and 4c. which the uth! and sailed at 8 ajn. on her Covenant received for 20.000 return to Vancouver and way-pounds. For American fish the Points. high price of the week was 9c. and j Sr. which the Midtileton received i John Barrvmorr lirrr i for 23.000 pounds and the low 6.4c! Paying his third wnnecuttve an and 4.c. which the McKlnley was.nual visit to this port in the courw paid for 40.000 pounds. of an Ataska cruise. John Barry :more, famous screen actor. Is in The last week or so has seen prince Rupert today aboard his the usual migration of Indian r palatial yacht Infanta which ar-rrom llazeltoru Kltwanga and 'rived at 8 o'clock,- this morning other villages-. Ih the interior of f rum thn antilh Tha ,.a.uI , -1. i Prince Rupert district to Skeenann h f.,i . ... " I "Htf" Ajpsxa over tire In the'iiorth for about n . mnnf h Accompanied by his wife, Dolores Costello. also a well known screen actress, and his children, Mr. Bar- NOW OPEN Palm Coffee Shop Pleasant surroundings and 8ervice with a Smile Call and see us Across from the Power Co., Third Avenue SHORT WAVE Time is Here You can listen to these stations on your present set W8XK Pittsburg. W3XAL Boundsbrook, NJ. VKJWt Winnipeg. W2XAFScher.cctady, N.Y. Enquire at the SUPERIOR KADIO-EIiKCTKIC for this Information Second Avenue Si Tlilrd Street No Naval Secrets Lost in Crash In Catskill Mounts WASHINGTON. DC . June 10: Rear Admiral Joseph K. Taussig reports that chemicals and papers from the baggage of William Bader. United States naval official, who lost his life In the crash of a commercial airplane In the Catskill Mountains at the end of last week, contained no "naval secrets.'' rymore is taking, as usual, a leisurely trip, engaging In fishing, sight seeing, etc. otto F. Matthews is the skipper of the Infanta. Union Oil Co.'s tanker Unacana. Capt. Fred Powers, arrived In port this morning from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands with fuel for the company's local tanks. On the way here, the Unacana call ed at North.Island with fuel for the company's tank scow on the trolling grounds. With a' parcel of fish for transshipment east over the Canadian National Railways, Northland Transportation Go's freighter! North Wind was In port early this mom'ng from Ketchikan, sailing !n continuation of her voyage to, Seattle after discharging here. Regular monthly meetings of he Irnc Hiirxrt flhrino rinS urt been railed off foi the sum-! ier. ' We Realize Out only by giving jou low prices an ne expect your business. Till iiss always been our policy and ilways shall be! (ile u a trial! SWAN8DOWN CAKE , River cannery points to . take uBtatlom tnls mornln,.-and u per. pkg. ! their their usual usual summer summer unrV work", In in mn-i' con-1 . . ana u wa1cni5CCl amneforpugnv nn less inan 200 jna- The nits t and in cr 'event- of thn week will,' of course, be the opeh-i ing of the salmon canning season on the Skeena River and else where In this district on Wednes day when fishing with sockeve nets becomes .legal. The gill net- ters are now all poised to start their work and, within a day or so after fishing starts, the canneries should begin to hum. There have been ample Indications of a good run of sockeye and' an active de mand for the better varieties than mand for the better varieties is already assured. The season Is expected to be a profitable one for all concerned and with prospects for a poslbly larger pack of fall varieties than Usual, operations at some of the canneries at least are expected to extend well iny the fall. The city engineering department Is engaged In the laying of a new six-men water main for a distance hudnffW L;T " TkI ZSl" ICING SUOAR-Dulk i- r, , - j , , -- mrc Mtu cvit- tin,.. UL- '.I.. . . . . .. 3 lb. LUMP SUOAR -Bulk 3 lbs. CORN STARCH 3 pkgs POST8 BRAN FLAKES- 3 pkgs. SHREDDED WHE,T per pkg. SUOAR CRISP CORN ! FLAKES. 3 pkgs. LIBDrS ROA8T BEEF-; 2 tins AYLMER QHICKEN-I Vs-lb. tin DATES Fresh stock ! 2 lbs. PEANUT BUTTER Bulk 2 lbs. 31c 69c 27c 27c 29c 35c 10c 25c 39c 27c 15c 25c please bring your container- A8HCROFT CAT8UP- 2 26-oz. bottles STUFFED OLIVES - 43c per pint Jar DR. JACKSON'S ROMAN fn MEAL COOKIES, per doz Ul, Don't forget your strawberries for preenlng We carry a full line of IKKSH FlttllTS and VEGETABLES at reduced prices, MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 'Where Dollars Have More Cents 317-319 Third Avenue West P. O. Box 575 riione 18 ii Starting Monday CAPITOL) Musical and Gay I Lillian Harvey John Boles "My tips Betray"' A delightful romantic comedy In the continental manner, played to the rythm of lilting music. WITH HI Hrendel Nishtly at 7:00 L 9:10 DONT MISS IT! J. Dt nriAi. sLZLNft:n Aorvrs Ml aTJ MX i r U.1 Um J M-l t U3 Wk U .'. I Two features Youth is Yours When You Roll iw- Lazy River" Hiver of romani r r.t .,, and laughte. swc-11"i,'f beauty of the bzyKl?- boy from nownere maelstroms of m.im i a peaceful haven at sr perfect plctur- tnJ faV.movlnSev,rc'a3 , with the a ru bii ground of the r0,irtui L -iana lagoons With JEAN IWUKIK KOBUtT YOfxo Nightly at g 8hOWS 4,; r,y KndiiiK Tonluht: (JAKHO in "Queen Christina Start 7:07 &. 9: JJ FOUND MONEY for Tennis Players A Special arrantinent enables tit to oiler ou a generous THAI) K-In allowance for your ol tfiinii racket on the purchae of a New hLA7.r.Mii:it 1911 IU(ket Bring in Your Racket and let nt cipljlit to jou this Special efftr. Don't pay out money for rc-trln(tnr when jou ran get a fine new racket at little eitra tot 1934 Slazeners are the bet rackrU on the market. 7h! ii your opportunity to poe one H li SHINGLE STAIN Slazcngcn Gohfcn Arrow 58.00 "When in Need of Lumber and Shingles Phonc-618 PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Wc Carry a Stock of Spruce and t'cdnr 2 Preserve and beautify your shingles with Unseerf o! EMnI H 8taln guaranteed to last. Mixed In any shade dcTcl i Greens and Greys, gallon , m Hlack, HroYvns and Heds, gallon S For best paint values and sound advice consult t i . . i . i immmwmmmmmmmnmmmmmm' II you lose anytlunjf, try n Classmen au At Sword's Point $1.90 $1.75 GORDON'S HARDWARE JSSft ifiiii;iririnvmiifi;intui;innnn H" -By Wslovcr