A. E. Verner. well known mining man. who has interests at Houston an delsewhere in the interior, arrived In the city on the sc. Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from San Francisco and proceeded by train to the Interior. He will return south In a couple of weeks via Jasper Park. Business at he regular monthly meeting Thursday night of the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council was largely of a routine nature. A committee was appointed to meet Premier T. D. Pattullo on the occasion of his forthcoming visit to the city and take up with him a number of questions affecting labor Including relief. Pre- rfdent S. D. MacDonald presided over the meeting and there was a good attendance of delegates. 21. Announcements Presbyterian Tea, June 20. Anglican tea, Mrs. Rorle's June Canadian Legion, B. E. S. L. picnic, June 24, Dlgby Island. Eastern Star tea June 28. Moose Hall The Cinderella Dance which was announced for Friday the 15th has been eaiicelled. GOAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. Wf also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. II rhonti ill mm June 16. 1934 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE MID-MONTH SPECIALS Pump Hand Spray Free with each lfcoz. bottle of FLY KIL a Price OUC Destroy the flies, mosquitoes and other disease carrying insl-cts about ybur home. YARDLEY SPECIAL A miniature jar of Yardley English Complexion Cream Free with each box of Yard-ley's English Lavender Complexion Powder 8hadesvnatural, light and dark Q4 4 A Rachel and English peach, price vAXU Ormes Ltd. The itesill Stor ffaoneai 81 t 81 FULTON CASH & CARRY r.h Avenue West Mr. and Mrs. L Amadio GROCERIES, VEGETABLES, IMPORTED ITALIAN OILS, MACCARONI, CHEESE, 'ETC ' A. . t't Janes Tent and Awning Co., Vancouver. B.C. All sizes i : and Mountaineer Sleeping Robes. Every description of Prospectors' and Fishermen's Dry back Clothing and i . .. Requisites TenU all sues Best quality. Lowest prices. t ali and inspect Prompt attention to country orders ! I'hone 756 P.O. Rox 356 CLOSING OUT FUR SALE As the Raw Fur Season is About Over Mr are flowing out our Iwal branch for the summer months. Ra-Ihrr than take our stock away, we are wiling out at reduced prices and no reasonable offers will be rrfused. Wonderful Opportunity For Prince Rupert People ; To Obtain Rest Quality Furs at Little Cost ! Stock consists of Natural Muskrat, American I Hroadtail, Caracul and Lapin Coats in latest styles, ! also Jacquettes, Capes and Neckwear. I QUALITY AND PRICES CANNOT HE BEATEN HIT NOW AND SAVE! COME EARLY! j A deposit will hold any article until required. PAPPAS FUR STORE Third Avenue The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. UNiON STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Bteamera leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver 1-S.S. CAT A LA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:S0 MI 1 Vu Uctxn rxu and waypotntt. arriving Vancouver Thursday afternoon, -S.B. CAHDENA EVEHY FKIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AM. Wtkly aallins to Port Blmjt, Alios Arm. Anyoi. Stewart and wm River points, Leav ITUIW unpen, ouiiu7. further Information regarding all sailings and tickets at- PBiNre hiipkrt aoencti ThJf4 Wuu. won Ml". E LOCAL NEWS NOTES We are still buying old gold, Bulger's, (tfj Meeting Sunday night 8:30 C.C. Rooms, Fulton St., speaker Mr. . P Steeves. All welcome. Enjoy all the comforts of home with the freedom pf a hotel. Rates most reasonable. The knox Hotel. tf Decoration Day: Members of Canadian Legion BESL. and Wo-men'u Auxiliary will meet at Club-rooms, Sunday, June 17th,. at 2:45 pin. Parade to Cenotaph and then to Fairvlew Cemetery with I.O.D. E. for Decoration Day ceremony. 140 Prank Orsanich has been fined $5 and cost, with option of ten days' Imprisonment, at Anyox on a charge of damaging property In the house of a woman named Doris Ketch at the smelter town, divisional headquarters of the provincial police here have been The Commodore Cafe Has converted the Cabaret into a dining-room for Afternoon Teas Catering to bridge parties both afternoons and evenings, supplying ' cards and score card.s free of charge. Don't Forget the 50c Sunday Chicken Dinner You can rent a Car at Walker -: as low as $1 a day plus 7c. a mile tf Unemployed picnic June 17 Grassy Bay, cars leave Unemployed Hall 10 o'clock and Ridley home n Don't forget the Knox chicken dinner Sunday night, 6 to 7:30. The price (50c) 1 cheap the quality the best. Extra tables insure no waiting. Norman A. Watt left on yesterday afternoon's train for a weekend trip to Terrace whence he will return to the city next Tuesday night. Palm Coffee Shop will serve chicken dinner Sunday but other days wf)l discontinue serving hot dinner and wlH specialize on cold lunches, salad and sandwiches.' 141 Mrs. Jack Woods (Annette Stone returned to the city on" the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a brief business trip to Women's Canadian Club lantern lecture on Dutch Art by Mra.-R. P. Steeves at Booth School, Saturday, 8 pjn. Silver collection. Open to all friends. T. W. Hall, Inspector of schools, returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a teietf trip to Ocean Falls on official duties. We pay a premium for gold coins land old scrap gold. We ask out of town customers to give us a trial. Phone Black 324. B. C. Clothiers Ltd. Box 477. tf) S. J. Jabour is sailing this afternoon on the Princess Norah for Vancouver whence he will proceed to Banff to attend a convention of the Sun Life Assurance Co. Florence Martin, for being, the keeper of a disorderly house, was fined $50, . with option of thirty days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont In city pollee court thti morning. The fine waa pald. . . A. B. Climating, travelling bffi cial of the Hudson Bay Co., who has been in the city for the past few days on company business will sail by the Princess Louise Monday morning for WrangelT en-route to Telegraph Creek. A party of thirteen local member of the Rebekah Lodge left on yesterday afternoon's train for Terrace where they will meet the Worthy President for British Columbia with whom they will return to the city on next Tuesday evening's train. es( t?reu and 8aiy Too Baby's (Owr Soap 10 Individual cartons ' 1 COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always -fresh- Using the Silex method Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and invigorating. Commodore Cafe PARENTS School will soon be out. Your son must look to the future. Diesel Engineering of ferswon-derful opportunities. Glveyour boy a chance Our summer class commences JULY 1ST Special low fees. Class limited. CALL OR WRITE HEMPHILL DIESEL ENGINEERING SCHOOL lOlJ Winder... Doug. 136 Vancouver, B.C. For Three Days Leckie's Shoes We are quoting low figures oh Leckie's Men's Working Boots and Leckie's Women's, Misses' and Chidren's seasonable footwear. We have a large assortment of Women's, Misses' and Children's comfortable Summer Footwear. Scuff ers with leather tops, Panco Q-j OQ soles, up from Very Special Prices on All Running and Tennis Shoes Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE Wicker baby buggy. good condition. Apply 529 Sev-! enth Avenue West. 139 G1LLNETTINO or trolling boat for sale, 5 horsepower Yale engine. $250.00 cash. Apply Seal Cove Pout Office. , .. U. OFFICE DESK, chair, typewriter desk, filing cabinet, dining table, chairs, dressers, cupboard, etc. Mrs. McMordie. (145) FLAT, good view, central, 4 bed- j rooms. Mrs. McMordie. 145 1 FOR RENT Modern 6 room house. 644 Taylor Street. Beet view In ! notice of application for a rxt r . in LICENCE Cny. iti FURNISHED ADartment for Rent'plraBon of this advertisement the un "nea i-raser oocaai ciud intends to fnr rrntral location lor summer, eiimmpr central locauon, pplJ to u OT Ior BOX 208, Dally News or Phone a club licence in respect of premises Blue 637. FOR RENT WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanglng Moller, Phone Red B02. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Birch, Jackplne, Cedar. IN1 ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Purchase I-and In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Ranee four Coast District. and situate about five mUes from the mouth of the Khutw River on the F-AAt fork Take notice that I. Frederick Shelly, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation mine onerator. intends to apply ror perm is mtsfllon to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted one foot distance from the witness post or. the West side of Lot 173, thence Westerly 60 chains: thence Southerly 23 M-hatns: thence Easterly eo chains: thence Northerly so cnaina ana con tslnlns 100 acre, more or less. FREDERICK K SHELLY Dated 10th day of May. 1934. FRESn MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! Ouster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE "COVKKNMKNT LIQVOK ACT" nsi situate on the east side of Kins way .Hyder. B.C.. upon lands described as .Lot 40. Block 6. Plan 1251. Subdivision (of District Lot 4044, Casslar District ! Prince Rupert Land Registration Dis-jtrict In the Province of British Colum- i bla. to entitle each member of the said Good ' club keeP on tbe premises a erason- tf ame quantify 01 nquor ior personal wages. Replies to Section Fore-! ' consumption on the premises in ac-man. Cedarvale. B.C. 144 eordance with the provisions of the WANTED Two good salesmen. must be neat and well spoken. Apply Box 210. Dally News. i uovrnuDtut uqum acv sua uie re DATED at Hyder. British Columbia. this 2 9Sh day of May. 1S34. FRASER SOCIAL CLUB, By A. A. Frazer. 4w Secretary and Manager LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leuse I-and In Prince Rupert Land Recording DLttrlct of Prince Rupert. B.Cn and sit uate tn wawaaeet Bay located at tne N W. end of Stephens Island. Range S. Coast District. Take notice that John Clausen or Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Fish Packer. Intends to apply for a. lease of we rouowmg described roreanore: commencing at a post planted at the S. W. corner of a small Island about 8 chains S. E. of Avery Island thence S.W.I. Chain; thence Westerly 8 chains: thence NI. 8 chains more or leas to high water mark on the N.E point of the Island: thence 8. E. direc tion o chains more or lew following high water mark to point of Dated AprU 16. 1934. JOHN CLAUSEN, IN rROIlATK IN THE SUPREME OODRT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINIS TRATION ACT i and IV THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL J. O "KELLY. DECEASED, INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hs) Honor W.E. Fisher, the 14th day of May. Xj. iv3, i was appointed of the estate of Michael J. OTCel- ly. who died on the 39th day of De comber. AD. 1931 and all parties hav log claims against the said estate art hereby required to XurnWh same, pro perly verified, to me on or bet ere the 21st day of June. AD. 1934. and all parties Indebted to the estate are re- 3ulred to pay the amount of their In-ebtedneea to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Itupert, B.C. DaUd-tb 14th day of May, AJ). 1934. White Shoes A large shipment of White Shoes has jtist arrived from Montreal and wil'LFe included in our Three Day Sale PERSONAL PRIVATE home Kindergartens pay. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute. Winnipeg. HELP WANTED HOW to get a Government Job, Free Booklet. The M.C.C. Ltd, Winnipeg. Prices Very Reasonable See Our Wonderful Lines of Women's Smart Shoes in Calf. Kid and Suedes In all colors and styles, up from MINERAL ACT LAND ACT 82.45 We Accept City Scrip CUT RATE SHOE STORE certificate of improvements NOTICE River Fractional Itinera! Claim, situate, to the Atlln Mining Division of Csnslar District. Located on left bank ct the Tulae-quah River TAKE NOTICE that H. McN. Fraser acting as Agett for Tsfcu Mines Com-sotlngas Agent for Taku Mines Company Limited. Free Miner Certificate No. 73- 408a. intend. 60 days from date hereof. , to apply to the Mining Recorder tor a Certificate of Improvements tor the purpose of obtaining a Crown CI rant of tne aoove claim. And further take notice that action. under section 85. muat be commenced before the issuance of such Certificate of Improvement. Dated thin 26th day of April. 1934. H. McN. Primer. Airent. Notice of Intent km to apply to Lea.e I .and In Prince Hupert Land Recording Urttrlet of Prince Rupert. B.C. and situate tn Qlawdzeet Bay located at, the N W end of Stephens Island. Range S. Uoest District. Tate notice that John Clausen of Prince Rupert, B C . occupation fish Packer. Intends to apply for a lease, of the following described lands- Commencing ait a pent planted at the S W corner of a small Island about 8 chains S. E. of Arery Island thence N.E.. thence westerly, southerly and easterly, following high watermark o point of commencement, and containing 2 acres more or less, and including the enttre area of the said U-last. JOHN CLAUSEN. Dated Anrtl 16 IBS When Coming to Terrace or Lakelse Hot. Springs Make Arrangements With Swain's Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Greet You We meet all trains. Freight & passenger service anywhere. Lakelse Lake and Lodge, new boat tH. A. S.) now In service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake, one adult. $3.00; $1.50 per head additional. No. crowd too big. No job too smalL PICNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping & General Furniture Hepain List your goods with me Phone Black 121 GEO. J. DAWES For Ybiir Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rayi . Intra Red Rays Massage All at Reasonable Prlcet w. rj. AspinAll d.c. (Chiropractor) Green ZU Phones Greta III Exchange Block 1 r